Chapter 1419 Undead Boatman!Prevent a breakthrough! -Four more please subscribe!
Even without intelligence and in a daze, the undead who were thrown into the water screamed in an instant, struggling to get out of the icy cold river, trying to climb back onto the boat.

Karon laughed strangely, and mercilessly used the oars to smash the skulls of the undead who climbed up one by one. Their brains burst, they lost their balance, and fell into the Agron River again.

In the black river water, there were shadows and shadows, and dozens of black shadows rose up in an instant, dragging down the undead who fell into the water one by one.

Moments later, the entire ship was swaying, except for Du Yu and Ka Long, there was no one or undead left.

"Why did you do this?" Du Yu asked calmly.During the whole process, he remained motionless, as cold as an ice sculpture.

Karon licked the brains on the oars, and said with a smile: "Don't you think they are an eyesore?"

"But they all paid the boat fare, so they should reach the other side. This is the rule of Styx, and you violated the rule." Du Yu said flatly.

"I am the rule!" Caron was furious: "The power of cause and effect in my body was bred and derived from the Agron River. The Agron River flows all the time, and what flows is cause and effect! Leaving I, no living thing can pass through this river."

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth, and he didn't say anything more.

"Hand over your Pandora's Box!" Caron said coldly, "Otherwise I will let you wander on the Agron River forever, like a ghost."

"Do you think you can do it?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows, "I just don't believe in evil."

Caron looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Believe it or not, before you rowed for half a day, you just circled the Agron River, do you know that? Except for me, Caron, no one else can see through the real route on this river, nor can I Reach the other shore. Therefore! If you want to get out of the underworld alive, you can only rely on me, Karon!"

In order to win Du Yu's trust, he waved his hand and pointed to the opposite bank.

Following Karon's line of sight, it was as if a strong wind had blown away the fog and haze on the Agron River.In the far distance, a ray of light has appeared at this time.In that light, figures flashed from time to time, as if some plants were swaying.Compared with the lifeless scenes seen after entering the underworld, the scene on the other side seems to be more lively.

"Did you see it?" Caron said with a sneer with the corners of his mouth curled up, "there is the other bank of the Agron River. It is covered with flowers of the other bank. Even if the undead are on the boat, they have not completely forgotten the love of this life. When you go to the top and smell the fragrance of the other shore flowers, you will forget it completely, and you will be willing to become an undead in the underworld."

Du Yu was surprised.He really didn't know about the legend of the other side flower.Thanks to Caron for telling the secret.

Kalon looked at Du Yu with a sly smile and said, "How is it? Hurry up and hand over your Pandora's Box. To be honest, I didn't recognize you at first. After thinking about it, I remembered that you are Hades The target of the manhunt. Hehe, I'm so lucky."

Du Yu thought for a while: "Even if I gave you the Pandora's Box, you wouldn't know how to use it. Are you in a hurry? How about this, I'll take out the Pandora's Box, and you can use the crystal stone of the godhead to put it in it. Stone is processed into a real godhead in the Pandora's box full of emotions. You can become a god, why should you care about the ownership of this magic box?"

The reason why Du Yu was willing to take out the magic box to let Kalong have the godhead was also because on this Agron River, Kalon did have a nearly indestructible life.Fighting against him will only waste time and distract energy.It might alarm Hades, so Du Yu decided to compromise appropriately in exchange for the chance to cross the river.

Kalong's green eyes were fixed on Du Yu, without saying a word.

Just when Du Yu thought the negotiation had broken down and was preparing to fight, Kalon nodded with a weird accent, "I agree. But you must take out the magic box first!"

Du Yu sneered and said, "I want you to become a god, so you can kill me halfway? I'm not that stupid, I'll talk about it after reaching the other side first!"

The two bargained.One wanted to use Du Yu to become a god, and the other was eager to cross the river and didn't want to cause more trouble, so they finally reached an agreement.

Du Yu can cross the river with the help of Karon, but when he is [-] meters away from the river bank, he must take out Pandora's Box to help Karon form a true godhead.

Du Yu once again saw the power of Pandora's box, even the boatman of the Styx could not resist the temptation to become a god.

Caron did not break his promise, he took the oars and paddled quickly on the Agron River.

His eyes were green, and as far as his eyes could see, the fog and darkness on the Agron River gradually dissipated, revealing the channel leading to the opposite bank.

A Venetian galley glides quietly on the Aglon River.

Du Yu suddenly felt like "Life of Pi".

On the Shenyu River, which was so quiet that it was almost eerie, there was only myself and a boatman with ulterior motives, ferrying across the river in silence.

From time to time in the river, pale dead faces can be seen, one after another, quietly sinking under the water of the Agron River, with crying, smiling, ferocious, dull faces, all kinds of life are in it.

Du Yu couldn't help thinking.

What is death?
Before that, he had been busy cultivating immortality and seeking eternal life.Isn't the goal of cultivating immortals to fight against death?
But for the vast majority of people, death is their final destination.

