Chapter 1408 Fierce decisive battle!Kill God against the sky! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Be on fire!"

That's Armin's Destroyer 800 Liquid Metal Man!

At this moment, Amin also stepped forward to help Du Yu and deal with Ares.

"Don't think too much!" Amin said grimly, "I'm not here to save you. It's just that the four of us are grasshoppers on the same rope now. If Ares killed you, it will be our turn next." It's better to let you hold on for a while longer!"

That being said, the muscles in his face were also twitching.

Because the Destroyer 800, under the power of Ares' axe, couldn't exert the self-healing properties of liquid metal at all, it was destroyed tragically, and turned into a lump of liquid with flashing metal sparks.The liquid metal flowed recklessly and was completely destroyed.

Amin's only hole card was also destroyed in this wave of rescue.This is a devastating blow to Amin, who is mechanically gifted.

For the rest of this world, he will be like a useless person.

Du Yu wiped off his cold sweat. Ares was still looking like a mad tiger. To deal with him, he had to rely on himself.

But his divine power has been exhausted, and he also lost a right arm, what else can Du Yu do to recover?
Du Yu's eyes were still firm.

At this juncture of life and death, Du Yu was not in any disorder, he was as calm as a rock on the top of an iceberg, cold, precise, and tenacious.

His brain was spinning non-stop, trying to find a solution to the current predicament.

This dilemma must be resolved.

But the divine power is gone.

Ares laughed wildly, and struck Du Yu with another axe.

A gleam of inspiration flashed in Du Yu's eyes!

Why along the way, Poseidon, Aphrodite and other gods, regardless of the orders of the extraterrestrial demons, helped themselves?
Ares tried to replace Zeus and become the king of gods, which made him stand on the opposite side of all gods!
Du Yu wants to take advantage of this situation.

He roared up to the sky: "Zeus! You heard Ares' threat! Your son will take your place. Like the hapless Titan Clarence, you will be permanently exiled by Ares and become Lonely ghost! You bastard, don't you want to stand out?"

In the sky, dark clouds began to gather, and lightning bolts pierced through the air, slamming down beside Du Yu and Ares.It is like a divine punishment for Du Yu's blasphemous words, and it is also like a punishment for Ares' rebellion and rebellion.

Lightning, in Greek mythology, is the weapon and symbol of Zeus.Between heaven and earth, the power of lightning can only be driven by Zeus.

"Stupid!" Zeus's voice resounded through the sky.

Ares has only half of his body left, but he raised his head rebelliously, showing a smirk at Zeus: "Zeus! Don't think I don't know your plan! Ever since I joined the alien celestial demon Hum, I have gained the support of the extraterritorial celestial demon You have a deep suspicion of me. Don't even think about it. How can the power of the demons outside the territory be comparable to the defeated gods like you, Poseidon, and Athena? There is nothing wrong with me relying on him ? Haha, if you dare to attack me, you have to think about the consequences first, will Your Excellency Hum let you go?"

Hearing this, Du Yu suddenly realized!
No wonder in this world, the Olympus gods have such a complicated and ambiguous attitude towards themselves.In the beginning, all the gods, except Athena, treated themselves with honest words, wishing that they would die early.But as my adventure progressed, I killed the enemy all the way, and even beat the dark Kratos to the ground, some gods, such as Zeus, Poseidon and Aphrodite, began to improve their attitudes towards themselves, and some gods give it down.It turned out that the root cause was that these Olympian gods were all unlucky bastards who were sealed in this world by Hum!
Du Yu boldly guessed that the Olympian gods also participated in the war of the five declines of heaven and man, but unfortunately, because they were not the main gods of modern beliefs, their divine power was very limited, and they fell one after another in the war of five declines of heaven and man. In front of the gods and demons of the colonial planet.Except for a few who were killed, and Athena who was unyielding and fell into eternal sleep, the rest of the gods were sealed in this world and fell into eternal sleep.

During the long seal, some gods, such as Ares and Hades, gradually succumbed to the power of the extraterrestrial demons and became their lackeys.This is the reason why Du Yu could see black air from Ares' eyes.They were infected by extraterrestrial demons.

With the secret support of the extraterrestrial demons, Ares launched an attack on the city of Athens, but his ultimate goal was to aim at the supreme leader of the Protoss——Zeus!
Therefore, the dark main line of the world this time is the contest between the forces of the extraterrestrial demons and the forces of the local human gods.But unfortunately, with the support of Hum, the forces of the extraterrestrial demons gradually overwhelmed the local forces dominated by Zeus.

If Zeus does not give a strong counterattack, the city of Athens is breached, and Athena falls into a complete eternal sleep because of her faith, the next goal of Ares is to kill Mount Olympus, kill Zeus, and seize control of the entire world right!

