Chapter 1364 The stone breaks the sky, the sky punishes the gods! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu cheated?
Maybe, but Du Yu's strength has been stuck in the realm of practicing virtual fusion for a full three worlds, and has not been improved.

Accumulating steadily is a better adjective to describe the growth of Du Yu's strength.

What's more, Du Yu's Tiangang Constellation Formation is also in this world, and has gained a large amount of villain value buffs, and the energy conduction efficiency of the beauties has reached a peak of 120%, surpassing the plot world!
Therefore, the result of all these fusions is that Du Yu jumped down from the sky at this time, and roared a blow. Under the inconceivable eyes of the extraterritorial demon, he brazenly broke the supernatural power field of the extraterritorial demon, and at the moment the extraterritorial demon escaped, he smashed the blade of doom , ruthlessly inserted into the forehead of the extraterrestrial demon!


The extraterrestrial demon uttered an earth-shattering scream.

The entire Alps trembled in this roar.

In countless places, the avalanche started, and it got bigger and bigger like a snowball.

However, when the Mont Blanc fortress area was built, the hazards of avalanches have been considered, and the areas where snow disasters may erupt have been deliberately avoided.In the first wave of beasts, Du Yu used Avalanche, but at that time, Shinra was in a hurry to fight, and the situation forced him to use Avalanche again and again?
Therefore, this avalanche only caused the vibration of the surrounding mountains, but did not involve the Mont Blanc fortress.However, looking at the surrounding mountains, the snow-capped mountains, all collapsed under the roar of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, and the magnificent scene made everyone tremble from the depths of their souls.

"This extraterrestrial demon is too powerful!"

"It is impossible for us to resist his power."

"Even the second highest peak, Xuelun Peak, completely collapsed."

Millions of people in front of the TV stared with bated breath, watching Du Yu intently, expecting a miracle to happen!

Tracy, Concubine, Catherine, all focused, praying

Du Yu's Doomsday Blade, like an icebreaker moving forward in the ice floes of thousands of years, finally burst out with a huge kinetic energy, breaking through the supernatural power of the Overlord Flying Dragon God like glue, and hit this extraterritorial demon fiercely !
Like a lightning rod, guiding the sky thunder, a huge 40-foot-long purple-red space sky punishment thunder broke through the clouds and slammed down!
Du Yu finally revealed his deadly hole card, God of Punishment Thunder!

The extraterrestrial demon raised his eyelids in horror, and looked at the purple-red thunder that was flying in the sky!

In his eyes, the horror and fear could no longer be concealed, even the soldiers of Shenluo and millions of people could clearly see his fear!
"No!" The Overlord Flying Dragon God roared, shaking his head angrily, retreating with all his strength, trying to escape the punishment of the God of Heaven's Punishment Thunder.

It can't be blamed for his lack of courage. It is really the Heaven's Punishment Thunder that caused countless gods to fall in the war of five declines between heaven and man thousands of years ago.When the human gods in the space were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and cultivation, it was only thanks to the power of the God of Punishment Thunder that they reversed the passive situation in one fell swoop and killed countless demons from outside the territory. Both lose!

The Overlord Flying Dragon God was seriously injured back then, and he was also struck by an oriental immortal, Daoist Hongjun, with this kind of divine lightning. He fell into the sky and woke up after sleeping for thousands of years. new.

Now, when the space gods are basically gone, and he thinks that he can sweep the space and become invincible, an inconspicuous human youth, unexpectedly, let him taste the horrible and painful taste of God's Punishment Thunder again. !
With all his strength, Du Yu slammed the demon's head hard, and the purple-red divine thunder split open the demon's head and hit his brain core directly!

The extraterritorial celestial demon, like a hundred-ton blue whale stabbed in the head by a harpoon, let out a low, muffled groan, and from its huge body, springs of blood emerged, slowly falling into the dark clouds!

His arrogant golden vertical pupils suddenly lost their brilliance, and they closed slowly and dullly!

Du Yu tried his best to send out the 40-foot-thick Thunder of God's Punishment, which caused him terrible injuries!
His forehead was cleaved by divine lightning with a gap of several feet, revealing a brain that was glowing with golden brain fluid. The sensitive and fragile brain was also cleaved by purple-red lightning with a deep gap, about the size of a grinding disc. The pituitary gland was wiped out abruptly!

The pain of such a god can be imagined.

Du Yu squatted on the forehead of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, panting heavily, his face like gold paper!
28 Beauties collapsed to the ground in the hall of the Mont Blanc Fortress.

All his energy, plus all the energy of the 28 Constellation Beauties, erupted just a moment ago, transformed into a space god thunder, and slammed on the head of the extraterrestrial demon.The power of this blow to the god thunder is about 30 times that of the great god Fuxi!
Only in this way can this powerful god be severely injured.

