Chapter 1376 Expansion of power!Young Dong Xie! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lianshi, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao??? Hehe, these beauties from the Three Kingdoms are also eager to have children for themselves.

"What are you thinking? Smiling" A graceful mermaid approached, and it was Queen Catherine.

"Nothing." Du Yu shook his head, looked at Catherine in a sexy tulle swimsuit, and said with a grin, "I asked you to track down Jon, do you have any news?"

"Jon, I'm missing." Catherine gently hugged Du Mu who was wearing a swimming ring in the water and was doing baby swimming. She patted and coaxed lovingly. A cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes and said: "Unexpectedly, this person actually The wolf is ambitious, ready to usurp the authority of Shinra, and take back the power. I am even planning to use Tataglia's ability in the Jungfraujoch to design and kill you. It is really scary."

Tracy sighed: "Greed and lust really change a person. Back then, this Jon was also the ancestor who made great contributions to Shinra, alas."

"We must get rid of him." Concubine Sisi didn't feel so much emotion, and said coldly: "If this person is not dead, I will be restless for a day."

"I have already ordered to secretly remove his place of enshrining the ancestors." In principle, Tracy is merciless: "Because his minions died tragically in the battle, our Shinra still wants to save face. I have publicized it to the outside world." , was killed in order to cooperate with Commander Model and resist the invasion of monsters. But internally, I have already launched a cleansing of his forces."

"I guess this Jon is also so depressed that he is about to vomit blood." Du Yu said with a chuckle, "I wanted to set me up, but in the end I was victimized instead."

"Tatalia's resurrection, what should I do?" Catherine was very virtuous, she moved closer to Du Yu's side, and said in a breathless voice, "She risked her life for you, husband, don't you plan to take her under her wing?"

Du Yu shook his head: "I have no love for Tataglia. But her fall is indeed my responsibility. I must bring her back to life. I am also responsible for speeding up her recovery of lost strength. "

Catherine smiled and said: "With the root of the sacred tree, it seems that it is not difficult to do this. By the way, you will soon enter the next world, right? Do you have any considerations?"

"I don't know yet, maybe it's Saint Seiya?" Du Yu smiled wryly, "I've become a hard-working wage earner now. As soon as Empress Nuwa orders me, I have to risk my life."

"Saint fighter?" Hearing this name, Tracy, concubine Sisi and Catherine exclaimed together.

"What's wrong?" Du Yu wondered.

"Did you know that this holy warrior is not used as a normal rotation to draw worlds for adventurers to enter?" Tracy said seriously: "Because in theory, it can be entered by adventurers in the inner city at least, but its difficulty It can reach the level of the Imperial City District, which is A-level difficulty."

"Because there are too many gods in it." Concubine Sisi said helplessly: "Even if you choose the difficulty of the inner city, facing the Greek gods and golden saints in it, whichever one you pick out is a god-level existence." The priority of skills and damage is calculated according to the god level, who can bear the ordinary inner city adventurers? So no one dares to challenge that world."

"Why do you have to go to that world?" Catherine pouted, a little annoyed: "The same goes for Empress Nuwa, who just sent you to such a dangerous world after letting you take such an adventure in the bloody city and defeating the demons from outside the territory?"

Du Yu said helplessly: "Because in that world, I have seen Athena's soul flash past, which seems to be the eternal sleep dream of a certain space god. If I can release her dream, she can be revived and become the first person in space. Three gods. The strength of our side will be greatly increased."

"The more these gods and demons are, the more dangerous they are." Catherine seemed to have heard about the Dreamland of Eternal Sleep, and said with tears, "And I heard that in the Dreamland of Everlasting Sleep where space gods are sealed, there must be extraterrestrial demons." Keep guard. This world of saint fighters does not know any danger yet."

Knowing that Catherine was his own woman, Du Yu was afraid that he would never come back, so he gently hugged her and comforted her for a while before calming down the queen.

There are still a few days before entering the world. Du Yu doesn't want to do any more exercises these days, so he just needs to rest for a few days.

In the next few days, Du Yu will happily accompany his women and children, play in Shinra to his heart's content, relax completely, and let himself go.

After experiencing an unprecedented victory, the whole country of Shinra rejoiced.Victory after victory, the adventurers who were worried about dying gradually regained their stability, and felt that the wave of Warcraft beasts was nothing more than that.The Shenluo Empire has restored the past, singing and dancing, and feasting and feasting.

In the east, Yimei sent a congratulatory letter to Du Yu, expressing his gratitude for Du Yu's contribution to the court, and fulfilled the promise of the additional 5 pieces of land allocated ownership.

So far, Du Yu's Yunmengze faction has owned 13 pieces of land and has become a powerful force second only to Hou Shenjiang in the Tang Dynasty. The population has risen to 15, and it has gradually become stronger.

