Chapter 1387 Attacking Athens!Find the magic box! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Goddess Athena did not speak.

After a while, the voice of the goddess reached Du Yu's ears again: "It's amazing! You actually killed the Hydra? But it's not enough! You must hurry up and act."

"Next step, where should I go?" Du Yu asked lazily.

"Rush to the highest point in Athens, the Acropolis, to my temple, to my priest, and she will tell you what to do. But be quick! Because although Ares is blocked by my divine shield Outside, he couldn't stop his human servant army. They had already invaded the city of Athens and were burning, killing and looting everywhere. If they captured the Temple of Athena, Ares would instantly break through the protective cover and enter the city! "

When Du Yu got the news, he jumped on the Dragon Queen Morriel and flew directly to the highest point of Athens.

Hurry up?Still the fastest.

Looking down from Moliel, the city of Athens, which was once romantic and full of flowers, has become a battlefield.The guards of Athens fought a fierce battle on the streets of Athens with the Ares demon army that rushed into the city.These evil spirits were originally brave and good fighters, but they fanatically pursued power and were seduced by the power of Ares, the god of war, to fall, leaving only the instinct of killing and destruction.

Some of them look like evil spirits, carrying axes and swords, and killing everyone they meet; They shot wantonly everywhere, and some had red eyes, thirsting for blood, and immediately fell down and bit the corpse after killing.The entire city of Athens was filled with flames, and the cries of women and children shook the sky, and it fell into chaos.

Du Yu snorted coldly. After being controlled by the extraterrestrial demon, Ares really only had the instinct of destruction and killing left.In Greek mythology, although Ares is tyrannical, he still has the side of protecting justice and a warrior. Now these virtues are gone in him.

The Dragon Queen's speed was extremely fast, and she was about to land on the Acropolis of Athens.This saved Du Yu from fighting all the way from the bottom of the city and walked up step by step, saving a lot of time.

But Ares, the thousand-meter giant, looked up and saw Du Yu, the dragon knight, rushing towards the acropolis.He couldn't help being furious.

"I have already sent the Hydra Hydra to blockade the Aegean sea. How can this kid get up through the sea and act as a reinforcement?"

Ares has the most irritable temper, and he must retaliate. Seeing that the blasphemer warrior who would rather fight to the death than bow to himself has come to Athens, how can he not be angry?
How could the enemy Du Yu come over?
Ares let out a cold snort from his nostrils, only to hear a sharp hiss, and hundreds of screaming banshees with devil wings, beautiful faces, and bare breasts rushed towards Du Yu from the air.


Du Yu's face turned cold, and he was about to wave the Ruyi Golden Cudgel when Jasmine, the Dragon Queen, snorted, "Don't worry, you have raised so many worlds, can't you even get rid of these banshees? Look at me!"

She shook her dragon wings, accelerated her flight, and soared into the sky.

The banshee Ao Cry came after her fiercely.In Greek mythology, they are a symbol of ominousness and disaster. Once a family sees their strange faces and hears their shrill neighing, they are not far from the dead.

Du Yu saw that the Acropolis of Athens was getting closer and closer, but the banshees had already chased after them. He didn't want to waste time entangled with these banshees, so he said to Jasmine, "You are responsible for dealing with the pursuers behind me. Flying sword go!"

Jasmine nodded, Du Yu raised his flying sword, and the Dragon Queen led the star lion Helfah, turned around and rushed towards the banshee flying in the sky.

The battle broke out immediately.

The Dragon Queen has a body like steel and iron bones and a destructive dragon breath. With one swoop and breath, more than a dozen crying banshees were burned like fireballs and fell to the city of Athens.

But the Ao Ti Banshee was so powerful that she quickly scattered and fled in all directions, bypassing Molier's frontal attack, and launched an attack from behind and from the flanks.

They boarded Jasmine's dragon back one after another, using their sharp claws and spells to attack and bite Jasmine back.

Jasmine's body is too big, which is not conducive to close combat, so she can only continue chasing and killing the banshee in the air.

It depends on the astral lion Helfah on her back!

Like a big cat pouncing a bird, Haierfa knocked down one of the howling banshees, bit her throat hard, and then counterattacked the other side.

The battle in the air is in full swing.

Du Yu stepped on the flying sword and quickly approached the Acropolis of Athens.

Relying on the help of Jasmine and Helfah, he successfully bypassed the candy-like entanglement of the battle, and directly reached the sky above the Acropolis.

In front of the Temple of Athena on the Acropolis, there is also a brutal battle going on!
Hundreds of Ares war servants are besieging the Temple of Athena.The Athenian guards and priests guarding the temple resisted desperately, but retreated steadily.The leading priest is a young girl wearing an ultra-thin gauze, wheat-colored skin, and a graceful body. Her waist is soft and her movements are flexible. She holds a short blade and swings it like a dance. enemy.

