Chapter 1355 Going deeper step by step, revealing the truth! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu smiled faintly: "Old man Guixian, since I dare to meet you face to face, I am naturally not afraid of your turning against me. If you have the ability, you can give me a try?"

Guixian let out a sharp roar and waved his hands: "Where is the five ghost boys?"

These five ghost boys are ghost immortals who used extremely vicious methods to capture female cultivators who were in the Nascent Soul stage and whose fate was extremely negative. They summoned the strongest ghosts and made them conceive ghost fetuses. He fell into a deep sleep like death, a ghost child born in a coffin!
According to the legendary ghost gate records, the five ghost boys born in this way are neither yin nor yang, neither human nor ghost, do not eat all kinds of spells, and are not among the five elements. The ghost-hunting spells of many immortals are ineffective for them!

In this way, they have become Guixian's extremely powerful killing moves, and they have been released on the enemy many times, which made the strong opponent flustered and received miraculous effects.

In the void, there were bursts of heart-piercing cries and heartless laughter from babies. Five 2-year-olds with ghost symbols drawn on their foreheads and who were in complete defeat, some were crying, some were laughing, and some were demented. Some are delicate and naive, rush out of the formation, and go straight to Du Yu.

The ghost fairy muttered words, and added all kinds of evil tricks to the five ghost boys, making them more lethal.

But at this time, Du Yu just smiled lightly.

"Compare summoning with me? Let's see who is better?"

He also waved.

Behind Du Yu, a Tiangang Constellation Formation composed of 28 beauties appeared in an instant!

The Eastern Azure Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Northern Xuanwu, and the Southern Suzaku surrounded the Five Ghost Boys and Ghost Immortals at the core, and the invisible pressure continued to rush towards the Ghost Immortals.

Rao Guixian, who has experienced many battles, can't help but be intimidated by this terrifying momentum!
After Du Yu's painstaking management and generous investment, this Tiangang Constellation Formation can instantly realize the cohesion of more than 120% of the power of all beauties!
29 strands of power with different cultivation levels flow freely between formations, without any gaps, losses or delays!

The 28 forces, combined with Du Yu's improved strength and upgraded supernatural power, are not inferior to the strength of Guixian, the strong man in Zifu District!
This force is always looking for the flaws and weaknesses of the ghost fairy. How can the ghost fairy not feel nervous?
Gui Xian was puzzled and wondered, "What's the matter with this kid? Why can he summon so many women in an instant? My strength seems to be unable to suppress him!"

Once the Tiangang Constellation Formation is in operation, it will be like a huge and precise machine, interlocking and tightly fitting, turning slowly, and no one can find any flaws.

This is a combination of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, the wisdom of Wang Yuyan and Nuwa's many improvements, and has achieved an unparalleled and exquisite formation.

The five ghost boys were also trapped in this large formation.Although they are neither human nor ghost, they are not afraid of swords, guns, water and fire, but there are also things to be afraid of!

That is the powerful God of Punishment Thunder in Du Yu's hands!

God's Punishment Thunder has incomparable restraint against all evil things.For the extremely yin ghost-born five ghost boys, they are even more afraid that this represents the most masculine and fierce space power!
Although the five ghost boys kept jumping around viciously, trying to find Du Yu's weakness, but under the marking of the 28 beauties, they couldn't find any chance.

Guixian was so angry that he was about to explode, but suddenly his eyes went straight!
Because, in Du Yu's hands, there was another immortal corpse.

He Zhong's!
Brothers Heshu and Zhong, with their uninjured corpses, were carried by Du Yu in his hands, wandering about, smiling strangely at the ghosts.

But ghosts and immortals are like treasures!
He was more concerned about these two corpses than a thousand ghost soul refining bag.

"Oh my god. There are still immortal corpses? This death will definitely not exceed 7 days." Guixian commented on the two immortal corpses like a pervert judging the figure of a beautiful woman: "It seems that there is still a blood relationship, but they are brothers. This is too Wonderful! I have the best raw materials for my double-ghost-knocking formation!"

Just as he was drooling over the two corpses, Du Yu suddenly let go!
The two corpses fell down like a free fall.

The ghost fairy screamed, turned into a cloud of ghost mist, and rushed towards the two baby corpses.

Who would have thought that Du Yu was just teasing him, picked up the bodies of the two again, and said with a sneer, "If you still want the bodies of these two guys, stop immediately. Let's discuss the terms. Otherwise, you I'm going to destroy the immortal body that is regarded as a treasure."

Hearing Du Yu's threat, Guixian roared angrily, but he really coveted the unscathed corpses of the pair of brothers and immortals who died in battle on the 7th.The corpse fell into his hands, and the value was almost skyrocketing.

You must know that the double ghost knocking on the door formation requires two immortal corpses whose cultivation base is as high as possible, but the gap is not too big, and there is a tacit understanding. They can't die for too long.Although such harsh requirements ensured the strength of the formation, it limited the source of materials.


The ghost fairy was frightened and angry, but there was nothing he could do about Du Yu.

