Chapter 1353 Treasure Incense Burner!Lure ghosts and fairies! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The man looked at Du Yu solemnly with his eyes, but the young woman looked at Du Yu with a clever smile, like a hundred flowers blooming, and said to Du Yu, "This fellow Taoist, is this the furnace of purple energy from the east of Yu Chengzi?"

Du Yu's heart shuddered, this young woman even knew the origin of this thing clearly, it can be seen that they are cultivated and knowledgeable, and they are definitely not easy to mess with.

After breaking through the Tribulation Ascension Stage, he can judge the strength of the enemy more accurately.

After scanning the Taoist couple, Du Yu sighed softly.

Zifu District!
They are all in Zifu District!
What the hell is going on these days?

Du Yu didn't see any of the strong men in the Zifu District before, but recently they went out one by one like a party.

This is not a coincidence, but after Du Yu's realm has improved, his circle of interaction with the outside world has been directly elevated from the outer city and inner city adventurers to the Zifu district!
As much energy as a person has, he will have as much circle.

Sometimes, you refuse to enter a certain circle, but as long as you are strong enough, this circle will automatically accept you as its member.

At this time, Du Yu, as the leader of Yunmengze, the captain of the wolf pupil team, the chosen one of the space, and the powerful immortal cultivator, his circle of contact will naturally increase. This kind of interest entanglement, found him.

Seeing the cultivation of the couple, Du Yu suddenly remembered the list of strong men in the Zifu District that Wang Yuyan had told him about.

"The person here should be Lu Chunyang's Taoist companion?" Du Yu lowered his head slightly and said in a solemn voice.

With his status at this time, even for the Zifu District, there is no need to be too humble, just express kindness and respect.

That man was indeed Lu Chunyang, a member of the Taoist family. He chuckled and said, "It turns out that he is fellow Taoist Du Yu, who has been very popular recently. Chunyang is polite."

The charming woman stared at Du Yu with her beautiful eyes, and said in a confident voice, "Sure enough, I am a dragon and a phoenix among people. I belong to the Taoist lineage, and there are many talented people."

Du Yu smiled inwardly.

The immortal art he practiced was first based on the formula of longevity.This formula of longevity is an authentic Taoist mind method, and later he practiced the essential art of peace, which is still a Taoist mind method, plus the most practiced Xuanyuan Caibu method and Tiangang Beidou formation, both are Taoist internal skills and formations, that woman It is not an exaggeration to say that his cultivation is inherited from the Taoist lineage.

Du Yu smiled and said: "I heard about Chunyang Zhenren and He Xiangu's couple earlier, but I didn't get to meet them. I am very happy to see them today."

Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu got down and started chatting with Du Yu.

After exchanging pleasantries, Lu Dongbin looked at Ziqi Donglailu with a slightly excited expression: "Little friend Du Yu, may I let Chunyang take a look at this?"

Du Yu smiled lightly, and handed the Ziqi Donglai Furnace to Lu Dongbin.

Lu Dongbin fumbled for the cauldron, his eyes became moist.

He Xiangu, who was at the side, wiped away Lu Dongbin's tears with gentleness like water, and sighed, "Young friend Du Yu, don't take offense. Chunyang is a man of temperament. When he sees the inheritance of his master, he thinks of Master Yucheng. Zu's voice and smile made me unable to hold back the tears."

Du Yu's heart sunk.

Sure enough, in this space, everyone from the flying gods to the bullies in the sewage of the slums, for the sake of profit, everyone can open their mouths.

You know, when Du Yu got this thing from Yu Chengzi's corpse, it had a letter from Yu Chengzi attached to it!
Yu Chengzi asked Du Yu to kill a real S-rank monster dragon before he could open the jade letter and take away the Ziqi Donglai Furnace.

If Yu Chengzi, as the Taoist couple said, is a person who has a master's inheritance, why use the hands of outsiders to leave the treasures and letters to Lu Dongbin and others, wouldn't it be a one-and-done one?

In an instant, Du Yu's sensory impression of the Taoist couple plummeted.

Lu Dongbin could tell that Du Yu didn't believe what he said, and sighed, "Fellow Taoist Du Yu, I know that there are twists and turns, and it's easy for you to misunderstand. Let me tell you one by one."

It turned out that when Yu Chengzi died in battle, there were indeed no apprentices or masters, and no one to entrust treasures to.But in the cave, he left behind a jade slip for cultivation!

Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu were just adventurers in the inner city at that time. They were chased by powerful enemies and fled to Yu Chengzi's cave in a panic.

The two were very grateful to Yu Chengzi, and even discovered Yu Chengzi's mantle and magic, so they respectfully worshiped Yu Chengzi's master and established a new sect.

After the establishment of this sect, LV Dongbin and He Xiangu practiced in closed doors, concentrated as one, and their strength improved greatly. They managed to break through the Zifu District and became the immortal Taoist couple that everyone envied in space.Because the husband and wife are of the same mind and strong in strength, even troublemakers like ghosts and immortals are reluctant to provoke them easily.

After the narration, Lu Dongbin looked at Du Yu with pure eyes and said, "This thing is the relic of Master Yuchengzi. As his disciple who worshiped from a distance, I naturally want to return it to Zhao and take it back. I wonder if fellow Daoist Du Yu is willing to part with it? As for The price will never let fellow daoists suffer."

As soon as he flipped his hands, a fairy treasure appeared in his palm, glowing brightly, and turned into a small copper bell.

