Chapter 1416 Zeus traps!Du Yu was killed! - Ask for a monthly pass!

As a large island in the Mediterranean Sea, Rhodes Island has a population of about 135000 people. It can provide a lot of power of faith, which is enough to make Du Yu's divine power to a higher level.

When Du Yu and Athena were lingering to death, Athena also told Du Yu a top-secret news.

Zeus is about to attack Du Yu.

When this elegant goddess talked about this matter on the bed, the complicated look of concern and resentment in her beautiful eyes made Du Yu intoxicated.

Du Yu stood in the void, watching the Spartan army destroy the Temple of Helios on Rhodes Island, and began to rebuild his Temple of War God.In his personal map, Rhodes Island, together with the city-state of Sparta, became his exclusive place of faith and was completely conquered by him.

The number of followers of Du Yu has also increased significantly, reaching about 70.

The power of belief formed a tighter and stronger network, which was continuously transmitted to Du Yu to supplement his physical strength.

Du Yu was smug, when suddenly the white eagle swooped down from the sky.

Even though he knew that the white eagle came with bad intentions, Du Yu still showed his face and bowed respectfully.

The white eagle flew to the ground and turned into a majestic Zeus wearing a golden robe.

In early Greek mythology, Zeus used electricity as a weapon to maintain the order between heaven and earth, and the bull and eagle were his symbols.His brothers Poseidon and Hades ruled the ocean and hell respectively; the goddess Hera was the wife of Zeus.

Zeus's primary weapon is the sword of Olympus, but he did not take it out today. At this time, he is holding a golden spear [Thunder], which is transformed by lightning and is extremely powerful. In his left hand, he holds the shield of Zeus [Aegis]. 】(Shield of Zeus).Thunder was built by Cyclops, and even the gods will be shocked by its power. Aegis was built by Hephaestus. Although it is made of goat skin, it is full of magic. Even Zeus's Thunder didn't hurt it at all.

"Du Yu! My child." Zeus beckoned to Du Yu with kind eyes, "Congratulations, you did such a good job. After Ares, you even killed Helios. What's more, the relationship with Athena , so close, I see it in the eyes, I am so happy."

Du Yu went to Zeus.

This is the call of the God King, and he cannot defy it.

"Come on, child." Zeus looked at Du Yu kindly: "Let me take a good look at you. You are getting stronger and stronger, and you are more and more majestic as the God of War, but"

At this time Du Yu had already walked in front of him, and the corners of Zeus's mouth turned up, and a sneer of sarcasm appeared on Zeus's face. Like a wolf about to devour a sheep, he roared ferociously: "But the fight you just had , Violating the rules of Olympus! I have to kill you as a warning to others, are you ready to die?"

The golden lightning sword in his hand suddenly swung!
Du Yu felt a huge force that was absolutely irresistible, and suddenly cut through his body!
He felt that his body became very light, as light as a feather, and disappeared in the air, and then fell into the darkness.

"Bastard Zeus!" Du Yu cursed.Although he had been mentally prepared for this long ago, when things came to an end, being killed by Zeus's despicable sneak attack still made Du Yu furious.

In the palace of Athena, the goddess Athena was lazily standing up, dressing and washing, suddenly felt Du Yu's breath disappearing in the direction of Rhodes Island, her beautiful eyes were horrified, and she looked into the distance.

"He died?" Athena lost her voice: "Who killed him? Could it be Zeus?"

Thinking of her father, behind that majesty, there was endless darkness and despicableness, and Athena felt terrified.

With the help of Du Yu, she has recovered part of her divine power. After devouring the godheads of Ares and Helios, her godhead has also risen to 2.7 units, and her strength has greatly increased.But still unable to challenge the majesty of Zeus head-on.

This time, Zeus, regardless of the identities of the 12 main gods, used the Helios incident as an excuse to attack Du Yu brazenly, which may not be a blow to her Athena.

Athena clenched her fists tightly.

Du Yu is her hope, nothing will happen.

But looking at the sky over Rhodes Island hundreds of kilometers away, there are dense clouds, lightning and thunder, and strong winds. It is clear that the divine power of Zeus is covering that area and conquering that area!

Du Yu, more luck than good.

Athena's heart sank into darkness.

The palace of the extraterrestrial demon Hum.

Hum took a sip of the blood-red wine, and looked at the screen leisurely. Du Yu was betrayed by Zeus, and was killed cleanly, with his head falling to the ground.

Beside him, the dark Kratos stood indifferently in the darkness, but the joy in his eyes flashed.

Obviously, Du Yu was killed, which made the master and clone feel relieved for a while.

"Your strategy is good." Hu said leisurely: "Du Yu was finally eliminated. He was eliminated by Zeus. This is very good for us to provoke Mount Olympus to continue internal strife and maintain the stability of this world. Even if Zeus Regardless of concealing this matter, I will also pass it on to Athena to provoke her relationship with Zeus."

