Chapter 1426 Immortal Art Crushing!Beat the Titans! - Please subscribe!

"Three goddesses of fate??" Zeus closed his eyes and murmured: "Croso, Lachesis, and Atropos. Their task is to spin the thread of destiny in the world, and at the same time cut the thread of life in order. They have the treasure [Mirror of Destiny] that even I cannot control. This object can allow the owner to teleport back to the node of fate and change his own fate. It can also be used on others to change the fate of others. In short, time can change everything. "

His face became more and more gloomy: "This Du Yu, does he want to use the [Mirror of Fate] to change everything inherent? I must stop him! I will persuade the three goddesses of fate to end Du Yu's fate!"

Athena leaned comfortably and lazily on the pillars of the temple, staring at the end of the sky with a smile on her lips.

"Du Yu, you are doing very well. I hope to hear good news from you." Athena's beautiful sea-blue eyes flashed with wisdom or cunning: "I have a premonition that my destiny to become a god depends on my destiny." on you."

The battle between Du Yu and the typhoon was in full swing.

Leaving the underworld and going outside, Du Yu regained the energy of heaven and earth, and could use fairy arts.He was flying in mid-air at this time, and one after another, the spells in the Taiping Essential Technique bombarded Typhoon's body.

"Breakthrough the perfect realm of crossing the catastrophe and ascending, the strength is really different from before." Du Yu looked excited, and continued to cast spells: "My immortal power has increased by more than three times, so the comparison, in the end, is actually higher than the divine power. "

Among the seven realms of cultivating immortals, the improvement of each realm is ten times stronger than the next realm!And each realm is divided into three levels: initial completion, consummation, and great perfection. The improvement of the level is three or four times the strength!

Du Yu's power composition at this time is divided into three distinct systems—Xianli system (passing the catastrophe and ascending to perfection), divine power system (divine power 1.9, total divine power 100 million) and martial arts skill system (complementing with the immortal power system) .Finally, there is the spatial ability, which is just Du Yu's immortal power and divine power transformed into another more advanced form of energy.

In this world, after Du Yu obtained Pandora's Box and opened the divine power system, the divine power system with a total of over one million points indeed surpassed the immortal power system with less than [-] points in an instant.However, compared with the Xianli system, the Western divine power system has far less stamina.

One is that the Xianli system is unpredictable and can be improved all the way up.Du Yu still has at least two realms and 7 levels to improve, and the total amount of energy can also show an exponential skyrocketing increase of hundreds of times!As for the improvement of divine power, the former is easy and the latter is difficult, and the latter is extremely slow.

The second is that celestial power belongs to its own energy, which mobilizes the vitality of heaven and earth, and hardly depends on external conditions.The divine power is an external force, which relies heavily on the believer's faith. If a hostile god digs out your nest, you will have to fall and sleep forever.Isn't this the strategy of extraterrestrial demons against space gods?
The third is priority.In the fairy art system, the priority of skills is generally higher than that of divine magic.At this time, Du Yu deeply felt the innate superiority of the oriental fairy art!
Because of his celestial art, he can fight against the typhoon's divine power without any difficulty, and can even catch the typhoon's weakness and give him a hard blow.

While manipulating the immortal power that had just broken through, Du Yu scattered beans into soldiers, summoned the wind and rain, and bombarded the typhoon. At the same time, he picked up the Ruyi golden cudgel, seized the opportunity, and slammed it over, causing the typhoon to cry and howl.

The unexpected breakthrough on the Styx made Du Yu's strong self-confidence. Even in the face of a typhoon, Du Yu played extremely boldly, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

The typhoon is out of anger.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary mortal actually inflicted severe injuries on himself.Could it be that the current Greek heroes are all so brave?

He felt a little regretful. Since this person was recommended by his mother Gaia for help, it would be a good idea to give him a little help. Why was he so impulsive and wanted to fight him?

But the self-esteem and arrogance of being a famous Titan made Typhoon give up the idea of ​​reconciliation, and threw himself into the battle even more fanatically.

Flames spewed out from his mouth continuously, his hair turned into hundreds of pythons at every moment, and his giant hand swept towards him at high speed.In the face of the titan's brute force that shakes the world, I believe that any living thing will tremble.

Du Yu also had to admire that the Titans were worthy of being the creators of the world.Their physical conditions are simply gods of talent.Although they don't have the powerful spells of the later Olympus gods, they can still rule the world and call the wind and rain with their surprisingly perverted bodies of demon gods!
Du Yu is another one of the "Three Beats of the Bones" in the Great Sage's Stick Technique. This move is Sun Wukong's idea from the Three Beats of the Bones. It consists of three moves in a row, with one stick left, one right, and one up. Each move is powerful. Can be doubled.The last stick fell down, and it really had the potential to destroy the world.

