Chapter 1401 Pluto sets up an ambush!Nether Road! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
"Bastard! Running dog!" Du Yu yelled angrily: "You deserve to be the son of a demon from outside the territory for the rest of your life! It's this time, and you still have the mind to engage in internal strife!"

Underworld God smiled coldly, and his icy voice echoed in the bottomless abyss: "What do you know? Mortals! Come down for me!"

A green light of Hades suddenly rose from the cave!
Du Yu's body was sucked into the unfathomable abyss involuntarily!

"Du Yu!" Tataglia's exclamation resounded through the entrance of the cave.

Through the divine power of Empress Nuwa, many beauties watching the battle simultaneously let out a heart-piercing cry.

"do not want!"

come down!

Du Yu kept falling.

He tried to use fairy art to break free, but in the realm of the underworld, his fairy art was not prioritized enough to use it.Can only continue to fall like a mortal.

After falling for a few days, he finally saw a place to stay beside him.

Du Yu let out a loud cry, and Ruyi's golden cudgel came across and extended infinitely. After a short while, it became as long as thousands of feet. No matter how wide the cave was, it could be blocked by Du Yu on both sides and stop falling!
His body finally stabilized, and he leaned dangerously on the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and underneath was the bottomless abyss, which was swaying and dangerous.

Although the power of the underworld god is still absorbing his body all the time, but because of the fairy power characteristic of the wishful golden cudgel, Du Yu has already escaped the greatest danger.

Du Yu managed to stabilize his mind, and looked at the chosen place to stay.

If there is no place to stay, even if you use the golden cudgel to stabilize your figure, you can't climb up.

The walls of this cave are tens of thousands of feet high, straight up and down, and slippery without holding hands. You must find a passage to go back.

It is even more important to look for the Pandora's box that Hades got.

Du Yu is like a juggler stepping on a tightrope at high altitude, stepping on the Ruyi golden cudgel, walking steadily through the void and walking towards the cave wall.

At this time, the wind of the underworld blowing from the bottom of the cave was icy cold and accompanied by the terrifying cries of the undead, which made Du Yu shiver continuously.If one is not careful, it will fall into the void.

This is Hades' trick.

He hoped that Du Yu would die and made trouble deliberately.

Fortunately, Du Yu's heart was firm and his face was calm. He walked to the edge of the cave step by step and lay down on the stone wall.

An old man below was pulling the edge of a bone-like platform, and saw Du Yu shouting: "Good man! Help me. I don't want to die."

Du Yu looked down and saw that he was an acquaintance.The captain of the merchant ship on the Aegean Sea.

He stepped on it lightly, stepped on his body and climbed up.

"Goodbye, Captain." Du Yu leaned down and said a word to him, then kicked his head hard, the damned old man screamed and fell down!

After a long time, there was only a thud, and through the thick fog, Du Yu could see clearly that there was clearly a blood-red pool of hell below!
If the old man hadn't fallen, Du Yu still wouldn't be able to see the reality of the underground!
If it falls, the situation will be unimaginable!
Hades' voice came from the ground: "You are smart! Huh, but so what? You will fall into my blood pool hell sooner or later and become a lonely ghost in my underworld! This is the extraterrestrial demon Hum I have to do what I told you to do!"

Only then did Du Yu know why Hades shot at him five times and three times, he cursed his lackey inwardly, and looked around.

This cave should be a ghost cave that leads to the underworld in reality. From time to time, there are dead souls in the world, attracted by the green light, walking slowly to the entrance of the cave, screaming and falling down, becoming the new undead in the underworld.

Their final destination is this tens of thousands of meters wide, unfathomable blood pool hell abyss!
The fallen undead did not just die, but had all their flesh removed and sank under the pool of blood. Under the pool of blood should be the real underworld.Once entering the pool of blood and losing their physical body, even a living person with an unfinished life can only lose consciousness and walk step by step towards the hell of the underworld.

Du Yu wiped his sweat, he was really in danger just now.

He began to climb this extremely narrow road to the underworld, which is only as wide as one person!
The road to the underworld looks like huge bones, uneven and narrow, and if you don't pay attention, you will fall into the pool of blood below.

However, a greater danger appeared immediately!
This is the territory that Hades is in charge of. In order to fulfill his promise to the master, the extraterrestrial demon Hum, the hell miscellaneous soldiers under his command have been constantly emerging. There are bone swordsmen, bone madmen, bloodthirsty zombies, and soul chasers. spirit.This is really a good place to shoot a horror movie.

Du Yu sighed, it would be great if Yilin was here, these undead are very easy to be restrained by Buddhism, but the situation is not bad at this time, he took out the soul refining bag of thousands of ghosts, and killed all kinds of evil spirits while using the refining The soul bag crazily recovers the most vicious souls.The number of ghosts and fierce spirits in the soul refining bag has risen linearly from more than 6000, getting closer and closer to the perfect form of 1.

