Chapter 1400 Hard Fuck Kui Ye!The shadow of Hades! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
But the smiles of Deni and Amin did not hold their guns, only Hanuman screamed, he was turned around by Kui Ye's anti-joint technique, and the Artemis Blade immediately Pierced deep into Hanuman's neck!

Weather and adventurers are like soul and body. How can the body not suffer when the soul is so traumatized?

Deni yelled, covered his neck with his hands, fell to the ground in pain, struggled and rolled.

After all, Hanuman was in the fifth-level weather. After being suddenly attacked, he turned into a ball of air and disappeared in place, which was regarded as escaped.

The Liquid Metal Destroyer, in conjunction with the attack, charged up and punched Kratos!
But Kratos, the incarnation of the extraterrestrial demon, has gone completely crazy.

He is really crazy!

The Blade of Artemis poured down on the liquid metal like a torrential rain.In space, the Destroyer 800 robot, worth tens of millions of survival points, has no power to fight back in front of the crazy demon Kratos. It can only resist with the recovery ability of liquid metal and take damage!

No matter how strong the body is, it cannot sustain damage permanently.With the waving of the Artemis Blade, the recovery speed of the liquid metal body became slower and slower, gradually bursting out with clusters of flames and lines, which were already overwhelmed.

"Come on!" Amin panicked and shouted to Denis.

Denis gritted his teeth and commanded the god monkey Hanuman to appear in the void again, swinging his weapon to attack Kratos.

Kratos turned around abruptly. It turned out that he had been prepared for a long time. The onslaught just now was just to surround the spot and wait for the appearance of the monkey Hanuman!

"Death!" Kratos jumped up like a lion, and the blade of Artemis pierced Hanuman's face!
Hanuman let out a scream, and was beaten back again and again by the furious Kratos.

At this time, Du Yu, who was seriously injured by the God of War, stood up unsteadily.

Although he was still gutted, and although his health was still fluctuating up and down in the dangerous area, Du Yu's eyes were firm and cold, and his hands were tightly clenched with the golden cudgel!

The violent wind blows strongly from the boundless lost desert, blowing Du Yu's clothes and blowing his hair.

Tataglia glanced at Du Yu.Although she has her own heart, she has to admit that Du Yu, an oriental man, has the aura of a tough guy, mixed with a wild prodigal air who defies the world and disrespects authority, which has a great lethal force on women. and attractive.

"It's still up to me!" Du Yu grinned and disappeared on the spot in a flash!
He must join the fight.

The power of Kratos, under the blessing of the extraterrestrial demons and various gods, has grown to a terrifying level.Even the combination of Deni and Amin is not his opponent!
Du Yu can't just sit back and watch Deni and Amin get blown up, he wants to attack together!
Dark Kratos turned his head and smiled ferociously, and the Blade of Artemis pierced into the monkey's chest fiercely!
The divine monkey Hanuman uttered a near-death scream and disappeared into the void.

Denis was covered in cold sweat and fell to the ground, convulsing endlessly.

He was defeated by Lord Kui.

In the field, there was only a flaming Destroyer 800 left, and Amin who was full of panic.

Then, there was Du Yu who was seriously injured!

Du Yu pounced on Master Kui like a tiger descending the mountain!
A trace of white air suddenly appeared above his head!
Dragon wolf weather!

In the last world, there was not much room for the dragon and wolf to show their power, but this time Du Yu's situation was critical, and Du Yu finally released the dragon and wolf!
The dragon wolf roared and bit Kratos tightly.

After reaching the realm of Potential Transformation God, the dragon wolf's supernatural power is much more powerful than the monkey Hanuman just now. After all, it has devoured countless emperors, true gods and immortals, and it poses a much greater threat to Kratos.

Kratos was instantly bitten tightly, the wound burst open, and then Du Yu's Eighteen Palms of Dragon Subduing Kung Fu was greeted with a violent bang!

Du Yu was severely injured by Ares, the God of War, and he had already suffocated his stomach, so he happened to bombard the dark Kratos.

Kratos is also a human being, not a god. He was knocked back again and again, and his injuries continued to worsen.

But this also inspired the killing heart of Dark Kratos!
Along the way, he was suppressed by Du Yu's tricks and tricks, and was forced to retreat twice, so he was already full of anger.


Relying on the support of gods such as the extraterrestrial demons and Zeus in this world, Dark Kratos disregarded Du Yu's unparalleled kill, and struck hard. The Artemis Blade instantly cut a deep line from Du Yu's shoulder. It can be seen that the big hole in the bone cut Du Yu like a bloody man!
Du Yu staggered back.

Kui Ye has almost evolved into a demon god.

No wonder the extraterrestrial celestial demon had so much confidence in him and let him chase and kill him all the way.

His evolution speed can be called terrifying.

But the dragon wolf is angry!

It empathizes with Du Yu, and Kratos' severe injury also makes it even more angry.

Longlang raised his head and roared angrily.