His target was the eyeball of the typhoon.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

Typhoon, a perverted demon god like Typhoon, might have more than ten million health points, and even Zeus couldn't kill him. It would be extremely difficult to kill him by fighting with Du Yu.Besides, his ability to regenerate and recover, he recovers while fighting, and if he doesn't fight back, Du Yu can't die after fighting for a year or so.Du Yu intends to use Hydra's poisonous glands to limit the regeneration of Typhoon, but when he thinks about it carefully, Typhoon can give birth to a son like Hydra, who has the hair of a poisonous snake, so there seems to be no doubt about his poison resistance.Using Xu Dela's toxin by myself, I'm afraid it's just a waste of effort in front of Guan Gong's door.

Better to give him violence.

Poke blind eyes directly!See if he is still convinced?
Du Yu used the space ability, and instantly teleported to the front of the typhoon's eyelids, and the stick method [Three Beating Bones] was launched fiercely!
One left, one right, two sticks smashed into Typhoon's right eyeball!
The typhoon roared in grief.His right eye was bleeding profusely, and the eyeball almost burst.

Du Yu yelled, and rushed down from top to bottom angrily, hitting the typhoon's eyeball.

It really worked,

The typhoon's right eye was miserably smashed by Du Yu, and there was only a slap like a water polo bursting, and the tissue fluid from the eyeball splashed all over Du Yu's body and face!
The typhoon's counterattack was also extremely fierce. Its huge giant hands grabbed Du Yu's waist and squeezed it hard.

Du Premonition felt that under the tremendous force of the typhoon, the lumbar vertebrae and hip bones made extreme rattling noises, and they were about to burst.

This is because Du Yu has endured the body tempering technique of God's Punishment Thunder many times, and his body's hardness and strength far exceed that of ordinary people, so he barely survived being pinched. If it was a normal human being, he would have been pinched by the typhoon like a tomato. Broken.

"Bastard!" Du Yu activated the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, the power of the Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants, plus his body strength, struggling desperately to push it away.

But the typhoon was really furious.He didn't care about Du Yu's struggle, and his other big hand volleyed down like a hill, and he was about to smash Du Yu into meatloaf!
Foreseeing that the situation was not good, Du used the spatial ability to teleport.

It has to be said that spatial abilities crush all skills in at least one aspect - priority!

With any skill, it is difficult to escape the Typhoon Giant's grasp.But this does not include spatial abilities.

Even though he was caught by the typhoon, Du Yu still managed to escape, flashing a thousand meters away.

He was gasping for breath, his chest, which had been squeezed to the limit, was breathing in the air greedily.The Taiwan risk just now took his life.

Finding that the typhoon failed to kill Du Yu, he slapped him again.

With a flash, Du Yu avoided the typhoon's attack in the air, and then rushed towards the typhoon's left eye.

Abolishing the typhoon's eyes, this guy can only succumb.

Unexpectedly, the typhoon had been prepared for this time. He opened his mouth and sprayed flames all over the sky, burning Du Yu's head. When he was busy dodging, the typhoon slapped hard.

Like a ping pong ball being hit by a baseball bat, Du Yu let out a scream and slammed into the rock wall beside him.

The solid rock wall was instantly shattered.

Du Yu's body didn't seem to be his own anymore, and he didn't have any consciousness.The bones of the body are probably cracked by at least 30 pieces.

Like an object that was slammed into the wall by an angry man, he shattered the rock wall and fell to the ground again.

After a long time, Du Yu finally regained a little consciousness, barely getting up from the bed.

It wasn't that he didn't want to take a rest, the giant hand of the typhoon took another shot.If you don't go, it will become a meatloaf.

Du Yu got up, jumped up with agility, and jumped onto a platform. The huge hand of the typhoon swept across him like a raging wave, and the strong wind made people's faces hurt.

"This bastard is really powerful." Du Yu looked at the rock wall that was shattered in an instant, feeling a little scared.

It would be great if he had a useful long-range weapon. Du Yu looked up at the typhoon's red left eye, as long as he shot the eye, the typhoon would be useless.

"Hit east and west!" He made up his mind, teleported to the left side of the typhoon in an instant, and the Ruyi golden cudgel fell down.

The typhoon focused on protecting the only eyeball. When he found that Du Yu was still tirelessly hitting his eyeball, he became furious and knocked off Du Yu's stick with a wave of his hand.To him, Du Yu was like a mosquito and a bee in size and power. Although one blow would not be fatal as long as it missed the eyeballs, but he was so entangled that he could not wait to shout: "It's okay to suck blood, don't mess with BB!"

Du Yu teleported instantly.It is said that since the acquisition of this space ability, Du Yu has used the teleportation technique the most, which can be called green and pollution-free, and he can use it as he wants.Compared with the abilities of the other three chosen ones, Du Yu's space abilities may be the most inconspicuous, but their practicality crushed them to ashes.

For example, Tattaglia's time ability, isn't it amazing?But it can only be used once in a while.

Amin's mechanical ability can even control and activate the Transformers, but if the Transformers break down, everything will be a tragedy.

Deni's reincarnation ability sounds more powerful, but how many times can you use it?

(End of this chapter)

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