Chapter 1371 A shocking blow!Hou Brothers! - Ask for a monthly pass!

He was simply counterintuitive, killing three birds with one stone, so that the three families of Hou Shenjiang, Du Yu, and the imperial court were all wiped out in this beast tide!

Even Jia Xu was aware of the deal between the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea and Du Yu.

But he didn't say anything at all.

The Tang court got supplies, so what?
This time Hou Shen will be extinct, and Du Yu will be extinct. Can the court last long?
But that group of East China Sea dragons who don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth are so bold and reckless. After this battle is over, they will definitely report to Lord Tianmo from outside the territory and send them all to the dragon-cutting platform.

Jia Xu was thinking complacently, but he could see the video screen at a glance.

Du Yu, who was constantly flashing, was flying on the fairy sword, looking at the forest of space energy cannons standing in front of him, and smiled lightly.

"Du Yu! Even if you have great abilities, you won't be able to save Space from me this time!"

The blackness in Jia Xu's eyes became more intense, and he said viciously: "My master Hum, I want your head by name. Who told you to jump out to make trouble when he sneaked into the plot world and trapped Nuwa's dream of eternal sleep, and killed her?" Wa released? Hmph!"

Just when he was full of ambition, he accidentally saw Du Yu take out a jade flute.

"You still want to play the jade flute? You're really pretending to be extremely aggressive!" Jia Xu's eyes became darker, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Guixian is anxious.Although the life and death of the space basically has nothing to do with other things, the problem is that Du Yuke agreed to his incomparably precious remains of his four brothers, which are the remains of immortals.The four brothers can create an incomparably powerful corpse puppet formation, which is enough to double his strength!
This kind of reward, and the two most powerful corpses, have not been given to him.

If this errand is messed up, it is not difficult for ghosts to imagine that the reward must have flown.

"You're stupid!" Seeing Du Yu taking out his jade flute, Gui Xian scolded in his heart, "You still have to pretend at this time?"

Hou Shenjiang, Taigongwang and others were also incredulous when they saw Du Yu playing the jade flute gently.

"What the hell is this guy going to do?" Nezha raised his brows, with Hot Wheels under his feet and a red-tasseled gun in his hand, he was about to rush forward to fight.

"Don't worry, let's see what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd?" Tai Gongwang looked calmly at Du Yu.

But unexpectedly, Du Yu actually played the jade flute.

The melodious sound of the jade flute resounded through the dark night sky, through the land where beasts were rushing, and through this deadly military camp!

This kind of weird situation, in the eyes of everyone, combined with Du Yu's beautiful flute melody, always gave people an extremely weird feeling.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Jia Xu's heart.

"This Du Yu is also known as a scheming and wise man in space." Jia Xu suddenly woke up and said, "We must be careful of this kid playing tricks!"

He ordered sharply: "Gui Xianren, He Zhenren, please act quickly to stop this Du Yu! Energy cannon troops, fire me quickly!"

He was so angry that even brothers Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng began to scold him.

Gui Xianren and He Daoist didn't stop for a moment, they rose rapidly and rushed towards Du Yu.

The strength of the adventurers in the Zifu District was indeed extraordinary, and almost instantly, the two of them came to Du Yu.

Du Yu took a deep look at the two of them, but suddenly threw out the attack and defense lock tower, protected himself at the core, and continued to play the jade flute.

Gui Xianren and Crane Daoist grinned grimly, and bombarded the Demon Locking Tower, but the Demon Locking Tower was not a mortal thing after all, and the SS-level defensive fairy treasure could block their attacks for a long time.

But the sound of Du Yu's flute continued.

"Energy cannon! Energy cannon! Why aren't you firing?" Jia Xu frantically flapped the indicator and roared.

At this time, the beast horde has gradually amenorrhea, and the entire land can feel the crazy roar and hoof vibration of 120 million monsters, the earth is trembling, and the strong wind is howling.

From the heights of the battlefield, it can be clearly seen that the monsters in the front row are all dragons.Although the Dragon King of the Four Seas secretly colluded with Du Yu to make a big deal, he was unequivocal about the issue of attacking the Tang Empire and did his best. look.There may not be more than 30 S-class monster dragons dispatched this time, which is even more powerful than Western Shenluo.

Even Hou Shenjiang and the others couldn't help but change their expressions, and repeatedly urged Brother Hou Xiaobai to open fire quickly.

At this time, Su Daji was rushing towards the east with Pipa and Ji Ji.

The three women all knew that the time had come to see each other. If General Hou's energy cannon troops successfully smashed the Eastern shield, the Tang Empire would lose its protection. In that case, the court's demise would also be inevitable.

The safety of the three girls will become a big problem in the tide of millions of beasts.

Is it really necessary to rashly challenge the miracles of the world and try to seek the illusory and unlikely chance of success under the circumstances of insufficient preparation?

