Chapter 1399 Strong Kui Lord!Three Great Britain vs Lu Bu! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Die to me!" Amin laughed loudly.

The explosive power of these four seemingly small guided missiles is astonishing.Hearing four consecutive booms, Dark Kratos couldn't help but use the Artemis Blade to protect his face, but he was still blown back again and again.

"V Kai, go!" Amin waved his hand in high spirits.

Two red mechanism beasts, one on the left and one on the right, rushed towards Quest.

Deni was not idle either, hiding in the darkness, chanting words, pinching one seal after another in his hand, and amidst the obscure Sanskrit chanting, the appearance of the divine monkey Hanuman slowly formed in the void.

Tattaglia helped Du Yu break free from the huge and slender stone pillar.Du Yu immediately bled like a fountain and collapsed to the ground.Even if he is a cultivator, being pierced directly by the gods with divine power is enough for him.

The black air in Dark Kratos' eyes became more and more intense.

His body was blown to bloody flesh by Amin's high-explosive missile, but this warrior incarnated by an extraterrestrial demon, not only did not back down, but became even crazier like a wounded beast!
"Fragile human beings! In my eyes, you ridiculous mechanical beast, you don't even have the qualifications to make me back down! A true warrior will never use weak mechanical power!"

He swung the blade of Artemis, raised the knife in his hand, and dodged like a spirit ape to avoid the sharp claws of the organ beast, and swung the blade lightly on the other hand, leaving two blazing streaks on the organ beast. injury.

The mechanism beasts rolled on the spot, roaring loudly, and there were two deep wounds on their sides, and electric sparks were constantly popping out.

Seeing such a situation, Amin's face twitched in distress: "Beast! Look at my ultimate move!"

He sacrificed the space mechanical ability, and in the flashing red light, a liquid metal robot shining with future technology came out from the red light, and the cold red camera metal eyes scanned towards Kuito who was fighting with the mechanism beast s.

"Destroyer 800 model, kill him!" Amin wiped the sweat off his face and pointed at Kratos.

Destroyer 800 is the latest model of the "Terminator" series, and only a fanatical enthusiast like Amin can get one in such a short time, and it is still a standard combat model.

Destroyer 800 coldly raised its metal arm.

Da da da!
The heavy machine gun loaded on the arm fired thousands of bullets towards Dark Kratos at a rate of 6000 rounds per second.

With the help of high-precision auxiliary sight and automatic suspension calibration system, Destroyer 800 perfectly interprets what is a real heavy metal storm.More than half of the thousands of bullets directly hit the mighty Kratos, leaving him riddled with holes and retreating step by step.

"Oh!" Hum, the demon from outside the territory who was watching the battle, felt extremely angry.

Unexpectedly, the three adventurers sent by Nuwa really have two skills.Actually picking out one can hurt his own Kratos avatar.

But after being strengthened by the gods, the power of Dark Kratos is almost unimaginable.

"The roar of the sea!" Dark Kratos launched the magical technique bestowed by the sea god for the second time.

I saw the peaceful top of the desert, but the roar of the sea sounded far away!

It is precisely because this is a desert where it is difficult to see rain, the roaring magic of the sea is more powerful!

Whether it is the Destroyer 800 or the invincible mechanism beast, they all have a common characteristic.

They are all products of machinery.

As long as it is a machine, there is no one that is not afraid of water.

After being washed and soaked in water, such a delicate instrument was also destroyed.

Sure enough, the Destroyer 800 and the two mechanism beasts were caught off guard and rushed into the water in an instant. They were all hit by Dark Kratos, and they had wounds, so the water could easily flow in.As soon as the machine was soaked in water, electric sparks shot out, and the machine's operation became sluggish.

Fortunately, Amin was well prepared for this situation. With a wave of his hand, a red lightning bolt flew out, quickly repairing the mechanism beast after the seawater.

Dark Kratos became impatient, roared, and burst out with brute force, his body suddenly swelled several times, becoming a giant as tall as two feet.

His brute force instantly exceeded 2000 points, reaching the level of some gods.

Kui Ye swung the Artemis Blade, and with a violent blow, he pierced a mechanism beast that was rushing in the air, and the parts inside the mechanism beast's body crackled and made a sound.Immediately, he was violently thrown to the ground by the dark Kratos, and his thick thigh like a demon god stomped on it!

There was only a roar, and the powerful mechanism beast loaded with an S-level magic core was blown up by the dark Kratos!

A Ming's eyes are red, these two mechanism beasts are his latest achievement, the product of hard work, so easily blown up by this Kui Ye, how can he not be angry?
With a flip of the hand, there was an extra Gaussian burst weapon in his hand, with a "Standard 3" air-burst bomb, and he fired at Kui Ye continuously.

As a representative of modern technology flow, he also has a high bonus to firearms.This Gauss burst weapon exchanged from a high price in space has great power in terms of kinetic energy acceleration, explosive power, and burst firing speed.

