Chapter 1391 Peeping at the Dragon King of the East China Sea! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
The Dragon King of the West Sea asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, big brother?"

The old Dragon King told about Du Yu being kidnapped by the Heavenly Demon from outside the territory.

Ao Guang laughed loudly: "This bastard still has today? He deserves it!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ao You robbed him and said: "Brother, please use your brain, okay? This Du Yu is indeed damned, but he has the keel of the real god that we are determined to obtain. If he dies or disappears, we will Where can I find the Dragon Bone of the True God?"

With these words, Ao Guang blushed, "I forgot about the keel. This Du Yu didn't know to leave the keel when he left. It's disgusting!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea gave Ao Guang a blank look, and said in a deep voice, "That's the way it is, let's discuss it and come up with a plan?"

The three Dragon Kings looked at each other, nodded and said, "It's about the life and death of our clan, even if we take some risks, it's worth it!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea made up his mind, nodded and said: "In that case, I will risk it anyway. Go to Hum's place to find out the news!"

Everyone in the Dragon Clan felt heavy and nervous.

If this matter is exposed, the extraterrestrial demon Hum will be furious. Without the five-clawed golden dragon sitting in command, the dragon clan will inevitably go to the Dragon Terrace collectively.

But if Du Yu was ignored and Du Yu was allowed to be killed by the Hum, the dragon clan who could not get the dragon bone of the true god would still be driven away by the Hum and devoured.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea turned into a golden dragon and disappeared outside the Dragon Palace.

Du Yu was in the lost desert at this time, fighting fiercely with the siren banshee.

Although the singing of the siren banshee is enough to confuse any passing travelers and sailors, it is useless in front of Du Yu, a firm-hearted cultivator of immortality.

Holding the Ruyi golden cudgel, Du Yu used the great sage's stick technique, majestic and unstoppable, and beat the remaining two siren banshees to death one by one.

The three siren banshees left behind three keys.

Du Yu opened them one by one.

In the key, each banshee produced a pupil-shaped gemstone that resembled a human eyeball, golden yellow and very strange.

Du Yu picked it up and looked at it, and it was called [Eye of Gorgon]: Gorgon is the god of hell in Greek mythology, a subordinate of Hades, who is in charge of people's lives.His eyes can see how much human life is left.As long as you gather six Gorgon Eyes, your life can be extended.Six Gorgon Eyes, which can increase HP by 600 points.

For Du Yu, whose health is only 3200 at this time, 600 health is equivalent to an increase of 60 points in stamina, which is very tempting.The three Gorgon eyes were accepted by him with a smile.

From the three keys, three siren tongues were also obtained, which can be made into potions. The effect is higher priority than [Belial's Lie] and can be used by Elizabeth.Du Yu was also thrown into the space.

Finally, there are the heads of three banshees.

Du Yu walked to the center of the storm-ravaged desert, a land of ruins, and saw the door leading to the Pandora Temple in the center of the lost desert.

Du Yu pressed the heads of three siren banshees on the huge stone gate.

Bright silver rays of light erupted from the stone gate, and the mouths of the three siren banshees opened at the same time, singing a harmony melody of soprano, mezzo-soprano, and alto, which was extremely beautiful and moving, accompanying them With the sound of singing, the door opened slowly.

In front of it is a square paved with stone slabs, and at the end of the square, there is a resplendent horn stand.On the table, there is an ivory horn inlaid with gold, its surface covered with gold, and decorated with crystals. It stands alone in the middle of the desert, as if it has been forgotten by the world, and it seems to contain the great secret of the birth of the world.

Below the square is the boundless desert.The storm was raging, flying sand and rocks, and the whole world was full of yellow, and I couldn't even see the 100 meters opposite, and I didn't know what the desert looked like.

According to Athena's prompt, Du Yu knew that it was the horn to summon the Titan, the father of Zeus, and the first king of Titans, Kronos!

Du Yu picked up the golden cudgel, swaggered towards the horn and blew the dust off it, and blew the horn with all his strength.

Sure enough, a miraculous scene appeared. When the first horn sounded, Kuangsha, who was rolling back and forth in front of him, immediately floated to both sides, forming an open area in the middle.This situation is like the situation when Moses led the Jews out of ancient Egypt and used the power of the prophet to split the sea water into two, revealing the passage under the sea!
When Du Yu blew the horn for the second time, the huge body of the titan—Kronos appeared in the endless sand sea!
Du had foreseen the huge body of Ares, but he had never seen such a huge giant in his life. As the god of the previous generation, Kronos really gave people a sense of oppression without the slightest resistance!
Like a beast, he knelt down in the desert and walked slowly on his knees.In his mythology, the body of a titan that can shine as bright as the sky and the earth, even if he is kneeling, is several thousand meters high, and his body is as long as a mountain range!Every time he twisted his knees and crawled forward, the whole desert trembled a few times, like an earthquake.