Su Daji didn't want that.Pipa and Pheasant Ji, the two beauties of the demon tribe in the imperial city, don't even want to do that.

Therefore, they were also anxious and rushed towards Hou Shenjiang frantically.

But seeing the situation in front of them, they were a little desperate.

The 200 space energy cannons carefully built by Jia Xu with a lot of money have shown their ferocious features, and they are about to bombard the space.

No one can change this fact under the escort of 20 troops.

But Su Daji swayed her fox tail slightly, her beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu in front of her.

She was convinced that Du Yu was different.

Du Yu seems to be an idler and flirts everywhere, but in fact, he is the most sensitive and caring about his own situation and the changes in space.

Does he, in this desperate situation, have any other tricks?

"It's impossible to change the back move!" Jia Xu slammed on the console: "Energy cannon, fire me! Bombard the space and form a crack in time and space!"

As he wishes!
Energy cannon troops, finally fired!

200 straight large-caliber energy cannons, the crystallization of science and technology built by Hou Shenjiang with a lot of money, were driven by the S-class magic core, and they fired a salvo!

The night sky in the eastern space is condensed by these 200 brilliant rays of light into a dazzling night sky like gorgeous fireworks, just like the fireworks of a grand celebration!
"Let's bloom!" Jia Xu took a deep breath, his eyes were filled with black air, and he stretched his arms intoxicated. In this cold night sky, in front of the imminent tide of millions of beasts, he screamed wildly: "Light up me!" The road to the prosperity of the clan! Hahahaha?"

His laughter was still blooming wantonly, and then it stopped abruptly!
Like a proud big rooster, it was crowing to announce the morning, but it was caught in the cold by someone, and it could only scream in despair! "


Du Yu stood in mid-air, letting Gui Xianren and He Zhenren attack the Demon Suo Tower, looking at Jia Xu on the ground, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Thanks to my old man, I have the habit of staying behind, otherwise I would have been embarrassed by you, a guy who eats inside and outside. Hehe, this time I only have one more hand and one hand!"

His so-called one hand is just Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng!

These two most trusted brothers of God General Hou were in charge of commanding the key energy cannon unit. Just now, when they heard Du Yu's flute, their originally clear eyes suddenly became confused.

This is the core back door that Du Yu and Su Daji kept deep in their minds!
【Inception】The dream back door of the world!

Once the rhythm agreed upon by tuning (this word is disgusting) reaches their ears, the information they received in the dream space will burst out suddenly!

In order to sneak into the dream subconsciousness of the two brothers, Du Yuke put in a lot of effort. For several days, he and Su Daji entered the dreamland continuously, constantly deciphering the alert consciousness of the two brothers. Implanted the agreed action!
That is, the calibration target of the energy cannon force deviates from Jia Xu's predetermined orbital position, and instead of bombarding the space shield, it changes to

120 million monsters from the East China Sea are rushing here!

200 heavily invested energy cannons, valued at more than 30 billion survival points, fired in one volley, are more powerful than the 100 royal trebuchets that Shinra used to deal with the tide of monsters in the West!
In just a split second, the beast tide charging ahead was dealt a devastating blow!
Really devastating blow.

An energy cannon can cause all living things to vaporize within a radius of 30 meters.

A volley of 200 energy cannons took away at least 5 unlucky S-class dragons from the Four Seas Dragon Clan, and 3 of the most elite Dragon Clan soldiers!
This is almost a devastating blow.

Jia Xu looked at everything in front of her, and could hardly believe her eyes.

Under the guidance of his strategy, his cherished clan of monsters and beasts, not only did not break through like a bamboo, easily destroying the resistance of human beings as expected, but because of the space energy cannon he designed, such a huge number of clansmen were taken away by a wave, The contrast was so great that he was almost so depressed that he spat out a mouthful of blood onto the video screen.

Hou Shenjiang and the others were also a little puzzled, and asked in a deep voice: "Bai'er, Feng'er, why didn't you two command the energy cannon troops to bombard the space protection shield, but instead started to attack the hordes of monsters? This is a big deal." It's urgent."

Jia Xu roared hysterically as if revived: "Yes! This matter is related to the future of the entire army. What's the use of you bombarding monsters? This energy cannon is used to open the space channel!"

He didn't believe that Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng had been tested one by one by him, Taigongwang, Guixian and others, and it was confirmed that there should be no back door for their souls to be controlled and swapped by others. The son returned.

Why are the two sons acting so abnormally at this time?

At this time, Jia Xu's mind rang out with an extremely angry roar: "How did you do it? It's not that you want to use the beast tide to intimidate the generals, but you use tricks to make them disappear forever in the crack of time." What? Why do I look so inconsistent with the plan? The old dragons of the Dragon King of the East China Sea have already scolded me, accusing me of deliberately letting them go to death, and saying that they will sue other demons."

Jia Xu said with trepidation: "Just now, it seems that something went wrong, and I will correct it now."

(End of this chapter)

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