Chapter 1414 Gods Fear Demons!Fight for territory! - Please subscribe!

The bronze colossus Helios finally spoke slowly.His voice, like a torrent of thunder, resounded across the battlefield.

"God of War? Huh! You are a mere mortal without any noble blood in your body. With the support of Zeus, you killed Ares by chance. Are you worthy of calling yourself the God of War?"

The bronze colossus, anthropomorphic, gave a sneer of contempt and looked at Du Yu coldly.

Du Yu was not angry, and looked at the bronze colossus calmly.

In the sky, a white eagle soared high, its sharp eyes locked on Du Yu and the bronze giant Helios.

Du Yu seemed to have keenly grasped a clue, and cast a cold glance at the white eagle.

It was this look that made a supreme god sitting on the top of Olympus look cold and stern.

The pinnacle of Olympus, the Pantheon.

Sitting on the Lightning Throne is the ruler of the entire world, the main god of the Olympian pantheon, Zeus, the king of gods!
The white eagle is the symbol of Zeus!

Through this white eagle, he monitored every move on the battlefield.

Beside Zeus sat his two brothers.Neptune Poseidon and Pluto Hades!

"Zeus, are you really determined to kill this Du Yu?" Poseidon had a slight disapproval: "This Du Yu just killed our confidant Ares, and now crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, isn't it a bit too hasty?"

"You can't underestimate this person!" Hades' voice was as cold as the Nine Nether Worlds: "His progress is too fast. In time, he will become a more difficult existence than Ares. Taking this opportunity, Just get rid of him!"

Zeus looked gloomy, staring coldly at the bronze giant statues of Helios and Du Yu on the ground.

"Hum has already looked for me," he finally said, "He assured me that as long as our Olympian gods don't intend to shatter this dream of eternal sleep, he will not try to overthrow our rule again! Hum also promised me Provided some guaranteed fetishes as pledges for the oath. I believe he will not easily break the oath!"

Poseidon and Hades looked at each other with complicated expressions.

"Brother, have you made up your mind to obey Hum's arrangement for the time being?" Poseidon looked a little humiliated: "We are gods who rule the world, why should we obey the orders of a foreign demon god?"

"Is there a better way?" Hades said coldly: "We have united and fought against these demon gods thousands of years ago. But you have also seen the result, we are imprisoned in this dream world of eternal sleep, It’s been a thousand years. Our combined strength can’t match the power of the Heavenly Demons from outside the territory! If you don’t obey his orders, you will die!”

Poseidon sat down slowly, speechless.

Zeus said: "It's not that I don't want to go out and regain my freedom, but we are not strong enough at the moment, so we must endure it! Ares is dead, and Athena is about to start to move. I am not someone who closes my eyes and waits for death, but I am waiting for death in the next game." Ruthless chess! This Du Yu is one of my best chess pieces!"

"Could it be?" Poseidon's eyebrows twitched: "Brother, what is your real intention?"

"Yes!" Zeus's angry eyes flashed a hint of evil: "Do you know why Helios is so bold, dare to violate the rules of heaven, and directly interfere in human wars? Because I transformed into a white eagle and sent him a message , I guarantee that if he joins the war, I will not intervene!"

"Brother?" A trace of shock flashed in Poseidon's eyes: "You provoked all this?"

"Of course!" Zeus laughed wildly: "I want to encourage Helios and Du Yu to kill each other! No matter who wins the tax, they are both dead! If Du Yu wins, I will be charged with killing the gods , execute him. Helios won, and I will kill him for violating the rules of heaven!"

"Killing Du Yu, I can understand." Poseidon frowned: "After all, he is a mortal who became a god, not my race. But why do you even plan on Helios?"

Hades seemed to have thought of this long ago, and looked at Zeus calmly.

Zeus stared at the battlefield without opening his mouth. After a long time, he said quietly, "As you all know, we must gather the power of all the gods to break through Hum's blockade! As for me, the king of gods, apart from you two Brother, the gods under him respect on the surface, but they have different hearts. Ares and Athena are secretly trying to overthrow me and dominate the whole world!"

Poseidon and Hades were silent.

Of course they knew that the Olympus pantheon respected Zeus as king on the surface, but dealing with Hum was a matter of life and death, and many gods were unwilling to fight to the death.

Hum's power surpassed that of the entire god system.If you want to fight against him, you can only concentrate all your divine power on one person.But even Zeus, don't want to take away the godhead and believers from other people easily!

Who wants to lose everything?
Zeus said slowly: "I helped Du Yu to let him slaughter the gods all the way. First, the gods and beasts from all over the world, then Ares, and then this Helios. When he collected the godheads of many gods, I will Give him another fatal blow and take back the godhood! Concentrate it in my hands!"

