Chapter 1383 Pandora!The secret of becoming a god! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
He sneered and said, "Your troops have been completely lost. You are the only commander left, what else can you do?"

Du Yu sneered and didn't speak.

From the temple, a beautiful young woman and a timid girl walked out slowly, their beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

Du Yu frowned: "You two, don't you want me to go home?"

The beautiful woman with a dignified face protected the girl and said with tears: "Kratos, I know you only want to protect this village, but the people in the village have already despaired of the frequent wars. They gave you the last An ultimatum, I want you to leave here immediately. Otherwise"

"Otherwise what?" Du Yuman said indifferently.

"Otherwise, we will use your wife and children to sacrifice to God!" The priest seemed crazy, laughed, and grabbed the woman: "You don't want your wife and children to die here, do you?"

Du Yu shrugged.

This priest actually dared to threaten Lord Kui, how impatient he was!

With a flying kick, he kicked the priest away, saved the woman and child, and said calmly, "You want me to go? Yes, don't touch my family with your dirty hands."

The women and girls threw themselves into Du Yu's arms with tears in their eyes.

Du Yu was about to say a few words, asking if there was any further information, when he suddenly heard screams from outside the village.

"It's not good!" A young man rushed over, panting, "It's the demon Quetus who came back with the army!"

"Ah!" The villagers were at a loss for a while, didn't Kratus come back?Why did another God of Killing appear?
Du Yu looked up.

Around the village, the burning torches dotted around, as well as the screams from time to time, all indicated that the village was surrounded by the dark Kratus who succumbed to Mars.

A torch, thrown at the village from the darkness, fell inside the village.

A tyrannical voice sounded: "Soldiers, take up the weapons in your hands, and judge these stupid people who betrayed Ares in the name of God, and let them pay the due price for their stupid behavior! For Ari For our glory, go, warriors, destroy it!"

The people in the whole village were helpless against this Spartan army, even the most powerful army in all of Greece. In an instant, this peaceful village was turned into a hell on earth by the flames of war and screams.

The wife and child in Du Yu's arms panicked.

The priest murmured: "How could this be? How could this be? Goddess Athena, you must protect us. Save your people from the slaughter of the cruel God of War servant!"

Hearing this voice, Du Yu suddenly remembered that this is the temple of Athena, and he might be able to get a hint of the next move from the temple.

Due to completely departing from the main line of the plot, Du Yu didn't even know where to go next.

In the center of the temple, a marble sculpture of Athena is lifelike.Holding a shield in one hand and a statue of Victory in the other, the goddess of war is majestic and beautiful.

When Du Yu walked in front of her, Goddess Athena actually spoke slowly.

"I've been watching you secretly, mortal." The goddess' voice was sweet and pleasant: "I saw that you would rather risk death than surrender to Mars in the battle to protect the village, can you tell me the reason? "

Du Yu said calmly, "Because I like my soul, and I don't want to sell it to anyone!"

He deliberately bit down on the word "anyone" to show his pride, and he would not bow to Mars, nor would he bow to Athena.

Athena didn't take it seriously, and her voice was still quiet and serene: "Very good! I heard the wild and free cry in your heart. I can feel the anger and resentment of the God of War Mars towards you. You will face the endless battle of the God of War. Hunt down, unless you can kill him, replace him!"

Du Yu received a space reminder.

"You visited the Temple of Athena. You accepted the oracle of Athena!"

"Because of your persistence, your relationship with the God of War Mars has deteriorated to -100, and you will never die. The proud and violent God of War must get rid of you. You can only kill him and replace him."

Du Yu smiled and shrugged handsomely: "Goddess, you don't need to provoke my relationship with Mars. It's useless. I know who you are and your current situation. To be honest, I was originally Ordered by the space gods Nuwa and Fuxi, they came to this world to wake you up and help you get out of the control of extraterrestrial demons. But if you still talk to me in a foolish tone, then I have to give up this rescue and choose leave."

"What?" The statue of the goddess trembled, and the cold eyes of the marble statue seemed to have emotional fluctuations: "Are you sent by Nuwa? Has she woken up?"

Du Yu nodded: "It's a long story. But now that Mars' servants are about to attack the village and destroy the temple, it's obviously not a good time to chat."

"Very good!" Athena's voice became high-pitched: "Take up your weapon immediately, repel the slaves of Mars who invaded this village, and save my believers!"

