Chapter 1357 Conspiracy Jia Xu!Found clues! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"It seems that the corpses of these four brothers are really important to him." A sneer flashed in Du Yu's heart: "We can make a fuss about it."

The more magnanimous the ghost fairy is, the more it shows his desire for this thing.

As for the ghost fairy, will his strength increase greatly after getting these corpses?
For Du Yu at this time, even so, so what?
He is a man who wants to achieve great things, regardless of the small details.

Compared to rebuilding the order of space in the future, compared to the elimination of Hou Shenjiang, compared to the reward for maintaining space stability, the remains of a few immortals are really not worth the price.

What's more, is Du Yu an honest trader?
He had already planted the seeds of destruction for the ghosts in the corpses of the four brothers, and the rest was just for the ghosts to do the work for him and refine the corpse puppet ghost.Of course, even if the ghost fairy found out and failed to destroy it in the end, Du Yu has no regrets.

The so-called heavy reward must have a brave man.

Seduced by the unheard-of corpses of four immortals, the ghost fairy was closer to Du Yu than his own father, and told all about what he saw and heard that day in Hou Shenjiang's tent.

"Even Taigongwang, Yang Jian, and Nezha have joined the forces of God General Hou?" Du Yu secretly rejoiced when he heard the heavy news again.

This time God General Hou was really angry, and he enlisted the powerhouses in the Zifu district of the space that he had offended, secretly planning to deal with him.A full lineup of six adventurers from the Zifu District is enough to kill him by force.

Thanks to my lack of hesitation, I spent a lot of money to win over ghosts and immortals and turn them into friends. Otherwise, no matter whether it was the imperial court, Tang Lu or Catherine, it would be impossible to find out such top-secret information.

"When did they choose to launch this wave of energy cannons?" Du Yu asked in a deep voice.

The most critical thing now is to figure out the details of the opponent's actions. The clearer the details, the greater the destructive power of targeted actions.

"This dog-headed military advisor Jia Xu didn't say anything." Guixian was also embarrassed for a while.

Du Yu looked at him with a smile.

Guixian's old face couldn't help but blush.

Since he was a traitor and exchanged information for rewards, but he knew too little information, not to mention Du Yu, even himself was a little ashamed.

"Don't worry." Guixian's face was covered with oil and sweat, and he wrinkled his old face like a chrysanthemum, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "I will definitely be able to find out in a short time. But I guess, because the space crack lasts for a long time It's very short, Hou Shenjiang and the others will definitely activate the space-time rift at the last moment, get into the plot world, let the beast horde escape, and turn around to deal with you, no, it's our people."

Du Yu nodded.This ghost fairy is indeed an old man, this guess is very reliable.

"But I want to clarify the action plan." Du Yu said word by word: "The more detailed the better."

Guixian nodded hehe.

Since he has made up his mind to betray God General Hou for profit, he naturally doesn't want to cause future troubles for himself. It is best to prevent this wave and completely send God General Hou to the eighteenth level of hell, and he will never be able to recover.

The two were discussing, and felt that two huge celestial powers were approaching in the distance.

"It's Lu Dongbin's couple!" Guixian cursed, "Do you want me to join hands with you to drive them away? You just need to hold He Xiangu for a while. With Lu Dongbin alone, I can definitely kill him!"

Du Yu shook his head: "The relationship between you and me is a top-secret matter. It cannot be known by anyone. Gui Xian, you go first, and I have a plan to escape."

Gui Xian admired Du Yu very much at this time, Jie Jie laughed and said: "You can kill four immortals in a row, this ability is enough to protect yourself. I'll go back and inquire about news, you wait for my good news."

He disappeared in place.

Du Yu sent the ghost fairy away, looked into the distance, and saw Lu Dongbin gnashing his teeth and stepping on the fairy sword coming, he turned around and activated the invisibility technique of the Lord of the Rings, and disappeared in place.

Lü Dongbin and He Xiangu searched the net for half a day, but they couldn't find any trace. After all, Du Yu was the overlord of one party, and he didn't dare to chase after him too much, so he had to leave angrily.

Du Yu appeared in the dense forest in the distance, and he did not look at the departing Taoist couple from Zifu District, but stared at the southeast sky of Hou Shenjiang's power

"Jia Xu is such a poisonous man." Du Yu murmured, "I really underestimated you."

Behind him, a beautiful lady walked out elegantly and luxuriously.

But it is the Empress Nuwa who has transformed into a mortal.

"I heard your message that the Marquis God General has plans to win this beast tide war at the cost of destroying the space protection shield." Empress Nuwa's crescent eyebrows gradually frowned, and the anger on her pretty face gradually revealed: "Hmph! This is extremely selfish! Even space can be sacrificed, what else can't they do?"

Du Yu rolled his eyes, took advantage of the fire, and said, "Such people only know how to fight inside the nest, and are violent internally, and have no effect externally? How can Empress Nuwa not condemn them?"

Nu Wa gave Du Yu a sideways look: "Are you here to provoke me?"

