Chapter 1377 Unexpected encounter?The style of painting is wrong! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Dong Xie blushed and clenched his fists with excitement after receiving such praise from Du Yu.

This kind of up-and-coming youth is the most energetic and the person who achieves great things.

A few days later, Du Yu recovered his physical condition to his full strength, was full of energy, and was ready to enter the new plot world.

In the past few days, Empress Nuwa and God Fuxi had jointly approached him and finalized the details of entering the goddess' world of saints.

After repeated confirmation by Nuwa Empress, it can be confirmed that there is indeed more than one person who has seen the projection of the goddess Athena in the world of "Goddess Saint Seiya", and she is imprisoned in the magic jar of Hades Temple , The blood in the whole body is draining a little bit.Confirm that this is exactly the dream world where the goddess Athena is imprisoned.The requirement for cracking is the inner city difficulty. Participate in the jihad against Hades, enter the underworld, break through the wall of sighs, and send the goddess' holy garment to Athena to complete the goddess' awakening ceremony.

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

Saint Seiya!
The world of Saint Seiya is a world of high martial arts through and through.Any enemy BOSS in the sanctuary is taken out, and they are all gods with god-level difficulty.And this world has a characteristic, that is, there is no complicated plot from the beginning to the end.

Although Du Yu had never played this game, he had heard of its great reputation.I didn't expect to challenge this extremely difficult world of gods and demons this time.

Nuwa and Fuxi assured Du Yu that although they had to enter the dreamland of eternal sleep where the gods sleep peacefully, with the joint power of him and Nuwa, they could confirm and lock Du Yu's position at any time in the world of female holy fighters.Once Du Yu's power appears, the difficulty cannot be resisted, or a powerful extraterrestrial demon is encountered, they will join forces to pull Du Yu out of the world.In any case, this is a space plot world after all, and the power of extraterrestrial demons cannot compete with the power of normal human gods.

After receiving this guarantee, Du Yu made up his mind to help Nuwa and Fuxi complete this critical task.

He tidied up and walked slowly towards the teleportation point in Shinra City.Since Saint Seiya is a plot of Western mythology, you can log in to the teleporter in Shinra.By the way, due to the gradual collapse of the order of the four countries, in order to prevent adventurers from appearing in the embarrassing situation of "wanting to return to the country and teleporting but being occupied by the enemy, unable to log in to the world and being obliterated", the space deliberately opened the teleportation point between countries.Precise teleportation is possible at any teleportation point.

When Du Yu pushed the door to go out, the three daughters of Catherine burst into tears.For some reason, Du Mu in Catherine's arms suddenly yelled, "Dad!"

Du Yu closed his eyes, a warm current flowing in his heart.

He is not alone, there are women, and children, waiting for him to go back.

"You must come back safe and sound." Catherine cried, "Regardless of whether the mission can be completed or not, safety is everything."

Du Yu smiled back, nodded, and walked out.

He stood on the transmitter of the red phone booth that Badguy had set up on the street of Shinra Cross Station, and closed his eyes.

"You paid enough for the teleportation fee."

"You will be teleported to the selected world in the inner city—the world of the goddess' saint!"

"Do you want to accept the transmission?"


Immediately Du felt a huge impetus from his feet, and he lost consciousness instantly.

However, Du Yu couldn't detect it. At this moment, a black air suddenly formed in his body and disappeared instantly.

Hum, who was licking his wound in the sky above the East China Sea, suddenly opened his eyes wide in excitement!

"Successful!" Hu chuckled, "My plan to lure the enemy really succeeded. Nuwa and Fuxi sent the unlucky Du Yu into my design. Hmph, Du Yu, you will definitely There is no back and forth!"

As soon as he waved his hand, a thick black air disappeared in his hand in an instant.

In the space city, Nuwa and Fuxi, who watched Du Yu leave and teleported to the Goddess's world of saints, suddenly felt a surge of magical power surging from the east!

"Not good!" Nu Wa exclaimed: "This magic power must belong to the damned extraterrestrial demon."

"His target is Du Yu!" Fuxi gritted his teeth and said, "He took advantage of the hostage exchange and actually tampered with Du Yu. We haven't noticed it yet!"

"There was a deviation in Du Yu's teleportation." Empress Nuwa exclaimed, "Not good. He didn't go to the goddess' world of saints at all, but went instead."

"Another world!" Great God Fuxi's eyes also became anxious: "We haven't been able to trace him yet. It should be deceived by the extraterrestrial demons."

"Damn it!" Empress Nuwa punched hard on the mountain, causing the mountain to shake: "This extraterrestrial demon, so cunning, took advantage of our eagerness to resurrect other gods, and set up a death trap. And I didn't I was able to discover his tricks, and he tricked Du Yu away. What should I do?"

