Chapter 1365 Injure the Heavenly Demon!Mysterious visitor! - Ask for a monthly pass!
"Bastard! Who allowed you to show your power? Look at my methods!"

Du Yu pulled out the Ruyi golden cudgel from his ear.

To deal with gods, this world-famous SS-level attack treasure is the most refreshing!
Du Yu's cultivation is actually far from enough to fight against this god.With the supernatural power of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, even Nuwa, whose divine power has not reached its peak at this time, is no match.But Du Yu has a SS-level fairy treasure that is not to be underestimated!
With a loud shout, he inserted the Ruyi Golden Cudgel into the forehead and brain hole of the Overlord Flying Dragon God!
"Bastard! Take a stick from Grandpa! It will open your mind!" Du Yu stabbed hard with a smirk on his face.

Overlord Flying Dragon God uttered an extremely painful wail.

It's not difficult to understand, someone takes a steel needle and stabs your brain, does it hurt you?
What's more, what Du Yu held in his hand was Monkey King's celestial treasure weapon, a super powerful treasure that completely surpassed his level at this time-Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

How could he not take advantage of the characteristics of this thing to teach this Overlord Flying Dragon God an unforgettable lesson?

"Grow bigger!" Du Yu shouted suddenly with a smirk on his face.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which weighed [-] jin, began to grow in size rapidly with the injection of Du Yu's energy!
Back then, when Du Yu passed the examination, he managed to make the Ruyi Golden Cudgel bigger by tens of thousands of meters, piercing the sky and reaching nine heavens!

At this time, Du Yu stood on the head of the extraterrestrial celestial demon, trying his best to quickly grow the Ruyi golden cudgel, and at the same time viciously stirred it in the extraterritorial celestial demon's brain!

Like a naughty monkey, in the mixer, stirring a bowl of egg custard carelessly and frantically with chopsticks!It is conceivable that this ugly, sophisticated, and golden-glowing god's brain will be messed up by Du Yu, and what it will look like!
Du Yu was seriously lacking in energy at this time, even though he was desperately taking medicine, and the 28 beauties would continue to pour in the power to recover, he still could only make the Ruyi Golden Cudgel into a hundred feet long—the God of Punishment Thunder was too energy-consuming just now up.

But even so, the hundred-foot-long wishful golden cudgel, stirred and turned in the brain, was enough to make the heavenly demon from outside the territory utter an inhuman cry of pain, and the terrifying anger that was simmering in his eyes instantly disappeared and was replaced by What is a deep fear!

Who is not afraid of this kind of battle?
The Overlord Flying Dragon God had fought against many powerful beings, but this was the first time he had seen Du Yu's torture of splitting his head with lightning and stirring his brain with a big stick!
Du Yu was majestic, standing on the head of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, he mobilized the little energy left in his body without any scruples, waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to generate wind, and vigorously stirred the brain of the demon.

This scene shocked the whole world.

On the battlefield, the monsters who had just mustered up their courage to attack the human line were once again sluggish.

They respected the Overlord Flying Dragon God like a god, but he was insulted and attacked so wantonly by a human being, but it seemed that the Overlord Flying Dragon God didn't have many countermeasures. Roar.

The morale of the beast tide was hit hard again, and they kept shrinking and retreating.

On the contrary, Adela, Federer, Lampard, Anakin, the head of the Zealot Legion and other officers all had their eyes bright, watching the incredible scene in the sky, and let out a roar!

"Soldiers, your commander-in-chief is riding the enemy's bullshit god, sticking a big stick to the bottom, and fucking his mother! What are you still doing? Why don't you follow the commander quickly and take these stupid beasts, Drive off the city wall?" Adela yelled furiously, swearing.

Federer's eyes lit up excitedly: "Kill me! Haha! These beasts are just beasts after all! That bullshit Overlord Flying Dragon God is a joke! Don't be fooled by its huge size. Don't be fooled by its superficial aura Confused! Look at his piss, look at our commander's big stick, kill me!"

Lampard led the Holy Knights of the Church, opened the city gate, and rushed out, with divine lights bathing their armor and lances again!
Due to Du Yu's severe attack on the Overlord Flying Dragon God, the God's divine power, once isolated by it, has restored its connection with the believers in space.Priests and paladins can now exert the power of divine magic!

Therefore, Lampard brazenly launched a cavalry counterattack!
"Paladins! Your commander has set an example, now follow me, bathe in the glory of God, for the survival of our space, for the glory of God, fight these cultists to the death!" Lampard said Kicking the horse and waving the lance, he was the first to rush out of the pass of the Mont Blanc fortress!

At the juncture of life and death, the warriors who had been hostile to Shinra also stood by Du Yu's side!
More than 3000 paladins of the church, fearless of death, rode high-headed war horses, like a steel knife, poured out from the black gate of the fortress, stabbing the belly of the timid beast tide!
The priests, who had recovered their divine power, cast spells of divine grace one after another, falling among the dying warriors who had fought in the previous battle.The soldiers with corpses strewn all over the city wall, with gutted stomachs, struggled to stand up, and once again pounced on the beasts attacking the city wall.

