Chapter 1395 Burn the Enemy!Sea God Test! — Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock!

This catch, one catch, one belt, one push, the four simple moves, but they are connected and natural, the antelope hangs its horns, without any reluctant hands, as smooth as if it is between heaven and earth, and the truth is contained in it.

This is China's martial arts!

The god of monsters of the colonial star, his attainments in martial arts are far inferior to Du Yu who has practiced martial arts all the way and has a solid foundation in martial arts!
Du Yu's attainments and understanding of martial arts have entered the classroom and entered the realm of a master.

He used the most wonderful Chinese martial arts to make up for the huge gap between himself and the attributes of the dark Kratos!

As a result, the dark Kratos, who won with brute force and cultivation base, was about to complete the task of sniping and killing Du Yu, but was successfully counterattacked by Du Yu again, turned defeat into victory, and pushed him into the gate of sacrifice!
This change made the outside demon Hum, who was watching the battle, laugh wildly, and instantly froze into shock and anger!
He couldn't figure out why his avatar, who clearly had the absolute upper hand, was turned over by Du Yu, a cunning fellow, in the blink of an eye!
Since Du Yu was already standing very close to the gate of sacrifice, Dark Kratos kicked him with all his strength, Du Yu took advantage of the situation, and after pecking and drinking, his speed and strength became the driving force to push himself towards the sacrifice. The killing power of the Gate of Sacrifice!

Dark Kratos staggered, couldn't hold back his feet, and fell into the flames of the sacrificial gate!

The two sacrificial doors suddenly burned Dark Kratos!
The body of the dark Kratos was instantly plunged into flames, and a scorched stench burst out of Kratos' body in an instant.He fell into the sea of ​​flames, his skin was scorched black, and he made a sizzling sound.

"Roar!" Dark Kratos yelled wildly: "I don't want to die here, bastard!"

His life was passing by quickly, as if the funnel couldn't hold any water.

"No! No!" Dark Kratos was on fire, like a fireman, and rushed out wailing, straight to the outer door of the temple.

Du Yu's eyes were cold and stern, and with a wave of his hand, the Snake Sword shot out, and went straight to the back of the dark Kratos, assassinating the enemy.

Dark Kratos, whose body was on fire, was about to be stabbed in the body by Du Yu.

But at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the Temple of Poseidon.A majestic voice sounded: "The sacrifice of the living is completed. The warrior has passed the test and can enter the palace quickly!"

Du Yu was angry.

This Poseidon is really going to be biased.I was in a desperate situation just now, and I didn't see him come out to fight, but when it was the turn of the dark Kratos who was the incarnation of the extraterrestrial demon, he saw that he was about to kill him, but at this time he pulled himself into the door of sacrifice!

But the light of the sea emperor's grace was so powerful that Du Yu couldn't resist at all, so he was dragged into the Poseidon Temple.

Dark Kratos was on fire, like a Balrog from hell, with only a terrifying big mouth left, roaring at Du Yu.But Du Yu couldn't hear any sound, presumably it was vicious curse and revenge.

Du Yu was dragged into the Temple of Poseidon unwillingly.

In the temple, what Du Yu saw was the huge stone statue of Poseidon.

This stone statue is more than 50 meters high. Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, has angry hair, beard and eyes. He is naked from the upper body, riding a mighty seahorse, followed by countless sea goddesses and lower sea gods. The situation of the enemy.

In front of the statue, there is a huge golden trident.This is the legendary Poseidon's Trident of the Sea God!
When Du Yu saw the trident for the first time, he couldn't help being amazed.

This golden trident, at first glance, seems to be nothing special.But when he walked in front of the Trident, he could faintly hear howling and the sound of wind and thunder at sea, and the plot of Du Yu's life and death in the Caribbean world immediately flashed in his mind.

This trident represents the supreme sea power!

Whoever controls the Trident of the Sea God will control the ever-changing and powerful sea!

It is said that this artifact trident allows the holder to breathe freely underwater without any time constraints.

Except for the corridor where Du Yu was standing, all the surrounding areas were filled with water, which stretched as far as the eye could see, and he couldn't leave. It seemed that Du Yu should first pull out the trident from the crystal stone if he wanted to conquer the Temple of Poseidon.

"Is this the Sea God's test?"

Du Yu was silent.

The Olympus pantheon seems to have split into two completely different camps.There are gods who are possessed by extraterritorial celestial demons, such as Zeus and others, but there are also human gods who have not yet surrendered, such as Goddess of Beauty, who are still fighting against extraterritorial celestial demons, striving to expel these alien demons as soon as possible and restore order.

Sea God, which side is it?

Although he had helped Dark Kratos before, Du Yu had no choice but to try to pull out the Sea God Trident.

When Du Yu's hand was holding the Sea God Trident, in an instant, Du Yu felt a strong rebounding force from the trident, and bounced his hand away!