At this moment, Du Yu could only barely hold onto the Overlord Flying Dragon God to prevent himself from falling and being smashed to pieces.

However, due to Du Yu's shocking blow, the entire battlefield fell into deathly silence!

On the live TV station, the commentator didn't have any voice, and could only murmur: "Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable"

The wave of monsters that were crazily hitting the city wall froze, one after another, like a harbor in the cold winter, where the surging tide was frozen. They stood there blankly, looking up at the great god of their own clan, that supreme being, who was captured by a Mere human beings, their brains burst with the thunder of the gods, and they fell down with a low growl!

If just now, under the encouragement of the extraterrestrial demons, the monsters exploded with 200% impact force and rushed at the city wall without fear of death, their morale fell to the bottom at this time, and they couldn't even exert half of their usual strength!

A trace of panic and hesitation was revealed in the big eyes of the A-level monster icemen and apes, and bursts of fearful roars came from the mouth of the A+-level monster King Kong Flying Tiger. The B-level demon beast man-eating flying ant colony also seems to have lost its remote control drone, buzzing and crashing in the air.

The group of monsters lost their backbone, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

On the contrary, the Shinra fighters and the Shinra people who witnessed the incredible blow of Commander Mordel fell into extreme collective mad worship!
Tracy, Catherine, and concubine Sisi hugged each other tightly, with tears in their eyes, proudly looking at the great feats their man made on the battlefield of Mont Blanc, which determines the fate of everyone!

"Comparable to Emperor Trajan, the highest dragon-slaying feat on the Shiquanji Gongzhu!" Tracy exuded a woman's mellow aura on her familiar face: "It's so charming! So handsome! I want At his triumphal ceremony, cast a column not inferior to that of Emperor Trajan, in recognition of his great achievements."

The beauty's daughter-in-law, the queen, chuckled lightly: "I think, with Du Yu's temper, mother-in-law, why don't you allow this young hero who saved the country to repeat this shocking blow as a reward?"

Concubine Sisi giggled.

Is Tracy the one who suffers? She squinted at her stunning daughter-in-law coquettishly, and said in a flattering voice, "I think Du Yu is still more infatuated with you. After the triumphant ceremony, the Shinra Empire has nothing to reward the supreme commander. The queen mother had no choice but to strip her daughter-in-law naked and send her to his bed to be his lover. Hehe."

The three beauties of Shenluo who held great power were happily molesting each other. At this time, Sisi exclaimed: "The situation on the battlefield has changed again! Look!"

On the TV screen, the Overlord Flying Dragon God, who was hit by Du Yu's thunder and was seriously injured, slowly opened his eyes.

In his pupils, besides the pain to the bone, there is endless anger and hatred!

Overlord Flying Dragon God, slowly raised his head!
Du Yu was shocked when he saw this situation.

"Too bad. This deity is in its prime, much stronger than the extraterritorial celestial demon that possessed Fuxi and didn't fully control the deity's body. After withstanding my full blow, it turned out to be only injured , but even crazier, what should I do?"

Du Yu looked at the fire-breathing pupils of the Heavenly Demon from Outer Territory who was close at hand, and he could foresee that he was about to suffer a hundred times more tragic revenge, and his scalp tingled.This injured beast is the most terrifying.

But who is Du Yu?
Don't be afraid of the sky, don't be afraid of the earth, dare to rebel against the savages of the gods and kings in the heaven!

Thinking of the horrific revenge of the extraterrestrial demons, and thinking of his women and children who were far away in the capital of the Shenluo Empire, Du Yu's power that had been completely dried up regained some power again!
He barely stood still and let out a roar!
In his hand, there was a gleaming golden wishful golden cudgel!
Coincidentally, since this object has just been purchased and has never been shown in front of people, Du Yu is not worried that this object will reveal the fact that Du Yu is the real Mordel!
Overlord Flying Dragon God let out a muffled growl in pain.Under this low roar, even the Mont Blanc Fortress was crumbling.

Du Yu seemed to understand what he said.The meaning of the god was: "Ants! How dare you hurt a great god, I want your people to be wiped out! Use the most joyful and shameful way!"

He was not threatening with empty words, the Overlord Flying Dragon God had already taken practical actions and launched a crazy attack on Du Yu's army!

He just stared with one eye, and the anger in the two eyes was as real as it was, and it was about to spurt out.Judging from the first wave of roaring that destroyed Shinra's magic trebuchet, if this wave was shot down by the power of his eyes, the walls of the Mont Blanc Fortress would collapse!

Looking at the Overlord Flying Dragon God who was struggling in pain and about to launch an even more violent attack, Du Yu didn't hesitate or fear, just stood on the god's head and uttered a loud shout!
(End of this chapter)

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