Chapter 1407 Eliminate the lore!Space Rift! - Please subscribe!

Ares is confident that even if Du Yu has the first-class attack ability of ordinary people, even if Du Yu has some supernatural power, he should not try to master his God of War armor easily.

While defending well, Ares secretly drew out his battle axe, and the six long knives on his back also clicked loudly, accumulating strength in secret.As long as Du Yu's moves are blocked, the rest will face Ares' cruel revenge!
For Du Yu, there is only one chance to attack.

But at this juncture, Du Yu's eyes were still stern, like ten thousand years of ice.

In his eyes, there is no Ares's crazy sharp axe, no six long knives, only Ares' vital points under the golden armor of the God of War!

One hit, must succeed!

At this moment, Du Yu forgets everything and me, and there is no concept of victory or defeat, success or failure, life and death.In his eyes, there is only one thought, how to break the God of War golden armor?

It is definitely not possible to do it in an ordinary way.Ares is so supportive that he dares to point his back at himself, so he must have something to rely on.

Du Yu would not risk his life for a gamble.

He is used to making decisions before making moves, and with one burst of energy, he kills powerful enemies!

In the end how to do it?

Du Yu's eyes suddenly lit up!
He suddenly remembered that in the last world, when he was promoted by the deer power, he realized the more advanced technique of using space power!
His space ability is no longer the space teleportation that can only be used to run and sneak attack in the past, but

Space torn!

It's true that Ares is the main god, and it's true that he has a god-level God of War armor with defensive power!
But after Du Yu's ability is improved, space tearing can directly tear time and space, open the door of another dimension, and let the opponent's body be passed through by space cracks.This series of attacks has approached or surpassed the general sense of magic, and even reached the level of the main god!
At this time, Du Yu put all the treasures of the final blow on the high priority space tearing skill!
In an instant, a purple-red storm was formed in Du Yu's hands, which erupted behind Ares in an instant.

Ares let out an earth-shattering roar, and instinctively felt the terrifying threat Du Yu brought him.

Du Yu's space ability may not be strong in attack power, but the priority is absolutely invincible!
Once this terrifying ability is applied to a god, it can kill a god!
An aura that even the gods couldn't stop swept over Ares.

Ares finally started to regret it.

Why did he regret that he had to pretend?
Why leave the door wide open?To Du Yu?

It was nothing short of a tragedy.

But Ares is a god after all, and the God of War armor is not extraordinary, so the effect of this blow is still uncertain.

Du Yu poured more than 27 divine power into his hands, and burst out all the power at once!
In his eyes, there is no success or failure, only revenge!
Ares must die!
Since he dared to use his wife and children as a means to provoke him, he must have the consciousness to pay for it!
Du Yu felt that his hands were being torn apart by space cracks, and he was so painful that he lost consciousness, but he had no fear at this time, and raised his abilities to the maximum. For the first time, he used the power of faith + space abilities to ruthlessly Bombarded behind Ares!
A blood-red space crack opens!
The crack in the space, like a legendary monster slowly opening its blood-red pupils, suddenly opened its terrifying fangs and claws behind Ares!

Ares' golden armor made an overwhelmed sound, and pieces of the armor were torn apart by the space cracks that swept past like a tornado.This fearless God of War looked back at the blood-red space crack, and an incredible look flashed in his eyes!
"How can you have the ability of a real god?" Ares yelled: "It's impossible! Impossible! You are just a mortal!"

It was this mortal who, with a god-level offensive that Ares could never dream of, completely disintegrated the pride and reserve of Ares God of War.He is like a hungry tiger that has been severely injured by a hunter, trying to escape from the activation range of the space ability!
Attracted by the cracks in time and space, the muscles on Du Yu's arms are turning into bones at a speed visible to the naked eye!
In the eyes of Tattaglia, Catherine and others, this weird and terrifying scene almost made their hearts stop beating.But Du Yu's eyes were still cold and cold, unchanged from time immemorial.

Die, die!
Du Yu's hand quickly turned into bones, but insisted on maintaining the space-time rift, sweeping Ares!

Ares howled in pain, the God of War armor on his body was shattered, unable to withstand the attack of the space-time rift, followed by his flesh and blood!Also in seconds, the speed is visible to the naked eye, disappearing in the terrifying time crack!
Du Yu is fighting with Ares!

Fight who can persist!Who will go first!
Du Yu's hand bones, only the skeleton bones remained, the white hand bones, the blood-red muscles above the wrists, and the splattered flesh and blood flying in the air.

Ares's back has been partially boned, and even the internal organs can be seen.

