Chapter 1367 Beauty Backlash!Conspiracy to miss! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The combination of the four major Arcana Tarot cards forms Tataria's strongest set of space powers!
Mysterious spells for love, self-sacrifice, and supreme authority!

This is the final card of the Tarot.

Accompanied by this set of tarot cards, scorching heat shone in the air, and Jon and Panini, who were wiping the blood from their hands fiercely, let out a terrifying howl involuntarily.

They felt that the time and space around them began to distort!
They disappeared instantly!
Also unlucky, there are Ari and Borposa who are gnashing their teeth behind.

The time and space magic completed by Tataria in an instant distorted the time of the four Zifu District powerhouses who planned to assassinate Du Yu.

The moment he saw Tataglia, Du Yu immediately understood Tataglia's intentions.

Although he regretted Tattaglia's death, Du Yu immediately cooperated with Tattaglia and activated his spatial ability!

If only Du Yu or Tattaglia was alone, it would not be enough to perform this shocking spell.

But the long-term cooperation and previous premeditation allowed Du Yu and Tataria to have a tacit understanding, and they completed the coordination work of this spell in an instant!
Time ability + space ability changed everything in an instant.

The Overlord Flying Dragon God who was chasing him backed up in an instant.

It can't help itself, because Tattaglia's time ability is the ability of the core level of space, which is the same level as his divine power!
Caught off guard, the Overlord Flying Dragon had no choice but to watch his enemy Du Yu fly back.

But this is just the beginning!
Du Yu's body also flew backwards!
Like a movie played in reverse, the Overlord Flying Dragon God and Du Yu, the enemies, were both retreating rapidly.

The result of the retreat was just when Du Yu was using the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to stir the brains of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, exhausted his strength, and was about to fall.

But if that's all, it's just repeating the process of Du Yu's defeat.

But the most exciting thing is that Du Yu, who was about to be beaten violently, was completely angered by the Overlord Flying Dragon God, and was replaced by Jon, Ellie, Panini and Borposa!
Du Yu suddenly appeared on the Jungfraujoch.

Originally, Du Yu had an unrealistic hope of going back in time and space, but helplessly saw Tataglia's gradually icy body.

The space-time reverser failed to reverse his own destiny.

Du Yu picked up Tataglia's body and looked at the sky with hatred.

Jon, Ellie, Panini, and Borposa appeared inexplicably on the forehead of the Overlord Flying Dragon God—that was where Du Yu was supposed to be.

They are stupid now.

Overlord Flying Dragon God stared at them with hatred, like a volcano about to erupt.

Even though she had already entered the Zifu District, Ai Li was still intimidated by the icy gaze of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, she screamed and wanted to run away.

But Jon grabbed her!
"Now you run, can you run to beat a god?" Jon roared: "The only solution is to hit the power of the four of us, to the brains of this son of a bitch, to beat his brains out Fly! Quick!"

Panini also reacted, and pulled out a black lacquered sword from behind, screamed, soared into the sky, fell from a height, and threw all his strength at the exposed brain of the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

"Eat me!" Borposa also gritted his teeth, and went all out!
Ai Li hurriedly pulled out her magic wand, like a fairy godmother in "Cinderella", and pointed at the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

Jon himself was even more eagle-eyed, punching the brain hole of the god in front of him with a punch.

It has to be said that the four powerhouses in Zifu District are well-deserved of their reputation, each has its own unique skills, and its strength is powerful!

Under the joint efforts of the four of them, the Overlord Flying Dragon God suffered a head-on blow before he could throw them off!
Being able to easily attack the brain every time is equivalent to four times the fatal attack effect of each attack!

Four strong men from the Zifu District, unwilling to do so, risked their lives to take over Du Yu's duties and fight the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

It's not that they don't want to escape, it's really hard to get off, and they can't stop.

The joint attack of the four was very successful at the beginning, and the Overlord Flying Dragon God was in great pain, rolling in the air.

In the TV relay station, due to the backward flow of time, only one second ago, Du Yu was majestic and majestic, beating the Overlord Flying Dragon God, and in the next second, it was replaced by the four strong men from Zifu District, taking over the attack.

The narrator let out an exclamation: "Oh my God, we finally saw the long-known strong man from Zifu District attacking our enemies! These four strong men should be Jon, Ellie, Panini and Borposa, they took over the position of commander-in-chief of Model, stood fearlessly on the forehead of the enemy gods, and continued to attack and exert pressure. This made the rumors that the strong in the Zifu district were experts in civil wars and laymen in foreign wars self-defeating. .”

Du Yu put Tataglia's body away properly, stuffed two recovery pills at once, and hurriedly sat up in meditation.

He knew that the Overlord Flying Dragon God in the sky was far more powerful than that.Although Jon and the others took the upper hand and attacked the vital points of the brain, they could have a certain advantage, but the good times didn't last long, and they would be defeated by this god sooner or later.