Thinking of this, Du Yu suddenly felt his heart move.

That was the feeling of epiphany.

It has been introduced that after reaching a certain level of cultivation in the stage of cultivating immortals, the effect of hard work day and night will not be great.

The real cultivation of immortality is about epiphany.

Mosai suddenly opened, and the daylight soared!
Once you let go of your obsession, you will become a Buddha immediately!

In the previous adventures, Du Yu experienced too many changes, but he did not explore death so deeply.

On this river of darkness, Du Yu was inspired by a lot of inspirations, and he felt that he had broken through the cultivation base of the Ascension Stage of Transcending Tribulation not long ago, and he felt the expansion of breaking through again!
That kind of throbbing from the depths of the soul is just the precursor of the realm breakthrough that Du Yu is familiar with!
"It's ridiculous to say it, but I, an Eastern immortal cultivator, can actually feel something in the Western underworld. This is an analogy, so I have an idea." Du Yu laughed at himself.

But at this time, it's really not a good time for a breakthrough!

Behind him stood the sinister Styx boatman, and Karon who was born at the same time as the underworld!
This guy, the body is not a living thing, but the power of cause and effect.He is one with the Agron.Unless Du Yu has the ability to evaporate the Styx and collapse the underworld, he can't kill Charon with brute force!
This is also the main reason why Cuaron dared to ignore Hades and brazenly attack Pandora's box.

As long as the Aglon is alive, he is alive!
The Styx cannot live without a boatman.

In his opinion, whether Du Yu walked 1000 meters or [-] meters to the Agron River, his life was firmly in his hands!
Du Yu couldn't help crying in his heart.

He was sure that Caron would not let him go easily.

However, I have tried both fairy arts and martial arts before, even if Karon is hit in the heart, he will not die.As he said, Charon himself was conceived from the Aglon River, and in the Agron River flowing with the water of Karma, Charon would not die.

He symbolizes the cause and effect in the world.

What weapon in the world can cut off cause and effect?
Du Yu's mood was extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he didn't want to miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break through. On the other hand, he knew that this was not a good time, and Caron might sneak in at any time and make trouble. How dare he break through here?

Du Yu's eyeballs moved nimbly twice, and a bold idea formed in his mind.

Nuwa Empress and others lost sight of Du Yu after Du Yu was killed by Zeus.

Galadriel said anxiously: "This bastard Zeus! What god king? He actually attacked and assassinated Du Yu!"

Zhou Zhiruo said timidly, "Ma'am, is Du Yu still alive?"

Empress Nuwa caressed Zhou Zhiruo's beautiful face gently, and said with a smile: "Good boy, Du Yu has a beautiful wife like you, and he hasn't enjoyed enough. How can he be willing to die? Just don't worry, although his physical body is destroyed, I will still be willing to die." I can feel that his soul is still there. He asked me to get [Xi Ling] before, and this thing should help him."

Hearing the promise from Empress Nuwa, all the girls were relieved.But if Du Yu's dear husband and husband did not show up for a moment, they would not be able to feel at ease for a moment.

Concern, distress, and anxiety made all the beauties frown and look sad.

"The dead Du Yu, haven't you found his soul yet?"

On the Pantheon at the top of Mount Olympus, Zeus frantically said to Hades: "Although I killed him with my own hands, this guy's godhead has not appeared. I am really worried that he is not dead."

Hades couldn't sit still anymore: "I have already ordered martial law in the underworld. I also sent my confidant, Death, to search all over the place. I believe there will be results soon."

On the Styx River, Du Yu was cruel!

He no longer shy away from the qi traction of the breakthrough, closed his eyes, sank into the deep subconscious, and began to combine his perception of death during this period to try to break through.

At the critical moment in the space world, Du Yu completed the breakthrough in the early stage of Transcending Tribulation and Ascension, and now it's his turn to break through the mid-term bottleneck.

In the middle term, it is a huge threshold.

Because there is the threat of space gods punishing heavenly thunder!

As the chosen one, Du Yu must catch [-] divine thunders in the middle stage to pass the level!
At the beginning of the breakthrough, Du Yu had already tasted the feeling that life was worse than death for the God of Punishment Lei Na.At this time, when I can't use fairy art (there is only ghost energy in the underworld, no vitality of heaven and earth), if I choose to break through, even self-protection will be a problem, let alone resisting the stronger Heaven's Punishment Thunder than before!

But maybe it was doom, maybe it was fate, Du Huan felt that if he did not take the opportunity to break through at this time, the next epiphany would be far away!
If you don't take it, you will be blamed instead!
In the Styx, the epiphany, the opportunity is fleeting.

Immortal power is slim, and this opportunity may take hundreds, thousands, or even a lifetime of comprehension, and it may not be possible to grasp it.

Now that he had the opportunity, Du Yu risked his life to seize it.

(End of this chapter)

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