Chapter 1356 Pay close attention to the weakness and successfully instigate rebellion! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The space city will lose the protective layer in the east, and the situation will be corrupted and it will be difficult to clean up.

"This is simply drinking poison to quench thirst!" Du Yu slammed his fist on the nearby tree trunk.The big tree snapped.

"Hey, for General Hou Shen, if you can defeat and eliminate you, let's talk about unifying the world. If you die, you die first, why do you care so much? Besides, his strength is not bad. After unifying the world, he may not be unable to enter the Zhaixing Pavilion. Ascension to the upper space. It's better than being wiped out by you and the imperial court together during this beast horde." Although Guixian is not a monarch, he has a clear understanding of the situation.

"Damn it!" Du Yu's eyes were stern.

This poisonous plan by Jia Xu must not succeed, otherwise Du Yu's previous arrangements will all come to nothing.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea promised themselves again, without the Marquis God General, could they not fight a single battle and return to the East China Sea openly?
This is tantamount to treason, and it is absolutely impossible.

The only way for the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea to avoid going to the dragon stage is to make a fake show and fight hard with the court.

Du Yu can't just sit back and watch the imperial court be destroyed, his lips are dead and his teeth are cold. He must reinforce, otherwise he will be dragged into trouble.

The imperial court is destroyed, Hou Shen will be safe and sound, and return to the space, Du Yu has only one-tenth of the opponent's manpower, and there is only one dead end.

What an interlocking poisonous scheme.

Du Yu's back was sweating profusely.

Guixian said calmly: "I have already told you the information, now hand over that corpse to me."

He rubbed his hands together, looking impatient.

Du Yu took a cold look at Guixian, and suddenly said, "Can I come up with another plan?"

Guixian was furious: "How dare you deceive the ancestor? Be careful, I will immediately return to Hou Shenjiang's camp and tell them that you know the plan! Oh!! What is this?"

His eyeballs instantly became round, even rounder than before!

Because in Du Yu's hands, besides the He Zhong that should be given to him, there is also the body of Uncle Xi!
Uncle Xi's cultivation is stronger than that of He Shu and Zhong Zhong, and he is in the state of great perfection!

His corpse was also a perfect body without any wounds except his forehead!

"This stronger immortal body is the third brother!" Guixian's tongue began to stutter, he had never seen such a powerful third brother immortal.

It's no wonder that Fuxi's four sons are the hidden bosses of the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy. Even if ghosts and immortals have been to that world, they may not be able to see this hidden family of heavenly emperors.

Ghost Immortal stared fixedly at Uncle Xi and Zhong's corpses.

The ecstasy in his heart simply surpassed any moment.

Guixian's own cultivation is in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian's perfect state, and it is not too high among the same level of immortals in Zifu District. It can achieve a great reputation, mainly relying on various insidious and mysterious refining corpses, corpse puppets, soul-calling banners, etc. External forces and immortal treasures, coupled with his personality of vengeance, those who are more powerful than him are unwilling to cause trouble, those of the same level are afraid of his mad dog's revenge, and those who are weaker than him are more afraid of his insidious methods, so they run amok.

However, when entering the Zhaixing Pavilion, the tests inside are real, and there is no room for falsehood.The strength of the gods, ghosts, and beasts inside is said to definitely make the strongest existence in the Zifu District burnt out. If ghosts and immortals want to escape from this space through the Zhaixing Pavilion, they need to improve their strength urgently.

Therefore, when Guixian sees that these immortals are three brothers, and the eldest's cultivation has even reached the state of Dzogchen and Ascension, his hunger and thirst are like someone sending ice watermelon in summer, don't mention it. How cool.

"There is no need for the two ghosts to beat the door! Haha, I can use the evil method of [three flowers blooming, each representing a branch] of the Soul Eater Sect to train the three brothers into gold, silver and bronze [three corpses]! Haha, this time It's developed. Three brothers with the same father and the same mother, gold, silver and copper [Three Corpse Puppet Demons], the power can be increased by more than three times, and together they are comparable to the immortals in the mid-stage of breaking through the void! Hehe, this has reached the level of the immortals in Zifu District level. Haha, it will definitely be my right-hand man to help me break into the Zhaixing Pavilion!"

The more he thought about it, the more complacent he became, and he couldn't help laughing wildly: "Little friend Du Yu, I finally see a little sincerity in you! You actually managed to get the corpses of the three brothers' immortals, and they all have good cultivation levels. Not bad! Now Give me the corpses of the two immortals?"

Du Yu smiled coldly and said, "I hand over the body of the strongest brother to you, and there are additional conditions. I want you to return to the power of Hou Shenjiang and be my internal response! How about it?"

The ghost fairy's eyes are shining, so who cares whether he should respond or not?Hehe smiled and said: "It's still too early to escape the space, so what if my ancestor is not in a hurry, so he agreed to you? However, I must get one of these two brothers first! Otherwise, there will be no discussion."

Du Yu was surprisingly generous and without hesitation, threw him and Zhong's corpses.

