Chapter 1420 The second push!Five more outbreaks!

Say something about a tweet.The number of words in this paragraph is free.Bros!The god-level villain has been banned for the second time!The old pig was so excited that he didn't know what to say!A push is the starting point's affirmation of a book's achievements, and a second letter is an honor for the book!I never thought I would get this honor one day.When I heard the news of these two letters, I was really choked up.First of all, I would like to thank my editor-in-chief Yisuo, editor-in-chief Yuanzheng and contracted editors. You have given me the greatest support.The boss of Yisuo asked me many times to talk about writing, and I felt that I benefited a lot every time.The editor-in-charge Yuanzheng Boss has been kind to me. From the beginning of the book, he has given me various pointers and cares. This book can have today, Yuanzheng Boss, I love you.I have thrown a lot of soap in the past, and he didn't pick it up (囧) But most of all, my readers should be grateful, you are so kind to the old pig.In the past year, God Rebellion has never placed in the top six of the classified monthly ticket list. Your enthusiastic support has given Laozhu great motivation and passion!Please continue to pay attention and subscribe to this book!Lao Zhu will give back to everyone with more exciting stories.Finally, I would like to thank my wife and daughter, you are my love.mwah.Alright, let's not talk nonsense today, five watch!Tomorrow is also five more outbreaks!Let everyone see it so far!Serve!
(The following is the text)

For a moment, he ignored life and death, and entered the realm of forgetting both things and me.

I don't know how long it has passed, the situation in Du Yu's mind is like watching a movie, going through all the worlds he has experienced before.On his forehead, white air rose, as if a pot was boiling.

This situation caught Caron's attention.

Has he ever seen an Eastern immortal cultivator break through on the Styx River?

This is uneducated, really scary.

Kalong stared at the front and sat cross-legged, his whole body in sedation, Du Yu, who had no power to resist, with a faint green light in his eyes, walked towards Du Yu step by step casually.

Du Yu seemed completely unprepared, but the heat on his forehead rose like boiling, and drops of sweat dripped down one after another.

He himself knows nothing.

To become a fairy, a breakthrough is imminent.

Just before Karon was about to throw Du Yu, who had no resistance, into the Aglon River, he suddenly realized: "Not good. This kid hasn't given me the Pandora's Box yet. I have to find the treasure first, and then give it to me." He kills."

Caron's hands, as cold as those of a dead man, slowly penetrated into Du Yu's clothes.


After searching all over Du Yu's body, he couldn't find any sign of Pandora's box.

Du Yu is an adventurer.After he put Pandora's Box into the meteorological space, unless he was willing to take out the box, no one, not even Zeus, could get it out.

Du Yu also knew this very well, so he took a bold gamble!
He bet that Caron would not take the risk of killing himself before he got the treasure.

The white air on his forehead rose even more.

Caron was so angry that his hands and feet were cold.

Based on his countless readings, it can be seen that Du Yu is at a very important juncture in his life, and the aura that rises from Du Yu's body makes Caron feel a little terrified!
You must know that all living beings must enter the underworld from the River Styx, even gods such as Ares are no exception.

But when Karon saw Du Yu's breakthrough, he felt that the vigorous momentum was even more terrifying than when he saw the soul of Ares, and it had an impact!
The extremely high state of the Eastern cultivators has surpassed the Western gods!
"What the hell is this kid doing?" Caron cursed angrily.

But there was nothing he could do.

If he wanted to get Pandora's Box, Du Yu really couldn't die.

Come whatever you say.

Du Yuxiu's qi machine was pulling, and the vision of three flowers gathering at the top and white qi soaring into the sky quickly attracted waves of Styx water ghosts.

As I said before, when a weak soul enters the bottom of the water, it will be quickly assimilated by the river water and decomposed into the most basic spirit of the underworld.But where do these water ghosts come from?

They are not ordinary weak souls, on the contrary, they are the most powerful in the Yang world!
Some are rich and powerful, and some are warriors who are good at conquering. They are originally daring and greedy people.In their hearts, there are no rules or taboos. They think they can control everything, and there is nothing in the world that they cannot accomplish.So when they came to this miserable river, despite being warned by Karon about the danger of crossing this river, these people still arrogantly tried to cross the river by themselves.As a result, they can only be submerged in this rushing water.And, because their nature is actually greedy.So although they can no longer free themselves from the river, they will try their best to pull everything possible on the river into the water and into their hands—whether it is an unlucky dead soul or a misty feather, Even if it's just a tiny gleam of light.This is what those souls are.

Du Yu has achieved success in cultivating immortals, and the breakthrough is imminent. The huge immortal energy mechanism is infinitely alluring to these ghosts of the Styx in the dark, just like the incandescent lamp in the dark night is to moths.

Groups of underwater black shadows scrambled to be the first, wandering on the Styx ships.

Caron spat, feeling infinitely depressed.Instead of bringing him treasures, Du Yu used him as a bodyguard!

But Caron had no choice. Du Yu was determined that he was determined to win the Pandora's Box. The old god was on the ground and broke through on his own, leaving all the defense tasks to this evil boatman.

A Styx ghost couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart, and suddenly stretched out his hand from the water to catch Du Yu.

In the eyes of these evil spirits, Du Yu, a cultivator who is on the verge of breaking through, is the supreme tonic.

Even the virtues in the world can be used as a boat to cross the river, and Du Yu's world-class cultivation is the target of the evil spirits.

But before this hand could get close to Du Yu, it was smashed into pieces by an oar in the air!
"Roar!" The Styx ghost screamed, fell into the Styx, and lost its trace.

