Chapter 1370 The void is ready to go, Du Yu's impact! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
General Hou Shen was sighing with emotion, a pale young man behind him was Hou Xiaobai who had returned home with no vitality, he laughed and said: "Tonight, Military Advisor Jia Xu should give us the answer to the mystery, right? How will the void plan be carried out?"

The other young master, Hou Xiaofeng, was flabbergasted, but said bitterly: "That's right! Our brothers were treated terribly by that thief Du Yu, and we hate him to the bone. We have long been looking forward to today's battle of revenge!"

Tai Gongwang also looked up to the sky, and said slowly: "Mr. Jia Xu, it's time to reveal the mystery. I'm getting impatient."

Guixian also echoed twice.

The corners of Jia Xu's mouth curled up, and he said with a chuckle: "This Void Plan, as I said before, is to use space energy cannons to bombard the protective film to create space-time worms in an instant from the plot world plane and the space plane. Everyone escapes to avoid the beast tide. Rest assured, after this period of preparation and concentration of all forces, I have calculated that the space-time wormhole is successful. Now the space energy artillery has been aimed at the time-space node I calculated. !"

He pointed to a clearing behind the mountains.

On that open space, at some point, there were as many as 200 cannons covered with tarpaulins.

Jia Xu smiled and said: "These cannons are not ordinary cannons. They are the results of surprise scientific research by our reserve technicians with the support of General Hou Shenjiang over a long period of time. The cost of each cannon, They are all above 1000 million survival points. They can create cracks in time and space that would never appear on the tight space protection cover!"

He smiled lightly and said, "The beast swarm is still a short time away from us, everyone can pay their respects to these artillery pieces. After this time the beast swarm passed, they were almost destroyed."

Hou Shenjiang, Taigongwang, Guixian, Hou Xiaobai, Hou Xiaofeng and others hurried to the artillery position, looking greedily at the artillery that could bring them a chance.

"These cannons can only be driven by S-level magic cores, and the power of each shell can reach 20 kilometers," Jia Xu continued, "One salvo can definitely create a space-time wormhole enough for [-] people to pass through. Come."

In the distance, the vibration of the surging beast tide is gradually coming.

"It's almost time." Jia Xu smiled sinisterly, and waved: "Get ready to start!"

At this time, Guixian suddenly said: "However, can the space-time wormhole that was forcibly bombarded pass through safely? Don't tell us that we haven't started the war yet, and we haven't died under the minions of the beast horde, but because of the error of the time-space wormhole, Did you lose your life in a daze?"

Jia Xu's eyes immediately darkened: "Ghost! You don't believe my deduction?"

Ghost Immortal smiled and said: "I don't mean that either, I just think that this is related to the lives of more than 20 adventurers. If you make a mistake in your deduction, everyone will die, but it's a pity, it's wronged!"

A chill flashed in Jia Xu's eyes: "What do you mean by that?"

But the ghost fairy was full of tongues, and said to Hou Shenjiang: "My lord, the passage you don't want to step into is a place of death, right?"

Hou Shenjiang looked at the hordes of beasts running wildly in the distance and getting closer, and hesitated: "But do we have any choice now?"

Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng looked at each other and persuaded, "Father, we still listen to the advice of the military advisor Jia Xu, and hide in the space tunnel early, so that the beast horde can wipe out Du Budget."

Hou Shenjiang finally made up his mind and shouted: "Xiaobai, Xiaofeng, you two are in charge of opening the space channel. Let's see the effect before deciding whether to pass through."

Brother Hou Xiaobai got the order, glanced at Guixian proudly, ran to the battlefield, and gesticulated.

Jia Xu was very unhappy, but Hou Shenjiang decided to act according to his empty plan, and said patiently: "You two young masters, prepare to start salvoing!"

Brothers Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng, commanding the artillery, prepared to shoot a volley into the air and destroy the Great Wall.

Seeing that all the plans were going well, Jia Xu's eyes flashed with blackness.

If Du Yu was here, he could tell that the black air was exactly the same as the black air in Fuxi's eyes!
This Jia Xu actually had an affair with the Space Demon!
If God general Ruohou heard the news, he wondered if he would drop his eyeballs in surprise.The reason why he trusts Jia Xu so much is not only because the latter is resourceful and decisive, but also because he met him in a certain Three Kingdoms world and finally subdued him. Unexpectedly, all of this was a trap.A trap enough to bury more than 20 people and the entire Tang Empire!
If you think about it with your ass, you know that the reason why Jia Xu, a plot adventurer, came up with a plan to bombard the protective layer is to let the selfish Hou Shenjiang destroy the Great Wall and the Great Tang Kingdom in his madness.

In the sky above the East China Sea, dark clouds billowed, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.

A huge body of consciousness is appearing and disappearing in the dark clouds, staring at the direction of the beast tide.

