Chapter 1363 Divine Might Domain?Du Yu broke out! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
It is extremely disgusted with the calm expression of this overwhelmed ant.

In that expression, there was no panic and terror that it longed to see.

But in the face of such a powerful and god-level self, he didn't panic!
He is actually like a gladiator, ready to fight against himself?

This is simply a joke of the world!

The Overlord Flying Dragon God couldn't bear it.

He decided to severely punish this mortal, and let humans realize how desperate the gap in strength between the two sides has reached!

Overlord Flying Dragon God, take action!
With a roar, his faucet's head completely exposed the dark clouds, protruding down for a full kilometer, and it was only less than a kilometer away from Du Yu, the highest point of Mont Blanc.

The soldiers of Shinra could even see traces of covetousness protruding from the fangs of the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

Panic began to spread again.

The head of the Overlord Flying Dragon God is simply bigger than a mountain peak!

Seen from a close distance, it is even more powerful.

But Du Yu was still unmoved, and there was still a trace of sarcasm in his eyes as he stared at the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

"Damn it, the closer the distance is, the better the pleasure will be when it's activated. You idiot!"

Du Yu murmured.

Others don't know what Du Yu said, but they can understand, Du Yu is not afraid of this Overlord Flying Dragon God at all!

In front of the TV, Tracy, Catherine, and concubine Sisi, the beautiful eyes of the three girls, cannot be separated from Du Yu for a moment.

After the Overlord Flying Dragon God appeared, they were also helpless, panicked, and tried to escape.

But Du Yu's calm performance like a snow mountain, his eyes like stars, conquered them!

"I never knew that Model's face could be so handsome?" Tracy murmured, a blush involuntarily appeared on the empress dowager's majestic and familiar face.

"Does Du Yu want to single out this god?" Concubine Sisi asked suspiciously.

As soon as these words came out, the three women gasped at the same time.

"Is he crazy? This kind of god, only a god can deal with it!" Tracy rubbed her chest with her hands, her eyes trembling.

Catherine said in a deep voice, "No! Du Yu is not an arrogant man. He responded so calmly, so he must have a trick. I can see the familiar look in his eyes."

The three women observed carefully, and sure enough, Du Yu's eyes, the corners of his mouth, and the expression on his face made them even more fascinated involuntarily!
The confidence of a man is, oh, so charming.

When women are in crisis, what they most desire to see is the expression of a man who is confident in his chest, armed in his stomach, wise in his heart, and sure of victory!

The focused man with this expression is the most handsome!
"Damn boy" Catherine suddenly swears, her face flushed and she said, "Every time I have to save the hole card until the end, so that people can't hold back, and the spring tide can only use this feeling of waiting. It's so hard." .”

"That's right." Concubine Sisi also gritted her teeth: "He never tells us the truth. Until now, I don't know where the limit of his ability is?"

"That's right," Tracy said with concern: "The last space beast tide, I thought Du Yu did it so beautifully that he had already squandered all his abilities. I didn't expect that this time, he showed a completely different skill." , and the continent’s cross-race trade, and today’s abilities, he is like a virus, constantly evolving, and he has no idea when he will be exhausted?"

Du Yu waved his wrist.

The Doomsday Blade, flashing red light, was pulled out suddenly!
The extraterrestrial celestial demon who was crazily pressing on suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations!
It seems to be a fatal cry from the depths of the soul.

The extraterritorial celestial demon fought a cold war abruptly.

This has never happened in his memory!
As a powerful extraterrestrial demon, how can there be such emotions as fear?Even if you see human gods like Nuwa, everyone is a god, and at most you will fight.If you can't beat it, turn around and run away.

But the extraterrestrial demon felt an unprecedented threat from this humble human man in front of him!

But the sad thing is that just now his arrogance, his recklessness, and his superciliousness made him lose his ability to judge. In the wave of attack just now, he had already stuck his head out of the dark clouds and put it in front of Du Yu. Like a fat pig stretching its neck to be slaughtered, even if it wanted to turn around and run away at this moment, it would be impossible!

Du Yu's eyes were about to burst, he dodged and disappeared in place!

The space ability allows him to teleport a kilometer instantly!
Du Yu appeared on the top of the extraterritorial demon in an instant, roaring with a sword, descended from the sky, and slashed at the extraterritorial demon!

The audience was shocked!

All the adventurers and warriors, all the people of Shenluo, watched the live broadcast in amazement, leaping high, fearless of death, and pounced on Du Yu, the extraterrestrial celestial demon!
Their eyes are full of reverence, respect, and love!
Because, ordinary adventurers can't even stand still when they see the demons outside the territory, and no one dares to beat them directly!

Who dares to go straight ahead?

Only General Model!
Commander Model, who dared to stand at the peak of the aura of the extraterrestrial demons, made a bold move and slashed at the demons. This courage and self-confidence alone made people awe-inspiring!

