Chapter 1388 Somersault cloud!Great holy stick method! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Without looking back, Du Yu embarked on the road to find Pandora's Box.

At the end of the room is a huge stone statue of Athena. The door on the stone statue leads to the sewer of the city, and directly connects with the entrance of the city of Athens.After passing through the muddy sewer full of monsters, Du Yu came to the lost desert.

In the sewer, Ares' war legions are everywhere, flying out of the black vortex on the ground anytime, anywhere, and rushing towards Du Yu with a grinning grin.

As the battle on the front line became more intense, the intensity of these guys also increased. It was even more difficult for Du Yu to deal with it, and he was almost killed by the enemies who were on the verge of death several times.

Just when Du Yu was getting a little restless in the fight and his health bottomed out, a ray of light flashed, and the star lion Haierfa jumped out from the darkness, killing a dark warrior who was hiding in the dark and was about to attack Du Yu with a bow and arrow.

Du Yu said pleasantly, "Are you all right?"

"Of course" a graceful female voice sounded.

With the sound of high-heeled leather boots knocking on the dark sewer floor, a red-haired woman with a hot figure, wearing a tight red leather suit, with a straight front and back, and uneven bumps, slowly walked out of the darkness behind her.

Du Yu opened his eyes wide: "You are?"

"You won't recognize me so soon?" The red-haired woman played with the shiny leather whip in her hand, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

"You are Molier?" Du Yu's eyes almost fell out of surprise.

This Molly, when did you master the skill of transforming?

Moliel smiled coldly and said: "Don't underestimate me, the Queen of Dragons. In these worlds, I have worked hard to improve my strength, and the speed of strength improvement is not slow. You let me devour Xu Dela's body again, and gained energy In addition, I have successfully crossed that threshold and possessed the ability to change form. Hehe. Otherwise, fighting in this narrow and dark cave, I really can’t use it.”

Du Yu smiled: "You guys came at the right time. The enemies here are very strong and know how to work as a team. They are very difficult to deal with. I can't handle it alone."

He looked down at the killing value calculator, but suddenly found that the killing value representing Dark Kratos was rising rapidly!
"What's going on with this guy?" Du Yu was taken aback.

"We came over from the sky and saw a burly Spartan with a bald head, holding a hellfire blade, massacring civilians on the street." Molly shook her hair dismissively, and said mockingly: "That's why his killing is worth a lot. growing so fast."

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

This dark Kratus is walking the ghost and animal route.Killing everyone on the streets of Athens, the killing value increased extremely fast, but doing so was really despicable.

"What's the use of this killing value?" Du Yu frowned and said, "Besides comparing with the dark Kratos?"

"It's very useful!" The voice of the goddess Athena sounded, and said in a manly voice: "Otherwise, the dark Kratus would not be so frantic to kill and snatch the killing value!"

"Specifically?" Du Yuqiu asked.

"That's it, haven't you noticed that in this world, you can't receive the main mission?" Athena said softly, "Then these killing points are a reward for your harvest in this world!"

"Reward?" Du Yu lost his voice: "Could it be?"

"Yes!" Athena smiled slightly: "These killing points are equivalent to the villain points you get in the normal world! You can exchange these killing points for your skills and attribute upgrades in any temple of Athena ! Of course the price is exactly the same as the villain value!"

Du Yu was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the killing value, which has been unknown for a long time, is so useful.

What makes him even more fortunate is that he has always insisted on taking the most difficult route, and the kill points he has obtained are quite high, and he has collected more than 36000 points so far.If it is exchanged for villain value one to one, wouldn't this have already been issued?
"The only regret is that your killing points cannot be taken out of this world." Athena smiled lightly: "You can only exchange them with me."

"By the way." Du Yu remembered an important thing: "According to the plot, I should have bumped into Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite and other gods at this time. And I have received various blessings from them And weapons, why haven’t I seen any of them until now?”

"Because you are a human being!" Athena shrugged: "Don't forget, this world has been controlled by extraterrestrial demons. Even if these gods are not possessed by extraterritorial demons, they are all in danger. How can they help you? ? Not only that, I guess their blessings have all fallen on Dark Kratos. You have to be careful, next time you meet him, he will be even more terrifying!"

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, in the plot world, Hum's avatar is more advantageous than himself.This is really unfair.

But in a world controlled by extraterrestrial demons, where is the slightest bit of fairness?

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "Goddess, you've seen it too, we're really saddened to the extreme. I've been wronged a lot by following you, don't you have any rewards for your strength? Can you also boost my morale?"

Athena rolled her eyes at Du Yu: "Is there anyone who talks to the goddess like this? What do you mean by following me and suffering all the grievances?"

Du Yu was so angry that he didn't speak.

