Chapter 1392 Lock Du Yu!Goddess appears! -Subscribe for the third watch!
If Hum knew that the old Dragon King's cultivation had improved so much, he would definitely not leave him alone in the room!
The dragon king's eyes were full of purple energy, and the fifth dragon's claw was born with a toe, and a ray of light burst out, pointing to the water surface: "Open!"

He can activate spells to restore the situation that was just covered up by Hum.

Sure enough, a shocking scene appeared in front of the old Dragon King!

In the yellow sand all over the sky, Du Yu is climbing a precipitous peak!

From the peak, clusters of black air continued to appear.After the black air cooled down, hideous demon soldiers and generals with hideous faces, holding sharp knives and giggling appeared, slashing at Du Yu frantically.

Fortunately, Du Yu's hands and feet were nimble, and he was as light as an ape. He grabbed the edge of the cliff with one hand and the life-death talisman with the other.

Below, a giant as huge as a continent, was carrying a mountain of ten thousand feet, crawling aimlessly on its knees in the desert all over the sky, wailing in pain from time to time.

"What kind of world is this?" The old Dragon King also knew something about the plot world of space adventurers. He knew that Du Yu was probably trapped in a certain world by an extraterrestrial demon, but he couldn't recognize the name of the world for a while.

But to be able to find Du Yu and see his appearance, such information is enough!

The old dragon king heard Hum's voice, from far to near, immediately cast a spell to cancel the traces on the water surface, and sat down calmly.

Hum always felt a little restless, so he dismissed his subordinates with a few words, turned around and saw that the old dragon king looked calm, and there was no other evidence, so he chatted a few more words and told the old dragon king to speed up his preparations for the third battle. The beast tide completely destroyed the human space, and drove the old dragon king away.

The old Dragon King hid everything very well and bowed to leave.

He turned around and left the Demon God's Palace where Hum was, turned into a golden dragon, traveled nine days, and came straight to the Dragon Palace.

Du Yu's location information must be passed on to Nuwa and Fuxi immediately, and let them figure out a way!
I have done my best, and as soon as Du Yu comes back, I must find Du Yu to get back the real god keel!

Thinking of the benefits of the second layer of the five-clawed dragon god, the corners of the old dragon king's mouth curled up.

After listening to Qinglian's breathless report, Empress Nuwa and the many beauties immediately fell into deep thought.

"Incomparably huge giants? Carrying mountains? Yellow sandy deserts?" Empress Nuwa couldn't remember which world met these conditions.The key is that there are too many worlds. There are thousands of worlds in the Eastern plot world alone. Adding up the four countries, counting those worlds that are not commonly used, there are probably tens of thousands of adventure worlds!

How to search for so many parallel planes?
However, among Du Yu's beauties, there was an exception!
That is Wang Yuyan!

For her cousin's great cause, she was devoting all her energy, forgetting to eat and sleep, like a humanoid computer, tirelessly reading any space world information she could find, just to prevent inquiries and respond in the shortest time.

Hearing the three keywords of giant, mountain, and desert, her eyes lit up, and she cried out, "I know! It's the world of God of War!"

"God of War?" This world is too remote, even Su Daji, a well-informed adventurer from Zifu District, was a little shocked: "How could he go to that world?"

"So that's how it is." Empress Nuwa said with a clear face, "I miscalculated! In that world, there is also a plot of the goddess Athena, which can be used as a dreamland to imprison her soul forever! It seems that Hum played a trick with me and deliberately leaked it. The news that the Goddess might be in the Saint Warrior plane made me misjudge, so I dispatched Du Yu, and then he used his divine power to transform and imprison Du Yu in the world of the God of War!"

The beauties grit their teeth.

"Now that we know Du Yu's whereabouts, let's immediately form a rescue team and go to support Du Yu!" Sun Shangxiang said with a fiery personality, swiping his magnificent circle of heaven and earth, and said in a hateful voice.

"Don't worry." Empress Nuwa calmed down instead: "Since Hum dared to introduce Du Yu into that world, the world must be his minions and other demons from outside the territory. I want to do something about it! Let this hateful Hum come and go No! Eat a big loss!"

Many beauties exchanged glances with each other when they saw Empress Nuwa gnashing her teeth. Empress Nuwa cared about Du Yu very much, which was far beyond the feelings of ordinary goddesses towards their beloved generals.

I just don't know how Empress Nuwa, who has figured out the details of the other party, will make a move against this extraterritorial demon Hum, so that the other party will lose his wife and lose his army?

Du Yu is currently playing an exciting action game.