Du Yu's hands were numb from the beating. The Sea God Trident was resisting his will.

Of course, Du Yu knew that even if he pulled out the trident, the sea god would take it back sooner or later, but he had to get the magic weapon to pass through this large sea area.

He took a deep breath and tried again.

Regarding the dark Kratos, Du Yu always felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart. He asserted that although Kratos suffered heavy injuries just now, he might not really die.

But there is no doubt that Du Yu repelled the dark Kratos head-on in the gladiatorial fight. This fact made many gods of the Olympus pantheon, who helped the evil and worked for the evil, see a possibility.

Therefore, their attitude towards themselves may be somewhat loose.

Du Yu took a deep breath, and with the strength of breastfeeding, almost all the veins on his body bulged out!

"Give it to me!" At the critical moment, Du Yu used the power of the Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants, and the Dragon Elephant Ban Ruogong fully erupted, and barely pulled the trident out of the crystal!
The Seagod's Trident glowed with streaks of golden light from the tip!

The deep voice of Poseidon resounded throughout the Sea God's Temple: "Warrior, you have passed the Sea God's test and raised the Sea God's Trident. This artifact is for your use temporarily."

"Which side are you on?" Du Yu yelled, "If you were helping me, why didn't you let me take the opportunity to kill Kratos just now?"

"Because you can't kill him." Poseidon's voice was unhurried, and he said indifferently: "His body consciousness is always staring at his clone. Once your performance is enough to threaten the clone, what will greet you? Victory, but it may be the real intervention of the extraterrestrial demon! You will never escape his pursuit."

"Ah!" Du Yu lost his mind for a while.

Unexpectedly, the thinking of the gods is actually like this.

But Du Yu had to admit that Poseidon's words made sense.

If Dark Kratos is killed by himself, will his body, the extraterrestrial demon Hum, go crazy?

This is the dreamland of eternal sleep under his control, it is not inconceivable to rush in and kill Du Yu.

"He's not dead." Poseidon's voice faded away: "He will always be haunted, chasing and killing you. You should quickly pick up the trident and leave under its protection!"

At this moment, Du Yu deeply felt the resentment and resentment of the gods in this world towards the celestial demons outside the territory.

Who said they are willing to help the evildoers?

They have no way to resist.

Du Yu jumped into the water next to him.The miraculous thing is that Du Yu didn't feel breathless because he didn't come out of the water for a long time to breathe. Instead, he could swim back and forth freely in the water. It seems that this is the power of the trident.

What greeted Du Yu was a long-distance swim, and the water was full of all kinds of sharp things and whizzing wooden boards. If you were not careful, you would stay in this ghost place forever.

"Thanks to the Trident of the Sea God," Du Yu said happily as he climbed out of the pool wet.

As soon as he stood up, the golden trident in his hand turned into a puddle of water and flowed out from between his fingers.

Du Yu came to a shallow water area, which seemed to be very calm, but when Du Yu wanted to pass, many puppies similar to hellhounds appeared from the ground.He looked very cute, barking, with a small mouth, and rushed towards Du Yu.

At first, Du Yu didn't pay much attention to it. These puppies looked too weak to become a hindrance to Du Yu.But obviously, what happened next made Du Yu regret that he hadn't wiped out these beasts in the first place.

Those puppies roared in an instant, their young bodies transformed, and instantly expanded to a height of more than 20 meters. The scarlet hellfire shot up into the sky, and the muscles all over their bodies burst into anger, blooming, and the other two dog heads burst into flames. , protruding from the neck, really turned into a three-headed dog guarding hell, which seems to have nothing to do with the previous puppy.

The Cerberus, blazing with flames, pounced on Du Yu.

Before Du Yu took out the golden cudgel in his hand, they all rushed towards Du Yu.There were too many of them, these beasts were biting Du Yu's body, and the great pain and miserable cries resounded throughout the room.

But Du Yu couldn't die at this time!
Du Yu bumped his head against the head of the hellhound that was pressing down on his front body, and then slammed his knee against the dog's belly a few times. The dog was obviously sobbing in pain.

This is a good opportunity to stand up, Du Yu quickly stood up from the ground, and used the big holy stick technique among these dogs!

Immediately, the whole world was clean, and the beasts in front of them had already gone to see Hades.Du Yu tore off a piece of cloth from his body, bandaged the wound briefly, and continued on the way forward.

It was another long-distance swim, and the front seemed to be the last room of the Poseidon Temple. Du Yu pulled the only mechanism in the room, and a huge stone pillar rose slowly from the water. It turns out that there is an entrance below the stone pillar. After entering, Du Yu quickly jumped into the water and got into the entrance, and the stone pillar also lowered down at the same time as Du Yu got into the entrance.It seems that Du Yu passed Poseidon's challenge, because the color of the water gradually turned blood red, and when the stone pillar that looked like an elevator came out, Du Yu was greeted by a stone statue of Hades.

(End of this chapter)

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