"Why should I listen to you?" Du Yu didn't have the spirit of respecting the goddess, and Da Lala asked the goddess.Not only did he not intend to do anything, but he raised his legs, embraced the beautiful woman who was a little shocked when she heard the oracle, and smiled at Athena.

The statue of the goddess is stagnant.

Nani?The goddess issued an oracle to you, but there are still benefits?What's the matter with this man?
"Aren't you the chosen fighter sent to save me?" The statue of Athena was a little angry: "Why are you still negotiating terms?"

Du Yu lazily shrugged his shoulders and said, "Although I am indeed the one chosen by Nvwa to save you, I know that you are the immortal god imprisoned here, and I also know that the extraterrestrial demons are haunting you all the time. You leave this world. But such a big risk, if there is no corresponding benefit, I will not listen to anyone!"

He deliberately put the accent on the word "anyone".

The statue of the goddess was trembling for a while, almost falling down.

"You bastard! You actually bargained with a real god. If I were still in the space, when there were saints gathered around me, with just one look, any golden saint would kill you to pieces."

Goddess Athena gritted her teeth.

But helplessly, this kid made it clear that he was here to benefit.Knowing that this is the eternal sleep dream of the space gods imprisoned by the demons from outside the territory, and knowing that their situation is not good, they still dare to brag about extortion, just sitting on the coffin and stretching out their hands-death for money!

At this time, the Spartan army led by Dark Kratos was massacring the village, fighting with open flames, screaming continuously, and was about to rush into the Temple of Athena.If no decision is made, the temple will be destroyed.

Goddess Athena, at this time, is barely able to maintain a temporary sane state thanks to the city of Athens and the few cities and villages that believe in her.If these believers in cities and villages were slaughtered by the evil Mars, she would lose her belief power and still fall into eternal sleep.

She doesn't want to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

So, the goddess who was threatened by Du Yu had no choice but to open her golden mouth.

"How about I give you a golden holy cloth?"

Du Yu shook his head: "I have a lot of SS-level fairy treasures in my hand, so it's not rare."

The goddess was discouraged for a while.

Who is this?Even dislike the golden holy clothes?

"How about I give you an artifact?"

The goddess asked patiently.

"An artifact? What are you looking for specifically? Your scepter of the goddess of victory or the shield of the god of war is not bad, can you give it to me?" Du Yu smiled charmingly, making the goddess's chest rise and fall sharply with anger.

No way, of course she can't give Du Yu these two things, otherwise how will she fight in the future?

The goddess took a deep breath, Du Yu couldn't be fooled by these vain righteous names, and she was reluctant to part with the actual artifact, but at this moment, Du Yu was her only life-saving straw.This kind of guy sent to the door is her only chance to escape from the dream of eternal sleep, and she cannot give up.

"If you can kill Mars, you will have the chance to become a god!"

The goddess finally bit her lower lip viciously, and uttered the secret hidden deep in her heart.

This short sentence completely exploded Du Yu's heart.

"A chance to become a god?" Du Yu couldn't believe it.

This is what he has always wanted.Du Yu had been looking for this kind of opportunity as early as the previous few worlds, but there was no clue until now.

"Goddess, what is the chance to become a god?" Du Yu asked in a deep voice.

The statue of Athena finally seized the initiative, with a calm smile and secretiveness.

"In short, follow the tips I gave you, and you will gain a unique opportunity in space to gain a trace of godhood. This is the most important cornerstone of your road to becoming a god." Athena's voice was full of temptation.

"Godhead?" Du Yu was stunned for a moment.

He had heard from Empress Nuwa that to become a god, three conditions must be met.

Godhead, priesthood and divine power.

The relationship between the three can be briefly summarized as follows: godhead is your qualification to act as a god, priesthood is your specific occupation as a god, and divine power is your strength as a god.

Among the three, the most important is the godhead!

Because, among the three, the godhead is unique and fixed, while the priesthood and divine power are changeable.

The godhead determines the status of a god, even more important than the divine power.

Because it determines the efficiency with which a god can transform the power of faith from his followers!

The power of faith is the source of gods' power.There are two basic ways for gods to increase their divine power, one is to expand their followers, and the other is to enhance their godhead.

For example, Empress Nuwa's godhead is 10 points, and she has a believer, then the belief energy she gets from this believer every time is 10 point multiplied by 10 points, and finally [-] points.

And Fuxi, the Great God, has a godhead of 20 and also has a believer. The total amount of faith energy he has obtained is 20 points.

(End of this chapter)

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