Chapter 1396 The Minotaur in the Labyrinth! - Ask for a monthly pass!

When he left the Temple of Poseidon, the Trident of the Sea God in his hand slipped from his fingers and turned into a puddle of water, and the Sea God took back his gift.

The temple of Hades looks far more gloomy than the temple of Poseidon, which is the land of the king of the underworld.The fire of hell was burning around Du Yu, and the miscellaneous soldiers who kept emerging were constantly dying under the golden cudgel.Du Yu climbed up the statue of Hades and pulled the mechanism on it. Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the eyes of the statue of Hades, illuminating the room at the end of the temple. At the same time, many fireballs shot out from there. The depths of the room rolled out.

Du Yu jumped off the stone statue and ran towards that room. It seemed that there was a new challenge waiting for Du Yu there.

At this moment in Yunmengze, Empress Nuwa locked onto the [God of War] world that Du Yu was brought into, and with great divine power, reflected Du Yu's battle situation at this time.

After more than ten days, the beauties finally saw Du Yu again.

Seeing Du Yu in the Temple of Hades, Du Yu was avoiding the fireballs rolling out from the left and right, and the fireballs rolling out of the room were getting bigger and denser, no matter how fast Du Yu moved, he couldn't It was difficult to avoid them all, and when danger arose, the beauties clenched their fists nervously.

"Let's go in quickly!" Lin Qing'er begged, "Rescue Du Yu, there is no delay."

Empress Nuwa shook her head and said, "It's not that time yet. I haven't cracked the method of Hum's eternal sleep dream, and I need to observe it for a while. During this time, Du Yu had better continue to provoke Hum's nerves and make him angry and crazy. Alright. The more power Hung uses, the bigger the opening will be, and the shorter the time it will take for me to crack his dream of eternal sleep. Before that, everyone give me patience! Du Yu won't die for a while!"

Du Yu tried his best, and finally avoided the traps of the Temple of Hades until he came to a door at the end of the room.After passing through another long and narrow corridor, Du Yu came to the top of Hades Temple, and pulled the mechanism at the other end through those high-altitude balance beams.A row of ladders descended from the height, and a hidden door inside the temple appeared to be open.Du Yu climbed down the ladder and came to the room inside the secret door.

There is a large, locked wooden door in the room. Something seems to be banging against the door on the other side of the door, and directly opposite the wooden door is a device that shoots flaming bows and arrows.

Du Yu ran to the side of the device, pulled the wrench, a bow and arrow with flames flew out, and the opposite wooden door was shot to pieces.Sure enough, it was a huge armored cow that kept banging on the door.

Judging from the appearance, this must be the Minotaur, the son of Minos, the judge of the underworld.This room was originally where the Minotaur was imprisoned.

"Brave, kill the enemy in front of you, and I will give you new power."

Hades' voice sounded in the room.That, it seems, is also part of the challenge.Du Yu pulled out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and pointed it at Minotaur, and Minotaur also yelled fiercely at Du Yu. The beast's saliva kept dripping on the ground, and a big battle was imminent.
"Minotaur!" The alien demon Hum looked fiercely at the bull-headed emperor opposite Du Yu, and kept yelling angrily, "Go up and tear this Du Yu into pieces! I want to see his blood, his flesh." , his soul was torn into pieces! He will become a lonely ghost in this dream world of eternal sleep, and he will never be reborn!"

At this moment, a faint prayer came to his ears.

"God, save me! I'm dying!"

Hum looked down, but it was the useless hapless guy of Dark Kratos.This guy was full of ambition and wanted to kill Du Yu, but Du Yu cleverly used a trick to burn him to a charcoal.

He was dying.

Hum really wanted to let go of it, but Dark Kratos was his clone after all, and the only incarnation of chasing and killing Du Yu.If he died, wouldn't Du Yu be turned upside down?
Hum felt helpless, and sent a sound transmission to a certain god.

"Hades? Revive me a human being. My clone, Kratos!"

Hades' voice was as piercing as metal rubbing, Jie Jie laughed and said, "Is it hum? But unfortunately, as the god of the underworld, I also have rules. People who are about to die cannot be resurrected at will."

"Shut up!" Hung said angrily, "You also have my devilish energy invading you, do you want to be wiped out?"

Hades lowered his voice and said helplessly, "I know, I will do my best."

"Also!" Hum raised his voice an octave, and shouted, "I want to see this human die! Die in your Temple of Hades! Don't make any rules, just do it right away!"

Hades agreed with some shame.

As the god of the underworld, being dictated by the gods of the foreign domain really hurt his proud self-esteem.

But Hades, the god of the underworld, knows how to survive. The power of the extraterrestrial demons in this world is too strong, even surpassing the prestige of Zeus in this world, so he can't resist.

Therefore, he can only choose to cooperate.

