Chapter 1398 Become a God!Pandora's box! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu didn't know whether this was the original intention of the gods or the rules of the plot, and he always felt that there was a lot of hypocrisy in it.

Du Yu forcefully opened the lid of the box, and a silver light shone out. After Du Yu got used to the strong light, he realized that it was Athena.

"Du Yu, you've done a good job, but you must bring the Pandora's Box back to the city of Athens. If you don't have this thing, you won't be able to defeat Ares."

After Athena finished speaking, the silver light disappeared.

"Wait a minute!" Du Yu shouted, "How do I use these two crystals in my hand?"

"Spar?" Athena looked down at the spar in Du Yu's hand, and a ray of light burst out in her eyes: "You are very lucky. These two spar can only be condensed by god-level creatures. Simply put, they are The original nucleus of the godhead!"

"Godhead Pronucleus?" Du Yu was stunned.

"Yes. Hydra and Minotaur, these two god-level monsters, have the potential to become half-blood gods of gods, and become real gods!" Athena said: "But they are still half-gods after all. Realm. The godhead failed to condense out. These two crystals are condensed out of people's awe of them. When these awes can be transformed into beliefs, the godhead can be successfully condensed!"

"How should I use these two crystals?" Du Yu frowned.

"Use Pandora's Box!" Athena said in a deep voice, "Pandora's Box, the biggest mystery is that it is the box of all human emotions!"

"Human emotion?" Du Yu looked down at the golden box that Zeus and the three were staring at together.

"Yes," Athena said with a chuckle, "The most mysterious thing about this Pandora's box is that it contains all kinds of human emotions. Unlike the cold divine power, there is both hope and hope in this Pandora's box." Despair has both joy and sorrow. Once it is opened, the human emotions that pour out will overwhelm all divinity. That's why the gods are so afraid of her. Zeus did not hesitate to put this magic box in the middle of the desert of despair. Crusos' back."

"Therefore, Pandora's Box can be a tool for making gods!" Athena said amazingly: "As long as the demigod you kill, the god-level spar you dig out, or the fragments of godhead burst from the body of the god , put it into it, you can be infected by various human emotions inside, tempered and tempered into a godhead that you, a mortal, can use."

"Godhead!" Du Yu's eyes became hot.

He had long imagined that he would become a god one day.

A few worlds ago, when he was first looking for the old immortal of Nanhua to ask for the essential skills of peace, Du Yu lamented that the best business and the most profitable business in the world is to become a god!
After becoming a god, you can unconditionally accept the pilgrimage and offerings of all peoples, and accept the power of their faith!

The power of one person's faith is insignificant, but if thousands of people gather together, the overall energy will be terrifying.

This kind of gathering, in the end, can create a great god who shakes the ancient and modern, and powerful in the world!

Is there anything more pleasant and refreshing than this?

Looking at the golden box under his feet, Du Yu's eyes became hot.

Pandora's box!
After a fierce battle all the way, he finally found this key treasure.

Artifacts filled with human emotions.

Du Yu pulled the handle beside the golden box, and the whole platform moved down like an elevator.It turns out that at the bottom of the temple where Pandora's box is stored is the entrance to the temple of Pandora.Du Yu pulled the Pandora's Box and slowly dragged it towards the exit step by step.

It wasn't that he didn't want to open this Pandora's box, it was Athena who said it first, this box can only be opened in Athens, in the temple of Athena.Before that, it cannot be opened, nor can it be stored in the space.

For some reason, as soon as he touches the Pandora's box, Du Yu's dragon and wolf image in his chest will burst into roars along with the box.As if this is a very important factor in meteorological evolution, the dragon wolf is extremely eager for this thing.

This made Du Yu even more interested in Pandora's Box.Since Long Lang broke through the fifth floor, his taste has become more and more sophisticated, and he will not easily be tempted by a certain treasure.

Following the statue, Du Yu ascended to the top of the palace. Suddenly, a roar erupted from the dragon and wolf atmosphere, and Du Yu's heart was shocked!
"Dangerous!" He desperately let go of Pandora's Box, and flew backwards!

A huge stone pillar of the city of Athens, like a guided missile, flew towards Du Yu with precision and speed!
This stone pillar, more than 30 meters long, pierced Du Yu's face like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky, almost without any flight time.

This momentum, this speed, this power!

This devastating blow came from a far away direction, leaving no room for Du Yu to dodge or activate his skills!

In Du Yu's mind at that moment, only a majestic figure of a god flashed across the mountain!

To be able to throw a stone pillar from such a distance and kill him on point, this must be the work of the terrifying God of War!
Before Du Yu could dodge, the stone pillar pierced Du Yu's abdomen and nailed Du Yu to the wall at the end of the temple!

