Chapter 1369 Capture the demon alive and exchange gods! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Seeing this situation, the people and soldiers of the Shenluo Empire gradually felt relieved. Catherine, Tracy and the others were even more joyful and happy.

This second wave of space beasts was actually blocked by Du Yu in such a heaven-defying way, leading Shenluo to the light of victory step by step.

As if unwilling to fail, the long-silent extraterrestrial demon finally started to move.

"Roar!" The shattered mountain was sent flying by a huge momentum, and the gravel was even blasted thousands of meters into the sky.

The extraterrestrial celestial demon, Overlord Flying Dragon God, stood up with blood on his head and furiously: "A mere mortal, you dare to tease a great god like this, you will have to pay a heavy price!"

He jumped up and reappeared on the battlefield, projecting the strong coercion of God's Domain onto the heads and hearts of every Shinra fighter participating in the battle.

The familiar depressive feeling returned to the battlefield.

Although Du Yu had exhausted his energy, he bit the bullet and rushed towards the extraterrestrial demon again.

The extraterritorial celestial demon grinned: "You mortal who is overestimated! No matter how many schemes you use, you will still be defeated by my gods in the end. Because strength determines the outcome, I have absolute strength that is hundreds of times stronger than yours!"

Du Yu looked at the extraterrestrial demon coldly.

The last time he was at an absolute disadvantage, it was Tattaglia who saved himself with the time ability.

But this time, who can save himself?

no one!

But Du Yu still did not retreat.

He is going to fight!
Use your own life to fight this alien god who invaded the space to the end!
Before the Heavenly Demon from the Territory finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed!
He felt a throbbing deep in his heart.

It was as if a gentle yet powerful force was rushing towards him.

"No! It's that woman!" Bawang Flying Dragon God realized the seriousness of the problem, roared angrily, flew up from the ground, and went straight to the distance.

But it's too late!
He had just fled [-] meters when he saw a beautiful woman standing not far away.

It was Empress Nuwa.

"Kui! You still want to escape?" Empress Nuwa smiled indifferently: "Meng has already been repelled by me. You have no way to retreat."

"It's just you, you still want to arrest me?" Kui's face darkened.He realized that he had fallen too far this time!

Due to repeated setbacks before, his strength has dropped sharply, and now he is not even 3% of his prime.

If Empress Nuwa wanted to arrest him, he really didn't have much power to fight back.

But Empress Nuwa fought fiercely, logically speaking, she should not have much energy left.

Kui howled: "Come here if you have the ability, let's see who of us is afraid of whom?"

Empress Nuwa's complexion was a little pale, and she seemed to be at the end of her battle, but she glanced at Du Yu with her beautiful eyes: "Why are you standing there? I was underestimated if I didn't see it? Why don't you quickly sacrifice the two demon gods?" Give me your soul, help me completely overthrow this seriously injured Heavenly Demon?"

"Injuring ten fingers is worse than cutting off one!" Du Yu said with a playful smile, "How can I hold back Empress Nuwa? Look at the little one's sacrifice!"

He took out the dark soul stone and sacrificed Sauron and Saruman to Empress Nuwa together!
The screams of the two Middle-earth devils resounded through the sky.

However, due to excessive consumption, Empress Nuwa's pale face instantly returned to rosy, like a red apple, charming and charming, smiling and looking at the injured Tian Mokui.

Of course Kui was not reconciled to failure, and fled to the west with a roar.

In front of Empress Nuwa who had recovered her divine power, it was seriously injured and dared not fight.

Unfortunately, Empress Nuwa made up her mind not to let him go.

I don't know what kind of supernatural power she used, but she saw the brilliance in her hand, and in a flash, the unlucky Kui fell headfirst, smashed another mountain peak, and couldn't move anymore.

"Congratulations, empress, you captured an extraterrestrial demon alive!" Du Yu was overjoyed, but he never expected that the extraterritorial demon would come so aggressively, but it would end in such a disastrous end.It's also exciting to think about.

"You don't have to be sweet." Nuwa Empress rolled her eyes at Du Yu: "If you hadn't performed miracles and tortured this extraterrestrial demon Kui to less than [-]% of its strength, I would not have been able to capture it. Now, we can have a bargaining chip."

"Bargaining chips?" Du Yu is such a smart person, he said right away: "You want to exchange another space god with the extraterrestrial demon!"

"Yes!" Empress Nuwa glanced at Du Yu appreciatively: "I am the only one who can't support the god of space. Since I know the great god Fuxi, I am also controlled by the demons from other territories. I want to use this Kui to trade the great god Fuxi. The more space gods there are , the less pressure in the future. But Kui was captured, more than half of the credit is yours. If you don't agree to do this, I won't act on my own."

Du Yu pondered for a while, then nodded generously and said, "Nuwa Empress is doing it for space, what's my opinion? I just follow Empress' arrangements. However, God Fuxi won't hate me for killing his four sons, will he?"

Empress Nuwa smiled and said, "I understand the Great God Fuxi. His temperament changed drastically after he was controlled by a demon from outside the territory. If we can rescue him and escape from the sea of ​​suffering, it is too late for him to thank you. Why would he care that you are in a parallel world?" , killed his son?"

