Chapter 1424 Life and Death of Styx!Flowers from the other side! -Four more please subscribe!
"Okay!" The extraterrestrial demon Hum and the god king Zeus uttered a strange cry of triumph at the same time.

"How come?" Empress Nuwa, Athena and other women exclaimed at the same time.

Dark Kratos stepped through the void gate and came to the bank of the Agron River, but he could only see the aftermath of the God of Punishment Thunder, the moment when Du Yu was destroyed.

He didn't want to finish it, licked the sharp dagger blade regretfully, and hid in the darkness.

In the groggy state, Du Yu's consciousness began to become confused.

His body was full of pain, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

This day, God of Punishment Thunder, the last blow, almost killed me.

But the effect of divine thunder tempering the body is also the best.Although Du Yu's bones and tendons were broken, if he could recover, he would be more solid than before, which would be of great benefit to his future journey of cultivating immortals.

But at this time, the benefits are out of the question.

Du Yu sank into the water, feeling that his body no longer belonged to him, the light was getting farther and farther away from him, and there were countless shadows around him, which should be the ghost of the Styx approaching him.

His life is going away.

But Du Yu didn't want to move.He was so tired that he just wanted to sink into the water like this.For some reason, Du Yu felt an indescribable sense of security at the bottom of the Agron River, as if he had entered the amniotic fluid of his mother's womb.

Also, as a person who is about to die, there is of course no danger other than the loss of life.

Suddenly, Du Yu faintly heard crying.

The cry of a woman.

It seems to be the master of Xiaolongnv, the elder sister of Ning Zhongze, and the new Ling'er

After hearing it, the voice gradually merged, like Galadriel and Arwen, Zhou Zhiruo, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and even more like Catherine and Tracy

"No!" Du Yu suddenly opened his eyes and struggled upwards.

The cries of these women, like the thread of bondage to Du Yu in the world, danced quietly, knocked on Du Yu's heartstrings, and made him muster the courage to survive.

He ignored everything and rushed upwards.

Du Yu didn't know that this was the most terrifying part of the Styx-Agron River.

Once entering the water of the Styx, illusions will appear, losing the courage to struggle to survive, drifting with the current, and becoming a water ghost in the Styx.

It is these beauties and the longing for Du Yu that made Du Yu summon up the courage to survive and struggle to survive.

But it's too late.

The Heaven's Punishment Thunder, which was Du Yu's before, took away a large number of water ghosts in one wave, and the surrounding water ghosts were completely empty.But with Du Yu's sinking, the greedy nature drives more water ghosts to come from all over and rush towards Du Yu crazily.

These powerful water ghosts can survive in the River Styx, each of them is a warrior, a villain, and a strong man whose soul strength exceeds that of ordinary people. When they fall into the water and sink forever in the Agron River, their hearts are full of resentment and unwillingness. Every opportunity harms those who cross the river and fall into the water.

In the last wave of Shenlei, Du Yu's body was seriously injured, and it was difficult for him to swim, let alone deal with the water ghosts coming from all directions?

But since he mustered up the courage to live, he naturally would not wait for death. Du Yu sacrificed all kinds of fairy treasures, fought against the water ghost, and at the same time swam to the other shore.

But Du Yu soon discovered a terrifying fact.

Immortal treasures will be defiled in this river of sinking feathers full of ghost energy!

The immortal treasure is full of immortal energy, which is the source of its power. The ordinary dead energy cannot contaminate the immortal treasure.But there is a limit to everything, the Agron River is the river of the undead in the underworld, and all the water in it is made of ghost energy.Once it is polluted in the water, the fairy treasure is immediately useless.

Du Yu groaned in his heart.This trip to the underworld is really difficult and dangerous.

Thanks a little.Before, he made an agreement with Caron to drive to a place 10000 meters away from the other side to trade.In addition to the fierce battle just now, Du Yu moved closer to the other bank intentionally or unintentionally. At this time, he was only more than 5000 meters away from the other bank, and he could reach it as far as he could see.

The fierce ghost of the Styx River surged forward.

Du Yu fought back vigorously in the water, with the Snake Slaying Sword in one hand and the Medusa Shield in the other, he forcibly killed and retreated the fierce ghosts who were tearing them apart.But his body was also bitten and scratched by the ghosts, making it dripping with blood and bruises all over his body.

Du Yu panted heavily, and climbed to the other side from the Styx River.

The ghosts of the Styx River were very angry when they saw their prey ashore, but they couldn't leave the Agron River, so they had to retreat angrily.

Du Yu lay flat on the other side, unable to move.

The red clouds in the sky have long since dissipated, returning to the iron-blue color of the underworld.

After panting for half a day, Du Yu checked his body and found that his body was swollen and pale, like a corpse that had been dead for several days.The water of the Agron River has the ability to corrode the flesh.A normal person will turn into bones within a day after falling into it.