Poseidon opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

Zeus, his heart can be described as vicious.

Hades looked normal.

Zeus sneered and said: "As for the daughter Athena who has ulterior motives, I will personally deal with her! After doing this, our three brothers have almost collected godheads and believers. Then look for opportunities and have a decisive battle with Hum! Rush out of this world! "

He looked at Poseidon and Hades, and said slowly: "The only ones I can trust are you two brothers. I believe that when all power is taken back in the hands of my three brothers, we brothers will naturally be able to fight against those two brothers together. Alien god Hum, break through this dream world of eternal sleep!"

Poseidon and Hades glanced at each other, with infinite horror in their hearts.

This Zeus is really worthy of being a generation of heroes who led six brothers and sisters at birth and turned against the father God Crusos!
His plan was to slaughter Du Yu's sons and collect their godheads. Then he would kill Du Yu in the end, reap the benefits of being a fisherman, and gather all the godheads and believers in his hands!

Although Poseidon and Hades are also ruthless people, they still feel chills in the back of their heads when facing a ruthless person like Zeus who sits on the sidelines and slaughters his own descendants and gods!

"It's really a good plan to let Du Yu slaughter the gods!" Hades laughed bitterly: "If we do it ourselves, it will cause panic and disgust among the gods. But let this stupid Du Yu do it, and he will carry the gods." We just sit back and enjoy the success of your anger and attacks. Very good! Very good! You are indeed a big brother."

Godhead will not be annihilated and disappeared.Even if Du Yu killed Ares, Helios and other gods and devoured the godhead, he would spit it all out when he was killed. The three main gods did not worry about the godhead being left behind.

Poseidon and Hades relaxed and watched the battle between Du Yu and Helios.

"But what if Du Yu falls here?" Poseidon asked worriedly.

"In that case, I will personally execute Helios on the charge of violating the rules of the gods and intervening in human wars!" Zeus said with a contemptuous smile, "Let's see how the situation develops."

On the battlefield, Du Yu and Helios had already confronted each other head-on.

The bronze statue of Helios looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Du Yu! If you are honest and hide in your War God Palace, I have no excuse to kill you. But if you come to Rhodes Island, you will never even think about living leave! because"

He grinned grimly: "Killing you is the task given to me by the great god Zeus! He promised me that after killing you, I can justify my name, clarify my vocation of the sun god, and accept your godhood and vocation! Become Biabo There is a more powerful god. Just accept your fate!"

He drew the bow and set the arrow, and slowly opened the giant golden bow!

Du Yu's face remained normal, as if he had thought of all this long ago.

A 4-meter-long golden arrow came from the string, and with a bang, it came to Du Yu in an instant.

Du Yu flickered and escaped the blow that Helios was determined to win.

His eyes glanced coldly at the white eagle again.

"Zeus" Du Yu sneered, "It seems that you and Athena are indeed father and daughter. They have similar ideas. My guess is right. You provoked me to fight Helios with ulterior motives."

Helios missed an arrow, but he was not frightened and angry. With a pair of sharp eyes, he locked on Du Yu: "Sure enough, he is the man who killed Ares, and his fighting power is not bad. But no matter how strong you are, in my Rhodes Island, don't even think about escaping the fate of death! Look at my sun god's divine fire!"

His body was full of light, and the torch in his hand suddenly lit up!
The blazing divine fire seemed to echo with the sun hanging high in the sky, emitting an incomparably hot light.

Du Yu was stung by the light and bright eyes. As the sun god, Helios' power is really extraordinary.

Helios, the sun god, took advantage of Du Yu being blinded by the sun torch in his hand, and rushed to Du Yu in an instant. The golden bow and arrow struck Du Yu fiercely like a sword.

With his great strength, even if Du Yu could block this blow, he would still be knocked down.In the next step, Helios' big golden feet would ruthlessly step on Du Yu's body.He believed that with his innate divine power, Du Yu, a mortal who had just been promoted to God of War, would either die or be injured!
Although his attack speed was almost as fast as lightning, Du Yu's speed was not slow at all!

Du Yu made a somersault cloud, flew tens of thousands of meters backward, and disappeared under the golden bow and arrow in an instant!

Du Yu's face was calm, and he slowly opened his eyes: "The pearl of rice grains also shines? You, Helios, are called the Sun God, but apart from this small land of Rhodes Island, who would recognize your priesthood as the Sun God? Will it be replaced by Apollo, the god of light?"

Helios was furious when he heard the deepest pain in his heart.

It turns out that in the classical Greek era, Helios played an important role in the religious beliefs of the Greeks.But by the Hellenistic era (after the classical Greek era), the cult of Helios had become obsolete.

(End of this chapter)

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