Chapter 1406 Illusion of God of War!Du Yu is furious! -Subscribe for the third watch!
An astonishing scene appeared in front of Du Yu's eyes.

Catherine, Tracy, and concubine Sisi are walking happily in Shinra's secret manor with their children in their arms.Du Yu's women and children had happy smiles on their faces, what a warm scene.

But this peaceful picture was quickly torn to pieces by an intruder!


The ancestor, Jon, led the wolf into the house, brought the largest wave of Warcraft beasts, beheaded groups of vigilant Shinra warriors, and entered the peaceful manor.

"No!" Although Du Yu understood that this situation might be an illusion or phantom intentionally released by Ares in order to torture his own soul, he still couldn't help himself and exclaimed.

Catherine and his concubine turned pale and tried to cover the child from escaping. Tracy went up to intercede, but the patriarch Jon's face was grim: "You have betrayed the imperial family of Shinra! You obscene women have given birth to an oriental boy. Kill these evil seeds! On behalf of the Shinra Imperial Family, I want to cleanse you thoroughly!"

He snapped Tracy's neck!

Tracy's big beautiful eyes were wide open, and she fell to the ground, looking at Du Yu.

Du Yu's heart was in great pain, and he raised his head and roared, but his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move for a long time.

He could only helplessly, watching his women, Catherine and his concubine Sisi, being overwhelmed by the tide of beasts, calling his name in despair!

He wished he could poke a hole in the sky, but he couldn't move a single step. He could only watch their beautiful faces and bodies being gnawed into bones by the beast tide.

A pair of children, Du Mu and Du Daifen, were also grabbed by Jon's traitor from behind, and fell to the ground forcefully. The two little guys had their brains cracked and died tragically on the spot!
Although he knew that this was an illusion created by Ares for himself, Du Yu couldn't hold back the soaring rage. He bristled with rage and shouted, "Aris, I want you to pay the price!"

A man would never sit back and watch his enemy create such a tragedy in front of him.Even if it's fantasy provocation, it won't work!

Du Yu frantically wanted to find the exit and fight Ares to the death.

But Ares' challenge to him is not over yet.

As soon as Du Yu turned his head, he saw another tragic scene that made him burst into anger.

Already pregnant with Liujia, Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er, whose mother and daughter were pregnant at the same time, had their bellies full, the mother and daughter bloomed side by side, the mother Qing'er was beautiful, and the daughter Ling'er was delicate and charming, coming gracefully.

They looked at Du Yu's beautiful eyes, full of deep affection, full of affection, tender and watery eyes, and they couldn't leave Du Yu for a moment.

Du Yu's heart warmed up, and he was about to go up to meet them, but found behind Qing'er and Ling'er, a pair of bell-like bull's eyes appeared on the back of Qing'er and Ling'er!

Du Yu was terrified.

He can face any bad situation without changing his face, and he can defy life and death without hesitation, but he can't allow his beloved mother and daughter Hua, who is pregnant with Liujia, to fall into the hands of the alien demon Hum!
God knows how much Du Yu dotes on this pair of mother and daughter of Nuwa's blood.Otherwise, how could Qing'er and Ling'er be pregnant with his flesh and blood in such a short time?

But at this time, will Hum let Qing'er Ling'er go?
The answer is obvious.

Qing'er Ling'er hadn't come to Du Yu's side yet, the sweet and happy smiles were still condensed on their faces, their swollen bellies were both pierced by Hum's two sharp horns!

The extraterrestrial demon Hum looked at Du Yu madly with a pair of bull's eyes full of hatred: "Haha! Your pair of women are still mother and daughter! You are really flirtatious! But now they have two dead bodies. No, yes. Two corpses and four lives! Haha, I accepted them all. You bastard, you coward, you can’t change all of this! This is the end result of you overthinking yourself and provoking demons from outside the territory!”

Du Yu grabbed his hair fiercely. At this moment, he wished he could bite off Hum's face!
Du Yu, he is a man who will repay every grievance!
He never had the idea of ​​a gentleman taking revenge, ten years is not too late.For this kind of blood feud, one day is too much for Du Yu to take revenge!

Although he knew it was all an illusion, Du Yu just couldn't hold back.

"Ares, hum! You succeeded!" Du Yu sneered, "You succeeded in angering me. I must kill you!"

Although his will fell into rage, in the eyes of Nu Wa, Tataria and others, Du Yu's body fell into a sluggish state.

Like a wooden sculpture of clay, he stood there blankly, indulging in crazy killing intent, unable to extricate himself.

Du Yu knelt on the ground, still unable to escape from what happened just now.

Ares walked to Du Yu's side, raised the battle ax in his hand, and pointed it at Du Yu's neck.

"Du Yu!" Tataglia exclaimed, "What's wrong with him, why didn't he fight back?"

Denis chanted the incantation, the mysterious Indian spell, which opened his eyes to emit mysterious rays of light: "I saw despair and fury in Du Yu. He seems to have fallen into a trap set by the god Ares. The more angry he is, the more unable to extricate himself. Until he is killed by Ares."