Du Yu clung to his gate of life - the body of an immortal. He couldn't beat it or take it away, so ghosts and immortals could only negotiate peace.

With a gloomy face, he took the five ghost boys back into the void.The five ghost boys seemed to have to see blood when they went out, so they rushed towards the ghost fairy very angrily, and wanted to turn back on their master!

Guixian was also quite cautious in handling this matter, grabbed a screaming soul from a pocket, and threw it out.

The five ghost boys pounced on it like a piranha smelling blood, tore up the soul in an instant, devoured it, and then returned to the void with dissatisfaction.

Ghost Immortal stared coldly at Du Yu, and shouted, "You can talk now? What exactly do you want?"

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "It's just the general Houshen's plan to deal with the beast horde this time."

Guixian laughed bitterly: "This is precious information, how can I give it to you easily? Hehe."

Du Yu said: "Yes, it is indeed precious war information, but everything has a price. I believe that these two dead immortal corpses are an offer you cannot refuse! If you don't agree, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I can get news through other channels. But these two corpses are useless to me, so I will destroy them later!"

He was so blatantly threatening that Guixian's face sank, but the problem is

He really couldn't let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Guixian's two will-o'-the-wisp eyeballs rolled around, as if he was calculating the feasibility of the matter.

The so-called there is no absolute loyalty, only enough temptation.

The temptation given by Du Yu just hit Guixian's weakness!

The bones of brothers Heshu and Zhong made him feel like a fly chasing after him, and he couldn't refuse.

Finally, Guixian stomped his feet fiercely!

"Damn it, Goddamn General Hou, I did it!"

With a gloomy face, he said to Du Yu: "Bring me the two corpses. Let me tell you a shocking news! Hehe, this is definitely a good deal for you!"

Du Yu said calmly, "That's not acceptable. If you run away after grabbing something, how can I catch up?"

Guixian said viciously: "If you hear the news and refuse to give me something, how can I kill you?"

The two glared cross-eyed for a while, and finally reached a compromise.

Du pre-delivered a corpse to Guixian.Anyway, it is impossible for the ghost fairy to take one corpse and run away. He must get two together to complete the double ghost strike.

When the ghost fairy got Heshu's body, he could not wait to lick up those loving eyes, which made Du Yu tighten his ass. He really felt sorry for the dead Heshu.Even after death, the body must be missed.Doesn't this ghost fairy have any special hobbies?
Fortunately, Guixian didn't take long, so he slapped his sleeves.

A heavy coffin made of white jade, exuding bursts of immortal energy, appeared in the void.The lid of the coffin was slowly opened.

Uncle He's body automatically flew up and entered the coffin while lying flat.

Guixian rubbed her hands excitedly.

In his opinion, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Refining Bag is important, but it is not as good as this pair of brothers who have just died, Immortal Little Fresh Meat!No matter how good the fairy treasure is, it is still dead. Once it has been practiced into the double-ghost-beating corpse puppet array of brothers' blood, its spiritual intelligence will be extremely high, and it will help him improve his strength even more.

Looking at the Star Picking Pavilion in the Tang Dynasty, a trace of fanaticism flashed in Guixian's eyes.

"Hey, what kind of god general Hou, what kind of poisonous Jia Xu, even if you hide in the plot world, don't you still have to come out to face the more fierce space beast tide? The only fundamental way to solve this dead situation is to improve your strength and challenge as soon as possible Zhaxing Pavilion! Hehe, after breaking through Zhaxing Pavilion, I will automatically ascend to the upper realm, so I don’t need to stay in this ghostly place with poor mountains and rivers, of course it will be done once and for all.” Gui Xian had a wishful thinking in his heart.

He put away Uncle He, and said to Du Yu seriously: "I will accept the deposit. Now I will tell you a secret. General Hou Shen has no plan to deal with this space beast tide. A counselor named Jia Xu offered advice. They It is planned to bombard the protective cover in the east with a huge energy cannon, break through the protective cover, trigger a space-time storm, and open a time-space wormhole leading to the nearest plot world. Hide in the plot world, let you and Datang endure the fierce The tide of beasts. After you are both injured, Hou Shen will come out with an army of 20 and wipe you all out! Have I made it clear?"

Du Yu was stunned.

He didn't expect that the truth of the matter was actually like this!
This news is amazing.Du Yu couldn't react for a while.

If this is true, then Yunmengze, the Great Tang Empire, no, all adventurers in the entire East will be in absolute danger!

Jia Xu's move is an extremely poisonous trick that does not hesitate to destroy the space.

Du Yu, as the chosen one, knows very well that the fragility of the space shield at this time is simply more fragile than the devastated atmospheric ozone layer at the end of the 21st century!
Under such circumstances, Jia Xu will use energy cannons intensively to artificially create space-time cracks in space, which will only greatly aggravate the collapse of space!

Even the sky above Yunmengze, which Nuwa Empress had just restored, would be affected by this crack in time and space, eventually leading to a complete collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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