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in the eyes of Dark Kratos: "Although Athena is trapped by us on the surface, it is hard to guarantee that she has no other plans. Why don't we kill her and get rid of it once and for all?"

"No!" The extraterrestrial demon Hum shook his head and said, "The gods in this world were originally imprisoned by us because they were torn apart. If we brazenly kill one of them, it will make other people die and be sad, and the things will hurt others. It is not beautiful to unite and fight against us. Let them fight among themselves."

At this moment in Rhodes Island, Du Yu's body had already been split in two by Zeus' lightning sword!
Zeus didn't show any mercy or hesitation, and killed Du Yu as soon as he came up, brutally killing Du Yu.

Under the onslaught of Zeus, the king of the gods, Du Yu had no strength to resist, and was crushed at the touch of a touch, and was killed tragically.

His head flew horizontally, and blood splattered everywhere.

Du Yu's headless body fell to the ground slowly, but it stood still!
Don't rest your eyes!

Du Yu died tragically in Zeus' surprise attack.

Zeus looked at Du Yu's dead body that could no longer die, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth continued to expand.

"It's a pity. This god of war has only stayed on the throne of Mount Olympus for less than ten days." Zeus sneered and said, "I have drained your use value. The rest is to use you Hand over the godheads of the looted gods, and let me take them back. Hehe"

His big hand stretched out towards Du Yu's body.

Under normal circumstances, after a god falls, the godhead will automatically float up and appear on the body.Since the godhead is an absolutely indestructible existence, it is impossible to be annihilated along with the gods.This filled Zeus with greedy desires.

Counting Ares, Helios, and Du Yu's own godhead, how can there be 2.3 units of godhead, right?Zeus is full of greed.After these godheads are absorbed by him, his divine power will be further expanded.It is more certain to deal with other gods.

But it was beyond Zeus' expectations.

On Du Yu's corpse, there was no godhead emerging.

"What's going on?" Zeus' face darkened.

This situation is not within his calculations.

Du Yu's godhead did not emerge, and there was only one explanation.

He has not really died like a corpse.

His soul still exists somewhere!
Du Yu, there is still the possibility of resurrection.

"Bastard!" Zeus cursed fiercely, his voice was like a bell, and he sent a voice transmission to Mount Olympus: "Hades! You bastard, go check it out right away. Du Yu's soul has gone to yours!" Is there no underworld? I want to kill the grass and roots, and kill this person!"

Hades's sinister voice sounded in the distance: "Don't worry. As long as this person comes to hell, he will definitely not be able to escape my eyes and ears. He is dead!"

"Where is this?" Du Yu opened his eyes, turned his head and looked around, looking far and wide.

The surrounding environment was similar to the ghost hell that Du Yu had visited before. It was gray and without the slightest sunlight, and it was depressing and heart-stopping.In the distance, you can see the legendary Agron River leading to hell and the underworld.

"I actually came to the other side of the Agron River." Du Yu was taken aback, "Could it be that I'm already dead?"

His complexion changed, he finally became the God of War, and accumulated a lot of godheads. Now if Zeus picked up the peaches, killed chickens to get eggs, and took away the godheads, wouldn't it be a big loss?

He touched his chest, checked himself, and found that the godhead was still there, and the energy source was continuous. He received the believer's power of faith from the underworld, and improved it into a divine power.

"No!" Du Yu changed his mind: "If I am already a dead person, I should have no self-awareness. In addition, the godhead should leave the body and be taken away by Zeus. But I still have self-awareness and godhead, which means I am still alive!"

Thinking of Nuwa Empress's "breathing spirit", Du Yu suddenly realized.

It turned out that this thing saved my life.

Nuwa mentioned that Xiling looks earthy, but in fact it has a spirit and can be kneaded into any living creature.Du Yu once put a piece of his own hair into it according to the instructions of Empress Nuwa, and it can be pinched into another self.He is exactly the same as Du Yu's body, equivalent to another body, which can withstand the assassination of the vicious Zeus for Du Yu.

This time, what was viciously killed by Zeus was just a clone of Du Yu squeezed out of the spirit, but because the spirit contained Du Yu's soul.When it dies, its soul returns to hell, and Du Yu will follow him to hell.But at this time, he is still a living person, not an undead, so his godhead and consciousness have been preserved.

Zeus tried to kill Du Yu, and his plan of killing the chicken and taking the eggs was completely bankrupt.

But at this time, Du Yu couldn't easily return to Mount Olympus, that would be tantamount to throwing himself into a trap.

"Since I've come to Hell and the Underworld, that's fine." Du Yu sneered, "Here, let me continue my journey, constantly strengthen my divine power, and wait until my supernatural power is perfect, and then go back to settle accounts with Zeus! This sinister and vicious king, Dare to sneak attack on me, I will make him regret it for the rest of his life!"

Du Yu stood up and walked towards the Agron River.

(End of this chapter)

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