"Let's save him!" Tataglia said hastily.

"No!" Amin waved his hand and said, "Ares is so powerful, our actions will not have any results!"

"I'm not a coward!" Tataglia glared at Amin, and strode towards Du Yu.

"Du Yu, stand up! Don't forget what you should do." Athena's voice sounded beside Du Yu's ear.

Du Yu raised his head, and in the darkness, the stone statue of Athena was not far away, calling him softly.

It has to be said that Athena's call is the only way to penetrate Ares' psychedelic magic.

Du Yu blinked. Although he was awakened by Athena, he still felt trapped in a desperate situation and could not break free.

Ares laughed wildly: "Don't look at me as a brave god of war, but I am very good at using spells and can win without fighting. Do you think this illusion is so easy to crack?
Du Yu took a deep look at Ares and did not move in a panic. He knew that Ares was plotting to attack him, but if he didn't see clearly and moved randomly, it would only give the opponent more opportunities to send himself to the other side. Under the sharp axe.

Ordinary adventurers would be desperate to face the illusion of gods, but Du Yu is not so simple!
He is an immortal cultivator in the ascension stage.

He closed his eyes, his Dao heart was clear, his spiritual consciousness scattered, and he looked for opportunities around him.

Eastern fairy art, after reaching a certain level, can crush the western divine art magic system!

Although in terms of rank, Ares is one of the 12 main gods of Greece, and Du Yu is only a cultivator at the stage of transcending tribulation and ascending to immortality, his immortal skills are enough to pose some threats to Ares!
This is what makes the Eastern Immortal Art so astonishing!
Leapfrog rolling!

Whether it is unreasonable or domineering, in the countless battles between Shenluo and Datang, and in the high-end peak dialogues in Zifu District and Huangcheng District, the masters of Shenluo have never been cheap. Going well is the proof.

Du Yu's mind entered into meditation and became deeper and deeper. He almost forgot both things and himself.

In the eyes of everyone, Du Yu in the center of the battlefield was dumbfounded, neither dodging nor dodging, while Ares strode towards him, raised his battle ax high, and roared to strike down!
"Du Yu!" Tataglia exclaimed.

With the ax down, Du Yu is still alive?
Ares grinned grimly at the corner of his mouth, it was this blow, he wanted to see Du Yu's decapitated body!

The beauties watching the battle in the space were even more worried, their hearts jumped to their throats.

"Hide! Hurry up and wake up!" the lovely pregnant Ling'er cried.

Lin Qing'er was about to pass out, but was supported by Shi Feixuan.

Empress Nuwa looked calmly at Du Yu's image with a smile.

Ares' battle ax was about to hit Du Yu's head.

This blow is infinitely powerful.

But at this moment, Du Yu suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at Ares!
Ares seemed to fall into the ice cave instantly, and the blood in his body froze!
Ever since he was born and became the God of War, he has never encountered such a strange situation—the majestic God of War was actually frightened by the smile of a mortal!

But this even more inspired Ares to kill **!

Du Yu's figure was instantly split in two by Ares' giant axe!
Whether it is the scene or the space, the screams of the beauties sounded at the same time.

"Don't panic!" Empress Nuwa shouted, "Du Yu won't die so easily!"

The beauties took a closer look, and saw that the giant ax was shining coldly, cutting a deep ravine on the ground, but Du Yu's figure disappeared.

"This bastard!" Ning Zhong let out a long breath, and scolded with a smile: "We have to wait until the last moment before showing our hole cards. Let us worry so much, we should fight!"

"He's not pretending," Nuwa said with a smile, "It's really the divine power of Ares, which overwhelms Du Yu's cultivation in total, and still has a great advantage. Du Yu only broke free from Ares' shackles at the last second. .”

Ares's tomahawk smashed through the air, turned his head and glared, trying to find Du Yu and tear him apart.

But Du Yu seemed to disappear in the air, no matter how much Ares searched, he couldn't find any clues.

When Ares gradually lost his patience, suddenly, a figure descended from the sky!

Du Yu's spatial ability is hard to guard against!

In his eyes, there was a frenzied killing intent.

When Ares tortured Du Yu, he used Du Yu's woman and child as bait. Although it was an illusion, Du Yu was completely angered!

He appeared like a ghost of the nine underworld, and in a flash, he came behind Ares!

"Even if you can give me a blow, so what?" Ares laughed wildly: "I am a god! My invincible golden body will never be broken!"

As he spoke, he adjusted his posture, trying to face Du Yu's crazy attack with the strongest God of War golden armor.

On Ares's body, a piece of golden God of War armor shines brightly in the sun.This God of War armor is a treasure given to Ares by Zeus.It was collected from the fine gold ore on Mount Olympus, pulled by the sun god Apollo in a sun chariot, brought to the sky and dissolved above the sun, and was cast by the god of casting Festus himself.Possessing a defensive ability close to the level of the main god, even Zeus's lightning cannot pierce it with one blow!

(End of this chapter)

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