Du Yu resolutely said, "Just follow your mother's arrangement."

At this time, on the battlefield on the western front, seeing his own god, the Overlord Flying Dragon, was defeated and captured alive by the goddess who was hostile to humans, the monsters that participated in the siege of the Mont Blanc fortress suddenly collapsed, lost the control of the gods, and ran like wolves. Suddenly, scattered and fled.

Du Yu commanded the Shenluo army, broke out of the fortress, and chased and killed the monsters.

In this battle, Shinra won a brilliant victory!
The Mont Blanc Fortress has once again become the unfallen city paved with the bones of the monsters.

More than 30 monsters died in battle in the Mont Blanc area, and 20 of them were trampled on each other and hunted down during their escape.Calculated in such a rough way, the total number of deaths exceeded that of the first beast tide war.

The corpses of monsters piled up like a mountain.It is foreseeable that in the future, the prices of magic cores, furs, and monster meats of the Shenluo Empire will continue to drop, and will be more expensive than cabbage.

This can also be regarded as a little compensation for the beast tide to human beings.

This glorious victory, through the TV screen, immediately flew to the streets of Shenluo, every province, and every family.

Countless people, with tears in their eyes, threw their hats and beer glasses into the sky.

Countless people hugged each other tightly, wantonly spilling tears and laughter all over their shoulders.

We survived.

Yes, regardless of other realms, but we at least survived.

After two or three worlds, the doomsday beast tide will come again?
Fuck it, at least we've earned the right to live now.

Besides, we also have Commander Model, the invincible commander who can help us overcome all difficulties.Didn't you see that even the god of the other side's son of a bitch was shot down and captured alive by him this time?

The Shenluo Empire instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

After Nüwa captured Kui, she disappeared into the void with a smile on her face and went to the south where there was also an extraterritorial celestial demon leading troops to besiege the space, and she was needed to fight fires everywhere.

Du Yu slowly landed on the ground.

More than 20000 sergeants who survived Shinra gave him a chest-beating salute at the same time, their voices shook the sky, and they roared in unison: "Salute to the commander-in-chief!"

Du Yu wiped off his sweat slightly, and paid tribute to the soldiers, feeling extremely excited.

This time, he won the bet!

Facing the powerful alien demon who had almost no chance of winning, he took the initiative to attack. In the open field battle, he severely injured the opponent and created the conditions for Nuwa Empress to subdue and capture alive.

This sense of accomplishment made Du Yu's blood boil.

A man, you should run across the world with your sword, and remove the filth for the world!
Even Jon's forces, who plotted against him, were rewarded with evil. He was severely calculated by Tattaglia, and the three Zifu districts became cannon fodder for him to ward off disasters, and died at the mouth of the demons outside the territory.

As for Jon himself, Du Yu will not let it go!

But that's another story.

Du Yu's attention immediately turned to Datang.

Because Datang's beast horde battle has also erupted in an all-round way.

Due to Du Yu's work, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea deliberately postponed the outbreak of the beast horde by one day.In addition, the Tang court gave up the eastern border and defended the most inland capital. It took a day longer for the beast horde to reach the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty than the beast horde of Shenluo.Therefore, prevention can take both things into account at the same time.

He didn't have time to drink the celebration wine with the soldiers, so he entrusted Adela with cleaning the battlefield on the grounds that he was unwell and needed a rest, and disappeared in the east by himself using the flying sword skill.

Not long after, Du Yu appeared in the sky above Yunmengze in a flash.

The Langtong army in Yunmeng Lake has been assembled. The number is 22000. They are fully loaded, fully armed, with bright swords and armor, and are waiting for Du Yu's arrival with high morale.

Michelle complained: "Why are you here so late? If you're later, you won't be able to catch up."

Du Yu chuckled and didn't say anything.He is Model, and only a few people know about the fact that he participated in the defense of Shinra.

"How about the direction of the beast tide?" Du Yu walked to the map.

Shen Luoyan, who is in charge of intelligence, has been staying here all the time, pointing to the east of the map and said: "This time the beast tide, the Dragon King of the East China Sea personally led the team, the dragons from all over the world came out, and 120 million sea monsters were dispatched. The momentum is huge. Dragon Prince Ao As the vanguard, Guang Guang has already attacked the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty. Judging from the direction of the soldiers, they avoided the direction of Yunmengze, which was repaired by the Nuwa Empress, and attacked the territory of God General Hou!"

The crowd cheered.

Du Yu frowned, and said with a wry smile, "The situation may not be so optimistic. General Hou Shen"

His communicator suddenly rang at this moment!

Du Yu's face was calm, and he picked up the communicator, and Guixian's gloomy voice came from inside: "Hey! It's time!"

He didn't say when, but Du Yu knew immediately what the ghosts were referring to.

It must be the so-called [Void Project] that Hou Shen will launch the space energy cannon and destroy the space protection cover, and it will be launched at regular intervals.

Du Yu chuckled, it's time for him to start it too!
(End of this chapter)

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