Chapter 1425 Going astray, the wrath of the typhoon! - Five more outbreaks please subscribe!
Although the Caucasus condor neighed shrillly, for some reason, it did not directly interfere with Du Yu, but just hovered proudly in the air, overlooking Du Yu.

Du Yu took the opportunity to break the iron chain binding his arms, but there was another thicker iron chain tied around his neck.Prometheus told Du Yu that only by exploring the cave, looking for the Titan Typhoon, and borrowing the divine bow [Typhoon's Wrath] in his eyes, can he drive away the Caucasian condor and break his chain, so that he can be saved. , into the fire of Olympus.

Think about it too, this iron chain is suspended above the Olympus flame pool.Du Yu couldn't fly there, he had to find a powerful [Typhoon Wrath] to complete this task.There is also the Caucasus condor, which must also be shot from a distance.

Du Yu had no choice but to continue exploring the cave, looking for the typhoon.
In the depths of the cave, it was getting darker and deeper. Although he was deprived of the priesthood and could not exercise the power of the God of War, the godhead and believers were still there, and Du Yu's spiritual sense was still keen.Du Yu intuitively felt that there seemed to be a giant beast in the darkness, spying on him in the dark.

A thunderous voice resounded in Du Yu's ears: "Who are you? Why did you break into this cave? I haven't eaten fresh human flesh for a long time! Haha."

Du Yu looked up, and in the dark cave, two groups of lights the size of searchlights flickered, focusing on him.Take a closer look, what kind of searchlight is that?It is clearly two eyeballs on a huge head!
Sure enough, it was the Titan Titan, who looked as huge as Clarence. At this moment, he was drooling, breathing stinky hot air, and staring at himself salivating.

Du Yu snorted coldly: "You are the Titan Typhoon? Why did you knock down my Pegasus? Do you know that Gaia and I are allies?"

This typhoon, also known as Typhon, is an expert in making monsters in mythology.He merged with many banshees and gave birth to countless famous monsters.For example, the sphinx of the sphinx, Canis Orthus with the body of a dog, two heads, and a python tail, and Cerberus, the watchdog of hell who was killed by Du Hua, and the nine-headed Hydra the snake, and The Caucasian Eagle pecking at the guts of Prometheus.

The typhoon sniffed Du Yu's breath, and his face became serious: "Why do you have a familiar smell on your body?"

Du Yu's heart shuddered.Both Hydra and Cerberus were killed by him, and he took away their godhead fragments and devoured them.Although it has been purified by Pandora's Box, it is hard to guarantee that the father will not smell something.

He smiled and said: "You think too much. Gaia, the leader of the Taita giant family, and I are in an alliance. We are enemies with your enemy Zeus. Her old man instructed me to take a Pegasus to go to the Temple of Fate of the Three Fate Goddesses. Unfortunately, Tianma was slapped by you, so I can only come to you if I can't leave."

Typhoon glanced at Du Yu coldly: "Lie! The breath on your body is clearly my two children. Are they killed by you?"

So far, it's useless to deny it.Du Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "Forget it. They attacked me proactively. Could it be that I was killed and eaten by them? If you want to blame, you can blame you for not restraining the child."

"Why did you come to me?" Typhoon's voice became more and more cold.

"I have two things to ask you for. One is to ask you to raise your hand and release my Pegasus. The other is to ask you to lend me the Wrath of the Typhoon. I will drive away the Caucasus Condor and rescue Prometheus. Here you are." Du Yu said with a smile.

"Caucasus Condor?" Typhoon's voice became high-pitched, and he said furiously, "You killed my Hydra! You killed my Cerberus! You still have to deal with my Caucasus Condor! I haven't eaten for a long time Human flesh! I can't help it! Let Gaia and Zeus die! I will eat you."

As he spoke, he raised his head excitedly!

The entire cave was shaking violently.Countless stones fell down one after another.

Du Yu used a simple lighting spell to barely see the true face of the terrifying father of monsters, Typhoon.

Typhon is also the son of Gaia, the son of Tartarus.During the battle between the Titans and the gods of Olympus, Typhon once broke out in the small universe and broke the tendons of Zeus, the king of gods. Later, Zeus, who was blasted by beans, was dying with thunder and lightning, and was finally exiled here by Zeus. Just like the Buddha used Wuzhi Mountain to suppress Sun Wukong, he was also firmly suppressed by the entire mountain, only his head and arms could move.

But only now did Du Yu know how terrifying this Tifeng is!
Just a single head occupies a cave hundreds of meters high.On his head, it looked like a savage magnified countless times, his eyes were shining, this man was so huge, when Du Yu looked up, he could only roughly see the part below the typhoon's nose.

"Damn, why don't you listen to your mother?" Du Yu scolded, "Today I will replace your mother, Gaia, and teach you a lesson!"

