Chapter 1417 River of Shen Yu, Agron Styx! - Two more!

This wide river is an impenetrable barrier to the soul, and it swallows up anything that tries to swim or leap over it.A leaf, a fallen flower, a feather, a soul, and even a ray of light will disappear in this rushing river.This is the Agron River, after crossing this river, the dead will never turn back.

The Aglon River is so wide that you can't see the other side at a glance.The black river rushes to the distance in a swift vortex, with no fish, no aquatic plants, no duckweed, and even no ripples on the water surface.The river bank is not flat, there are jagged and strange rocks everywhere, like ferocious beasts crouching in the darkness.

By the Agron River, Du Yu saw a gigantic creature wandering alone.

The body of this creature is extremely huge, like a moving mountain, covered with various flowers, plants and trees, inhabited by various birds and beasts, but, he or maybe her face is sad, and the rough face is like a cracked rock, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Du Yu looked terrified.

Du Yu has experienced many adventure worlds and seen many strange situations, especially Cronus in the Lost Desert, which made Du Yu bolder.

"You are..." Du Yu took two steps closer, looking at the huge creature.

The creature "you" turned its head with difficulty, and with just this movement, the rock bark and leaves on its neck fell down, making Du Yu shudder.

It opened its mouth with difficulty, and the voice spit out word by word, but the sound was like a bell, and it was chilling: "Who are you?"

Du Yu swallowed hard, and he instinctively felt that this giant should be closely related to the plot, so he could make good use of it.

"I am a mortal, and I have become the God of War with outstanding achievements, but not long ago, the shameless Zeus assassinated me. Fortunately, I was prepared and fell into hell and the underworld as a living person." Du Yu said in a deep voice. road.

"Zeus! Zeus!" The huge creature suddenly became agitated when it heard Zeus's name, with an anthropomorphic and angry expression on its chapped face: "I am an alliance with your common enemy!"

It was with great difficulty that Du Yu found out about the relationship between Zeus and her from the mouth of this gigantic giant.

It turns out that this huge giant comparable to Cronus is Gaia, the mother of the earth and the grandmother of Zeus!

According to Greek mythology, Gaia gave birth to the sky, the god Uranus (Ouranos or Uranus), and combined with him gave birth to six men and six women, twelve Titans, three Cyclops and three hundred-armed giants. of the beginning, and all the gods are her descendants.

So far, Westerners still often refer to the earth as 'Gaia'.Gaia's position in the West is a bit similar to that of Nuwa in the East. The difference is that Nuwa created human beings, while Gaia created gods. It can be said that it is the originator of the ancestors of Western humans.

But then, because Uranus was greedy for power, he bound Gaia's and his children (giant and one-eyed) in Gaia's body, and finally the earth mother Gaia couldn't bear it anymore, and she said to the children with grief in her heart:' Hear me, your father insulted us, he made us suffer his terrible power, and it can't go on like this any more.You should rise up against your father. '

Only the youngest son, Cronus, promised to help his mother overthrow his father.The father of Zeus, the Titan Cronus, helped his mother Gaia kill his father.

Before the first generation of God King Uranus died, he cursed Cronus angrily: "Soon, you will be overthrown by your own son just like me."

Cronus, who became the second-generation God King, married his sister Rhea, and the two had six children.Cronus was afraid that his son would rebel like himself, so he swallowed Rhea's children one by one.In order to protect her young son Zeus, Rhea, who couldn't bear all this, disguised herself as a son by sending a stone to Cronus' mouth.Zeus, who grew up under the protection of his grandma Gaia, felt more and more hatred for his father, and turned this hatred into hatred for the entire Titan race.

Zeus defeated his father and rescued Poseidon, Hades, Hera and other brothers and sisters from his stomach.Thus began a war between the Titans and the new protoss, which became known as the "Titanomachy".

Zeus wiped out all the Titans with the extremely powerful Blade of Olympus, and most of the Titans were blasted to the Tartarus Abyss (Tartarus). Tartarus is synonymous with 'hell'!
Among the exiled Titans, the poor old grandmother Gaia of Zeus was also included.

No wonder Gaia couldn't suppress her anger when she heard the name of Zeus, and wanted to trouble Zeus.

Since both sides have a common enemy, Du Yu is of course very happy to form a strategic alliance with Gaia.

Gaia said slowly: "If a mortal wants to save everything, you must find the Goddess of Fate. They are located at the Temple of Fate at the end of the world."

Du Yu said in a deep voice, "How do I get to the Temple of Destiny?"

