Chapter 1390 Find Du Yu!Ladies save husbands! - Ask for a monthly pass!

All of this made the already extremely powerful Diablo Kratos even more confident.

"Hmph!" Dark Kratos stood at the lost desert gate, looked at the desert footprints left by Du Yu in front, and sneered: "You escaped from me in the temple of Athena with the help of Athena. Jie. The disparity between our strengths is even greater this time, so I want to see how you can escape from me!"

With a grin, he followed Du Yu's footsteps and walked towards the desert, like a hunter stalking his prey.

The story is divided into two parts, Du Yu and the dark Kratos are in the lost desert, fighting wits and courage for Pandora's box, but his beauties are anxiously wandering around in the space.

"Empress Nuwa, can't you think of a way to track down Du Yu's trail?" Lin Qing'er was crying like a pear blossom with rain, stroking her protruding abdomen.

"That's right," Zhao Ling'er cried, "How can we let Du Yu die alone in a world controlled by the demons outside the territory? We are here to enjoy ourselves."

Empress Nuwa frowned, and said helplessly: "My spiritual consciousness has scanned hundreds of worlds, but I still can't find Du Yu's trace. These extraterritorial celestial demons are too cunning. Douyu moves to worlds we can't scan."

"Then what should we do now?" Shen Luoyan frowned deeply, it was the first time she encountered such a difficult problem.

"I'm still using Galadriel to divination crystals, looking for traces of Du Yu." Galadriel did not give up, and was still trying her best to find traces of Du Yu.

"Other people should not be idle." Ning Zhong said: "The business route created by Du Yu must be completely opened up in this world. The second batch of goods shipped from the East China Sea Dragon Palace will soon arrive at the small lake of Yunmengze. I think we will send ten masters, together with Yunmengze's escort team, to the parliamentary country and Shenluo to sell them. We must obtain more than three times the income."

"The ten lands of Great Tang obtained by Yunmengze also need to speed up development, harvest resources and materials, and increase the wealth of Yunmengze forces." Everyone, assign work: "Even if you worry about Du Yu again, you must speed up the construction of Yunmengze."

"Du Yu's strategy of linking the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea with the four kingdoms of space and establishing a cross-border alliance is indeed far-sighted. He is experienced in planning for the country, and the ruler of the four kingdoms and the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. It can be resisted." Shang Xiufang smiled and said, "I recently followed Elizabeth and was sent to the Sudan as an envoy, and I met the Sudanese Emperor Saladin. He clearly knows that we can get most of the benefits from this kind of trade. Whining, complaining that Sudan’s profits are only [-]% to [-]%, hoping that we will lower the price. But we have to announce the opening of national borders and integrate into our trading empire system.”

"However, in addition to the 3000 billion survival points in the East China Sea, we must also accelerate the development and collection of self-produced resources in Yunmengze. Otherwise, once the transaction quota is used up and the dragon bones of the East China Sea Dragon Clan are given, what else do we have to do with the Four Kingdoms?" Trade?" Shi Qingxuan was usually high-spirited, but she never expected to have such profound insights into state affairs.

"Catherine has sent two groups of technicians to help us develop the land of Datang that we have received. The development of our Yunmengze will be accelerated." Maishela, who is in charge of the development of Yunmengze, said with satisfaction.

"I have an idea!" the ghostly Houhou yelled, "Since it was the extraterrestrial demon Hum who designed Du Yu and put him in a dream of eternal sleep, why can't we find a way from Hum's side and trick Du Yu out?" Where is the world? As long as we know his whereabouts, the rescue will be targeted."

All the girls exclaimed at the same time, praising Houhou's good strategy.

If there are really three cobblers, Zhuge Liang is the best one, not to mention Du Yu's women, all of them are phoenixes among women, heroines?

The energy they gather together is definitely beyond the imagination of many men.

As soon as the words of Wanhou's plan fell, Shi Feixuan was inspired and added: "I remembered that Du Yu had a good friend of the dragon clan, named Qinglian! He is in Yunmeng Lake at this moment. How about we use her , Contact the Dragon King of the East China Sea, ask the Dragon King of the East China Sea as an internal response, spy on Hum's information, and try to rescue Du Yulai!"

Zhongmei's eyes lit up.

Empress Nuwa was also pleasantly surprised: "You guys are really smart. I'll send it over right now, and we'll figure out a way together."

The girls returned to Yunmengze, and soon found Qinglian who was wandering around.

When Qinglian heard that Du Yu had been kidnapped by an extraterrestrial demon, a flash of anxiety flashed in her eyes: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'll go back to the East China Sea right now, and urge my father to go to Hum's place to find out what happened!"

"Can it work?" Shi Feixuan frowned, "If it wasn't for Hum's confidant, it might not be possible to find out such secrets, right?"

"A dead horse should be a living horse doctor." Qinglian said with a wry smile, "No matter how careful you are, I would never have imagined that our Dragon Clan would communicate with you. If it wasn't for Du Yu, I wouldn't take such a risk. Fortunately, I know my father well. His nature, he is determined to win the Dragon Bone of the True God, and he will not let go of this opportunity."