Anakin led the snipers, poured his whole body, held his breath, and shot the revenge bullets precisely into the eyeballs of the incoming beast hordes, and headshot all the dangerous beasts.

Catapults, crossbows, magic circles, etc. resumed work one after another, shooting out flames of revenge at the sky, city walls, and monsters on the ground, causing terrible injuries.

In front of the TV screen, the people of Shinra, who were paying close attention to all this, were instantly ignited!
Their emotions, accompanied by the fierce battle situation, fluctuated in waves from the initial helplessness and the arrival of the doomsday to the current excitement and enthusiastic cheers.

All eyes are focused on the wicked young man who stands awe-inspiringly on the forehead of the invading native planet God Overlord Flying Dragon God!

That ordinary human who stepped on the opponent's god!
Commander of the Shinra Empire.

The patron saint of millions of people, the backbone!

Commander Model!
"Du Yu and Du Yu are too powerful!" Tracy's face was already blushing, she didn't even care about Lushan's claws that her daughter-in-law was attacking on her towering twin peaks, she just stared blankly at Du Yu's furious anger The Overlord Flying Dragon God who beat up the opponent violently.

"How on earth did he do it?" As the Pope, Qie Sisi was too clear about the supreme power of God.This Overlord Flying Dragon God is also an existence of the same level as God, at least he is also a great god-level figure like Gabriel and Satan. How could he be beaten so violently by Du Yu and lose face?
"I don't know why." Satisfied, Catherine bit her lower lip with a blushing face, "Our hero is so powerful and heroic. I don't care how he did it, but he saved us and the battle!"

Although he received a lot of compliments, only he knew Du Yu's bitterness at this time.

All the energy in his body was drained by the two waves of fearless attacks.

He is like a fighter jet that has mastered the air supremacy. He can fire at will, but there are no bullets in the magazine.

He took medicine desperately, squeezed his potential desperately, tried to drive himself to launch a stronger wave of attacks, and deal a fatal blow to this Overlord Flying Dragon God.

As a matter of fact, Du Yu's transcending tribulation and soaring cultivation base at this time could not split the solid head of a god-level demon like the Overlord Flying Dragon God, let alone stir it like an eggbeater in the opponent's brain.

He took advantage of two big advantages, one is the spatial ability to perfectly restrain the Overlord Flying Dragon God, and the other is the Tiangang Constellation Array of 28 beauties, which has multiplied his strength several times.

But at this moment, Du Yu's pulse of internal energy was empty, and he could only rely on his tenacious will to exert his last strength, constantly stirring the brains of the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

He knew that at this time, even a little more damage to this extraterritorial demon would require the sacrifice of hundreds of Shenluo soldiers in exchange for it!
A direct attack on the brain should be regarded as a fatal attack, 4 times the damage.

Thinking of this, Du Yu generated infinite power out of thin air, abruptly pulled up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, raised his head to the sky and let out a heart-piercing roar. The hoop stick smashed into the golden brain!

The Overlord Flying Dragon God, who was accumulating strength and plotting revenge, uttered an even more painful howl.

This human youth is simply his magic star and nemesis!
It is obvious that his strength is countless times higher than that of the opponent, but he has no choice but to use Du Yu's targeted style of play and restraint with all his strength. Every time he is injured, he is himself.

But this also completely aroused the monstrous anger of the Overlord Flying Dragon God.Although Du Yu's brains have been churned into a mess, the counterattack and revenge he wants will never be revoked because of this.

While everyone is paying close attention to the sky, when Commander Shinra and the mythical extraterritorial demon are fighting fiercely, on the north side of Mont Blanc, on a snow-capped mountain, Jungfraujoch, several tall figures stand with their hands behind their hands, standing in the cold Standing in the wind.

A woman wrapped in a windbreaker, with slender phoenix eyes, stared obsessively at Du Yu, who was fighting fiercely with the ten thousand-foot-long demon god in the air, with big red lips, staring intently.

It was Tattaglia, a mysterious Italian beauty who had been missing for a long time.

"How is it? Does Commander Model look good in battle?" A man with oily hair, a burly figure and sharp eagle eyes in front slowly turned his head and looked at Tattaglia sneeringly.

Although at the peak of the Jungfraujoch, the piercing mountain wind made people's faces ache, but this man seemed to possess incredible magical powers, allowing the mountain wind to detour, and there was no wind around him.

This is clearly a strong man whose strength has reached the upper level of Zifu District and has a domain similar to God's Domain!
After a period of kidnapping, Tataglia already knew the man's identity.

He is the notorious and powerful Italian mafia leader Panini!
(End of this chapter)

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