Du Yu even guessed that the conspiracy of the extraterrestrial demon Hum may not only stop there, but he also had an idea. By letting Ares unify Mount Olympus, after gaining sufficient power of faith, release it into the space, as the "human being" "God traitor", to restrain Gods such as Nuwa and Fuxi, so that the extraterrestrial demons can continue to invade the space!

Du Yu was secretly glad.

My own treasure, I bet right!
Thanks to his usual attention to observation, he observed the conflicts between Ares, Hades and Zeus, Poseidon and other gods through insinuations and clues. At the critical moment, he made a bet in one fell swoop and got a good positive response!

A bolt of lightning struck Du Yu!

Du Yu felt that waves of incomparably huge divine power were rapidly filling into his body through lightning, making him stronger rapidly.

This is the divine power of Zeus!
The voice of Zeus rang in Du Yu's ear: "I still have to be restrained by the demon Hum, so I can only help you this time. If you succeed, you will replace my arrogant son who rebelled against the gods." Reese, become a new generation of God of War! I promise to give you the priesthood of God of War! Come on, warrior, use your unique skills just now, send this villain into a different time and space, and let his soul cry in a different time and space forever!"

Hearing this, Du Yu laughed wickedly.

He took advantage of the conflict between Zeus and the extraterrestrial demon Hum, and finally got a rare opportunity.

On Du Yu's left arm, a blood-red space crack formed again!
"You don't want to die?" Ares' voice trembled.Just now he had suffered enough from this terrifying time-space rift, even half of his body was swallowed by the time-space rift, he was already terrified.

But with the help of Zeus' divine power, Du Yu recovered 27 divine power in an instant, roared recklessly, and threw his left arm at Ares!
The terrifying space crack erupted on Ares' back again, sweeping away Ares's flesh and blood!
"No!" Ares yelled in despair: "Zeus! You coward! You dare not fight openly with your own son, but you actually use the hand of a mortal to punish me. How can the power of this mortal hurt me? This god? Hum help! Help me!"

He himself could not get away, Du Yu gave up his left arm, and the two of them were gradually sucked into the time-space rift together. Du Yu's flesh and blood and Ares' flesh and blood were constantly being consumed in this time-space rift like a meat grinder. Splash and disappear in this time and space.

The extraterrestrial celestial demon, Hum, stared blankly at Ares, who was gradually devoured by the space-time rift created by Du Yu, and the color on his haughty face was gone.

He didn't go to save Ares.

The reasons are complex.

On the one hand, Ares has no use value.Even if he was rescued by himself, Ares, who was beaten so badly by Du Yu and whose body was broken, could no longer challenge the authority of God King Zeus.The use value of this chess piece is already zero.

On the other hand, Hum witnessed the scene where Ares was torn apart by Du Yu using cruel spatial abilities, and he couldn't help but think of himself in the world of fairy swords, being punished by Du Yu's divine thunder, five thunders struck the top scene.

His wound is still aching, and he hasn't fully recovered yet.

On the subconscious level, Hum is afraid of this spatial ability!

This is the most important reason.

Seeing Du Yu's desperate fighting spirit with one arm and another arm, watching him roaring and sending his body into the crack of time and space, and seeing his desperate Saburo look like dying with the enemy, I was terrified.

He didn't want to face such a crazy Du Yu at this moment.

Strange to say, Du Yu's skill at this time was clearly only one thousandth, or a few hundredth, of Hum's, but Hum was afraid of Du Yu.

At this moment of stupefaction, Ares couldn't hold on.

With an extremely desperate cry: "Hum! I shouldn't believe you bastard", Ares's screams came to an abrupt end!

The scene was blank.

Ares, the god of war, was hacked into pieces by Du Yu's space ability, and his broken bones, flesh and blood were sent into an extremely distant time and space!
One of the 12 main gods of Olympus in the world of God of War, Ares, the God of War, fell!
Killed alive by Du Yu!

Du Yu's situation was not much better, because the space rift had to rely on his ability to keep it open, and he lost his other arm.

In order to kill Ares, Du Yu's hands disappeared from his body.

But Du Yu's face was full of gratified smiles.

He succeeded!

The place was silent.

Whether it was Tattaglia, Amin, Deni, or even the goddess Athena, they all stood there dumbfounded, watching Du Yu swallow God of War Ares with such a terrifying momentum.

In the space, seeing Du Yu complete the feat of defying the sky and slaughtering gods at such a tragic price, the women and beauties burst into tears.

In their tears, there is distress, ecstasy, pride, and worry.

Du Yu really did it!
He defies the sky and kills the gods!

(End of this chapter)

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