Chapter 1402 Netherland dog!Cerberus! - Please subscribe!

Du Yu continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, a gigantic three-headed hellhound jumped out in front of him!
"Bastard! Cerberus! This time it's for real again!" Du Yu was shocked and angry.

Cerberus, Greek for devil in the pit.According to legend, Cerberus was born of Typhaon, the ancestor of all demons, and Echidna, the snake-body monster, and was used by Hades to guard the demons at the gate of hell.

Unexpectedly, Hades even released this terrifying monster in order to kill himself.

Although Du Yu had killed many three-headed dogs before, they were all hybrid offspring of Cerberus and other species, just like the Gorgon and the real Pandora, the Minotaur and the real Minotaur, they are completely different from each other And language, the gap is huge.

This Cerberus, crawling on the Nether Road, blocked the narrow path tightly, making it impossible to pass through!

Du Yu's face turned serious, he pulled out the Ruyi golden cudgel, and looked at Cerberus coldly.

"Roar!" The three huge dog heads of Cerberus, breathing flames and drooling, approached Du Yu step by step.

Hades' voice sounded: "This is a gift I gave you. Do you like it? Let me tell you that what you are looking for is on the platform behind Cerberus. As long as you can get on the Nether Road, kill If you kill my pet, you can take it back. Unfortunately, I think you will probably leave your life at the entrance of my underworld together! Hehe, Cerberus, but my pet, this is my place again, you There is no chance of winning!"

Listening to Hades' arrogant laughter, Du Yu clenched his weapon tightly. His biggest problem was that after a series of hard battles, his health was almost exhausted.How easy is it to fight fiercely with Cerberus, who is not inferior to Hydra and Minotaur?

But there is no room for retreat at this time.

If one is not careful, he will fall into the blood pool hell, and he will never be reborn forever.

Du Yu's eyes were cold and stern, exuding a dragon-wolf look.

The power of weather, directly participate in the battle!
The dragon wolf seemed to know the predicament of Du Yu's body, and rushed to Cerberus without any nonsense!

At this time, Du Yu took out a low-key and shining object, and carefully applied it on the Snake Sword!
【Hydra's Venom Gland】!
A super toxin that deals horrific priority damage.

There was a flash of light on the Snake Slaying Sword, and then it turned into a dim green. Even the light of the sword itself was covered by the toxin, which shows how strong the toxin is.

Du Yu looked at Dragon Wolf and Cerberus who were fighting fiercely, smiled slightly, and disappeared into the air!

Don't forget, his space ability is to travel through any space in an instant.

In a flash, Du Yu landed on Cerberus' back!
Cerberus instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and the three dogs turned their heads, trying to prevent them from blowing out deadly flames!

The dragon wolf seized the opportunity, and with a lightning attack, bit Cerberus' neck fiercely, picked him up forcefully, and threw him to the ground hard.

Cerberus fell to the ground, but for some reason, strands of death and ghost energy rose from the surrounding blood pool hell and the road to the netherworld at any time, lingering and pouring into Cerberus' wound.The wound bitten by the dragon wolf is healing itself at a speed visible to the naked eye!
This is the source of Hades' confidence.

On the road to the nether world, Cerberus is an immortal existence!
With a roar, Du Yu pierced the Snake Sword into Cerberus' neck like lightning!
At this moment, the pain that Cerberus suffered was like being hit by Hydra and the dragon and wolf at the same time, and he howled in pain, and the sound echoed in the cave for a long time.

Du Yu disappeared from Cerberus' sight the moment the hellfire sprayed in front of him.

With the space teleportation ability and Xu Dela's invincible poison, Du Yu can be called a god-level assassin!
It took him less than a second to complete a lore to Cerberus.

Cerberus gasped on the ground, and the dragon and wolf turned into a huge body, and relentlessly pressed down on the opponent's neck and began to bite.

Cerberus finally seized the opportunity and used his second head to bite the Dragon Wolf Meteor in turn, forcing the latter to retreat temporarily.

Cerberus got up from the ground.

Every second, he has to bear the damage and erosion of the Xu Dela toxin. The black dog skin is constantly being corroded and sizzling, and the wound deeply pierced by the Snake Sword is extremely painful. Green pus.

Every second, there are 100 points of damage.