The servant of Ares, like crazy, kept pressing.

Du Yu chuckled and jumped off the battlefield.

The priest of Athena was anxious. He didn't expect that these war servants were so brave and fearless. Seeing that the Temple of Athena was about to miss and fell into the hands of the enemy.Once there is no divine protection of the statue of Athena, the city of Athens will fall into the hands of Ares' brutal army in an instant.

She will never die.

At this moment, Du Yu fell from the sky and landed among the enemy group.

The enemy rushed towards Du Yu frantically.

Du Yu drew out his golden cudgel and swept the enemy with one round.

Ever since he entered this world, Du Yu has practiced a lot of kung fu in fighting with outnumbered enemies!
"Ghost Prison Yinfeng Roar" frightened the group, followed by a round of golden cudgels, the group attacked, blowing away, and then another wave of lingering microsteps, penetrating the enemy group, continuing to attack, accumulating killing points, once killing When the value is full, it is the end of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

This kind of fighting rhythm is simple and lively, full of violent blows, which makes Du Yu want to stop.

"Oh!" Another few enemies were swept away by Du Yu.

It should be said that these slaves of Ares are also famous Spartan warriors, who have won hundreds of battles and never missed, but they met Du Yu who was even more against the sky, with super attack power and super fast attack power. Speed, the super-defying skill priority, made them lose their temper, and they could only watch waves being blown up by Du Yu, turning into red blood beads who whizzed after Du Yu.

Du Yu fought more and more bravely, and more than 300 Ares war servants were killed in a short time, leaving only a lot of corpses.

The priestess and the Athens guards were all stunned.

Du Yu wiped his sweat.Although his strength is extraordinary, it is far from the level of a god-level instant kill.To be able to achieve the stunning and crushing battle results just now is a victory with clever tactics.With his exquisite quick-strike tactics, coupled with his solid attributes and skills, coupled with close-combat treasures such as the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, he won so cleanly.

He walked towards the priestess and was about to speak when he was caught off guard when a group of screaming banshees broke through Jasmine's defense and rushed towards the priestess with high-pitched neighing.

As the spokesperson of the goddess Athena, the priestess is an important figure in the city of Athens.The Athenian guards beside her hurriedly formed a shield formation, holding up their spears, trying to block the attack of these groaning banshees.

But the banshee was as fast as lightning, and caught the priestess in an instant, and flew to a garden behind.

"I'll save her!" Du Yu sighed.The priestess hasn't told him how to proceed to the next step, so it's fine.

Du Yu unfolded his footwork, turned into many phantoms, and chased the Ao Ti Banshee.

Using his icy internal energy, he transformed it into a life-and-death talisman, aimed at the banshee, and swished it out.

The banshee who hijacked the priestess was hit by Du Yu's life-and-death talisman, wailed twice, and threw the priestess down!

The screams of the priestess resounded through the mountains.

Fortunately, she deserved her life, and it was dangerous, so she grabbed a vine on the cliff, and finally she didn't fall, and fell into a meatloaf.

But the priestess is also on the verge of falling, and she doesn't know when she will fall.

"Help me!" cried the priestess.

Du Yu nodded.

However, the banshees rushed towards him in groups.

Sharp teeth, sharp claws and sharp neighing, attacked Du Yu at the same time.

It is said that the Ao Ti Banshee can confuse men with singing, and then catch and eat them, but what Du Yu felt was only noise.

"Beast! Look at the trick!" Du Yu squeezed the life and death talismans, and popped them out one by one, shooting down the banshees one after another.

These crowing banshees, like crazy, went on and on, causing Du Yu a lot of trouble.But after a fierce battle, Du Yu still managed to save the priestess.

The priestess was carried down from the air by Du Yu, stroking Du Yu's strong chest muscles with some fascination, and said with a smile, "Are you the savior in the oracle?"

Du Yu shrugged: "I need you to tell me, how to save Athena next?"

"You should have heard of Pandora's Box, right?" The priestess said softly, "It's the Pandora's Box that claims to be able to destroy the world!"

"Yes." Du Yu heard from Athena that the function of this object is more powerful than the legend, and it is a must-have to save her.

"Pandora's box, once opened, can release the power of hope." The priestess took a deep breath: "And hope is the most precious thing in this desperate world of killing. If I have it, my goddess will It can be revived."

Du Yu nodded: "Where is Pandora's Box?"

The priestess pointed to the desert outside Athens: "Kratos, with your current strength, you are far from being an opponent of Ares, the god of war. A human cannot defeat a god. But there is one thing in this world that can help you Kill God. Pandora's Box, Pandora's Box can help you defeat Ares, and you can go out from this door to the desert, which is the only way to get Pandora's Box, and it is also The only way you can go. But remember Kratos, there have been many brave warriors who went to find this magic box, and no one has been able to come back.”

(End of this chapter)

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