Chapter 1378 Entering the God of War for the first time!madly slaughter! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Without the beauties, it would be impossible to form the most powerful Tiangang Constellation Formation, and Du Yu lost his most powerful lore.

Du Yu looked around the beach, and on the sea level in the distance, he found several trireme warships from the ancient Greek era, sailing here from afar.

"The painting style is wrong." Du Yu murmured, "In the plot of Saint Seiya, there is no ancient Greek warship. What the hell is this place?"

At this moment, Du Yu suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Du Yu, welcome to my world."

"Who's that voice?" Du Yu's eyes turned cold, "Huh?"

"Yes!" Hum's voice was full of the hunter's banter with the prey: "You are my little white mouse now, I can pinch you as much as I want!"

Du Yu chuckled, "Strange! How strange!"

Hum frowned and said, "What's so strange?"

Du Yuxie smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, I beat you before!"

Hung snorted angrily.

But being beaten is a fact.

Before he could speak, Du Yu continued to think to himself: "Oh, but I don't remember hitting your head. Why, like that unlucky Overlord Flying Dragon Shen Kui, I was beaten out of my mind, selective Amnesia? It’s really healed, the scar has forgotten the pain.”

Du Yu's words are really annoying.

Hum couldn't bear it, and roared angrily: "You wait for me. In this world of God of War, I will play you to death!"

Du Yu rolled his eyes and thought to himself, "So this unlucky Hum actually sent me to the world of God of War?"

He puffed up his chest and said sharply: "Even so, so what? You extraterrestrial demons, with millions of beasts on the battlefield, didn't you get killed by me? Ambushing me in the plot world, what kind of hero are you? If you have the guts, come out and fight to the death with me!"

Du Yu is a caring person, and he is even more shrewd.

He knew that no matter how arrogant this extraterrestrial demon is, this is a world of spatial plots after all!
Moreover, two gods in the space—Nuwa and Fuxi have come to life.If this extraterrestrial celestial demon Hum dared to make a move here, the fluctuation of demonic energy would most likely startle these two gods.

Fighting with human gods in the story space world, Hum will definitely not end well!

Sure enough, perhaps because he was afraid of Nuwa and Fuxi, or because he was afraid of his own injuries, Hum just smiled coldly and said, "You can just play tricks. In this world, I want to see how you die!"

Du Yu stopped talking and concentrated on looking far away.

"This is the world of God of War? Then who am I?" Du Yu thought to himself.

The story of the world of God of War tells the story of Kratos, a Spartan warrior with the blood of Zeus, known as the soul of Sparta, who has tremendous power and unparalleled fighting talent.Born in Sparta, he formed an army of only 50 people at the beginning.Thanks to the talent of the leader, or the blessing of Ares, the god of war, this army spread the glory of Sparta all over the world with its invincible strength. A teacher of thousands of people.Their leader, Kratos, was thus feared by outsiders and loyally loved by the Spartans.In fact, he is the son of Zeus, the god of heaven. The philandering Zeus gave birth to Kratos and his younger brother after meeting the princess of Sparta.

Kratos pulled up an army by himself, and soon he was invincible all over the world, sweeping the Greek world, but his combat power attracted the attention of Mars, the god of war, and framed him to death.

After Kui Ye's death, his destiny value began to skyrocket all the way, and he started the mode of killing gods against the sky. Under the instigation of the scheming bitch Athena, he met gods and killed gods all the way, met Buddha and killed Buddha, and finally defeated his father Zeus And Gaia, the mother of the earth, opened Pandora's box.

After recalling the plot, Du Yu found that in this world, Athena, the target goddess, does exist.However, compared to the positive and typical Athena in Saint Seiya, this Athena in God of War is a typical scheming whore. From the very beginning, she has been deliberately using Kratos to help herself become a god.

Those three-decker galleys drove towards here quickly.

Du Yu stood on the shore, ready to fight at any time.

The galley stopped on the shore and jumped down from above, 50 Spartan warriors jumped down, each muscled and shiny, holding Spartan shields and bronze spears. Roaring: "General! Here we come!"

Du Shuai came to his senses and looked over carefully: "You guys"

A soldier who looked like a centurion stepped forward and said: "General, our fleet encountered some storms at sea, so we arrived a bit late. Many brothers died at the bottom of the sea. You are not going to take us to fight with the invading Are the eastern barbarian tribes fighting? Ares, the god of war, is watching us! The god of war will definitely bless you, and you will never fail!"