But the bigger surprise is yet to come.

The heavenly demon outside the territory uttered an earth-shattering angry howl. Seeing that Du Yutai was pressing down on the top of Mount Tai, he was completely enraged. He howled, and an incomparably majestic aura erupted from his body, covering the sky and the earth. between!

Fighting desperately on the city wall, the Shinra warriors suddenly felt that their bodies were stagnant and their feet were floating, as if they were stuck in glue. Discoloration.

"The domain of divine power! This is the domain of divine power for real gods!"

Concubine Sisi suddenly stood up and lost her voice.

"It is said that in the domain of gods and gods, all the laws of space must be set according to the consciousness of gods, right?"

Tracy was also very knowledgeable, she frowned and said.

"That's right!" Concubine Sisi said in pain: "This extraterrestrial demon brazenly used the power of the god's domain to deal with Du Yu, which shows how much pressure Du Yu put on it. But within the power of the domain, all enemies, They were all suppressed by the divine power of the gods, and their abilities could not be displayed at all. These soldiers were tens of thousands of meters away from the gods, and they were still suppressed to death. The pressure Du Yu was under can be imagined. I think this time A counterattack will most likely fail."

Catherine was determined, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what kind of divine power that god uses, I believe in Du Yu, and he will succeed!"

She clenched her fists tightly, bit her tongue, and prayed: "Du Yu, you must succeed. Everything depends on your counterattack!"

If other people were unable to move in the glue now, Du Yu would be cast in steel concrete right now!

All the bones in his body have withstood the atmospheric pressure of hundreds of Gs, and the bones made an overwhelmed crisp sound, as if his bones would break at any moment, and he would lose consciousness forever!
He was like a wooden man, unable to move, he could only watch the god in front of him, moving step by step.

Don't worry about that kind of aggrieved feeling.

The Overlord Flying Dragon God raised his head and cast a sneering glance at Du Yu: "Do you think that we and other demons and gods outside the territory will be hurt by your mere space god thunder? This thing is indeed our nemesis, but if it can't hit me Waiting for the body, naturally everything is empty. No matter how powerful you are, you will never pass through my divine power domain!"

Du Yu stared at the battlefield a thousand meters below.

On the battlefield, a full-scale brutal battle has broken out at this time.

Under the suppression of the supernatural power of the extraterrestrial demons, the movements of the soldiers of Shinra were stagnant, like robots lacking oil, every move was unbearable, and they were thrown to the ground one by one by the flexible and bloodthirsty tide of monsters Throat, devouring flesh and blood.

However, priests, paladins and other nanny professions, which originally had an absolute advantage in restoring spells, were cut off from gods and other gods due to the suppression of extraterrestrial demons, and could not use divine grace. Swallowed, but powerless.

There are only 20 magic trebuchets left behind them. Even with other long-range shooting devices such as catapults, crossbows, and machine guns, they can't stop the army of monsters.

Although the Mont Blanc fortress is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and although Shinra has hoarded 35000 fierce tigers here, but under the insane attacks of millions of beasts, the fall of this fortress is only a matter of time!
Everything depends on the result of Du Yu's battle with the extraterrestrial demons!
Everything depends on the success or failure of Du Yu's battle!
"Ahhh!" Du Yu's eyes were completely red.

He knows that behind him is the entire space, his wife and children, and everything he loves!
You can't lose here!

The spatial ability in Du Yu's body burst out suddenly!

A series of purple-red spatial abilities jumped, flashed, and coiled around Du Yu like electric snakes!
At this time, we can fully see Du Yu's progress!
If Du Yu was still at the level of the Legend of Sword and Fairy world, even with the blessing of 28 beauties and stars, he would definitely not be able to break through the supernatural power of this extraterritorial demon!

Because, although the extraterritorial celestial demon and the celestial demon possessing Fuxi at this time are both one of the four great celestial demons, but because the latter has sneaked into the world of human plots and possessed the great god, the combat power of the latter is far from enough, about only About one-tenth of the body's strength!

But at this time, the extraterritorial celestial demons in the space war, above the broken space, can display their physical strength wantonly without weakening!
Under normal circumstances, with the strength of the previous world, Du Yu couldn't break through!

But he broke through the period of transcending tribulation and ascension in the gap in this world!
After breaking through the catastrophe and ascending, his strength has skyrocketed by at least twelve times due to the quenching of the immortal thunder and the accumulation of divine thunder!
Moreover, the space spokesperson Lu just completed the upgrade of the space ability for him at this time.

After the space ability was upgraded, the total amount of abilities in Du Yu's body more than tripled compared to before.

In this way, Du Yu's all-out angry blow was more than 30 times more powerful than the one that hit Fuxi back then.

(End of this chapter)

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