"Pegasus!" Gaia said word by word: "There is a Pegasus in the Land of Sighs on the other side of the Agron River."

Du Yu got enough information, his mind was shaken, and he walked steadily towards the Agron River.

The Agron, so wide and so deep, that no one can swim without the boatman of the Styx, flows heavily, though drowned by countless souls.Those dead waiting to be judged on both sides of the strait, even though they lost their vitality, still sent out one after another elegy for the dead with wandering and groaning...

The Agron River is the dividing line between the underworld and the underworld. The boatmen on the Styx River repeatedly ferry across the Agron River.But every time you have to collect bribes from those who cross the river, the souls who come and go can only cross the river safely if they take out the most precious treasures.If there is no money or insufficient bribes, the boatman will deliberately overturn the boat and throw it into the river Styx when he walks to the middle of the Agron River!
If you fail to board the boat from the shore, then the body after experiencing the pain of liberation from the world will not have the strength to climb onto the boat at all, and the river of sinking feathers will erode the drowning person forever.

The boatman on the River Styx will collect the last boat fare, taking away the finite life and the last bit of contact with the loved ones when they are parting. Without compassion and compassion, the lonely soul will weigh its true weight.

The Aglon River has a color, it is gray and white, because there is not a trace of bright red blood around it; the Agron River also has a voice, which is the wailing of people struggling in the river; the Agron River even has a smell, it is cold river water Spicy after entering the heart and lungs and even infiltrating the brain...

Standing by the Agron River, Du Yu felt and realized something.

He is a cultivator of immortals, and he is not afraid of the tragic death of the Agron River, but the more he witnesses, the more he sees, the better it will be for his cultivation of Taoism.

To get the Pegasus out of this underworld, one must cross the river and reach the other side.

He tried the fairy art and found that in this place of the underworld, the ghost energy is rich, and the fairy energy is almost zero.It is possible to use fairy art, but it cannot be supplemented by the breath between heaven and earth.The so-called tree without root and water without source, the magic of immortality is destined not to last.

Du Yu shrugged.

Even if you can't use fairy art, you can only use the familiar martial arts and Ruyi Golden Cudgel to solve everything.

With boundless pride in his heart, he laughed and walked towards the wharf of the Agron River, carrying the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Here, it's an extra experience for him!
In front of Du Yu, the undead lined up in a long line, walking lifelessly towards the wharf of the Agron River.

Countless people fell from the abyss of the netherworld and entered the hell of the pool of blood. Their souls lost their flesh and blood, lined up in front of the river of the underworld like walking corpses, unconsciously, and instinctively accepted the call of hell and marched towards the underworld.

A Venetian-style galley is slowly approaching the shore.

The soul of death, humming slowly, walked towards the ship step by step.

The boatman who rowed the boat was a scrawny, sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked, devil-like warrior wearing a ghost armor. Two groups of flaming eyes, green and burning, stared at every soul who was about to board the boat.

Du Yu couldn't help but feel something.

The poor riverside has no fixed bones, still a person in a spring girl's dream.

These poor souls who have gone to hell are often buried with the most precious things in their lives when they are buried by their relatives.But they have already lost consciousness, and they often instinctively hold the funeral objects in their hands, without any consciousness moving forward.It is embarrassing that these funeral objects enshrined in the mourning of their loved ones were picked and picked by the boatmen of the Styx River and wantonly plundered.

Du Yu also strode forward towards the Styx ferry.

He knew that these Styx boatmen were all from Hades. If they were alarmed, a big battle would be inevitable, and Hades would even be recruited.Du Yu flipped his hands over, got a few more gold coins in his hands, and stepped onto the boat.

The boatman of the Styx River laughed strangely, wantonly searching for the relics of the undead, while humming contemptuously, he threw some worthless belongings directly into the Styx River.A pair of triangular eyes exudes a greedy and tyrannical light.

Suddenly, he picked up an undead and threw it into the Agron River without saying a word!

The undead was ups and downs in the Agron River, screaming instinctively, but in the pitch-black Agron River, several water ghosts with swollen skin, fierce eyes, and potbellies soon sprang up, rushing to kill the unlucky creature. Undead caught.Under the latter's desperate cry, it gradually sank to the bottom of the water and disappeared.

Du Yu was shocked.

Through his keen intuition, he could feel that the Agron River was filled with the ghost energy between heaven and earth, that is, the death energy.If he fell into this river, even Du Yu's godly or immortal body would inevitably be contaminated with strong dark energy, and his soul might be corroded and polluted, and it would be even worse to be entangled by these ghosts of the dark river.

(End of this chapter)

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