A thunderbolt strikes down from the sky!
Ever since Du Yu mastered the Space God's Punishment Sky Thunder, this trick has also been added to Longlang's supernatural powers.

Tianlei wiped out!
As I said before, the only weakness of the extraterritorial celestial demons is the space thunder.Not to mention Kratos, even his body, the extraterrestrial demon Hum, suffered heavy damage under the attack of the God of Punishment Thunder!
Krato screamed loudly immediately, bursts of blue smoke rose from his body, and the magic energy dissipated greatly.

His ferocious aura also dissipated with the dissipation of the devilish aura.

The rest of Kratos is just a Spartan warrior, a mortal.

Du Yu endured the severe pain and rushed forward.

"Give me death!"

Du Yu activated Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

Kratos was beaten back step by step by Du Yu's continuous attack, blood kept coughing up, and he was forced to the edge of a cliff!
This is on the back of the titan Crusos, below is the abyss cliff as high as [-] meters, and below is the boundless lost desert!
Du Yu slapped Kratos hard on the chest.

Kratos' battered body flew out of the cliff, and with his eyes wide open, burning with anger, he fell into the mortal world!

"I won't let you go!" Kratos screamed, resounding throughout the world.

"This guy should be dead, right?" Amin felt lingering fear, and put down the Gauss burst weapon: "There are tens of thousands of meters here, and if you fall, you will be trampled by Crusos. He should be smashed to pieces."

Du Yu shook his head: "With the extraterrestrial demon Hum, this clone is not so easy to destroy. However, this is a good opportunity to consume the strength of the extraterritorial demon. He must consume divine power if he wants to revive the Dark Lord Kui. The more divine power is consumed, the female The better it is for Empress Wa to launch a general attack and rescue Athena."

The sun was setting at this time, Du Yu looked up at the red western sky, and said angrily, "The only regret is that Pandora's box was taken away by that bastard Ares."

"Ares?" Denis shivered when he heard the name, "Isn't it the legendary god of war in Greek mythology?"

Du Yu smiled: "It seems that you haven't done your homework well, or the time is too tight. No one told you that our enemy is this cruel god of war? And there is also the extraterrestrial demon Hum hiding in the dark?"

Hearing such a luxurious lineup of enemies, Tataglia, Deni and Amin couldn't help but trembled.

No one wants to make himself an enemy of the gods.

"Whether we like it or not, we are all involved in the war of the gods." Du Yu sighed and said, "If you can't complete the mission, don't even think about going back. Let's think about the next battle."

Amin said in frustration: "Although I killed the Dark Kratos once, my summoned thing has been completely destroyed. I also need to overhaul the Destroyer 800. My combat power is exhausted."

Deni's face was pale and he said: "My meteorological power has also been severely damaged, and my vitality and blood have lost a bit. The remaining combat power may still have [-]%."

Tataglia turned to Du Yu and said, "What should we do next?"

Du Yu panted, "Let's see how Molier's pursuit of that bat monster turned out?"

The four of them rested on the ground for a while, and after a while, they saw the figure of Molier flying back.

Du Yu stood up and was disappointed when he saw that Molier was not carrying a Pandora's Box.

"What happened?" Du Yu asked hurriedly.

Moliel landed on the ground and turned into a queen figure. There was obviously a deep wound on her lower abdomen, and blood was still oozing out. She gasped and said, "I caught up with that bat monster. This guy is very cunning , constantly using transformations to confuse me. But I finally bit his neck!"

"Good job!" Du Yu was overjoyed, "Where is Pandora's Box?"

"It was taken away by a mysterious force!" Molly was also disappointed and frustrated: "When I killed the bat monster, a cold divine power suddenly gushed out from a large underground cave, turning the golden The Pandora's box, sucked it down. I tried to fight against him, but the force was too strong. I could only barely fly back, and the Pandora's box was taken away by him."

"Underground cave?" Du Yu's face was gloomy for a while: "Who the hell will it be? Kill it halfway?"

"Let's go to the cave first and see the situation before we talk!"

Tataglia also knew the importance of this Pandora's Box, said in a deep voice.

Guided by Mo Lier, Du Yu led a few people into the cave.

"Here, there is a strong breath of death!" Tattaglia said with a wrinkled nose and wrinkled eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Amin asked puzzled.

"This is the abyss that leads to hell and the underworld!" Tattaglia said in a deep voice, "I dare say that it was Pluto himself who attacked Molier and robbed Pandora's Box just now! He is the only one who can so easily Defeat Morel and take the treasure box."

"It should be Hades!" Du Yu's face changed: "In the Pandora Palace, the God of the Sea treated me well, but the God of Hades treated me very unfriendly. It seems that this insidious guy also wants to get his hands on me. Pandora's Box, enhance your divine power."

"Hahaha!" A cold laugh came from the Nine Nether Abyss, Du Yu could hear it clearly, it was clearly the laughter of Hades, the god of the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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