Chapter 1384 Xu Dela!Mission Impossible! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu took a deep breath: "I have already won a battle for you, can you talk about the godhead?"

"Why do you want to become a god?" Athena asked with great interest.

Du Yu asked back: "Why do you plan to replace Zeus and become the highest being in the Olympus pantheon?"

Athena's eyes became sharp, and she looked directly at Du Yu, which made Du Yu's eyes hurt.

That is the majesty of a goddess.

But Du Yu was happy and unafraid, and looked back without fear.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Athena withdrew her gaze and softened again: "Sometimes, people who are too smart won't be liked."

Du Yu raised the corner of his mouth and said with a slight smile, "Really? It's a pity that I prefer to control my own destiny rather than being used as a weapon."

"You have too many conspiracy theories." Athena curled her lips helplessly: "I am now able to escape from this damn dream of eternal sleep, thank God, I dare not think about other things."

Du Yu stared deeply at Athena for a while, and said with a sneer, "That's the best. I hope you will correct your position before you act. I came to save you for the sake of profit. If you are greedy and put forward too high a difficulty I have the right to refuse and do it my way."

"Okay!" Athena said helplessly, "I have never seen such a tricky and mean messenger like you."

"Tell me, what happened to the pieces of godhead? How can I save you?" Du Yu asked.

Athena glanced at Helen and Lilith, and with a wave of her hand, the mother and daughter passed out.

"Actually, the two questions can be answered together." Athena chuckled, "Let me first explain what is the eternal sleep dream of the gods."

"The eternal sleep of the gods is a self-protection measure when they lose their belief power, or are extremely lacking, and face the risk of falling. The gods who sleep forever consume very little faith power. After they have enough believers, they can be revived Come here." Athena chuckled lightly and said, "Thousands of years ago, during the Twilight War of the Gods (War of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man), unfortunately, I was severely injured, and my soul fell into eternal sleep."

"What's even more unfortunate is that I was targeted by an extraterrestrial demon. The extraterrestrial demon named Hum and several other demons locked me in this world. If I can't break their spell in this world, I will It's impossible to go out." A trace of hatred flashed in Athena's beautiful eyes.

"Have you been trapped here for thousands of years?" Du Yu looked around the ancient Greek world.

"Yes!" Athena said bitterly: "To release my state of eternal sleep, there are two basic prerequisites. One is to kill Zeus, who occupies the highest point of Mount Olympus and is controlled by an alien demon, and the other is to kill me. Believers believe in it, at least to a certain extent. Only with enough belief power can the gods be revived from eternal sleep."

Du Yu shrugged: "I have to say, Goddess Athena, you have proposed a rather difficult task."

"It's not too difficult." Athena said with a chuckle, "The Mediterranean world is the birthplace of my belief. As long as you work hard, it is not difficult to expand the number of followers of my belief."

Du Yu shook his head: "Tell me about the fragments of the godhead."

"Godhead, every god has it." Athena chuckled: "But all mortals don't know that even if you go against the sky and kill the gods, you can't get the godhead from the gods. But it just so happens that as the most powerful One of the goddesses, I know a top-secret method that can allow mortals to obtain godhood."

"Pandora's Box!" She smiled and said, "As long as you get the Pandora's Box, you will be qualified to possess the godhead. By constantly slaughtering other gods, every time you use the Pandora's box to absorb, your godhead fragments will become more and more powerful." Come more, you will get a bigger godhead."

Du Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this: "As a god of the Olympus pantheon, you encourage me to kill other gods? Aren't they all your brothers and sisters?"

"It used to be" Athena said without hesitation: "He used to be my brothers and sisters, but now, they are all my enemies. Because they are all controlled by extraterrestrial demons, they have become surly, and they no longer care for the well-being of mankind. In their minds, only tyranny and selfishness!"

Du Yu was silent, thinking of the great god Fuxi in Legend of Sword and Fairy.He used to wear the same pair of pants with Shennong and Nuwa, but in the end he killed Shennong in a sneak attack and severely injured Nuwa. It is obvious that his cruel heart is revealed. Such a big change is rooted in the possession of the alien demon.

"You mean, the entire Olympus pantheon, except you, is possessed and controlled by alien demons?"

Du Yu took a deep breath.

This question is enough to decide his life and death.

If it is true, Du Yu must consider how to retreat.

A mature warrior must not only have the spirit of going forward bravely, but also know when and how to retreat. A reckless man will only ruin himself.

If the entire god system has become an enemy, it is better for Du Yu to plan early.