The Destroyer 800 also changed its liquid state, and one arm turned into a huge honeycomb cannon.Bang bang bang bursts, and the fierce firepower condenses into a net, sweeping towards Dark Lord Kui.

As soon as Mr. Kui turned around, he was entangled by another mechanical beast, biting his calf, and was hit head-on by Amin's air-explosive bombs and honeycomb machine guns, roaring, and blood flying all over his body.

But this is not the climax of the adventurer's attack!

Deni, who has been hiding in the dark, seized the time and finally summoned his weather monkey Hanuman.

After the experience of the two worlds, his monkey spirit has also been upgraded to the fifth level of the god-turning state.On the body of the god monkey, there is a layer of aura wrapped around it, and the aura is even more domineering, and I am the only one!

"Bah!" The god monkey turned over and appeared behind Master Kui like lightning, and the golden stick slammed hard on Master Kui's back.

Dark Kratos was hit hard again, and spit out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.

Seeing the perfect cooperation and exquisite tactics of Amin and Deni, Tataglia couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"These two guys, these two worlds are fighting hard." Du Yu finished eating the elixir, and his health began to increase slowly. He covered his wound and sat and watched the battle.

"Well, you're not the only one who has grown stronger." Tataglia gave Du Yu a blank look.

Du Yu took her jade hand and smiled gently: "You are the strongest. Thank you for saving my life on the top of the snow mountain."

Tattaglia shook off Du Yu's hand, with a proud face like a snow-capped mountain under the sun, and said with a smile, "Don't be sentimental. I did that for your contribution and sacrifice to space. It has nothing to do with you. "

Du Yu exaggeratedly covered his chest with his hands, pretending to be a love saint and martyrdom, which made Tataglia smile coquettishly.

This charming female fortune-teller turned her head away, the wind blew her temples up, her hair fluttered, and she said beautifully, "I already have my own heart."

Du Yu let out an oh.I feel a little regretful.Although he didn't have a deep love for Tataglia, when he heard that this outstanding beauty was already married, he couldn't help feeling the regret that a man would have.

At this moment, on the battlefield, the situation suddenly changed!

A streak of black air descended from the sky, and the empowerment was poured into the head of the dark Kui Ye who was being besieged by Deni and Amin!

"Roar!" The black energy entered his body, Master Kui immediately returned to the appearance of a war god, roared a tiger, and lifted the mechanism beast on his body high!

His muscles, like a vajra made of black iron, grabbed the limbs of the mechanism beast fiercely, and tore them apart!
"No!" Amin yelled in despair.Each of his mechanism beasts is expensive, so it hurts too much to be destroyed like this.

But things backfired.

The second S-level magic core-driven mechanism beast was also torn in half by Master Kui, and various parts, magic cores, and precious materials were scattered, and behind it was Master Kui's card that was invaded by pain, anger or magic energy. hideous face!
"Die! Weak mortal!" Kui Ye jumped up and rushed straight at A Ming.

Amin gritted his teeth and ordered the Destroyer to stand in front of him.

This liquid metal man can withstand any violent devastation without falling down.His liquid metal has a memory function and can be restored in an instant.Only the magic core energy inside is consumed.

Whether it is a mechanism beast or a liquid metal destroyer, it needs a powerful S-level magic core to drive it. The role of the S-level magic core on adventurers can be seen from this.Du Yu integrated the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea in the space and smuggled magic beast cores to the four countries. The profit potential is really huge.With the strength of a chosen person like Amin, he can only afford a few magic cores, why is it so distressing?

Kui Ye ignored it, and the Artemis Blade swung like lightning, stabbing at the Destroyer.

The liquid metal is really extraordinary. After being pierced by the blade of Artemis, it can still recover within a few seconds, and the Destroyer began to absorb the honeycomb cannon, and decisively switched to melee mode.With the melee integration system installed, his power in melee is no less than that of a professional inner city boxer.

"Bang!" Driven by the S-level magic core, a powerful, vicious punch hit Master Kui on the cheekbone!

From Du Yu's point of view, the strength of this blow exceeded 500 points, which is an astonishing statistic for an adventurer in the inner city.

But Mr. Kui just coldly wiped away the blood spurting from his nostrils, and the ferocious look on his face became more intense.

"Roar!" Hanuman, the god monkey behind, grabbed with one paw, smashed Kui Ye's carapace, lifted it up in the air, and another sharp claw was about to pierce Kui Ye's throat!
This god monkey in Indian mythology has great supernatural powers. Under Deni's intentional training, his aura evolved extremely fast and his momentum was extraordinary. He instantly reversed the situation on the battlefield.

A Ming also counterattacked very quickly, picked up the Gauss burst weapon in his hand, and fired another set of air bombs, which exploded continuously in the air very close to Kui Ye, and Kui Ye was once again bloody and bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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