The intense pain had made Du Yu unable to pull out the stone pillar. Du Yu could only feel his own blood continuously flowing out of his body, and what he saw became more and more blurred!


In an instant, Du Yu was stabbed into a dying state by this stone pillar that fell from the sky, and blood was still gushing out, staining a large area of ​​the ground red.

If it weren't for the adventurer's dying protection mechanism, even if Du Yu had [-] health points, he would be ruined by this fatal blow!
But Du Yu has a mechanism to protect the dying!

Although he was severely injured by the stone pillar thrown by Ares, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing how badly Du Yu was injured, the Outer Territory Demon Hum let out a smug laugh.

Nuwa and the beauties who were also watching the battle exclaimed in unison!

Ares, the god of war, is indeed a powerful existence that cannot be provoked.

The location where he threw this stone pillar was outside the city of Athens!
The city of Athens is more than 300 kilometers away from the lost temple of Pandora.But under the divine power of Ares, like a champion dart player, he easily threw the dart to the target ten yards away.

The smile of the extraterrestrial demon is still expanding.

Because he saw with satisfaction that his killer clone, Dark Kratos, had already approached Du Yu, and was about to launch a fatal blow.

Du Yu, this time he must die!
Du Yu, who was pierced through the abdomen, was dying. How could there be any room for resistance?

The bat monster loyal to Ares suddenly appeared in front of Du Yu with a grin.

Its goal is the golden Pandora's box that Du Yu found through untold hardships.

The bat monster suddenly rushed to Pandora's box.

Du Yu was crucified on the stone pillar, even if he wanted to resist, he couldn't resist.

The bat monster grabbed Pandora's box and rushed to the sky.

With a roar, Du Yu summoned Jasmine, the queen of dragons, and rushed towards the bat monster.

"Don't let him go! Take back my Pandora's Box." Du Yu shouted angrily.

Moliel took a deep look at Du Yu: "Don't die!"

She then soared into the sky, chasing the Batmonster.

The Pandora's Box, a hard-earned artifact, was lost, but Du Yu had no time to grieve.

Because the lingering pursuer had already set foot on the square outside the temple.

Du Yu was severely injured at this time, and his body was unable to move. He could only watch the dark Kratos step by step, holding a sharp knife, and pressing towards him.

Just when Du Yu's eyes were cold and he was about to fight to the death, a familiar sweet smile, accompanied by three familiar figures, appeared in the field at the same time.

"Fortunately, I used the time ability to speed up the road, and I barely caught up." Tataglia's slender figure was wrapped in a tight red dress, and she smiled charmingly: "Little handsome guy, your current look is very unique."

Du Yu looked down at his pierced abdomen, and grinned: "It's really embarrassing to see you like this."

Deni and Amin laughed happily at the same time.

After learning about the rescue mission arranged by Nu Wa, the two felt very regretful, and they definitely couldn't plot against Du Yu this time.But when they recalled what happened to the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, they always had an evil fire in their hearts.Unexpectedly, when they met Du Yu and saw Du Yu being so severely injured, the two felt relieved.

But they are secretly awe-inspiring about the difficulty of this world.

Du Yu's ability, they have experienced it, absolutely surpasses adventurers of the same level, and even the chosen ones will be deflated.But he has suffered such a big loss. Can he do better if he is replaced by himself?

Dark Quest is a touchstone.

"Huh! Nuwa actually sent a few to die?" The outer demon Hum let out a disdainful sneer: "Well, adventurers in the inner city, can't they send some stronger ones? How can they be so weak enough to kill? Alright, Kuito You're welcome, kill them all!"

Kratos was not polite, he jumped up and rushed towards the three of them.

The Artemis Blade in his hand shone with ice-blue light, like two first-quarter moons shining with cold light, stabbing at Amin who was standing in front.

Amin did not disappoint everyone. He flipped his hands, and two mechanism beasts shining with spar light rushed towards the dark Kratos.The bodies of these two organ beasts are glowing with the red luster of space alloys, and their streamlined designs are several levels higher than the organ beasts in Dynasty Warriors at first glance.

"It seems that you have a good relationship with Mr. Stark in the Avengers recently!" Deni joked, "I can smell the hands of that playboy Stark from the design of these mechanism beasts." , strong perfume smell!"

"Hey, you're right! But I haven't come up with the most critical improvement yet!" Amin waved his hand, and a red light shone on the back of the mechanism beast.

That was the sign that his mechanical space ability was activated.

There was a sound on the back of the red mechanism beast, and the magazine was opened immediately, and two black missile launchers were stretched out. With two swishes, a total of four missiles from the two mechanisms flew towards the rushing dark Kratos.

(End of this chapter)

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