Du Yu was amused when he heard it, but then he received a space prompt:

"Shusha was assigned by the system, and it was verified that there was an error due to unknown reasons. The adventurer with space number 197621 has entered the world of [God of War], and will receive normal tasks and rewards in this world."

"Your mission is, under the guidance of Athena, to complete the main mission of God of War 1 - to kill Mars, God of War. Rusha, you will automatically obtain the identity of the protagonist of the story, the leader of the Spartans, Kratos, and final swish"

Du Yu was extremely annoyed by the intermittent mission reminders.

What happened to this space?Isn't it more reliable than before with two great gods?Why is it even more unreliable?This task is hesitant, no matter how uncomfortable it is to hear.

Du Yu slandered in his heart.

Calculation, it should be the sin of the extraterritorial demon Hum.Since Hum entered this world and isolated himself from the outside world, he couldn't even bring in the summoned beauties. Of course, he has the ability to change the mission mode and the rules of the game, and play himself to death.

Du Yu is like a mouse that is suddenly focused by the light. There is nowhere to hide. An enemy with malicious intentions is secretly watching his every move, ready to give him a fatal blow at any time.

But this time, Du Yu was alone, and no one could help him.

Summoning a beauty is of course not possible, even Caesar and the others, who have never left, are also isolated from the world, and they cannot answer countless calls.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

Fortunately, all his equipment, skills and attributes are there, otherwise he would really be blind this time.

Du Yu began to sort out his thoughts.

The God of War series is a well-known game on PS consoles.The game is described from the perspective of the Spartan Kratos (Kratos), known as the soul of Sparta, he has great power and unparalleled fighting talent.The plot of this first part is the grievances between Kratos and Mars, the god of war who secretly stared at him.

Du Yu lowered his head and glanced at his body. At this time, Kratos' body was still a healthy wheat color, not the pale white in the later stage - that was after he was misled by Mars and accidentally killed his wife and daughter. The ashes of the woman were blown on his body, forming an indelible tattoo of sin.

Before Du Yu had time to think about it, the deputy leader hurriedly said: "General, I have heard the footsteps of the barbarians from the distant mountains. They are approaching here. Let's meet the enemy quickly!"

Needless to say, Du Yu's keen spiritual sense has already scanned the movement on the other side of the mountain range.

A powerful barbarian army is approaching here.

Du Yu looked up and saw that the vanguard of the barbarians, flying green banners, was marching here.There are at least a thousand people.

Looking around, Du Yu only had 50 Spartans.

The vice-captain said: "This will be a cruel challenge. Compared with the most powerful army of Sparta, the barbarians don't need the combat talent that the latter attaches great importance to, because they have at least hundreds of thousands of people. Knowing how to kill simply, even by mistake. We seem to be outmatched with two fists."

Du Yu shrugged.

Ever since he knew that this world was designed by the extraterrestrial demon Hum, Du Yu knew that the test in the future would be very difficult.

He drew out the Ruyi golden cudgel, and rays of light flowed on the golden cudgel, attracting attention.

Du Yu looked at the barbarians rushing madly, and smiled coldly.

"Get ready!" Du Yu didn't care about the 50 Spartan warriors behind him, and jumped towards those barbarians with a ladder as light as an ape.

"Length!" Du Yu shouted.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel immediately began to grow longer, and became longer and longer. Under Du Yu's 12-fold increase in power, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel became more and more free in his hands, and he used it skillfully, like an arm and a finger.

In an instant, Ruyi's golden cudgel became a hundred feet longer, Du Yu swiped lightly, and swept out the row of enemies in front of him!
At the moment of the attack, he added all the 108 attributes obtained in the previous world to the attribute of strength!
Du Yu's strength instantly broke through the 300-point mark, reaching 312 points.

His agility has reached 542 points at this time, and his physique has also reached 309 points.

After the development of 13 worlds, Du Yu is confident that he will not lose to any adventurer in the inner city of the same level even if he just fights for attributes!
Because, he pursues excellence in every world, and all he gets are the highest level rewards!

He benefited a lot from eating Eight Immortal Stone and Shuerguo and other props that increase attributes, health, and energy in the last world.

With such a powerful attribute, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel that Du Yu swept out was as powerful as a mountain. With a single stick, he charged and killed hundreds of barbarians in the front, and flew backwards. His body was instantly deformed and twisted, and he was not human !

The corners of Du Yu's mouth curled up coldly.

He jumped into the middle of the barbarians like a demon god, killing wantonly without any scruples.

Although I don't know what kind of tricks the extraterrestrial demon Hum is playing, but Du Yu's understanding of the plot world is far superior to these extraterritorial demons!

(End of this chapter)

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