Chapter 1397 Reinforcements!Chosen ones! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Minotaur's struggle became weaker and weaker, and his roar gradually weakened. When he finally lowered his head, Du Yu received a reminder.

"You killed the legendary monster, Minotaur!"

A shiny key was obtained by Du Yu.

Du Yu opened the key and found a pair of Minotaur's horns. [Minotaur Horn]: S-grade material, which is the source of Minotaur's destruction and power. It can be made into a pair of daggers, or inlaid on a certain weapon, which greatly enhances the damage of the weapon, and is attached with a powerful [Minotaur] Power of Notau]: After being hit, it will inevitably cause dizziness, depending on the resistance of the enemy, the time ranges from 1 second to 10 seconds.

This [Minotaur Horn] can be used as a weapon material for Emilia or Serena, and Du Yumei happily accepted it.

But what puzzled Du Yu even more was that in Minotaur's head, crystals similar to those in Hydra's head were found!The spar, which is as bright as a spinel, exudes a seductive luster in Du Yu's hands.

"What the hell is this?" Du Yu was puzzled.

Through observation, Du Yu gradually came to the conclusion that this should be a treasure that can only be condensed by divine objects above a certain level.Otherwise, after killing so many ordinary minotaurs and banshees, why is it that only two god-level monsters, Hydra and Minotaur, have this spar?
But after killing the gods, is there such a crystal in the body?

Du Yu is unknown.

Next time you meet Goddess Athena, ask again.

Du Yu stood up.

Hades did not appear in his own temple and rewarded Du Yu for completing the task.And this was originally stipulated in the plot of the game.

Du Yu sighed.
It seems that the attitudes of the Olympus gods towards the extraterrestrial demons and themselves are also very different.Poseidon secretly supported the rebellion against the Omen, and Hades didn't even have the intention of rebelling.

Du Yu was even more worried.

The gods in this world are so worried, even if I can pass all the way, can I bring Athena out of this world in the end?

After careful analysis, relying on Du Yu himself, even if he could win, the extraterrestrial demons would not sit idly by.

He retracted his weapon, embarked on the journey, and the adventure continued.

Empress Nuwa watched Du Yu who was fighting alone, her eyes gradually dimmed.

"You can't just send Du Yu to the battlefield alone." Ning Zhong said this for countless times, begging: "Send more people in."

"Okay!" Empress Nuwa's expression darkened: "I agree! Space has selected four candidates from four countries. This time to fight for space and awaken the gods of space, the four candidates, They should all be brought out to show their strength!"

"Why didn't you send us there?" Ning Zhongze said anxiously, "Let's go rescue Du Yu."

"Your identities are just to summon beauties, not adventurers." Empress Nuwa shook her head and said, "I can only send adventurers there."

"Then what about me?" Su Daji pointed to himself, "Our three sisters are going to rescue Du Yu?"

"No!" Empress Nuwa smiled bitterly: "Even I can't violate the core rules of the space. I don't know about the previous things. Now that I know, I can't openly send the strong people from Zifu District and Huangcheng District to enter the inner city." city."

"The avatar sent by the Heavenly Demon from the Outer Territory is as powerful as the Imperial City!" Su Daji pointed at the screen angrily, "Why are they blatantly chasing and killing Du Yu?"

Empress Nuwa shook her head: "I really can't do it, you will be obliterated by the core rules of the space if you go in. Don't do stupid things. But the four major candidates are all from the inner city, and I can send them there. "

"Didn't Tataglia just die? How to perform the task?"

Catherine and others also rushed to Yunmengze to discuss how to rescue Du Yu.

As an insider of that battle, Catherine knew the whole process of Tataglia's fall.

Empress Nuwa closed her eyes, searched for a while and said, "The seeds of the holy tree have germinated, and she was successfully resurrected, but as expected, her attributes and skills have declined. But she is one of Du Yu's most trusted friends, and she is still sent In this space world, go and save Du Yu. I want to activate a magic spell, but the time is not right now, so I can only rely on Du Yu to persist for a while."

She pointed her finger, and a colored light shone.

Amin, Deni, and the newly resurrected Tattalia who were scattered all over the space felt a lightness in their bodies and disappeared instantly.

When they appeared, they had already arrived in the world of God of War.

The three of them looked at each other, and at the same time received the prompts and orders from Empress Nuwa.

As the chosen ones, the three of them are no strangers to space gods.In addition to Du Yu, many space tasks were given to the three of them to complete separately.Therefore, the strength of the chosen person is much stronger than that of other adventurers in a horizontal comparison.

Compared with the last meeting, Deni, Amin, and Tattaglia's respective strengths have all improved by leaps and bounds.

