Chapter 1415 God of War Divine Power!Destroy the sun god! -Second more please subscribe!
Helios may still be recognized as a god, but as one Greek scholar put it: "No citizen of Athens could be thought to be worshiping Helios or Selene... Rhodes was almost The last haven of the worship of Helios."

Apollo, who was originally the god of light, gradually replaced Helios as the sun god in the hearts of Greek citizens and became the authentic sun god.However, Helios, the original sun god, was replaced by Apollo and became an unlucky loser. He could only have a place in the sanctuary of Rhodes Island.

This was the deepest pain of Helios. The reason why he was lured by Zeus and killed Du Yu was because Zeus clearly promised that as a reward, he would issue an oracle to clarify who is the sun god between him and Apollo. !He will re-enter the temple of the sun god in the Greek city to accept the worship of everyone.

Du Yu's vicious words easily aroused Helios' anger.

"I am the real Sun God!" He roared angrily, striding forward: "Your godhead and followers are my sacrifices. Come!"

Looking at the irrational Helios, a sneer appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

"Sure enough, it was Zeus' provocation." Du Yu pulled out Ruyi's golden cudgel, and rushed towards Helios ruthlessly, "Let me give you a blow to the head, so that you, the unlucky bastard, can wake up and wake up!"

The extraterrestrial celestial demon Hum and the dark Kratos watched the fight between Du Yu and Helios coldly in the sky.

"Sure enough, as you said." The extraterrestrial demon Hum sneered, "After I relaxed the pressure on Zeus, he really started to stir up internal strife among the gods."

"Zeus is not a good bird either." Dark Kratos whispered: "He also has his own plans."

"Of course!" Hu said coldly, "He tried to take back the divine power scattered among the gods, and concentrated it on himself, plotting to fight against me."

"It seems that you already have a countermeasure." Kratos sneered: "The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high. How can his mere Zeus deceive you?"

Hum smiled coldly: "Obviously he is the defeated general, but he thinks he is smart. I will let Zeus shoot himself in the foot! And Du Yu is destined to become a victim of the battle of the gods!"

Du Yu's Ruyi Golden Cudgel hit Helios hard.

The sun god Helios, whose eyes were originally furious, became clear and cunning at the moment of Du Yu's attack. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he grabbed Du Yu's Ruyi golden cudgel, and the golden giant hand grabbed Du Yu fiercely.

At the moment when the attack failed, Du Yu cried out in his heart, so he was ready to dodge.Helios caught the air, and Du Yu instantly appeared behind him.

Seeing Du Yu, the god of protection, engaged in an open battle with Helios, the Spartans stared with bated breath, watching their god nervously, with only reverence in their eyes.

The Spartans admire the strong most.This kind of gladiatorial one-on-one confrontation with the enemy is the most suitable for them.

Du Yu could feel that the power of faith rising from the Spartan's body continued to flow into his body, making him stronger.

Not only the Spartans here, but also the city-states of various countries in the Athens world, and the believers who believe in him are providing the power of faith to make him stronger.

Du Yu became more and more addicted to this feeling.

In this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, gods, the strong will get stronger!
Defeating Helios will make Rhodes Island, an important place for transportation and trade in the Mediterranean, a rich and fertile place, become a territory of his own faith.

He shouted loudly, and smashed the Ruyi golden cudgel hard at the giant statue of Helios.

Helios was hit by Du Yu with all his strength, and with a muffled grunt, he ran two steps forward, turned around, and waved the sun torch backhand!
Du Yu's pursuit failed, and he was ignited by the sun torch. The raging flames burned his body.

Du Yu confronted Helios' solar flame with divine power, and the white light gradually extinguished. Du Yu confronted Helios coldly.

"My body is made of bronze. Your attack is just a tickle to me," Helios said in a low voice.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold, and he disappeared in place.

After he got the priesthood of God of War, he was able to accept the power of faith of the entire city-state of Sparta, which was more than a notch higher than the previous 272000 divine power value!
Du Yu's fist rolled up purple-red hurricanes, blasting towards the so-called steel and iron-framed Helios!

In terms of strong muscles and bones, Helios, who turned into a colossus of the sun god, really has the capital of pride.Du Yu's Ruyi golden cudgel can't hit him, but the space ability that opens the space-time rift can tear any object and send him into a different time and space!
Du Yu gathered all his strength and slammed at Helios.

He could perceive that Helios's godhead was higher than his current 0.9 unit godhead.After all, it is a deity with a long history who has enjoyed the godhead since the classical era, and has accumulated rich accumulation.