On a huge blood blade bone demon, Du Yu found the sixth Eye of Gorgon and assembled a group.

The six Gorgon Eyes formed a perfect circular sacrificial shape. With a flash of light, the Gorgon Soul was embedded in Nei Du Yu's body, and Du Yu's health increased by 600 points.

In addition, Du Yu can also collect Phoenix Feather, which is a collection reward system that increases energy value.For every six phoenix feathers, the energy value will increase by 600 points.

Along the way, they fought fiercely with all kinds of demons and ghosts sent by Hades, and Du Yu's injuries could not be recovered, but at least Du Yu broke out of the encirclement through hard work.

After walking a section of bone road, Du Yu saw a very high mountain covered with rolling knives.

Hades' wild laughter came: "This is the special place [Hob Knife Mountain] in my hell and underworld. You must pass through this place to return to the world of heaven."

Du Yu looked around and found that there was no way to go, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and climb up the mountain of knives.

The mountain of knives was turning much faster than when looking from below. As soon as Du Yu climbed up, he was cut by the rolling knife on his thigh, and fell down from the mountain of knives in pain.

Du Yu was stabbed in many places, and the blood stained the cold underworld red.

"Hahaha!" Hades' wild laughter resounded throughout the space: "My Hades Spiked Stone Pillar, how can it be so easy to pass? Idiot!"

The extraterrestrial demon Hum couldn't help but smile knowingly.

His clone, Mr. Kui, had been knocked down in the desert by Du Yu. Unfortunately, he failed to survive—Crusos's giant knee crushed him into a meat paste like trampling an ant to death.

Therefore, the extraterrestrial demon had to recreate a dark Kui Ye.

This will undoubtedly consume an additional 10% of his divine power to complete the clone projection.

This is already the third time he has created Kratos, and the consumption is not small.But as long as he could see Du Yu's painful expression, the Heavenly Demon from Outer Territory thought everything was worth it.

"Pluto, you did a good job!" Hum praised Hades in a rare way.

After standing up from the ground, Du Yu tried to cut off the rolling knives with the Snake Sword, but these seemingly weak knives turned out to be hard bones.Under hundreds of millions of undead, tens of millions of years of body grinding and painful curse, these bones carry too many negative emotions, and have condensed the strongest smooth periosteum in the underworld.Even the mighty Snake Slaying Sword has nothing to do with it.

Seeing that nothing happened after being attacked by the Snake Sword, it seemed that it was time for Ruyi Golden Cudgel to come out.

Du Yu saw the timing of the knife rolling, and used the Ruyi golden cudgel to support the rock on the upper level, and he jumped up to the upper level of the knife mountain.

The knife mountain is turning rapidly, the cold wind is blowing, and the cool air is swishing, and the people who go up the knife mountain may be killed at any time!The knife mountain is very high, and it is really not easy to climb up smoothly.

But the belief of killing Ares and taking back the Pandora's box has been emerging in Du Yu's mind. Ares not only blocked Du Yu's way home, but also caused heavy damage to Du Yu. Pandora's magic box was taken from him, and Du Yu's hatred is hard to be solved if he is not killed now.

Fortunately, Du Yu's agility has already exceeded 500, making him unrivaled among adventurers in the inner city. Coupled with the speed bonus of Lingboweibu, he crawled nimbly on the mountain of swords like a spirit ape, and finally climbed over the mountain. Knife Mountain.

Du Yu's body was covered in bruises.

What's more, in the underworld, it is impossible for him to take the potion to recover his health.This green light and the blood-red blood pool hell can prevent all life forms from recovering.

Du Yu worked tirelessly and climbed on the road to the underworld.

"It seems that the Pandora's box was probably taken to hell by Hades, an ambitious man!" Du Yu complained, wiping off his sweat.

"Not necessarily!" The voice of Goddess Athena sounded from the sky.

"Hey! Eldest sister!" Du Yu said angrily, "Don't talk to me casually like the female saint fighters, okay? People are scary!"

"Bah!" Du Yu was so pissed that the Goddess of War revealed her tyrannosaurus female nature, and said angrily, "Do you still want to get out alive?"

Du Yu immediately fell silent.This goddess showed her true colors, so scary.

But Du Yu likes this kind of real goddess, the kind of god who pretends to be a god, tells lies and is full of benevolence and righteousness.

"I think!" Du Yu nodded resolutely, and laughed.

"The reason why I said that Hades can't hide Pandora's Box is because this box has the ability that even the gods fear. Once it is contaminated with human emotions inside, even the gods may fall for it and become mortals. I It is asserted that Hades dare not take such a risk!" Athena said very firmly: "Therefore, he probably stored Pandora's Box somewhere, and kept it away from the underworld. The most possible place is in this Netherworld On the road. If you search more, there should be clues!"

Du Yu was relieved, if Hades took Pandora's box to the underworld, he would never find it.

(End of this chapter)

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