The reminder that the three received was that they should rush to Du Yu's side as soon as possible, assist Du Yu, and jointly complete the task of killing the God of War Ares and rescuing the Goddess Athena.

"Bah! You're going to save that nasty Tang man!" Denis's eyes flashed coldly, he never thought that God Nu Wa would give him such a task this time.

"Stop complaining." Amin shrugged: "Although Nuwa is not the true god I believe in, she is the god of space. Let's help each other and complete this task together."

Tataglia did not speak, and her face was slightly pale, showing that her strength had not fully recovered after her resurrection.

"If you don't show the courage of putting your head on your waist and desperately fighting Saburo when you pass the gate of the bloody city, hold together and fight for a future, I can guarantee that none of you will come out of this world alive!"

Tataglia observed the situation for a while and said coldly.

"What?" Amin and Deni cried out.

"Think about it. This time, the gods directly ordered the four of us to be sent here. When have you seen such a strange situation?" Tataglia said coldly: "You know, Du Yu has already stepped forward. He was sent to this world. The result? He was still forced to lose his footing by the enemy, God Nu Wa had to temporarily mobilize people from space and send us to support! The difficulty of this world is so great, one can imagine it!"

Amin and Deni showed contemplative expressions.

Du Yu walked for a long time in the Pandora Temple, and finally came to a room with an eye-shaped mechanism. Du Yu ran up and pulled the wrench. The eye emitted a beam of light and passed through the circular corridor outside. Directly shot at the forehead of a statue, it seems that this is the statue of Zeus.

After the statue was illuminated by the light, it slowly rose from the ground. Du Yu knew that he had passed the challenge of Neptune and Pluto.He jumped onto the platform of the statue of Zeus, and along with the statue, rose slowly upwards.

With the rising of the statue of Zeus, Du Yu once again saw the sky and breathed fresh air. What appeared in front of Du Yu was extremely steep cliffs.

When Du Yu came to the edge of the cliff, a bat monster was pecking at the corpse of the deceased. When it saw Du Yu, it screamed desperately as if it saw a god of death.

"You! You are still alive!" The voice of the bat monster sounded like the god of war Ares.

Du Yu looked at the ugly face of this beast, and said: "Look at you dirty thing, I know who your master is, go back to your master, and tell Ares that he is about to become Du Yu An ugly soul under the knife. I will find Pandora's box and make the god of war pay for his actions, get out~!"
Hearing Du Yu's threat, the beast dropped the corpse on the ground and fled.Looking at the figure of this thing, Du Yu said with hatred in his eyes: "Aris, just wait and see, you and I will come back and kill you!"
Du Yu came to the depths of the cliff. It looked like an ancient tomb with corpses everywhere and a map of the cliff on the wall. Thank God, Du Yu finally knew how to go next.

At this moment, Du Yu heard the voice of Empress Nuwa.

"I have sent the other three chosen ones to help you." Empress Nuwa said in a low voice, "You have to persevere and force that extraterrestrial demon to expose more weaknesses. Since he controls many gods God, come to deal with you, as long as you continue to create miracles and kill the gods controlled by him, on the one hand, it will weaken his strength, and on the other hand, it will definitely anger him. Under anger, the demon will lose his mind."

Du Yu looked down, and the red and black kill value calculators had changed a bit.

The killing value calculator of Dark Kratos has not changed, it is still the same, but the red killing value calculator has changed a little.Du Yu, Tattaglia, Deni and Amin formed a quadrangular test tube, which together constituted the killing value of the red side.

At this time, the killing value of the three of Tattaglia is rising, and the speed is quite fast.

Du Yu knew that the three of them must be coming at high speed, fighting fiercely along the way.

Although Du Yu was not optimistic about the effect of the four-person team, the appearance of reinforcements did give him some peace of mind.

After passing through the ancient tomb behind the cliff, a stone corridor leads to a huge and majestic temple, where Pandora's box is located.

Pandora's Box, what the hell is it?
How to use the legendary godhead?
Du Yu quickened his pace and stepped onto the sacred steps of the temple
The interior of the temple really gave people a strong sense of oppression. The statues of the three gods looked down on a golden box below.

This golden box exudes dazzling brilliance like the sun, and once people's eyes come into contact with it, they can no longer move away.

On the box, four faces are engraved on the four sides, representing the four emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy respectively.On both sides of the sad face and the smiling face of a person, there is a handle on each side, which can push or open Pandora's box.It turns out that Pandora's magic box is in this golden box.It is smaller in size.

Du Yu stepped forward, and the statues of Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus made voices at the same time: "Open it, Kratos, make good use of this weapon, in the name of Olympus."

(End of this chapter)

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