Du Yu was shocked.

He had never seen such a magnificent situation.

Cranos's face is ugly, but there is a trace of savage hatred. He suffers from great hatred, but his eyes are lifelessly rolled. It is his soul. Walk.There is only a body left, exiled by Zeus, forever in this lost desert full of yellow sand, with a magnificent mountain-like temple of Pandora on its back, kneeling and crawling unconsciously

Hearing the sound of the horn, Kronos seemed to be driven by instinct, and slowly crawled here.The feeling of the earthquake was getting stronger and stronger. Du Yu seemed to have witnessed the magnificent scene of plate drifting. Looking at a mountain range, he was walking towards him.

The huge face of Kronos appeared in front of Du Yu, and he continued to crawl forward lifelessly.

Du Yu turned over and jumped onto Kronos' body.There are many chains hanging on his body, which are used as a tool to bind and fix the Pandora Mountains and temples on his back.Du Yu jumped up along the chain.

But what he didn't expect was that the sound of the vast horn, while calling Kranos, also alarmed the dark Kratos who was searching for him in the desert.

Due to flying sand and rocks, Du Yu's footprints disappeared behind a sand dune. Dark Kratos was jumping in anger and was scolding his mother when he heard a horn from the middle of the desert.

He smiled cruelly.

"Du Yu, it really didn't take much effort to get here."

He walked towards the middle of the desert step by step.

Hum, who was watching all this with satisfaction, ushered in an unexpected guest.

When his consciousness scanned and reminded him that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was coming to visit, he was looking at the black pool in front of him with relish.The function of this pool is similar to Dumbledore's mirror in Harry Potter, which can see what is happening thousands of miles away.

As he expected, the strength of the dark Kratos is ahead of Du Yu, who has no help from any gods. Like a skilled hunter, he will track and drive the prey step by step, and come out to clean up after the prey is exhausted from escaping. endgame.

It's just perfect.

Thinking of the joy of bringing Du Yu, who has always offended him, to a desperate situation, Hum couldn't help smiling.

As a god, his heart is far from open, and Du Yu has sabotaged his plan twice in a row. No matter what, he will not let Du Yu die so easily!
"This dreamland of eternal sleep is the endless purgatory that will torture you!" Hum said viciously to Du Yu in the water.

As a monster of the water system of Dongying Continent, the clear water rhinoceros, he cultivated and ascended all the way, and became a god. Hum's strength is unfathomable, but his heart is also very narrow.

At this moment, he felt the breath of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"This old guy, what are you doing here?" Hum muttered bitterly.

As a water monster, there is an inexplicable hostile and competitive relationship between him and the dragon clan that rules the world.In addition, Dongyingzhou is isolated overseas, and is separated from the mainland by the endless East China Sea.There is a deep conflict between the various water monsters of Dongying Continent and the dragons of the East China Sea in order to compete for living space.

Originally, with the five-clawed golden dragon and other high-ranking gods around, he didn't dare to offend the noble dragon clan, but now that the five-clawed dragon god has fallen for a thousand years, the dragon clan has no second dragon god.For the benefit of Dongying Shui Clan, Hum naturally wants to exclude and sacrifice Donghai Dragon Clan.Next time, he intends to make the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea completely disappear from this sea area!

But after all, the face has not been torn apart, Hun has to maintain the surface of politeness and respect.

He smiled and looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea: "Old Dragon King, why do you have time to sit with me?"

The old Dragon King was mature enough to see at a glance that Hum was observing the surface of the water just now, and he also knew that the god's methods were supernatural, and he could observe many things thousands of miles away through the water.

He also took out a smirk, and the two of them were smiling and chatting.

Hum first praised the brilliant results of the Dragon Clan's Eastern campaign.In any case, the Dragon Clan led the East Sea beast tide and beat the adventurers of the Tang Kingdom with heavy casualties.After two successful beast tides, the Tang Empire, which once had millions of adventurers, was dying, with only about 60 people left.It all depends.

The Dragon King didn't miss the opportunity, flattered everyone, and all the credit was the result of Hung's wise leadership.

The two were very sophisticated and chatted for a while. At this moment, one of Hum's subordinates came to him in a hurry to report the affairs of Dongyingzhou.Hum didn't want to be heard by the old dragon king, so he walked out of the room and started talking with the demon general.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the old Dragon King, regardless of the risk, he walked to the pool and glanced sharply.

The surface of the pool was sparkling and empty.

Damn Hum, the spell has been removed to prevent peeping.As a demon, its personality is quite cautious.

But he overlooked one thing!

That is, the old dragon king is also an SS-level monster proficient in water magic, especially he has also practiced the magic of the dragon bone of the true god, and the fifth dragon claw has grown a raw toe (short bone root)!

(End of this chapter)

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