"This is an immortal treasure I found in Teacher Yuchengzi's cave, named Jiuzhuan Honglu Zhong." Lu Dongbin smiled and said, "It is also an S-level immortal treasure, and it is the most effective thing for suppressing monsters. Compared with this Ziqi is coming from the east, so let’s not give up.”

Du Yu chuckled, put away the Ziqi Donglai Furnace, shook his head and said, "No change!"

Lu Dongbin's complexion couldn't help but darken.

Then Xiangu He, seeing Lu Dongbin's uneasy expression, hurriedly said, "Young fellow Taoist Du Yu, I still have an immortal treasure here, as a gift to be exchanged together, please take a look."

She flipped her hand, and a delicate and charming lotus flower bloomed gently in her jade hand, which was too beautiful to behold.

"This is a lotus flower in the Queen Mother's Yaochi. At the Pantao Conference held by the Queen Mother of the West, Avalokitesvara, who was represented by Sakyamuni, came to congratulate him. He cast a spell on it and blessed it, turning it into a Immortal treasure. But after the war between heaven and man, West Queen Mother Mountain was shattered into ruins. Master Chunyang and I did not hesitate to enter and explored three times before we got this item. This is also an S-level immortal treasure, named [Yaochi Xianhe] .In order to demonstrate the immortality of this thing, Master Guanyin once threw a petal of this thing into the lower realm with his own hands, and subdued a S-level monster goldfish spirit that was doing evil in the Tongtian River to the sky. This shows the power of this thing."

"This [Yaochi Xianhe], I once used one of its petals at the most critical moment, and the water system hair mask formed actually blocked the joint siege of three strong men from Zifu District. After a full hour, I waited until Chunyang Hurry to the rescue." He Xiangu glanced at Lu Dongbin charmingly: "There are 22 lotus petals on this thing. It is enough to help you out of trouble in a critical moment."

Du Yu picked up [Yao Chi Xianhe] and read the instructions.

"[Yaochi Xianhe], an S-level fairy treasure. A treasure of defensive nature. Each time it is activated, it takes a lotus petal, and its power is equivalent to 2% of the mana of the space god Guanyin. The formed protective film can resist The three strong men from the Zifu District joined forces to bombard for [-] hours."

Du Yu was only a little interested when he saw this thing.

But he still does not change.

Because the Ziqi comes from the east, it is a priceless treasure for the immortal family of the pill, and it cannot be exchanged.

The priority of an elixir can be raised by a level out of thin air!
Where can I find such a fairy treasure?
Its power will grow stronger and stronger as time goes by.

Du Yu took time off to return the [Yaochi Xianhe] to He Xiangu, and said with a calm smile, "I don't want to change this thing!"

Lu Dongbin's face became even more gloomy.

Du Yu was secretly on guard, and if he disagreed with him, he would spread his angel wings and run away.

With the power of one person, he has no idea how to deal with two strong men from Zifu District.But escaping is always out of the question.

If you want to take my treasure, you must have the awareness of an all-out war!

Just as the atmosphere between the two sides gradually fell silent and swords were on edge, a sneer suddenly came from the air: "Lu Dongbin! You are such a dog, how dare you come here to grab something from my ghost ancestor? Are you impatient? "

The ghost fairy finally showed his true body and appeared here.

In fact, the Ghost Immortal had arrived long ago, but he was full of tricks. After a little thought, he was afraid that Du Yu would ambush people around, and deliberately used the purple energy to come east to the furnace to fish.He deliberately hid aside and watched with cold eyes.

Until seeing Lu Dongbin and his wife coming, and trying to exchange two S-level celestial treasures, Du Yu refused.Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, but Du Yu had no helper to show up, he was relieved and determined that Du Yu came alone this time.

Du Yu killed his apprentice Xian Zhen, and also took away the [Myriad Ghosts Refining Soul Bag]. How could this kind of enmity not be reported?

General Hou Shen hated Du Yu deeply. If he could kill Du Yu and take his head, there might be a big reward.

Guixian looked at Lu Dongbin and his wife, and said with a strange smile: "My old man is here, why don't you two leave? Waiting to stay for lunch?"

Lu Dongbin snorted coldly: "Ghost fairy! This purple qi is left behind by my master Yu Chengzi. Don't make up your mind about this thing, otherwise don't say we don't care about feelings, and we will attack you!"

Guixian laughed and said: "What a filial apprentice, but unfortunately I know you well. Later, you worshiped Zhong Quanli as your master, mastered the way of alchemy, and even practiced S-level elixir. Of course I am salivating for the [Purple Qi Donglai Furnace], which has raised the level of alchemy by a whole level. Hmph! A dog-like thing, obviously a villain like me, but acting like a sanctimonious person. I hate hypocrites the most in my life! "

Lu Dongbin was so angry that his fingers trembled, he turned to Du Yu, and said solemnly, "If you don't give this to me now, I'm afraid it will fall into the hands of ghosts and immortals, and you will lose your life! If I can get this thing, I might as well give it to you." How about teaming up against the enemy once and helping you?"

His eyes showed a gloomy color.

Du Yu chuckled: "Guixian said you are a hypocrite with a good face, you are right! You are a shameless villain! Seeing someone come to rob me, you actually took advantage of the fire to rob me, trying to exchange for my fairy treasure with one shot. To tell you the truth, since I dare to take this thing out in this public place, I am not afraid of being snatched by others!"

(End of this chapter)

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