Looking back at the Agron River, Du Yu was secretly glad.Crossing the river is full of twists and turns, and dangerous, even more dangerous than African zebras crossing the crocodile river.

Fortunately, he managed to break through the consummation realm in the mid-term of Transcending Tribulation and Ascension, which is really a surprise.He even beat Hades, the confidant who had passed through the underworld, to the point where he ran away without a long rest, and he could never recover.It's a pity that I didn't take the opportunity to kill this old boy.

Du Yu took out the godhead fragments he got from Kalong and opened Pandora's box.

At this moment, on the surface of the river, a withered figure came quickly and shouted: "Please! Give me back the fragments of the godhead!"

It is Kalong, the ferryman of the Styx, who can be resurrected infinitely.

Du Yu sneered and said, "This is my trophy, why should I return it to you?"

Caron howled with snot and tears: "This is how I have absorbed the fear of so many dead people for countless years. Only then did I get a little bit of godhead. You are going to take it, are you too cruel?"

Du Yu didn't show any mercy. As soon as the fragments of the godhead were placed in the Pandora's box, a ray of light flashed, and a little bit of the fragments of the godhead rose.

0.2 units of godhead fragments.

With such a ferocious God like Caron, he can only accumulate 0.2 units of Godhead in tens of thousands of years of history, which shows how rare Godhead is.

Du Yu devoured the godhead, and the total amount of godhead increased to 1.9 units.With the total number of believers unchanged, his total divine power immediately rose to more than 100 million divine power units.Du Yu at this time was as powerful as Ares before his fall.

Kalon howled in despair, lay down on the river in despair, looked at Du Yu viciously, and said in a hateful voice: "I remember your face, and I will never let you go! Waiting for the moment of your death, I will use Do everything possible to sink you in the Agron River!"

Du Yu smiled slightly, and didn't bother with the immortal Styx boatman. He stood up and walked to the other shore.

As Caron said before, the land on the other side is really full of flowers, and it has become a sea of ​​flowers.With the breeze, the red petals are flying all over the sky. In this place of darkness and death, the sharp contrast between the two sides of the Agron River is like blooming flowers next to a rotten dead body, full of various contradictions and disharmony.

But the other shore flower is really beautiful.

Thinking of what Kalong said, Du Yu could only cover his mouth and nose, shut off his spiritual consciousness, to prevent being lost by the Bianhua, forgetting his past and present lives, and becoming an unconscious ghost walking corpse in the underworld.

"Tianma Tianma" Du Yu looked around.

He can't fly in the underworld, only Pegasus can take him out of this damned place and fly to the temple of the three goddesses of fate at the end of the world.

Sure enough, before Du Yu was about to lose consciousness, he saw a group of snow-white Pegasus horses with wings on their backs galloping and jumping in the canyon of Bianhua.

It took Du Yu a lot of effort to trick a Pegasus.The main reason was that this guy had never seen a stranger come here, so he was not wary of Du Yu, so Du Yu grabbed him and rode on.

The pegasus neighed and flew towards the sky.

The iron-blue underworld finally became smaller and smaller in Du Yu's sight.

Du Yu left the underworld and flew to the end of the sky.

"Take me back to Mount Olympus, I want to find Zeus! Zeus, how dare you deal with me, the God of War!"
At this time Gaia's voice sounded again: "Du Yu, you are no longer the god of war. Because your priesthood has been deprived by Zeus, you can only find the three goddesses of fate to reverse time and regain your power. In order to find They, you need more help. Find my brothers in the mountains, they will help you!"
Riding Pegasus, Du Yu came to the cave where the Titan Typhoon slept.

However, not long after entering the cave, Typhoon's huge hand slapped it down, pressing Pegasus underneath.

"Damn it, what about the brotherhood we promised?" Du Yu angrily jumped off the painfully neighing Tianma under the giant's hands, and complained.

Athena is still waiting to be rescued by herself.

Gaia told Du Yu that he must get stronger power to remove the giant hand.Du Yu explored along the road in the cave, and saw a burly and strong man bound by chains and tied up on the cliff. Under his feet was the blazing Olympus fire, and a big Birds are eating his insides.

This big bird is The Caucasian Eagle, one of the monsters born of the Titan Typhoon.And the one who was bound by SM was Prometheus, who stole fire from heaven and taught mortals how to make fire, which offended Zeus.Every day his internal organs are pecked by the Caucasian condor, and he will be reborn at night. The pain is endless.

Seeing Du Yu's arrival, the Caucasus Condor let out a mournful and high-pitched neigh, and its sharp eagle eyes scanned Du Yu, ready to launch a violent attack at any time.This Condor acts as a jailer and guards Prometheus part-time. Anyone who tries to rescue this hapless guy will be torn apart by the Condor.

Prometheus begged Du Yu: "I have been trapped here for countless years, and the pain has continued for countless years. If you can help me relieve the pain, I am willing to give you great strength."

Du Yu nodded, Prometheus is a good man, he deserves to be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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