Chapter 1366 Jon Conspiracy!Love and hatred! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Tattaglia did not hide it, and said with red lips: "Commander Model, he is indeed very handsome, very brave and good at fighting. It is said that he is only a strength in the inner city, but in the battle against the invasion of barbaric aliens, I think his contribution, Much higher than some self-righteous, self-righteous Zifu District powerhouses!"

Before she finished speaking, another man with a hooked nose, a horse face, and a long windbreaker grabbed her chin, pinched her throat, and lifted her up in the air.

Tataglia kicked in the air in pain, her slender legs wearing alluring black silk high heels, faintly outlined another alluring scene under the windbreaker.

"Panini, it's all right." The eagle-eyed man with his head behind his back smiled coldly and said, "You mafia godfather, don't be as knowledgeable as a woman."

Panini, the godfather of the mafia, threw Tataglia on the cold rock beside him, and said in a hoarse voice like artificial vocal cords: "Jon, I don't understand why you have to go to such lengths to get me to catch this Here comes the woman."

"That's right" a white-haired old woman, leaning on a cane, shook her head and said, "Jon, I, Ellie, also think that you are making things a little complicated. If we old guys from the Zifu District join forces, then Tracy Those juniors in power, don't bow their heads and obey their ears, and obediently obey?"

"Everything is for the young commander in front of me who is no more than 30 years old - Model!"

Jon stared at Du Yu, who was fighting fiercely with the heavenly demons outside the territory, and said in a deep voice, "You have seen how powerful this man is. He is obviously an adventurer with the strength in the inner city, but he can act against the sky. A god stepped under your feet. Although this god is just an extraterrestrial demon, a great god-level existence, not the highest god. But ask yourself, who can do this?"

Panini, Ai Li, and the black Borposa behind him, and several old monsters in the Zifu District, fell silent at the same time.

They were ashamed to ask themselves, if they become the commander, can they fight against the demon to such an extent?
The answer is, no one can.

"Then Moder attacked the Heavenly Demon just now. Of course, he took advantage of the Heavenly Demon's paralysis and shortened the attack distance while the Heavenly Demon stretched out his head. But the question is, how did he break through the Heavenly Demon's divine power domain? What do I think of the purple-red divine thunder?" It’s like the God’s Punishment Thunder in space? It’s used by obliterating people. How did he master such a skill?” Ai Li said slowly.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Jon sneered, "We're too used to the past model. We're not familiar with the changes in the abilities of these junior rising stars. If we don't prepare well, we might be overturned in the gutter. Fortunately, I found out Tattaglia"

He raised Tattaglia's chin, smiled evilly and said, "She can help us achieve a perfect alibi."

"How can she do it?" Ellie glared at Jon. She liked Jon and didn't like his contact with other women.

"This woman has the ability to partially change time." Panini replied on his behalf: "She can make us appear in two places at the same time inconceivably. One is the scene of the murder of Model, and the other, our clone, will be in In public places in the capital of Shinra, make war speeches."

Panini glanced at Jon and smiled lightly: "As the godfather of the mafia, I have to say that this is a perfect criminal plan, seamless."

Jon stared at Model, who was fighting fiercely in the air, and said with a wry smile: "If possible, I really don't want to destroy this Model with my own hands. At the moment when the space beast tide is getting worse, he is a talent. But it's a pity!"

"It's a pity that he stands in the way of our power." Borposa shook his head and said, "We want to control the power of Shinra. This freak who has the commander, prime minister, saint, and empress dowager's agent in one body must be eliminated." Lose!"

"According to the court information I bought, this person seems to have an unclear relationship with Queen Catherine." Ai Li giggled, "Do you want to kill Catherine afterwards?"

"It's not a big deal." Jon said with a indifferent smile, "In the court, the queen has as many lovers as the emperor's mistress. What I want is power, and I don't want to control the queen's private life. Of course, if Catherine doesn't know how to look, I will Let her follow in Model's footsteps."

Tattaglia's beautiful eyes stared at these strong men from the Zifu District who were hiding behind the heroes who were fighting fiercely, and a trace of contempt flashed in their eyes.

"How can my spatial ability serve you despicable fellows?"

The corners of Tataglia's stubborn mouth twitched slightly.

Du Yu, that is, Model, in order to save the space, fought with the invading gods in mid-air, all of which were recorded in Tattaglia's heart.

As a selected person, the first requirement of the space is to have a strong personality.

This is true of Du Yu, and so is Tataglia.

If Du Yu was just a general interest friend, Tataglia would not sacrifice himself for him.

But Du Yu is performing the sacred duty of a chosen one, and as a chosen one, Tataglia was moved by Du Yu's brilliant achievements and courageous spirit.

Coupled with Du Yu's resurrection of the [Root of the Holy Tree], Tattaglia has no worries.