A stream of black air emerged from the nine secluded hells, wrapping around the dying Dark Kratos.This strong man rolled his white eyes twice, regained his viciousness as before, stood up sullenly, and roared to the sky: "Du Yu! I will never let you go!"

At this time, Du Yu also encountered trouble.The huge Minotaur roared and ran towards Du Yu, and the ground shook loudly under its huge iron hooves.The corner of its mouth sprayed out foamy secretions, and with the shaking of the crazy giant horned head, it splashed around, disgusting and horrifying.

This Minotaur, in Greek mythology, was the son of King Clint. Because he liked to devour young men and women, he was imprisoned in the labyrinth on the island by King Crete, and he regularly forced young men and women to enter and was eaten by him.

But unfortunately, the Minotaur's opponent this time is Du Yu!

Du Yu broke out with the power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants, resisting Minotaur's strength of no less than 1500 points, hooked his horns fiercely, jumped up his back in the air, and before he could react, Du Yu blew In one breath, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel flew out from his ear, aimed at his head and smashed it hard!
"This kind of battle has the sense of sight of Sun Dasheng fighting the Bull Demon King, doesn't it?" Du Yu laughed at himself, but ruthlessly smashed Minotaur's head with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand.

Minotaur, who ate Du Yu's two strikes fiercely, stared at Venus, but he can exist as a test in the palace of Hades, with almost unlimited health, and wearing heavy armor that is invulnerable to swords and guns. Du Yu's Ruyi Gold The hoop hit his shoulder, only a string of sparks could be shot, and there was no reaction at all.

The Ruyi golden cudgel hit the armor, bursting out dazzling sparks!

The Minotaur seemed to be furious, and roared wildly, and the sound shook the whole field, echoing in the dark palace of Hades.

Du Yu felt dizzy for a while, and covered his eyes with his hands.

Minotaur took the opportunity to attack and grabbed Du Yu off his back, and then Du Yu felt a dull pain all over his body --- he was thrown heavily to the ground!

This fall has the strength of a thousand catties!

Du Yu felt that the bones in his body were about to fall apart.A burst of sharp pain came from behind.It must have broken a dozen bones.

"This bastard" Du Yu shouted, before he had time to fight back, he saw a huge hoof of an ox trampling towards him!

【Minotaur Stampede】!
After being hit by this skill, anyone, even a god, will be stunned by the Minotaur, who is endowed with supernatural power, and will not be able to stand up for a certain period of time, allowing the enemy to launch a more violent attack.

Facing the iron hoof attack, Du Yu rolled over and dodged his attack like lightning!
Then he used the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to hook his horns again. This time Du Yu did not jump onto his back, but pulled the golden cudgel to the ground. Minotaur was unprepared and his head was like Du Yu's Just the same as before, I had an intimate contact with the floor heavily!
Du Yu treated him in the same way as he did!

He took the opportunity to pick up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and slammed it hard on the back of Minotaur's unprotected head!
After being attacked, the Minotaur screamed and looked a little bored, covering his head in place and shaking non-stop.

But Du Yu took advantage of this opportunity and climbed onto a fire bow and arrow launch pad beside him.

It turned out that this rocket launch pad had long stood in the Minotaur palace, aiming at the arena in the center.Used to reduce the difficulty of fighting the Minotaur.After all, not all adventurers have such unfathomable strength and territory as Du Yu.Even if it is Du Yu, it is so difficult to face this Minotaur, why shouldn't others be slaughtered?
For ordinary adventurers, as long as they can be stunned by the Minotaur, they can take the opportunity to launch the fire bow.Use the mechanical power of the plot to deal with the Minotaur.

Du Yu fired an arrow at the fastest speed and hit the Minotaur impartially.When the blazing flame hit the minotaur filled with black air, an extremely intense chemical reaction occurred!

With the raging fire and the power of the bow and arrow, Minotaur's armor fell to the ground piece by piece, revealing his true colors!

It turned out that Minotaur was just a bull monster like a skeleton. Du Yu could even clearly see his heart beating, and the ugly and huge internal organs were bumping and beating in the white bones, not to mention how weird and disgusting the situation was.

Of course, Du Yu also knew what to do next.

Du Yu leaped high and hit the Minotaur, which had lost its armor protection, with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, breaking his ribs. Taking advantage of his pain, he raised the Snake Sword and nailed his cow's hooves and feet to death. On the ground so that he cannot move.

Du Yu flipped over and flew up, climbed onto the bow and arrow launching platform again, pulled the mechanism, and an off-string arrow pierced Minotaur's broken breastbone, shot Minotaur's heart, and nailed his body to the wall. superior!
This is said to be the product of Pasiphae, the wife of Minos, the king of Crete, and the cow sent by Poseidon. It was a monster cursed by Poseidon, and it was shot in the heart by Du Yu's arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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