Athena shook her head and said: "I have been trapped for thousands of years, and I only saw Zeus once, confirming that my father god has been possessed and controlled, and Mars who attacked me madly recently. As for other gods, I don't know. But The Olympus pantheon is huge and there are many gods, and the number of celestial demons outside the territory is limited, and it may not be able to cover them all. You can rest assured."

Du Yu calmly said, "In other words, I must kill Zeus before I can save you. Then what? How should I retreat?"

Athena said with a smile: "Once I regain my divine power and break free from this dream of eternal sleep, this world will be broken, and you can escape with me."

"Then where should we start?" Du Yu looked back at the village full of corpses and flames, and felt that this killing world had fallen into a collective madness.

"Let's start by saving Athens!" Goddess Athena said solemnly: "Ares and I have always had grudges, but since Ares was controlled by darkness, due to the conflict of war priesthood, the hatred for me has become more intense (Ares He is the god of war, Athena is also the god of war, the two have a long-standing grudge in Olympus mythology), and recently he is ordering his lackeys to attack the city that believes in me. This village is only a very small part of this war, and my biggest The city of Athens is becoming the spoils of Ares! If he succeeds, I will fall into eternal sleep again because of the lack of faith. Your mission will fail completely, and you will be forced to be trapped in this world forever, becoming a lonely soul ghost!"

Hearing this news, Du Yu was really impatient.

"Why do you sink, and I will be trapped?"

"It's not my fault, it's the rules of the extraterrestrial demons." Athena said helplessly, "So, you can only succeed, not fail! Hurry up and save Athens! Pandora's Box is also in the desert outside Athens, hurry up!" Go, my boy."

Du Yu was helpless.

He was sucked into this world by an extraterrestrial celestial demon, and it was really difficult for him to move a single step.

After inquiring about the terrain of Helen's village, Du Yu found a path on a cliff by the sea.Taking advantage of the cover of night, he took his wife and children and escaped secretly from the path.

Looking back, the village was completely set on fire, the Temple of Athena had been destroyed by the flames of war, and the war between Mars and Athena had won another victory.

Du Yu looked serious.

Helen and Lilith are Kratos' relatives, and they are also the only weakness of this tough guy.Du Yu didn't want to cause more trouble, so he placed the two of them in a peaceful small village, and embarked on a journey of slaughtering gods by himself.

"You have to come back alive." Perhaps after witnessing her husband's efforts to protect the village, Helen no longer looked coldly at her husband, but softly pressed against Du Yu's back and said softly.

Du Yu nodded.

He has to go back, and his women and children are also looking forward to his safe return.

Du Yu walked to the rough seashore and found that the trireme sailboat brought by the deputy captain was not damaged and could be used.He jumped on a galley, untied the ropes, and steered the ship with the sailing skills he had learned in the Caribbean world, struggling to sail towards the restless Aegean Sea.

On the opposite side of the Aegean Sea should be Athens, the largest holy city in the Greek world.

This city is not only a symbol of Greek civilization, but also the largest city named after Athena and protected by it.It has a population of 10, almost all of whom are followers of Athena.

If this place is captured by Mars, the awakening of the goddess Athena will be short-lived, and she will surely fall into eternal sleep again.Also broken is Du Yu's dream of returning home.

Du Yu rowed vigorously in the sea.

But the trip to the Aegean Sea is not destined to be peaceful.

Mars burned the flames of war to every corner of Greece, even on this ocean.

With an earth-shattering roar, many souls from hell appeared on Du Yu's boat, and he saw the head of the sea snake Hydra on the distant sea.The Hydra, the size of a dragon, is endangering a passing merchant ship.

These souls from hell, with painful faces, distorted bodies, armed with rusty weapons, screamed and walked out of the black air in the void, and rushed towards Du Yu who was rowing.

"I'll send you back to hell!" Du Yu waved his golden cudgel, quickly eliminated the skeleton soldiers sent by Ares from hell, jumped on another merchant ship, and ran towards Xu Dela's head.He must save the ship, and rely on it to go to Athens to deal with Ares.

The people on the boat saw Du Yu as if they saw a ghost, and they shouted: "Get away from me, evil spirit of Sparta."

Du Yu didn't care, and continued to move forward.

This Hydra is the Hydra in the Olympian mythology system, obeying the order of Mars, rampantly raging on the Aegean Sea, devouring the passing Athens merchant ships.

According to legend, she grew up in the swamp of Lena in Argolis, and often climbed to the shore, ruining crops and endangering livestock.She was fierce and gigantic, a nine-headed basilisk, eight of which could be killed, but the ninth, the one standing upright in the middle, was indestructible.Legend has it that her blood is highly poisonous, and after being stained with snake blood, she can make poisonous arrows. Hydra's arrows even caused the mythical immortal hero Hercules to commit suicide in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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