What makes Cerberus even more painful is that he was originally on the road to the underworld, and as the watchdog of the underworld, he has the advantage of home court.The blessing that Hades gave him was in this deadly Nether Road. It is almost an immortal existence, and it can recover 300 points of health every second!
To kill him on the Nether Road, unless the opponent is a god of the same level as the goddess Athena, it is possible to do it!A mortal, no matter what magic weapon he holds, don't try to kill him!
Even if he encounters a strong enemy, Cerberus can turn around and run away if he loses for a while.Anyway, on this extremely long and incomparably dark road, it can move quickly, even going straight up and down on the cave wall.Waiting for self-healing is almost done, it reappears to kill enemies for revenge!
But this time, he finally met a terrifying opponent.

Cerberus rolled on the ground in pain, a trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes.

It did not fight again.Maybe it saw the terrifying strength of Du Yu and Longlang in cooperation, it gave Du Yu a cold stare, as if it wanted to see through his soul, turned its head and jumped down the cave!

This is an abyss.

Du Yu walked up to the cliff and looked down. The cave was filled with green dark air, but Cerberus was nowhere to be seen.

"This guy should be healing himself." Du Yu said angrily, "I just don't know how he can heal himself."

The corner of his mouth curled up in a sly arc, and he turned his head away.

"Stupid dog! I have Hydra's toxin, you will only make yourself weaker if you delay!"

Du Yu turned to the side of the flat table.

There, shining golden light.

Du Yu walked over, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the Pandora's Box, which had been snatched by Hades, appeared in front of him again!

The golden box has not been opened yet, it should be that Hades has not yet figured out how to use this artifact.

Du Yu walked up to the box in surprise, picked it up, and continued walking forward.

Pandora's box is very heavy, I don't know what is inside.

Fortunately, Cerberus had already been beaten away, so Du Yu rushed away carrying the box.

But his mood soon fell to the bottom.

Because along the cliff, Du Yu looked over, and on the opposite cliff thousands of feet away, there was a group of dark shadows, moving at a speed unimaginable by ordinary people!
As I said before, this road to the underworld is the only way for the dead to enter the underworld.Under the guidance of the power of fate, countless unexamined undead will walk towards the Nether Cave step by step, then lose their balance, fall from the cave entrance, and fall directly into the blood pool hell, where all the flesh and blood on their bodies will be washed away, and they will become the real underworld Undead, enter the underworld.

At that time, Cerberus was brazenly lying on the cliff of the cave, waiting for the undead to fall from the sky and fall down!
As long as an undead falls, it will leap up in mid-air like a hungry dog, bite the undead in its mouth, and after falling on the opposite cliff, it will swallow the flesh and blood of the undead!

"Damn it!" Du Yu was terrified when he saw it.

Although he is fearless in battle, he is a living person after all, seeing this cruel and cold world after death for the first time!

It's too awful.

These undead are still waiting to be reincarnated, but on the road to the netherworld, they become Cerberus' rations, allowing him to feast on them!
Du Yu reckoned that this was Cerberus' unique skill to restore life.By devouring the undead, he can greatly speed up his already strong recovery speed.

But unfortunately

Du Yu laughed wickedly.

The priority of Hydra's poison gland has reached the god level!
The gods will also be poisoned if they are stained with the blood of the son of Tifeng.

Although Cerberus also seems to be the son of Tifeng, both of them are fellow monsters of the same father, but Hydra's poison is obviously very effective for him.

Cerberus continued to slaughter and devour the undead, but it seemed to be ineffective, and his temper became more and more violent. He even took a bite and threw the undead directly into the blood pool hell!
In the end, it couldn't hold back anymore, and finally pounced on Du Yu again.

When Cerberus's huge body landed heavily on the Nether Road, the entire road in the city of bones was shocked three times!

Cerberus glared at Du Yu viciously, and the salivation at the corner of his mouth kept falling, corroding and rustling on the bone.

"How on earth did you do it?" Cerberus was able to make an intermittent human voice: "My self-healing ability, and the ability to recover from devouring flesh, why don't they work?"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "You are only allowed to be domineering on this road of darkness, and I am not allowed to use some means to show you some color? If you are smart, get the hell out of here. This potion will expire after 24 hours. .I don't want to fight you to the death. But if you don't know your face, you will die in an ugly way!"

The three huge dog heads of Cerberus looked down at Du Yu, and when it saw the golden Pandora's Box, it burst out with an undisguised desire for greed!

"Roar!" Cerberus rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu snorted coldly.This hell watchdog is too clueless.That being the case, I don't need to be polite, just give him a painful death!

Du Yu stood up and rushed towards Cerberus again with the dragon and wolf breath.

In this war, both sides tried their best.

Seeing that his pet dog Cerberus was actually sealed by Du Yu in a special way to seal the self-healing and recovery abilities, Hades's complacent expression immediately turned livid.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu had such a beautiful skill to put Cerberus in.

(End of this chapter)

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