Chapter 1427 Artifact Bow and Arrow!Typhoon disaster! -Second more please subscribe!
It's not as good as Du Yu's ability to teleport back and forth in space, combined with his martial arts melee talent, it's a perfect match.

Typhoon painfully found that his eyeball had been attacked again, and with even greater anger, waved his hand to grab it back.

Unfortunately, Du Yu chose to teleport again.

After two time lags, Du Yu's rhythm completely highlighted the clumsiness of the typhoon, just like Ronaldo dribbling a high school guard, the typhoon couldn't catch up with Du Yu's speed.

Du Yu's great sage stick technique got his wish and hit the typhoon's only eyeball!

The typhoon roared loudly, and his body trembled in pain.

This time, Du Yu got what he wanted.

As the left eyeball exploded, the tissue fluid splashed, and a shiny object flowed out, dripping in the disgusting eye fluid.

Du Yu flew down, grabbed the shiny object, and rushed out of the cave.

It's not that he was conservative and didn't want to take the opportunity to kill the typhoon, but that Du Yu had self-knowledge.

Who is a typhoon?

Even Zeus, the king of the sky, barely defeated the typhoon, but couldn't kill him, so he was trapped under this mountain range. Could it be that Du Yu was so arrogant that he was stronger than Zeus?
What good would it do for him to fight fiercely with the typhoon?

Titans such as Typhoon have no godhood!

This is the biggest difference between the Titans and the gods of Olympus.To put it simply, what the Titans rely on is their own extraordinary and holy demon body.With their physical bodies, they are enough to overwhelm mountains and overwhelm everything. There is no need to pretend to be gods and trick ghosts like weak gods, and rely on miracles to deceive human beings into the power of faith.In addition, the more important reason is that when the Titans were born, there were only them and no humans

Therefore, human beings will never believe in the Titans.Without the power of faith, it is naturally impossible to condense a godhead.

Without the benefit of a godhead, why would Du Yu want to fight this powerful typhoon to the death?The typhoon's HP must have exceeded one million, and the HP healed every second was thousands of, and its own attack was extremely powerful. If it was not careful, it would be dead and the lights would go out.Du Yu went crazy and fought him to the death?

Looking at the shiny weapon soaked in tissue fluid, Du Yu showed a smile in his eyes.

That is the divine bow: [Typhoon's Scourge]!
[Typhoon's Scourge]: S-class weapon, artifact.Created by Typhoon, the famous strongman of the Titan family.It uses the sinews of the Colchis dragon (the son of the typhoon, the sleepless dragon who guards the famous golden fleece) and the snake hair of Gorgon (the daughter of the typhoon) as the bowstring, and the bowstring of Radon (the son of the typhoon, the hundred-year-old dragon). The bow is made of the keel of the giant dragon (the guardian of the golden apples), and the lion mane of the Nemean lion (the son of the typhoon, so huge that it cannot be hurt by axes and swords) is used as decoration, and the strange power of the typhoon and the mother of monsters, Ichid, are infused. Na (upper body is a beauty, lower body is a snake) soul.It has become the most proud weapon of Typhoon.Requires more than 300 strength points to use.When hitting an enemy, the additional effect [Typhoon's Calamity] will randomly receive the strongest blow from Typhoon, Echidna and their monster children.

Du Yu was secretly refreshed when he saw it.

Hey, this is the first artifact he got!
The scourge of the typhoon is still a long-range bow and arrow. When it hits, it can cause the enemy to suffer the strongest blow from the typhoon and its children.This effect should not be underestimated.

Du Yu fought against several children of Typhoon.Whether it is Hydra, Cerberus, Medusa or the Caucasus Eagle, they all have extremely strong strength.Every time Du Yu wins, it is a narrow victory.

Who dares to say that being hit by [Typhoon Calamity] will definitely not die?
It just so happens that the hit rate of the bow and arrow is related to the agility value, and the damage is related to the strength.Whether it is agility or strength, Du Yu has a solid foundation, and can even be called invincible at the same level, outstanding.He can look forward to the power of this weapon.

Du Yu immediately equipped the [Typhoon Scourge] and walked towards Prometheus.

Seeing Du Yu go and come back, the Caucasus giant eagle landed coldly on the cliff, staring at Du Yu.

When Du Yu opened the [Typhoon's Calamity], the Caucasian giant eagle's expression changed instantly, and with a neighing sound, it spread its wings and charged towards Du Yu.

As a legendary monster, it rushed to Du Yu's face in an instant like lightning, and grabbed Du Yu's eyeballs with its sharp claws like knives.

Du Yu made a quick decision and shot an arrow.

The Caucasus giant eagle, being pierced by a bow and arrow, screamed sharply!
It's very strange, this blow happened to trigger the brute force of the master in [Typhoon's Scourge], Typhoon!
With this blow, the Caucasian giant eagle, like a chick being hit by a baseball bat, screamed tragically, hit the cliff, and the eagle feathers flew all over the sky.

Du Yu chuckled, he didn't expect that "Typhoon Disaster" would be so powerful that even the giant Caucasus eagle couldn't withstand it.

He unhurriedly pulled away [Typhoon's Calamity], and shot another arrow like a thunderbolt.

Before the Caucasian giant eagle recovered from the dizziness, it was shot into the body by this arrow again.