Taking advantage of this moment, the evil spirit on the other side rushed out from the other side of the boat and rushed towards Du Yu.

Caron was furious, roared, and the oars smashed the head of the unlucky man into a rotten watermelon, his brains were cracked, and he was poured into the river.

"Bastard! Dare to compete with me for prey." Kalon spat in disdain, and defended himself in front of Du Yu.

He was also very depressed.

This Du Yu is really cunning to use him, the great Kalong, as a talisman.

But he still has nothing to do with Du Yu, unless he is willing to give up Pandora's Box and the chance to become a god.

Du Yu's breakthrough has come to a critical moment.

In the sky, gradually changed.

The sky of the underworld is densely covered with dark air, and the indifference and ashen sky was suddenly pierced by a red lightning bolt!

God's Punishment Thunder is here!
This God of Punishment Thunder that follows Du Yu like a shadow, no matter where Du Yu goes, he follows Du Yu like a tarsal maggot.During the period of crossing the tribulation and ascending, every pass is so exciting, making the monks between life and death, extremely adventurous and exciting.

In the underworld, suddenly the wind and clouds surged, and the color of the wind and thunder changed!

A series of red Thunder of God's Punishment descended from the sky, accumulating strength, ready to strike Du Yu.

At this moment, the changes in the underworld finally caught Hades' attention.

His eyes, keenly watching the changes in the ground, quickly discovered the abnormality in the Agron River.

"This Du Yu has already arrived in the underworld?" Hades was ecstatic, and disappeared from his seat in an instant: "I will go and catch this guy back! In the underworld, no one can jump out of my palm!"

Zeus looked at Hades' back, showing a smile of winning.

The extraterrestrial demon Hum also keenly sensed the changes in the underworld.In fact, Du Yu was far away in the underworld, so he wouldn't be exposed so quickly, but Hum was too sensitive to the God of Punishment Thunder in space. He felt this extremely fearful energy almost the moment the God of Punishment Thunder appeared. , appeared in the plane of this world.

"What the hell is this?" Hum showed a thoughtful expression, "Then Du Yu is in the underworld, using this energy to fight against the enemy?"

"You don't have to worry." Dark Kratos showed a sinister smile: "The most important thing is that we have finally found Du Yu's location. Wait for me to go to assist the god of the underworld, just kill this person!"

"Don't act rashly!" Hum shouted sharply, "This Du Yu is full of tricks, and if he is not careful, he will fall into his conspiracy trap. We just need to wait and see what happens."

Kratos nodded helplessly.

Unintentionally or unintentionally, Du Yu's breakthrough on the Styx River was like a stone thrown into a calm pool of water, causing an uproar!
From Mount Olympus, to the Temple of the Extraterrestrial Demon, to the Temple of Athena, and the Nuwa Empress of Space, they are all closely watching his every move.

Aglon River.

A black air flashed, and the stalwart figure of Hades in black robe appeared on the Styx River.

As the master of the underworld, although the Agron River is extremely dangerous, he can come and go freely and walk in the garden.

Hades' icy eyes drifted to Du Yu mockingly, watching Du Yu on the Styx boat, motionless, meditating on an epiphany.

"Huh!" Hades's eyes flashed a cold light: "Being killed by Zeus, he escaped here secretly, let's see how I kill you."

There was a gleam in Mingshen's eyes.

But don't think that he has such a deep brotherhood with Zeus. For Zeus, he brazenly killed Du Yu.

His goal is the godhead in Du Yu's body!
Just as Zeus tried to collect the godhead and strengthen himself, Hades and Poseidon, the king of the sea, were secretly planning their own wishes and fiddled with their little ones.

Who said that only Zeus, the king of the sky, is worthy of unifying the God Realm?

Hades also has his own plans and ambitions.

Du Yu beheaded Ares and Helios, and got their godheads. Everyone was innocent and conceived a crime, so killing him would bring a lot of benefits!
This is why Hades is so eager to kill back to the underworld.

Du Yu was neither sad nor happy, sitting on the underworld ferry, lost in thought and epiphany, and ignored Hades.

Hades snorted coldly and wanted to do it!

Caron was really impatient.

He didn't expect that Du Yu's fat meat, which seemed to be a sure thing, would actually attract the attention of Hades because of the celestial phenomena caused by his epiphany.

Pluto wants to snatch Du Yu?
As soon as Karon gritted his teeth, a gust of wind swept in from the upper reaches of the Aglon River, covering up the ship of the underworld.

"Caron?" Hades was quite surprised: "You actually cover this mortal?"

Caron smiled wryly in his heart.As the God of Hades, his divine power far exceeds him, but in order to get the Pandora's box and get rid of the eternal fate of ferrying on the river Styx, he decides to fight to the death!
Fortunately, Karon and Aglon River are originally one, even if Hades temporarily kills them, they will be reborn after a long time.Although the god of the underworld sounds infinitely beautiful, the underworld is created by the laws of heaven and earth. Just as Mount Olympus does not belong to Zeus alone, the underworld is not a place where Hades alone can make 100% decisions!
Seeing that Caron had no intention of repenting, Hades neighed, "How bold!"

He disappeared in place and suddenly appeared in front of Caron.

The dark wind and mist of the Aglon River could not stop Hades' footsteps at all.

"Die to me!" Hades suddenly turned into a military uniform in the underworld, fully armed, sitting in a chariot with four black horses, holding a bident!
The Hades chariot with four black horses rumbles into motion, and the Hades bident, no matter what obstacles are in front of them, will be eradicated by Hades!
(End of this chapter)

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