Du Yu's speed was extremely fast, Helios couldn't dodge the blow, and was instantly caught in the sweeping killer move of the space crack!
The huge bronze statue was instantly sucked into the purple-red space-time crack by Du Yu, and let out a terrifying howl.

"No! What is this? No!" Helios screamed.

Du Yu exerted all his strength, continuously increasing the attack power, maintaining the terrifying space-time rift, and continued to devour Helios' golden body!
Thanks to him being the chosen one, thanks to Youlu, the spokesperson of the space, who raised the level of this space ability to such a powerful level.

Space ability, as the name suggests, has an incomparable advantage over other skills in terms of priority, which is enough to dwarf any god's defensive skills and steel bones.

The cracks in the space devoured Helios' body mercilessly, scraping his bronze body into pieces, and continuously sucking it into the purple-red space cracks.

Helios became another victim of Du Yu's killer move!

Seeing Du Yu's bravery and beating Helios so terribly, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and the extraterrestrial demon Hum who were watching the battle behind the scenes became even more gloomy.

They didn't expect that Du Yu was so brave that even Helios couldn't stop him.

The extraterrestrial celestial demon, Hum, once again experienced Du Yu's miraculous spatial ability, which made even the gods turn pale.

"This guy is not simple!" Hum reluctantly admitted that Du Yu's divine power was so great.

"But no matter how powerful it is, it's just the courage of a man!" Dark Kratos gritted his teeth: "We carefully designed that his divine power can kill at most one god, or he will die under the subsequent attack!"

Du Yu's astonishing divine power ignited the crazy enthusiasm of the Spartans watching the battle.They beat their spears and giant shields desperately, clamoring, shouting, roaring, shouting the name of Du Yu.

"God of War! Du Yu! God of War! Du Yu!" The Spartans ignited completely, and the sound shook the whole field.

On the contrary, the residents of Rhodes Island looked ashen.They saw with their own eyes that their guardian god, driving the tall bronze god statue, was suppressed alive by the newly promoted god of war, and was horribly bombarded.
People in this era are the most devout and god-respecting.

Since one's own guardian god cannot defeat the enemy, it is considered a matter of course to convert to other gods.

Their faith in Helios began to waver.

Helios could feel that his strength was rapidly weakening. He was unwilling to be defeated by Du Yu, and roared furiously: "Du Yu! You are deceiving people too much. I would rather blow myself up than let you benefit!"

The torch in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light!
Du Yu felt that the energy of the sun god Helios became violent like fire, and a large amount of divine power spewed out from his body like a volcanic eruption, about to form a huge explosion that would destroy the world.

As he frantically activated the self-destruct procedure, the originally clear sky of the island changed to a stormy color, and dark and obscure lightning bolts fell from the sky.

According to the description in Homer's epic, whenever a god chooses to self-destruct, it will be accompanied by huge storms, devastating earthquakes, thunder and fire, and everything around will be destroyed.

The Spartans and Rhode Islanders also felt the upheaval in the sky. They worshiped the ground in fear and fear, praying for the protection of the gods in the sky.

At this moment, Rhode Islanders no longer worship any gods, as long as they can save them, they are willing to give up their belief in the crazy Helios.

If Helios is allowed to explode successfully, the entire Rhode Island will be razed to the ground.Although Du Yu will inevitably suffer severe damage to his vitality, his followers will become funeral objects.

"Even if I'm going to die, you don't want to leave this place alive!" Under Du Yu's fatal bombardment, Helios had completely lost his mind, his eyes were red, and in his mind, there was only one way to destroy himself.Thinking about how to rely on self-destruction, drag Du Yu to hell.

His divine power has been completely dissipated, turning into countless rays of light, forming ropes, entangled Du Yu tightly, like a bondage.

Under Du Yu's heavy blows, this Helios has already lost his mind.

Self-destruction becomes the only thought.

A sneer flashed in Du Yu's eyes.

"It's so easy to self-destruct? You really are a tragic sun god!" Du Yu smiled faintly.

"Although the western gods are not bad in terms of cultivation base and divine power, they are much worse than our eastern gods in terms of Taoism. Humanity and emotions fluctuate too much," Du Yu said with a disdainful smile.

Helios, can no longer hear any words.

Frustrated, he had only one thought.

It is to pull Du Yu and go to death together.

Du Yu suddenly let go, gave up the space-time storm that was sweeping Helios, followed Helios' pull, and flew towards the irrational Sun God.

He instantly appeared beside Helios, pulled Helios up, and activated the space ability!


Du Yu's space ability once again unreasonably penetrated the space barrier set up by Helios, and pulled Helios up, which weighed [-] tons.

(End of this chapter)

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