Although the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea faced each other in this battle, and Du Yu caused many monster casualties due to his mischief, Ao Guang and other dragon princes hated Du Yu to the bone, but the Dragon King of the East China Sea still maintained his rationality and continued to instruct Prime Minister Gui And others, abided by the 3000 billion trade volume agreement with Du Yu, secretly continued to trade with Du Yu.

Du Yu could also guess the driving factor.

Of course it was the second True God keel.

When the old Dragon King was defeated and returned, he was arguing endlessly with the Heavenly Demon about the reason for his failure, but the decline in the strength of the Dragon Clan has become a fact, and coupled with the fact that he had fought against the Heavenly Demon from outside the territory, the importance of this second true god keel to the Dragon Clan was even higher.Forcing the dragon clan to be more eager to get the keel as soon as possible.

Relying on these materials, Du Yu started large-scale trade in the four countries and continued to rapidly accumulate Yunmengze's wealth and influence.

It can be expected that when Du Yu returns to the space next time, he will have a stronger force.

Du Yu is very grateful for Maishela's contribution, and specially invited Maishela, Li Tang and other old brothers to eat and drink, and to connect with each other.As his status continued to rise, Du Yu paid more attention to the emotional connection with his brothers, and it was dangerous to be out of the crowd.

When Michelle and Li Tang came, they brought with them a young man with a handsome face but a somewhat gloomy expression.

Du Yu was surprised that with Michelle's status at this time, new adventurers would not bring them to see for himself.

Mai Shera said in a low voice: "His name is Dong Xie. He has not been in the space for a long time, but his progress is extremely fast, almost catching up with your horror record back then."

Du Yu stared at Dong Xie, who looked at him fearlessly.

Du Yu could feel that there seemed to be an inexplicable force in this young man's body, supporting him and moving forward, just like himself who was unyielding and resisting back then.

Every space powerhouse must have the power of faith to support progress, otherwise it is easy to get lost in strength and achievements and stagnate.

"Why did you join my wolf pupil team? And why did you fight?" Du Yu only asked Dong Xie one question.

Dong Xie's pale eyes flashed a trace of firmness that cannot be questioned: "For mother."


"In order to save my mother, she suffered from breast cancer. When I entered the space, time was running out." Dong Xie clenched his fists: "My obsession made me selected by the space and become an adventurer." But unfortunately, I was almost captured by Hou Shenjiang’s law enforcement team and became a biochemical slave in the slums. I managed to escape here, and I wanted to get the elixir to treat my mother in space.”

"But Dong Xie." Du Yu sighed: "You also know that space has no exit to return to reality. Even if you get this potion, how can you return to reality and give it to your mother?"

"I heard, that's okay!" Dong Xie pointed at the Tower of Stars, which towers into the sky in the city of Tang Dynasty: "As long as I pass through the Pavilion of Stars, my wish can be fulfilled. I don't ask myself to return to reality alive." , as long as my mother can recover, be safe and happy, I don't care about the rest."

The sadness in Du Yu's eyes grew stronger.

poor child.

He was just hearsay, and he heard that the four great wonders could fulfill the wishes of adventurers and return them to reality, but Du Yu knew that these four great wonders were just a channel for transporting talents from the lower realm to the higher intensity upper realm.

After clearing the four wonders, what greets adventurers is triumph and cheers, as well as rewards, and more likely a more sinister adventure.

Space adventurers, once they enter, there is no way out.

But looking at Dong Xie's extremely serious face, Du Yu couldn't help feeling a dull pain in his heart.

He also has relatives.

Although it is said that Du Yu enjoys this kind of life with unfettered space and supremacy of strength, it does not mean that he is heartless and does not miss his parents.

When he dreamed back at midnight, he asked himself, why didn't he miss his relatives?

Thinking of this, how could Du Yu have the heart to tell Dong Xie that the panacea to cure cancer in space is easy to get, but you can't send it back, let alone go back by yourself.

This reality is too cruel.

If he failed to rescue his mother, he might have to catch himself.

Dong Xie seemed to have seen through Du Yu's thoughts, and said with a smile: "I know, Sister Maishela told me that the saying that the four miracles can fulfill a wish may be a rumor. But don't all people need hope when they are alive?" ?”

Du Yu's body shook, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were clear again.

It was as clear and clear as he had just entered the space.

Yes, I live in space, and the biggest difference from those red men and dolls, sex beasts, is that I live for hope?
Hope is the foundation of human existence.

Without hope, man would fall, would corrupt, would go dark, lose all virtue and vitality.

"Thank you, Dong Xie." Du Yu patted him on the shoulder: "You are right, we shouldn't lose confidence. Because no one can return from the Four Wonders alive, so all the news is hearsay. Maybe, Maybe we can walk out of this space together. You train well, and I will pay attention to your progress."

(End of this chapter)

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