Fuxi said angrily: "I dare to say that this is a good thing done by Hung. He hated Du Yu deeply, and he had to get rid of him quickly. He was also afraid that our space gods would interfere, so he robbed Du Yu. We can only be one World by world began to search, trying to find Du Yu's soul breath."

"It's not good!" Empress Nuwa pointed to the teleporter square.

On the square, without knowing when, a lot of beauties fell in disorder.

Shi Feixuan, Shen Luoyan, Ning Zhongze, Little Dragon Girl

Isn't this Du Yu's call to beauties?Why was he thrown away from his Castle Heart?
The beauties fell to pieces, they had never encountered such a weird situation.

Du Yu was teleported into the plot world, but they stayed behind!
Tracy, Concubine Sisi, Catherine and others who were watching Du Yu leave, of course they knew Du Yu's personal beauties, so they hurried over to inquire about the situation.

Beauties, waking up from the dizziness, pale with fright.

They failed to follow Du Yu to the prescribed plot world.

"What's going on here?" Lin Yueru lost her temper: "Didn't you agree to take us on an adventure?"

The vampire female elder, Emilia, narrowed her beautiful sapphire eyes, exchanged a glance with Serena, shook her head and said, "At the moment just now, I felt a huge darkness rushing toward our master."

Galadriel took out the mirror and started divination.

"I can't see Du Yu's position clearly. But it seems that he is falling and spinning in a dark spiral." The elf queen's beautiful eyes were sad and worried.

"We have all been tricked by demons from outside the territory." Empress Nuwa's voice sounded, and she walked up to the girls, "Du Yu, we are now in an extremely dangerous situation!"

Tears welled up in Catherine's eyes: "Ms. Nuwa, he risked his life to enter the dangerous dream world of eternal sleep at the request of the two of you. Why did such a shocking change happen?"

"It was all my carelessness." Nuwa blamed herself: "I should have thought that the extraterrestrial demons are so obediently changing people, it is a hidden conspiracy and murderous intention. And the reason why you summoning beauties are thrown away should be because of the other party Supreme power, citing certain space rules, such as prohibiting adventurers from bringing any summoned beauties and summoned beasts into the world. In short, in front of the gods, Du Yu adventurers are just mortals, and they can play with them as they want .”

"God, can it be stipulated that beauties are not allowed to enter?" Lin Qing'er, who was pregnant, was furious: "But this is Du Yu's own ability, which is no different from the spells of our Nuwa clan, why is it not allowed? "

"So, we were designed." Nuwa said helplessly: "It is estimated that the culprit is Hum. He used divine power to stipulate that people are not allowed to enter that world. Those who signed the contract are not allowed."

"Du Yu, isn't it very dangerous now?" Ling'er's face was pale, and she held her heart with tears in her eyes.

Nuwa nodded.

Lin Qing'er, Zhao Ling'er, mother and daughter, hugged their heads and started crying at the same time.

They were pregnant with Du Yu's child at the same time, and they were three months pregnant. If Du Yu couldn't come back, one can imagine how much it would be a blow to this beautiful mother and daughter who had just been immersed in happiness.
It was Ningzhong who was more determined. He came out and gently embraced Lin Qing'er and Ling'er's slender waists, and comforted him: "You guys just had a happy day, so you can't be overjoyed or sad. It's not good for the child. Besides, Du Yuji has his own destiny." , don’t need to be too concerned. In short, sister Yuyan, sister Azhu, and sister Zhiruo, help the two sisters go down to rest and raise their babies.”

After some consolation, Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er went down to rest and raise their babies.Ning Zhong raised his phoenix eyebrows and said to the sisters: "Du Yu was designed by an extraterrestrial demon and got involved in an unknown god realm. We can't sit still and do our best here. Sisters, Du Yu is alone this time." Fighting hard, we also want to go to the Yunmengze forces to help, everyone is so hard to build the Yunmengze forces well. After Du Yu comes out, let him take us to kill the demons outside the territory, and destroy these hateful asshole!"

Xiao Longnu and other beauties were filled with righteous indignation, and Qi claimed that it was true, all of their stunning faces were flushed with the drive for revenge!

"Am I in the world of saint fighters?"

Du Yu opened his eyes, opened the door of the red telephone booth and went out. He was already on a beach, with the blue sea surging in front of him. The damp and salty sea breeze reminded Du Yu of the Caribbean world.

"Where is this place?" Du Yu couldn't help frowning.

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the world of Saints. Besides, why didn't the task prompt appear?" The more Du Yu thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He looked inside and found a bigger problem.

"The heart of my castle is actually empty?" Du Yu was taken aback, his eyes sharpened: "Where are Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnu and the others? Where are the beauties?"

In the past world, no matter how unfavorable the desperate situation, Du Yu's connection with the beauties was not severed, but only in this world, Du Yu could only fight alone and could not rely on others.

Du Yu discovered the problem sensitively and became fully alert.

(End of this chapter)

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