Athena was helpless, and she also knew that it was really difficult for Du Yu to fight alone in this world.The saddest thing is that Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite and others who were supposed to give blessings to the protagonist in the plot all benefited his enemy Diablo Kratus!

But the goddess was also unambiguous, rolled her eyes, and said in a manly voice: "You don't have to be discouraged. The benefits I give you are still to come."

In front of Du Yu's eyes, a redemption list appeared.

"The goddess' welfare?" Du Yu's eyes lit up, and finally there was some good news.It is said that after entering this world, he was depressed, which made him a little bit unmotivated.

The first item on the exchange list that the goddess gave him was a heavyweight skill!
[Great Sage Stick Technique]: Remnant, S-level skill.According to legend, it is the god-level stick method taught to the great sage by the ancestor of Sun Wukong Bodhi.This stick method can be used as a melee fairy method, with a priority of 100 points.Attack moves are divided into 72 types.This set of stick techniques is both long and short, and both single and single. There are many and dense methods. The fourteen characters of circle, point, spear, cut, draw, pick, dial, flick, pull, mark, sweep, press, knock, and strike are the secrets. , varied.Acquisition requirements: Dexterity above 400, energy value above 3000.

Exchange price: 20000 killing value.

Note: Since this skill is a residual, it can only be upgraded to the highest level 3.

Du Yu's eyes were straightened.

Looking down, there are actually explosive bonus skills!
[Somersault Cloud]: Remnant version, S-level skill, according to legend, it is the light body technique taught to the Great Sage by the Bodhi Patriarch Sun Wukong, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog, a somersault cloud can cover hundreds of thousands of miles. Excellent technique.Acquisition requirements: Dexterity above 500, Immortal Cultivation Technique has reached above Tribulation Ascension.

Exchange price: 25000 killing value.

Note: Since this skill is a residual, it can only be upgraded to the highest level 3.

Du Yu jumped up.

"You are a Western god, how can you have Sun Dasheng's exercises?" Du Yu was puzzled: "If your exchange list is full of things such as golden holy clothes, Greek mythological props and weapons, I would not give it up." understand."

"Is it strange?" Athena smiled lightly: "I specially took these things out of my collection to give you as rewards. Don't forget, the Twilight War of the Gods (the Western gods' war against the five declines of heaven and man) I also participated in it as the Western Goddess of War, fighting side by side with Empress Nuwa. Sun Dasheng fell before our eyes. I found the remnants of these two exercises in his relics. But it is enough to let Your combat power has been greatly increased to solve the immediate urgent problem."

Du Yu nodded.

He really needs to improve his combat power.

Without the Legion of Beauty, the impact on Du Yu would not be so great.

In this city of Athens, endless powerful enemies can emerge everywhere.If you don't pay attention, you will be beaten into a mess.The strength of these enemies is really too strong, worthy of being the enemies in the dream of eternal sleep.

Only Du Yu was left to fight alone, often caught in the embarrassment of being besieged by the enemy, and after a few rounds, his more than 3000 life points were instantly cleared.

Dark Kratos, with the help of the gods of Olympus controlled by many demon gods, is constantly strengthening his strength.What Seagod's Trident, Aphrodite's bow and arrow, and the upgrade of the Blade of Chaos, all the benefits were given to him.

If he wants to get out of this world alive, besides working hard to earn killing points, he must also pay attention to buying skills and improving his cultivation.Na Hum warned himself five times and three times that the killing value will ultimately determine whether he will fight the Diablo Kratus. In fact, it is not a good intention, but a malicious intention!

He tried to influence his own judgment, let himself cherish his own broom, treasured the killing value, and was reluctant to exchange it for exercises!

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Is it that scary to fight against Dark Kratos?

As long as the strength is reached and can overwhelm the dark Kratos, he should be the one to be afraid of!Instead of yourself!
When I get to the point of shrinking and avoiding the battle passively, when I lose the courage to fight.What's more, Hum didn't guarantee that he wouldn't encounter Diablo Kratus at ordinary times.

Du Yu thought for a while, and without hesitation, he exchanged all 34000 killing points for exercises!
But 34000 killing points are not enough to exchange for all of them. There must be a trade-off between [Somersault Cloud] and [Great Sage Stick Method].

[Somersault Cloud] is used to save life, and [Great Sage Stick Method] is used to attack.

Du Yu thought about it for a while, and decided to exchange the full amount for the Great Sage Stick.

The reason is simple, he now has the SS-level fairy treasure such as the Ruyi Golden Cudgel for nothing, but he has not been able to display its full terrifying combat power.The lack of corresponding stick moves is the most important reason.

Du Yu's skill slot just happened to have two vacancies.He used 20000 killing points to exchange for the Great Saint Stick Technique, and exchanged the remaining second-level and third-level stick technique experience together.

A total of 25000 kill points were spent.

(End of this chapter)

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