She was determined to take a risky blow.

Even without Du Yu's cooperation, she would still make the conspirators who should pay the price pay the price!

Du Yu felt dizzy for a while, which was the side effect of his body after exhaustion of strength.

He couldn't lift his arm anymore, and he swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel again, attacking the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, as if he had just fallen asleep.

In the final analysis, there is still a huge gap between Du Yu's strength and that of a newly elected extraterrestrial demon. Even if Du Yu masters the opponent's weakness and succeeds in a sneak attack, it will be a tactical victory.

As long as the extraterritorial celestial demons do not retreat, continue to fight, and prevent the weakness of insufficient strength, it will undoubtedly be exposed.

"Damn it! It's a fall short!" Du Yu smiled wryly as he looked at the extraterrestrial celestial demon who was looking up at his feet and furiously staring at him.

He has tried his best.

28 The beauty was already lying on the ground in the fortress, unable to move a single finger.

Du Yu tried his best, but he only severely injured the demon.

It's like a leopard that blinded the bear's eyes, lifted the bear's skull, and left the bear with terrible injuries, but in the end, it will be driven down by the bear and ruthlessly slaughtered.

Du Yu was on the verge of collapse.

The extraterrestrial celestial demon, the Overlord Flying Dragon God, uttered an earth-shattering roar: "Are you out of energy now? I'm going to launch a counterattack!"

He shook his head and threw Du Yu down suddenly.

Du Yu was in mid-air, unable to resist, and fell straight down.

"Ah!" Catherine, Concubine Sisi, Tracy and the others didn't dare to look any more, they closed their eyes nervously, hugged each other, and cried out in pain.

They realized that although Du Yu performed supernaturally, miracles are not easy to happen in front of a god.

Du Yu's fall was already inevitable.

"Du Yu!" Catherine cried out heartbreakingly.

Du Mu and Du Daifen were woken up by the cries of their mothers, and burst into tears.

The warriors of Shinra witnessed their hero commander, after severely injuring the demon god, finally exhausted, was thrown into the sky, and was about to fall to the ground.

"No!" Federer pulled the steel sword out of the forehead of the saber-toothed tiger, which was out of focus, and rushed towards the place where Du Yu fell.

"Crack!" Anakin's sniper rifle was aimed at the Overlord Flying Dragon God who was chasing after Du Yu, and the revenge bullets could not break through the opponent's God's domain, rebounding and falling, making him jump his feet.

"Magic trebuchet! Turn and aim!"

Adela ordered furiously, trying to use the S-level magic core of the magic catapult to repel the attacking demon gods.

The Overlord Flying Dragon God ignored the projected 20 S-level magic cores.Although the explosive power of this magic core is strong, it is a killer move against ordinary monsters, but it has no effect against gods.

A burst of violent explosions only made it more excited and angrier, rushing towards the damned human being.

It opened its mouth wide, and the dragon's mouth was full of inverted teeth, and it was about to devour and slaughter the human beings who had given him countless humiliations, and swallow them alive.

"Your soul, I will keep it in my body!" The Overlord Flying Dragon God roared angrily, "I want you to feel extremely regretful for today's blasphemy!"

Du Yu looked at the Overlord Flying Dragon God numbly.

There is no power left.

He smiled wryly.

I have fought hard for space until now, but is it still impossible to escape in the end?

At this moment, a familiar light suddenly fell on Du Yu!
Du Yu seemed to understand something in an instant, his gaze was like a torch, and he saw the Jungfraujoch in the distance at a glance.

On the Jungfraujoch, isn't the woman standing in the cold wind exactly Tataglia?
"No!" Du Yu roared angrily, "No!"

Standing behind Tattaglia, Jon and Panini, the powerhouses in the Zifu District, of course, also noticed Tattaglia's change at the first time, and rushed to Tattaglia in shock and anger.

Tataglia's slender body was pierced almost instantly!
She was killed.

Du Yu's tears rolled down.

He did not expect that this Italian woman whom he had known for a short time would actually be willing to sacrifice her life for him.

He didn't understand why this woman could do this.

But in Tataglia's eyes, there is only firmness!

"Du Yu, what impresses me is not the 500 million bonus, nor the root of the sacred tree, but your dedication and sacrifice for space and for Shinra. I can only do this for you." thing"

Tattaglia's star-like deep and graceful eyes dimmed

She fell to the ground slumped, her beautiful eyes gradually closed.

In the biting cold wind of the Jungfraujoch, an elegant Italian woman who was good at divination died.

But her spell has been completed!

Four Grand Arcana Tarot cards in a row, namely Pope, Witch, Lover and Knight!

Pope, represents the supreme authority.

The witch, represents the occult spell.

The lover represents the true meaning of love.

Knights represent self-sacrifice!
(End of this chapter)

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