This arrow inspired the power of Chimera, a legendary monster in [Typhoon's Calamity]!

The so-called [Typhoon's Calamity], as the name suggests, is that when the bow and arrow hits, the strongest blow of the typhoon and many monster children will randomly appear, causing harm to the world.

Chimera in Greek mythology looks like a lion with a lion's body and a lion's head, with a head like a sheep and a python's tail on its back.This kind of image is also used in many plot designs. For example, the castle in [Resident Evil 4] has three major fragments, and the integrated image is Chimera.

Chimera's strongest attack lies in its lion head, horns, and python tail, attacking together.

The unlucky Caucasian giant eagle triggered three special effects in a row, and it was so painful that its health dropped rapidly.

With one last arrow, Du Yu rushed towards the thunder.

The Caucasian giant eagle was finally hit, this time it was even more ruthless, it inspired the power of his compatriot sister Medusa, a gloomy light flashed, and the Caucasian giant eagle turned into a stone.

The tragedy is that it didn't even have a godhead, so it just fell straight down and disappeared into the flames below.

Prometheus glanced at Du Yu gratefully, and said loudly, "I have been tortured by this Caucasian giant eagle for countless years. Today it finally died. I can leave with peace of mind."

Du Yu held the "Typhoon's Calamity" and shot the iron chain.

Prometheus fell into the fire, ending his miserable life.

As he fell with a smile on his face, Du Yu also got a new magic.

[Wrath of the Titans]: It can be launched with divine power, and each time it needs to consume 10 divine power.After using it, Du Yu will have the same power as a titan (about 10000 power points after digitization).With the help of Fury of the Titans, Du Yu can burst out with great power.

Du Yu returned to the place where Tianma was suppressed, and launched the wrath of the titans!
This Wrath of the Titans was the first divine spell that Du Yu obtained to release divine power.Once activated, Du Yu's body suddenly swelled up like Ares, standing between the sky and the earth, majestic like Zeus, his body was filled with inexhaustible power, and he was so depressed that he was about to explode.

With a roar, Du Yu leaned down, opened the typhoon's finger, and rescued Tianma.

Tianma snorted excitedly, exhaled white air, and ran to rub against Du Yu's body.

Du Yu rode it back to the sky and headed for the island of destiny at the end of the world.

But the three goddesses of fate seemed to be deliberately preventing Du Yu from finding them easily.Along the way, Du Yu encountered numerous monster enemies blocking him, and fought bloody battles endlessly along the way.

Just after sending off a wave of mermaid fish demons rising from the sea, another wave of harpies (Harpy) rushed towards us.

In Greek mythology, these banshees, born of the sea maiden Eliga and the sea god Taomas, have long-term diarrhea, and the stench is pungent when they fly. .The harpy symbolizes the quality of the raging wind, so it comes and goes as quickly as the wind.After being approached by them, they scratched with sharp claws, which was very difficult to deal with.

Du Yu smiled coldly, took out [Typhoon Calamity], activated his divine power, and shot out bows and arrows with lightning.With his agility of more than 500, he can be called a sharpshooter, piercing Yang with a hundred steps, hitting the harpies one after another with his bow and arrow, and triggering the monster power of [Typhoon Scourge] from time to time.How can these thin monsters withstand the divine power of the titan monsters in [Typhoon's Calamity]?The feathers that were shot one after another flew and fell into the sea.

It was another long and distant journey. As the sun gradually set in the west, Du Yu finally saw the island of destiny at the far end of the world.

The Island of Destiny is not too big. It hangs alone overseas. The island is distributed in a figure-eight shape. There is a temple hidden in the green forest on it. It should be the most mysterious existence in the world-the Temple of Destiny.Inside is the treasure of heaven and earth - the mirror of time and space, which claims to be able to change people's fate against the sky. The three goddesses of fate are guarding the mirror of time and space.

Du Yu rode the celestial horse and slowly landed on the island.

On the island, Du Yu heard Gaia's voice again.

"Son, have you successfully arrived at the island of destiny?" Gaia's desolate voice came: "You must obtain the mirror of fate of the three goddesses of fate, so that you can return to the moment before you were killed by Zeus. But the three goddesses of fate will not let you Anyone who touches that artifact. You've got trouble to deal with."

Du Yu smiled conceitedly.

Isn't that what you do?Who is afraid of whom?

I don't know what about Tataglia and the others?
Du Yu stepped on the beach and saw four giant horses by the sea. The man who drove these giant horses was the legendary Greek hero Theseus.

When it comes to Theseus, you may not know it, but when it comes to the monster cow who killed the Minotaur labyrinth and the hero who rescued boys and girls, everyone knows it.

The deeds of Theseus don't stop there. He was the most powerful king of Athens. He once hijacked Helen and indirectly triggered the Trojan War.He accomplished countless heroic deeds, and his name was widely legendary among the Athenians.

Du Yu stepped forward and talked with Theseus.

Theseus is very arrogant: "Like you, I am also one of the warriors who was called by fate to come to this island of fate and try to change my own destiny. Although mortals can see the Temple of Destiny, they still cannot enter it. It is Like fate, it is high above and cannot be touched. If you want to enter this temple, you must defeat all competitors and obtain all the keys before you can enter the temple."

(End of this chapter)

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