Guixian slapped the void again, and another snow-white jade coffin appeared and opened slowly.He Zhong's corpse flew into it, gradually closed the lid, and disappeared into the ghost's sleeve.

"That's right!" Ghost Immortal glanced greedily at Uncle Xi in Du Yu's hand, then suddenly rolled his eyes and said, "No! Do you still have a hole card in your hand? Do these three brothers still have blood relatives, and you killed them? Take it out at once! I won’t hide it from you. If you still have a fourth corpse, I am determined to get the corpses of these immortals of the same clan! Even if I exchange the entire sect and all the wealth with you, I will not hesitate!”

Du Yu chuckled and patted the Sumi ring.

The fourth corpse, the corpse of Fuxi's eldest son Hezhong, appeared in front of the ghost fairy.

The breathing of the ghost fairy has stopped!

He Zhong's cultivation has reached the realm of breaking through the void!

Even in the space city, there are very few immortal cultivators who have stepped into the void realm!

His cultivation is comparable to the sum of three brothers.

Moreover, his body was also intact except for the injury on his forehead!

Guixian seemed to be ignorant of the external world, and he was in a daze, only this harmony was in his eyes.

"This..." he swallowed with difficulty: "How is this possible? You are a mere adventurer in the inner city, and your cultivation level has risen through the tribulation. How can you leapfrog to kill so many powerful immortals and get their bodies intact? Even my ancestors couldn't do it."

Du Yu smiled coldly.

The reason why he took out Uncle Xizhong Xi's body now is to let the ghost fairy have an absolute reason to do things for him meticulously!

Although the reward is a little lower, for example, if there are only three brothers' corpses, the ghost fairy will also do the work.But Du Yu believes that the greater the temptation, the greater the drive, and enough temptation for an honest person can even turn him into the craziest assassin!
He smiled slightly and said: "These two corpses have been bound to my ring. Once my body dies, the space of this Sumeru ring will collapse at the same time. The two corpses will also disappear forever. So hehe you understand of."

Guixian Patriarch's expression changed.

With his quick mind, of course he thought about the possibility of joining forces with Hou Shenjiang to kill Du Yu and seize the treasure.

But Du Yu, a treacherous little fox, just showed him this set of four sets of fairy corpses, and gave him two back to show that he was innocent, and then he gave the remaining two with the highest value to himself. Your lives are bound together!
In other words, unless he took the initiative to give it to the ghost fairy, the ghost fairy would never get these two corpses!

Killing and seizing treasure, definitely not.After seeing the epic feat of Du Yu being able to kill four brothers in one fell swoop, and learning how powerful Du Yu's Tiangang Constellation Formation is, no matter how conceited the ghosts are, they don't think anyone can kill Du Yu in an instant.

Since it is impossible to insist, the only way is to act as an internal response to Du Yu according to Du Yu's intention.

Fortunately, Guixian never knew what integrity was, and he didn't feel guilty about betraying his allies. He was born to be a hero like Ding Chunqiu.Since Du Yu had so many things in his hands that he was determined to obtain, he immediately chose to betray!
"Hey, little friend Du Yu!" Ghost Immortal's tone immediately became affectionate: "You and I are fateful people, we meet each other many times, today we should get close."

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Patriarch Guixian, the rewards I want to show you are very rich. If you need the souls of gods and demons, I happen to have some good things here, which can be used as additional trading conditions!"

He flipped his hand.

The dark soul stone appears in the void!

Seeing this dark soul stone, feeling the call of Eastern and Western demons and gods such as Diablo, Sauron, Yinglong, Hanba, etc., the souls of ghosts and immortals trembled with excitement!

This was undoubtedly Du Yu's final blow to him!
This guy even has the souls of demons, gods, and immortals!
For Gui Xian, who is also a great expert in playing with corpses and souls, he has a lot of ordinary souls, but this is the first time he has seen the souls of gods and demons.

"Little friend Du Yu, the ancestor will give you a thumbs up today." Gui Xian finally convinced, and Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "Although your cultivation is still shallow, your strength is already on par with mine. It’s time for peers to discuss swords. Therefore, it’s not shameful for the ancestor to trade with you today.”

Du Yu laughed: "Brother Xian Zhen was a misunderstanding that day."

"Don't mention that scoundrel again!" Ghost Immortal said with a serious face, waved his hands and said with a smile: "The disciples under my sect are the survival of the fittest. Little friend Yu, you should teach him a lesson for me. Hmph, let’s see that despicable behavior first, how can I be a master who doesn’t know? Little friend Du Yu killed him well! Otherwise, I will kill him sooner or later!”

What the ghost fairy said was so righteous that Du Yu didn't know what to say: "As for the ten thousand ghost soul refining bag"

"Little friend! You look down on my patriarch, don't you?" Gui Xian looked angry at being looked down upon, and shouted, "How can you open your mouth with these little things? This bag of ghosts and souls is just a poor skin , The material of the gluttonous stomach is more precious and not easy to get, the soul of the adventurer is more rare, what else is it? Hehe."

Du Yu couldn't stop laughing when Gui Xian was so magnanimous.

(End of this chapter)

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