"Hey, Jia Xu, your strategy should be effective, right? Stupid human beings, arrogant and conceited human beings, think they are extremely smart, but in fact, you are the most stupid creatures. The fortress, the easiest to get from Internal breaches, especially for the divided Tang Empire. The imperial court, Hou Shenjiang, and Du Yu's forces are intertwined, and there are many contradictions. Internal strife, division, and conspiracy can only speed up your demise! Haha! Last time in Legend of Sword and Fairy The adventurer who gave me a hard time in the world is about to fall into it this time."

Thinking of what happened in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, the pair of huge pupils of the huge consciousness showed hatred.

"I was beaten so hard that I can't even recover now. I will definitely remember this humiliation and take revenge!"

The majestic sound blows the entire turbulent East China Sea to the ground with violent waves and tumbling endlessly.

Du Yu stepped on the flying sword and quickly reached the sky above the target area.

General Hou Shen's huge army was not a fool. It had already been discovered by the enemy when Du Yu flew within 200 kilometers in the air.Countless monks rose from the ground and rushed towards the uninvited guest.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!" Du Yu's eyes were sharp, and he threw out the demon-locking tower in an instant, and he rose against the wind, smashing hard at the unsteady enemy.

Before they could clearly see Du Yu's face, many enemies were thrown into the air.

Du Yu charged straight all the way and rushed into the battle formation violently.

But this domineering breakthrough did not last long.Among the adventurers in the 20 army formation, there are as many as six hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and even the strongest in Zifu District. How could Du Yu rush to the core?

As a result, there were more and more enemies in front of Du Yu, and the resistance was getting bigger and bigger.Even the SS-level Immortal Treasure Locking Monster Tower was trapped by the melee of several strong immortal treasures, and it was not easy to advance an inch.

Du Yu put away the celestial treasure with a serious expression on his face.

Although thousands of people go to me!
It was such an aura that supported him to do so many impossible things.

He suddenly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Du Yu was already a thousand meters away.

Space teleportation!
Du Yu took advantage of the supernatural power endowed by this space to keep jumping forward, and continued to charge as if he was strolling in the yard while the enemies looked around him.

Du Yu rushed all the way, trampling on the face and dignity of many powerful people without any scruples, all the way to the core hinterland.

At this time, General Houshen's troops, who were actively preparing, received a warning.

"Someone came to make trouble?" Hou Shenjiang was a little surprised, there was someone so unreasonable?

"It looks like Du Yu, the bandit leader of Yunmengze!" Jia Xu stared at the monitor screen, with a hint of chill in his voice.

"Du Yu? How dare he come here alone?" Hou Shenjiang showed an evil smile: "Gui Xianren, He Zhenren, you always talk about how great you are, how about going to destroy Du Yu this time?"

The two Zifu district powerhouses have long coveted Du Yu's fairy treasure, and said with a smile: "If we two Zifu districts still can't take down such a little doll, we might as well just find a tofu and beat him to death."

But unexpectedly, Jia Xu raised an objection: "No! At this time, Du Yu came lightly and did not bring his subordinates. It is absolutely tricky. The beast horde is about to rush. Our Void Plan is important, so we should hurry up." Fire the cannon, destroy the space protection cover, and hide in the space-time crack. This kind of scabies is not enough to endanger the overall situation, just ignore it!"

Hou Shenjiang and others looked at each other in blank dismay, unexpectedly Jia Xu would ignore Du Yu and run away directly into the void.

Jia Xu ordered sharply: "Masters of the Hou family, the energy cannon unit, are you ready? Get ready to fire!"

A trace of hostility flashed in Guixian's eyes, but in front of Taigongwang and others, he was alone and did not dare to do anything wrong, so he could only watch helplessly as Jia Xu issued the order.

Hou Shenjiang had no doubts about Jia Xu, but he just nodded and didn't object.

In this way, Jia Xu's order was immediately carried out.

Looking at the Hou family masters, commanding the energy cannon troops, tearing off the shields of two hundred Gauss energy cannons, aiming the black muzzles at the void, he is about to complete his Jia Xu's design, Jia Xu showed a trace of inhumanity Perceived smirk.

The collapse of space is inevitable.

Although the void plan is indeed feasible and has been carefully checked by the space scientists sent by Hou Shenjiang, only Jia Xu knows that there is a huge backdoor bug hidden in his void plan!

If the gun is fired in a direction beyond what he intended, it will indeed shatter the protective cover and form a space-time crack, but the opening direction of the space-time crack is not the simple plot world as expected, but a void in the universe!
If Hou Shenjiang these fools really acted according to Jia Xu's plan, the only result would be that more than 20 adventurers from the Tang Dynasty would never look back, fall into the void of the universe, and become cosmic dust forever!

The extraterritorial heavenly demon forces can completely wipe out the strongest force in the Tang Dynasty without moving a finger, and the remaining imperial court and Du Yu forces are not enough to destroy the beast tide!

This is Jia Xu's poisonous plan.

(End of this chapter)

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