The skin of the giant is tougher than a rock. It is very hard work to climb up the Pandora Temple on the back of the Titan. The location of the temple is much higher than what I saw from a distance, and it can be settled The cliff is also very steep, coupled with the attacks and disturbances of a large number of monsters that appear from time to time, Du Yu is often dangerous.

How did these monster warriors appear here?
Du Yu guessed that when Zeus exiled Crusos, in order to preserve the secret of Pandora's Box, Zeus sent some magic soldiers to guard the Pandora Temple.In addition, after the extraterrestrial demon Hum invaded this world, in order to prevent the Pandora's box from being opened and save the goddess Athena, he sent some demon generals and polluted the guarding soldiers with demonic energy, thus creating so many powerful enemies.

Fighting on the cliff, as long as you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.The bottom here is not soft yellow sand, but the titan Crusos, who stands upright and is crawling.Once stepped on by him, it shouldn't be too easy to turn into meat sauce.Although Du Yu has mastered the art of flying, this lost desert was once cursed by the gods and cannot use flying skills.Otherwise, it would have soared up in an instant.

Fortunately, Du Yu is quick and quick, and he can get good compensation for killing these monsters.Du Yu was still envious of the 25000-point [Somersault Cloud] fairy art, how could he let it go easily?
Fighting all the way, climbing all the way, it took three days. Du Yu finally climbed up to the entrance of the Pandora Temple. What greeted him was a little monster with only one arm and burning human corpses.

"Ah~ Kratos, Spartans, have you finally come here?" The little monster who burned the corpse said in an extremely obscene voice.

"Open the gate of the temple for me~" Du Yu said in a threatening tone to this seemingly weak little monster.

"I can open the door for you, but as you can see, there are corpses of Spartans everywhere. These people were brave warriors like you when they were alive, but now they will be forever in the river Styx." Year after year, countless warriors want to get Pandora's box, but after a while, the dead bodies are brought out by these little flying things, and I will throw these dead bodies into the fire pit. If I were you, I would choose to leave here immediately. But I know that it is impossible for a person like you to go back, I can see your determination, and I wish you good luck Spartans."

After the little gatekeeper finished speaking, he pulled the mechanism and opened the gate of the temple. Du Yu glanced at the gatekeeper out of the corner of his eye, jumped off the fire platform, and walked towards the gate.

The Temple of Pandora really has evil doors everywhere.The temple as a whole presents a circular labyrinth-like architectural style. After entering the temple, there is a long corridor named Pandora's Circle. Walking along the corridor, various terrifying legendary levels will be thrown out from the Greek-style rooms on both sides. Monster, fight with Du Yu.

The brute force, the huge ax Minotaur, the sinister, cunning and sneak attacking succubus, the quick-healing lightning, good at ambushes, the despicable poison arrow shooter who shoots and runs with long-range cold arrows, and holds a greek With a large shield and spear, the fit and strong Spartan demonized warriors, front and back, up and down, three-dimensional siege, caused a lot of trouble to Du Yu.

Fortunately, Du Yu was not easy to mess with. He frequently used his magic skills, summoned the Yellow Turban Warriors, and carried out counter-sneak attacks on the enemy. With the help of the transformed Jasmine and Helfah, he fought fiercely all the way, and finally managed to assault several kilometers. A lot of corpses were left behind.

On the way, during the process of killing the Minotaur and searching for the treasure chest, Du Yu got two more Gorgon Eyes, only missing one, so he made a group of six and got an extra bonus of 600 health points.

Not long after, Du Yu pushed open a simple door and suddenly saw a beautiful statue.

The statue belonged to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

The statue depicts the situation when the girl Aphrodite was just born.Legend has it that Uranus, the first-generation Titan, was defeated and castrated by Crusos, who was crawling in the desert, and his genitals were thrown upwards.Much blood dripped from this severed and thrown organ onto Gaia, while that genital was thrown far, far, far into the Aegean Sea.Aphrodite, which means out of water in Greek, was born from the foam of the waves.

In the sculpture, she jumps out of the water and steps naked on a lotus leaf-like shell; There is a sharp contrast, highlighting the elasticity of the muscles and a pleasing body; the wind god Qifeier slowly sent her to the shore with a gentle breeze; pink and white roses fell beside her, and the god of fruit trees Pomona has already prepared a new red dress for her; the green and calm ocean and the vast blue sky render this beautiful and peaceful atmosphere, and a beautiful and beautiful life is born.

Seeing the statue of Aphrodite, instead of relaxing, Du Yu stepped up his vigilance.Since entering this world, the Greek gods have never helped him, except Athena, who hoped to be rescued.

"Warrior, you don't need to worry." The statue of Aphrodite spoke, explaining that the goddess of beauty was possessing the statue: "I will not be like other main gods, and I will not be against you."

(End of this chapter)

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