Ning Zhong gritted his teeth and said, "If the Dragon King can really rescue Du Yu this time, I'm willing to force Du Yu to take out the Dragon Bone of the True God as a reward to the Dragon King."

Qinglian was overjoyed, she walked into the lake, and the water escaped.

At this time, the East China Sea Dragon Clan is holding a meeting to discuss the next move.

The only piece of true god keel was placed in the center, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas focused his eyes on it.

"Although the Great Tang lost nearly 20 adventurers in this war in the East China Sea, it was the most brilliant result in the Four Kingdoms War. But our Four Seas Dragon Clan lost 60 monsters, and the casualties were not light." The bearded and blue-eyed Xihai Dragon King sighed. : "I really don't know whether this business is a loss or a profit."

"It can't go on like this anymore," the Dragon King of the South China Sea roared angrily, "The situation is very clear now. Hum and Meng, those extraterrestrial celestial demons are simply using us as cannon fodder. With us in the charge, we have to stand aside according to the rewards! We kill 20 adventurers nearly paralyzed Datang, and made such a great contribution. After the battle, that bastard Hum said a few words, and there was no practical reward at all. How can this be convincing?"

"Those who are not my race must have a different heart!" The Dragon King of the North Sea shook his head and said, "Hum represents the interests of the Dongying Continent's cattle clan. He wishes that all the dragons of the four seas would die, and then let the Dongying Continent monsters take over our territory. How could that be?" Give us a good face? Hmph! Thanks to the cleverness of the big brother, he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and didn't spend all his money, otherwise we don't know where we are now!"

The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea shouted: "These are over! Now our key is the next beast tide, what should we do? There are only more than 60 usable soldiers left, and our Dragon Clan of the Four Seas needs to recuperate. But Hum just called me over and arranged Come on, next time the space beasts swarm, our Four Seas Dragon Clan will still be the main striker! Let me raise my best soldiers and run to the capital of the Tang Dynasty."

As soon as the words came out, the underground exploded.

"This is to exterminate our dragon clan!" Even the militant Ao Guang got angry and stood up angrily: "We fought so hard, and let us be the striker? The 200 space energy cannons made by Lord Hou this time , A single volley can kill several dragon monsters. In the Tang Empire, the centipede is dead but not stiff. Maybe there are many cards left. The next time we attack us, more people will die! What he did not do Too much!"

"He's just going too far, what can we do?" The Dragon King of the West Sea sighed, "At this time, the ancestor of the demon is still sleeping, and the five-clawed dragon god has fallen. Can we go and sue him?"

The old Dragon King's eyes flashed and he said: "The only plan now is to get the second piece of the real god keel as soon as possible. The first keel, I have been working day and night, trying to figure it out, and I have completely deciphered and digested it successfully. Level [Shengtoe]! If I can integrate the second piece of the true god keel, I have full confidence that I can reach the second level [long bone] of the five-clawed golden dragon! Evolve the fifth claw of the five-clawed golden dragon!"

Hearing this, the other Dragon Kings and Dragon Princes of the Three Seas all showed joy.

"That's great, Daddy!" Ao You said happily, "Doesn't it mean that we are about to give birth to a new Dragon God?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea couldn't help but smiled and said: "I have followed the five-clawed dragon god for the longest time. According to my memory, the dragon god once said that his previous generation of true gods had five keel bones. Long bones, sharp claws, soul forging, and ecstasy. This new toe can only be regarded as an initial step into the realm of the five-clawed golden dragon, but only when the second layer of long bones is reached, will the fifth dragon claw grow more obviously. This kind of heavenly demon forms a certain deterrent."

All the dragons listened attentively. This second keel decided the fate of the dragons of the four seas. It is not an exaggeration at all.

Only the first layer of raw toes is not enough to restrain Hum's fear, but it has formed a qualitative change for the Dragon King to practice the second layer. At least he can pretend to be a five-clawed golden dragon, so that he does not dare to overintimidate the dragons.

"Du Yu, bastard! He insisted on a trade quota of 3000 billion survival points, and we gave him 300 billion survival point supplies, but he refused to take it! With such a large trade quota, it takes a year of the monkey to get the second true god keel! ?" Ao Guang said angrily.

"That's right! After we get the real god keel, we still need time for the elder brother to comprehend and retreat to the second level. This will also take time. The next space beast tide will explode in two worlds. How can we wait so long? How long?" The Dragon King of the West Sea was also anxious.

Everyone sighed at the same time.

What the Dragon Clan lacks most now is time. If you get it too late, the True God Dragon Bone will be useless.

At this moment, Qinglian appeared at the door and quickly walked towards the Dragon King.

The old dragon king loved the little daughter the most, and he smiled and greeted her after all his troubles were gone.

After listening to Qinglian's words, the old Dragon King's face turned blue and white.

Everyone looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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