She still got angry and said: "For such a scum, I will definitely not let it go. But"

She pondered: "The battle is imminent, I want to focus on dealing with the extraterrestrial demons, and I can't waste my power on these scum. But I have you!"

She glared at Du Yu coquettishly.

Du Yu smiled wryly: "My good goddess, I just complained to you because I couldn't deal with them. This Marquis God General is determined to blow up the space protection shield. I'm short of troops, what can I do?"

"Hmph! I don't care!" Empress Nuwa said coquettishly, "You have to find a way for me to stop these lunatics. I don't care what method you use!"

Du Yu was about to complain, when he suddenly heard "no matter what method", his eyes lit up.

"That's right, if we use that method." Du Yu suddenly laughed wickedly: "It's really a good time to have a good time, poor God General Hou!"

He could hardly hold back, and wanted to put this genius plan into practice immediately.

In terms of objective strength, Du Yu is absolutely powerless to prevent Hou Shen from attacking the space shield with large-scale artillery fire.Hou Shen will have more than 20 troops, occupying half of the country, and almost no one can stop him from bombarding the protective cover.

What Du Yu can do is like a matador, wantonly playing with Hou Shenjiang, this huge and strong bull.

Can only win by chance.

Du Yu rolled his eyes and took out the communicator.

"Hou Shenjiang? Have you thought about the hostage deal? Do you still want your son?" Du Yu laughed.

Mentioning the two sons, Hou Shenjiang's emotions throbbed for a while, and he finally settled down and hummed: "Of course I want sons. Don't you want 100 billion yuan in supplies? When will the deal be?"

Du Yu coughed: "Tomorrow! Don't play tricks. I want you to escort the supplies first!"

Hou Shenjiang didn't take these materials seriously, and said with a sneer, "Yes, bumpkin. If you dare to hurt a single hair of my child, I will teach you to die without a place to bury you!"

Du Yu took up the line and went back to make arrangements.

On the second day, the exchange process was extremely smooth, and neither party played any tricks, and the transaction was simply completed.It's not that both parties are so honest, but they have their own ulterior motives and are not prepared to start in the exchange link.

The supplies of 100 billion survival points were successfully transported into Yunmengze.The souls of Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng were also transferred to the Hou family.

The Hou family is rich and powerful, and has already prepared two adventurer bodies that match Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng, and let the two young masters take the house.

Needless to say, Hou Xiaofeng, imprisoned for so long, almost lost his sanity and was in a daze. Hou Xiaobai burst into tears. God knows what a miserable life he was being tortured every day in Du Yu's Soul-Detaining Tower.

The two glared at Du Yu with resentment, and the latter waved his hands with a smile to see them off.

As soon as Hou Shenjiang's men left, Du Yu immediately became serious.

"Get ready to move!" Du Yu's eyes were cold and stern: "With both fists out, we will fully spy on God Hou."

He clenched his fists hard.

General Hou's frenzy aroused Du Yu's killing intent!
This kind of space scum must be eradicated!Get rid of it now!

"General Hou, this beast horde will either kill you or me!" Du Yu said with hatred.

Hou Shenjiang saw the two sons who were beyond recognition, and when he came to see them, he felt that things were different for a while.

The appearance of the bodies of the two sons after they took over the house changed drastically. If the voices of the sons were not the same, he would not be able to recognize them at all.

"Father!" Hou Xiaofeng yelled, threw himself into Hou Shenjiang's arms, and burst into tears.

Hou Xiaobai didn't lose his composure as much as his younger brother, but he also burst into tears.

General Hou Shen was also moved, and was very sad. At least his sons came back alive, and they seemed to be in good condition. He nodded and said in a deep voice: "This time, you have suffered a little bit, and you have learned a lesson. You have improved your knowledge. You learn your wisdom by eating a pit, you accept the lesson, and just take revenge!"

Hou Xiaobai cried like tears, and said bitterly: "Father, my failure this time is because I underestimated Du Yu's power. But I won't do it next time. I beg my father to give me a chance to play forward. Good luck." Rectify Du Yu! If this person cannot be skinned, I swear I will not be human!"

Hou Shenjiang was quite satisfied and patted Hou Xiaobai's shoulder.

In a dark corner, Jia Xu looked coldly at Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng brothers who had been released, and remained silent.

Taigong Wang next to him laughed and said, "It's very touching when father and son meet."

Jia Xu said coldly, "Du Yu didn't let him go early, and he didn't let him go late, but he released him at this time. There is always a hint of conspiracy in it."

Taigongwang waved his whisk lightly, his eyes narrowed, and he smiled after a while: "I can examine their souls, there is a shadow deep in their souls, and there is a faint evil spirit haunting them. It seems to be Su Daji's handwriting. Hehe, this demon fox is dealing with me." Too many, why can't I see her method clearly? These two souls, on the surface, look the same as before, and they don't feel anything, but at the critical moment, a hint from the demon fox is enough to completely control them .”

Jia Xu bowed deeply to Tai Gongwang, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, please ask Senior Tai Gongwang to lend a helping hand and remove the evil spirit from the two young masters. This will also increase our chances of winning."

(End of this chapter)

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