The space crack is like a monster devouring flesh and blood, devouring the flesh and blood of Du Yu and Ares together!

"How could it be like this?" Tataria was stunned. She never dreamed that Du Yu would use such a tragic method, with the determination to die with the enemy, to fight a decisive battle with Ares!

Even Goddess Athena and Empress Nuwa were stunned.

A guy like Du Yu has always been determined before he can act, and wins with his wits. How could he be so brave?
The battle is still going on!

Du Yu relentlessly continued to mobilize the power of faith, and continuously transformed it into divine power through the godhead in his body, and continued to attack Ares.

Ares finally felt the fear!

A small half of his body has disappeared into the space-time rift, and he doesn't know which parallel plane he has been swept into.

The arrogant God of War finally yelled: "Stop quickly! I beg you to stop quickly!"

Du Yu smiled coldly: "You can also say the word beg? It's a pity that it's too late!"

Ares howled: "If this goes on, I may die, but you, as a mortal, will die before me. Is it really worth it? I just killed your family with an illusion! They It's okay in reality! Let's stop this crazy game!"

Du Yu sneered and said, "You know your life is precious? Are you afraid of death? It's a pity that I'm a mortal, so I don't have much to fear. All I want is your life!"

Ares saw that Du Yu had made up his mind and knew that the peace would not work, so he just stared at him and roared, "Well, we will die earlier than anyone else! I don't believe that I am a master god, but I can't compare with a mortal! "

Athena's face was serious, and she said in a deep voice, "Not good! Du Yu's power of faith is about to dry up."

"After all, he is just a mortal, a new god who has just been promoted." Empress Nuwa also said to Du Yu's women: "Being able to take Ares by surprise and push Ares to this point fully demonstrates Du Yu's space power and the potential of a god. However, Ares is stronger than Du Yu, and in a stalemate, Du Yu could not escape defeat in the end."

Du Yu's hand bones began to be worn away by the cracks in time and space.

Like a piece of incense, in the process of burning, when encountering strong wind, ash keeps flying up, and the incense becomes shorter and shorter

"Don't!" Du Yu's women couldn't bear to look any further, and closed their eyes one after another, tears welling up in their eyes.

It is conceivable that Du Yu suffered pain at this time, it was unbearable pain for ordinary people.

The space-time rift is like a double-edged sword, hurting both the enemy and oneself, the competition is who can bear it more.

Another short but long stalemate passed.

More than half of Ares' body has disappeared into the space-time rift

But instead of being angry, he was happy.

Because the instigator of all this, Du Yu, already had a right arm, which disappeared into the crack of time and space!

Unless he returns to space, Du Yu cannot be restored.

Du Yu lost his right arm, and the greater danger was that his spatial ability began to shrink rapidly.

The space-time rift is slowly shrinking.

Du Yu's divine power had been gradually exhausted, and he lost the courageous momentum he had just been going forward.

Ares also felt this change, and laughed wildly: "Although I was indeed severely injured, it's a pity that your divine power has been exhausted, and the effort fell short! At this time, even if I have only half of my body left, if I want to kill you without divine power, It's still easy!"

When he turned around, only half of his back remained, and three sharp blades popped out like the claws of a praying mantis, piercing Du Yu's chest!

Du Yu had exhausted all his strength, and he could only send half of Ares' body into another world. At this moment, he was exhausted and unable to move, so he could only watch helplessly as Ares' sharp blade came through the air. To be torn in two!

At this moment, Tataglia resolutely stood up.

Because of the excessive force, her face instantly turned pale, and with a flick of her hand, the four big tarot cards flew towards Du Yu.

Du Yu instantly felt the flow of time around his body distorted!
His body seemed to be wrapped in a mass of glue paste. The thick resistance made the three sharp blades of Ares extremely slow, but his body was hardly affected.

This is Tattaglia's time ability, which is working!
Du Yu tried his best and dodged two steps to the side.

The three sharp blades cut three deep knife marks on the ground, but failed to hurt Du Yu.

Du Yu escaped.

But Ares was already crazy, and then he slashed at Du Yu viciously with another axe.

"I said, I won't let you live!"

Although Ares is in a very miserable condition, his body is full of bones, fragments of his body and armor everywhere, but as one of the 12 main gods, his total divine power still far exceeds that of Du Yu, putting Du Yu in extreme danger among.

Du Yu's eyes flashed, this blow, his power of faith has not recovered, and he is still unable to fight against Ares.

Just when Du Yu was looking for a solution in a hurry, a powerful palm pushed him away and took the fatal blow of the sharp ax instead of Du Yu!
(End of this chapter)

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