Typhoon, it is estimated that he has been suppressed in the underground world for too long.He has already lost his sanity (although Du Yu has always believed that the Taita giants don't have much sanity at all), leaving only the instincts of reproduction and feeding.Knowing that Du Yu had killed two of his descendants and was about to attack the third one, Typhoon also lost his only sanity, and roared and attacked Du Yu.

He opened his mouth wide, and a fiery flame shot out from his ugly mouth.

Before arriving in front of Du Yu, Du Yu already felt the mortal threat and rushed towards him.

This Tifeng really deserves to be the father of so many monsters, goblins, ghosts and sprites, and he is so evil.Du Yu made a somersault, jumped up, and escaped a bombardment from Tifeng.

When he fell to the ground, Du Yu looked back, good guy, the whole ground was burned by Tifeng's fire and turned into scorched earth.

Du Yu couldn't help but be speechless.

After becoming the God of War, Du Yu's sense of self soared all the way.In particular, the ever-increasing godhead and the expansion of believers made his divine power soar, but what he dealt with were basically ordinary monsters.Even against Hades, it is not his own strength.Only after encountering this wind did he know what a real titan is!
An ancient titan that was suppressed by the mountains, leaving only its head and arms to move, was enough to make Du Yu flustered. It is not difficult to imagine that when the titan clan fought a decisive battle with the Olympus gods, the horror that would destroy the world situation!
Du Yu reckoned that if the typhoon was released and matched with him, there was a high probability that he would die in just 10 minutes.

The heart that he once felt good about himself gradually let go.

The typhoon spewed two waves of flames in a row, and Du Yu dodged left and right, but it didn't work.This violent titan was a little outraged, he roared loudly!

The entire cave was constantly trembling amidst the angry roar of the giant titan.

The sound of falling rocks was like a bell.

Even though Du Yu had broken through the middle stage of crossing the catastrophe and ascension, his Dao heart was firm, and he was a little dizzy from the roar of the typhoon.I believe that any Greek hero would be shocked into an idiot by the roar of the typhoon.

Typhoon grinned grimly and seized the opportunity. His disheveled hair turned out to be a hundred snake heads!

This is the classic shape of the typhoon in myths and legends. I did not expect the typhoon in this plot world to be the same.

A hundred snake heads, hissing, swept towards Du Yu frantically.

Du Yu shook his head abruptly, shaking off all the dizziness, and holding the Medusa shield in his hand, he shot streaks of petrified light into the air.

Snake heads one after another were hit by the petrified light of Medusa's shield, turned into stones, fell to the ground by themselves during the swing, and fell into pieces.But the pain enraged Typhoon even more, he stretched his neck furiously, and rushed towards Du Yu.There are nearly a hundred poisonous snakes on the hair, entangled and bitten, and the danger is everywhere.

Thanks to the typhoon, only his head and arms can move, so Du Yu managed to jump up, avoiding the bite of this wave of snakes.

The mouth can breathe fire, and the hair is a hundred poisonous snakes. This typhoon itself is full of monsters, no wonder it can give birth to so many monsters.

But the hundreds of poisonous snakes, after all, attacked too densely, and Du Yu couldn't dodge. He was hit by two poisonous snakes, and he barely lifted the shield of Medusa to resist the opponent's onslaught.Unexpectedly, the A-level treasure, the Medusa Shield, was shattered in an instant under the attack of the typhoon giant's snake hair!
"Damn it, damn it!"

After losing a treasure, the anger in Du Yu's heart gradually rose.

"You son of a bitch! Shame on your face. See how I accept you!" Du Yu picked up Ruyi's golden cudgel,

The great sage's stick method bombarded towards the typhoon like a cloak.

Typhoon Jie Jie laughed strangely, biting Du Yu frantically.

At this time, on the banks of the Styx River.

The dark Kratos who came back again followed Du Yu's traces all the way to the other side.

"You just missed a good chance to kill Du Yu," Hun said gloomyly.

"Yes, I thought Du Yu would die in the Styx." Dark Kratos hesitated: "But please believe me, I can definitely kill this guy."

"According to my detection, he is now on his way to the Temple of Destiny, trying to return to the moment when Zeus killed him with the supreme treasure of the Goddess of Destiny - the Mirror of Time, and kill Zeus in reverse." Hum slowly closed Eyes: "As I said, this game has been played for too long. I hope to accept it."

"You will get what you want." Dark Kratos knelt on one knee and said, "My strength has increased by a lot with your divine power. I will not leave any chance for Du Yu in this encounter."

Zeus was also frantically searching for traces of Du Yu.

"Where did this guy go?" Zeus said furiously, "The underworld has lost his trace."

"Hum gave us a hint that he might have gone to the Temple of Fate." Poseidon said cautiously, "Should we go after him?"

(End of this chapter)

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