Chapter 1409 God of War Seat!Start the gladiatorial fight! -Second more please subscribe!
Like the [Great Sage Stick Method], somersault cloud is also a fragment, only the first three layers can be cultivated.The remaining fragments of exercises need to be searched further.

But to say that Du Yu's biggest gain from Athena is undoubtedly the real application of [Pandora's Box]!

"[Pandora's Box], the reason why the gods talk about it and fear it like a tiger is because it is full of the power of human emotion." Athena said to Du Yu: "Emotion is the source of human power. Faith is the source of power. Power is just a kind of emotion. The gods have not figured out how to use Pandora's box until now. But I think the real function of Pandora's box is to use human emotions to pollute the divinity of the gods. With emotion , the gods will fall more easily. You use this thing well, and its power exceeds any divine weapon."

Du Yu stroked the slightly icy Pandora's Box, and couldn't help feeling a little bit of wonder in his heart.

"This mere small box can interfere with and pollute the godhead with human emotions? No wonder the main god wants to seal it in the Pandora Temple in the Lost Desert, so that no one can find it." Du Yu gripped the Pandora's box tightly: "Turn back and ha Diss, Zeus and other gods will inevitably have a battle. This Pandora's Box can save my life at a critical moment!"

The oracle of Athena appeared in Du Yu's ears. Although he was angry, he said good things: "Du Yu, God said that he would never forget those humans who once stood by him. After the death of Ares, Athena There is a vacancy in the seat of the God of Lympus. Go, Du Yu, to the top of Olympus, and you will become the new God of War."

"It turns out that my journey is not over yet, and there may be new challenges and trials on Mount Olympus. God, it turns out that everything has been known and planned long ago." Du Yu sneered: "Athena ! When do you plan to get out of trouble? Do you have to expand your faith in this world and become the only true god?"

Athena remained silent, and said after a long time: "I'm the one who decides how to get out of trouble. Just do your own thing well and don't bother me anymore!"

Athena brought Du Yu, Tataglia and others to the top of Mount Olympus.Du Yu came to the Temple of War through the Gate of Betrothing Lion.

Du Yu walked into the room of Ares, the former god of war. There were two bronze statues on both sides of the throne of the god of war.One is the Minotaur and the other is Ares.

Du Yu walked up to the bronze statue, looked it up and down, and said to himself, "Hmph, Ares, Minotaur, your era is over."

He swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, smashed the two bronze statues, and scratched Ares's name a few times with a knife.

Witnessed by Tattaglia, Deni and others, Du Yu slowly walked up the steps to the throne of the God of War, and sat on the throne that originally belonged to Ares. The era of Du Yu began.After he sat on the throne, he possessed the supernatural power of the God of War; all wars in the world are under his surveillance and control.Du Yu's status reached an unprecedented height among the Spartan people who were proud of the victory in the war. The Spartans destroyed the Temple of Ares and the statue, and built a new one for Du Yu, the new leader who was crowned the God of War. Temples and statues.

Du Yu sat comfortably on the throne of the God of War.The throne of the God of War is also ingenious, quite similar to the Iron Throne built with various sharp weapons in "A Song of Ice and Fire", but it is quite suitable for the identity of the God of War.

Du Yu inherited the priesthood of the God of War. As long as he is not killed when he leaves this world, the throne of the God of War can be taken into his space and become a powerful subsidiary ability in his castle heart.

Sitting on the throne of God of War, Du Yu's occupation column will automatically appear a brand new system [Gods]:
Occupation: You have obtained Zeus's acceptance of fate and become one of the 12 main gods of Olympus [God of War].

Godhead: and has a corresponding godhead (0.9)

Pantheon: Olympus pantheon.

Divine Power: 272000 (peak value, if there is no Shinra mobilization order, it will be halved)
Believers: 16500

Du Yu glanced at his god attribute panel, feeling a little proud in his heart.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would become a god.Although he has the lowest level of godhead and a very small number of believers, but after taking the first step, there will be follow-up development.

Perhaps, one day, I can become a true superior god comparable to Nuwa, Fuxi, God and other great gods!

"Okay." Amin said jealously with sour water: "My great new God of War, after you become a god, what are you going to do first?"

Du Yu blinked playfully: "I haven't figured out the political agenda after I become a god. Well, it will take time."

Tataria said angrily: "You great god, can you send us mortals back to space?"

Du Yu shook his head and smiled wryly: "I am a great god who looks beautiful, but is actually weak. If it wasn't for Zeus to win me over to deal with Ares, he wouldn't have given me this fat job."

At this moment, Du Yu suddenly received a curse: "Incompetent Du Yu! Do you dare to fight against me, Kratos? The winner is the real God of War, and the loser is a cursed degenerate! How? "

Du Yu couldn't help but laugh.