Sure enough, Du Yu's meditation resumed only for a moment, and the four strong men in the Zifu district who had been enjoying great glory before encountered an angry counterattack from the Overlord Flying Dragon God!

This god has had enough!

He was struck by Du Yu's lightning, beaten violently, and had his brain exploded. He was already seriously injured.Unexpectedly, these four juniors who came out of nowhere dared to touch the tiger's ass!

Tolerable or unbearable?
Overlord Flying Dragon God, regardless of the injury in his brain, burst into a burst of overlord's aura, and Borposa, the strong black Zifu District powerhouse who was madly attacking in the air, accidentally fell down.

He also reacted very quickly, changing direction in the air, and he was about to escape.

But in the world, the gap between gods and mortals cannot be bridged!

Overlord Flying Dragon God, lost all the way, finally leaked his arrogance once, and grabbed Borposa!

Amid the latter's screams, he was forcibly torn to pieces by the Flying Dragon God!

The strong man in Zifu District, fall!

In front of the gods, Bolposan's proud and strong body is no different from the body of an adventurer in the inner city.

They're all one-hit kills.

Borposa also seemed to be preparing a retreat, as his body fell, a green light escaped.It was the witchcraft of primitive tribes in Africa, which allowed him to be resurrected once.

But it seems that the Overlord Flying Dragon God even counted this, and with a light inhalation, the soul of Borposa was instantly sucked into the body of the god.

One of the four strong men in Zifu District fell.

"Porposa!" Jon yelled distressedly.

He didn't expect things to evolve into what they are today.

Originally, she was planning to be a fisherman, reaping the benefits of being a fisherman, but she didn't expect that woman, with a change in her spell, would turn herself, the spectators, into the protagonists of the arena!
Although Borposa was usually rebellious, he was still a loyal subordinate of himself, and he had an extremely important deterrent force against the changes in the dissatisfied forces in the Shenluo Zifu district.

But now, he is dead.

Jon knew that the situation was not good, but he didn't have a good plan to get out. He said sharply: "Let's attack together again! Hit its brain!"

Panini was also aroused with the aura of a gangster, screaming, and launched a mad attack on the Overlord Flying Dragon God.

The Overlord Flying Dragon God was wounded again, growling in pain.

Although it is powerful, even the gods will fall. When it is attacked by people again and again, it will be extremely painful.

Its counterattack was to stomp its body.

Panini couldn't dodge in time.The power and speed of the dragon god have reached a terrifying level.

He was thrown from the head.

Before he activated his trump card in time, he was mercilessly bitten by the Overlord Flying Dragon God!
After only 10 seconds, Panini, the hero of the generation of Shinra and the godfather of the mafia, died.

The Overlord Flying Dragon God showed off his incomparable power to his heart's content.

It is only a matter of time before the god-level existence kills Zifu District.

Jon's heart kept bleeding.

He has lost yet another loyal ally.

The only ones he can rely on now are Ellie and himself.

While meditating cross-legged, Du Yu quickly recovered his energy while watching the bloody battle in the air.

"Very good." He gritted his teeth and said, "You all died tragically at the hands of the Overlord Flying Dragon God, so I can do it!"

His energy, recovers quickly.

The rest, only Ellie and Jon are left.

"We must flee!" Ellie screamed. "This god is beyond our power."

"Yes" Jon shouted: "Let's escape separately. You go first and I will cover you!"

Allie glanced at Jon gratefully: "Jon, I still regret not being able to marry you back then."

Jon said bitterly: "As long as you can escape, I will be satisfied."

Eli cast a spell, riding a broom, turned into a colored light, and escaped from the back of the god.

But what she didn't expect was that a beam of restraining light suddenly trapped her broom.The Phantom 2000, which was produced in the world of Harry Potter, the headmaster of Hogwarts School and the vicious woman Umuriqi, suddenly dropped in speed and became the most primitive speed of Nimbus 1000.

This change became a constraint, which caught Ai Li off guard and turned her head to look back in amazement.

Jon shrugged and said innocently: "Ai Li, I'm sorry, you said that you would give everything for me, including your life. It is obviously impossible for the two of you to escape together at this time, so"

He waved a button in his hand: "It's time to verify your love for me."

He turned into a cloud of meteors and rushed into outer space.

Allie looked at Jon who was attacking behind him in disbelief, and instantly felt that the whole world had collapsed.She screamed, "I saved you three times! Jon, you ungrateful thing! SOB!"

But she couldn't go on screaming.

The furious gaze of the Overlord Flying Dragon God suddenly locked on to her.

After being hit five times and three times, the extraterrestrial demon, who was so furious, chose her as the next target of revenge!
"Roar!" The extraterrestrial demon rushed towards Ai Li.

(End of this chapter)

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