However, when he checked the kill value calculator, he found that he had spent 30000 kill points in order to exchange somersault clouds.At this time, his killing value was only 21000 points, which was 2000 points lower than that of Dark Kratos.Therefore, according to the agreement between the two parties, Du Yu could not refuse this challenge when the killing value was lower than that of the other party, and he had to compete with Dark Quest.

Du Yu didn't run away from the fight.

The battle with Dark Kratos is a strategy he has already decided.

Every time the avatar Kratos was killed, the extraterrestrial demon Hum, who was behind the scenes, had to consume 10% of his divine power to revive Kratos.After doing this several times, Hum's magic power naturally decreased, making it easier for Athena to escape from the world with Du Yu.

Du Yu passed the news to Athena, and Athena responded: "You are doing the right thing! Keep working hard to keep the pressure on Hum's avatar, so that I can be sure that I can finally overwhelm Hum in terms of divine power."

Du Yu said coldly: "Although I saved you, don't wish to use me all the time to expand your faith! As long as your total divine power exceeds Hum, retreat to the space immediately."

Athena loves and hates Du Yu.She loves Du Yu so much that he is indeed the only gospel to save her, and hates Du Yu so much that she is so smart that she can see clearly even her small plan of taking the opportunity to crowd out other gods and expand the root of her belief in the world of God of War .It is difficult for him to take advantage of this powerful prevention.

Under Du Yu's strict order, Athena made a promise that as long as her divine power could break free from the shackles and reach the state of broken dreams, she would immediately leave this world with Du Yu.

"Dark Kratos, I have killed 3 times." Du Yu pondered and said, "Theoretically destroyed 30% of the magic power of the extraterrestrial demon. Although the extraterritorial demon Hum also has self-recovery ability. But more or less, it can affect The overall strength of the extraterrestrial demon Hum."

"You want to fight! Then fight!" Du Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he stood up.

According to the agreement of the extraterrestrial demon Hum, after each world of God of War 1, 2, and 3 is over, according to the value of the killing, Dark Quest will have the right to challenge Du Yu.Regardless of life or death, the consequences are at your own risk.

In the eyes of the extraterrestrial demon, this is the sword of Damocles that killed Du Yu, but in Du Yu's view, this is an excellent opportunity for him to forcibly kill the dark Kratos and weaken the extraterritorial demon Hum!

After Du Yu chose to fight, a black duel gate appeared in front of him, which was the place where the dark Kratos fought.The statue of Hades is engraved on the gate of the duel, which is a symbol commonly used in the Greek arena, which means that only one warrior who enters can come out alive.This oath was granted and protected by Hades, the god of the dead.

Du Yu stepped into the gate of Hades and entered a arena.Tattaglia and the other three also entered the gate as spectators and watched the battle in the arena.

This is an independent plane created by the extraterrestrial demon Hum.The arena lives in the sea, surrounded by the vast sea, the sky is unpredictable, dark clouds, sunrise, red thunder, lightning, rainstorm, alternately, this piece of arena platform is full of wind and clouds, unpredictable It is quite the momentum of the peak decisive battle in fantasy novels.

The dark Kratos, who was dressed in black, stood holding a blade in the darkness opposite, his face was as gloomy as a piece of cast iron, and he exuded an astonishing killing intent.

"Du Yu! It's a pity that your killing value has not surpassed mine! Your doomsday is here!" Dark Kratos bared his white teeth like a beast grinning at its prey.

Du Yu knew that this was the psychological tactics of the dark Kratos. He increased his psychological pressure and made himself perform abnormally. Unfortunately, Du Yu had already been in the field for a long time, so he smiled lightly and said, "Kratos, with my strength, the killing value is higher Throwing you out ten streets is easy! But before the end of the first act, I deliberately exchanged a large amount of killing points into skills, do you know why?"

Kratos was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking, and his teeth were rattling.

Du Yu said indifferently: "Because, my hands are itchy, and I can't kill the extraterrestrial demon for a while, so I want to kill your avatar to relieve my hatred!"

This is a countermeasure against prevention.Kratos said that in this battle, the killing value was better than that of Du Yu. Du Yu immediately countered and said, Do you think you can catch up with me? My father clearly wanted to run into you on purpose and kill you to vent his anger!
This has a completely different impact on the fighting momentum of the two sides.

Dark Kratos yelled wildly, the resentment in his heart was so heartwarming!
I thought I had the upper hand, but I didn't expect Du Yu to take the initiative back to his side with a few words.

Passively challenge and take the initiative to attack, in terms of momentum, there are two worlds of ice and fire.

"Don't brag about it!" Dark Kratos jumped up, holding the Blade of Artemis, and rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled faintly, and swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel Ruyi, mellow and free, and danced perfectly. The Level 3 Great Saint Staff Envoy came out to fight against the dark Kratos.

(End of this chapter)

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