Chapter 1428 Destiny key!Time and Space Ritual! -Subscribe for the third watch!
Du Yu smiled: "I heard you said so specifically, do you have the key?"

Theseus arrogantly showed the key in his hand to Du Yu: "I came a few days earlier than you, and got a key after killing a sea monster."

Du Yu laughed and said, "Since that's the case, why don't we cooperate?"

Theseus sneered: "I received an oracle, saying that you came here to fight against Zeus and plan to take away the Realm of Destiny?"

Du Yu was noncommittal and shrugged.

"Do you know that I am the most devout believer of the gods?" Theseus said decisively: "In my opinion, any blasphemous thoughts and actions are unforgivable! In my long life, I have Feeling the blessings of the gods. I am the son of the Sea Emperor! There is no way I can get along with a lunatic who is trying to kill the gods!"

Du Yu knew the life story of Theseus, he was indeed a devout believer, and he offered sacrifices for everything he did, for fear of provoking the dissatisfaction of the gods.

Fortunately, this guy has been favored by many gods in his life, and finally let him taste the sweetness, so he became superstitious.

Du Yu shrugged: "In this way, the differences between us will be very big."

"It's very big!" Theseus said with a grim smile, "Outlander! You dare to challenge the gods. In order to get the gift of God, I have to kill you. Come on!"

He suddenly drew two short Greek knives from his back, and rushed towards Du Yu like a lion.

Du Yu grinned, and drew out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel: "I've long wanted to know what level a Greek hero is, and you came just in time!"

Du Yu's Ruyi Golden Cudgel drew a golden ray of light, and slashed at Theseus fiercely.

Theseus and Du Yu, a western mythical hero and an eastern adventurer, fought viciously and fiercely together.

The power of Theseus, as he claimed, possessed the blood of Poseidon's demigod, and each blow had more than 500 points of power, plus the sound of the tsunami flashing from time to time on the two short blades, brought out The wisps of blue divine power should have been bestowed on him by the Sea Emperor Poseidon.

His combat skills are also extremely proficient.Since he left his hometown at the age of 15 and went to Athens, on the road alone, he had killed monsters and thieves such as the thief Perifertes, the tree puller Sinnis, the wild boar Fea, and the thief Sciron, which caused great arousal. Big hit.Such a guy has been fighting until his death. Among the Greek heroes, his force value is also at the top.

Du Yu fought fiercely with him, fighting all the way from the beach to the center of the island.

Theseus's combat skills are very calm and solid, with sophisticated methods, fast and ruthless moves, plus the blessing of the sea emperor on his blade, which can hinder the enemy's dodge and agility. It is indeed very threatening, and he is worthy of being a Greek hero.

But Du Yu is not easy to provoke.After the journey of becoming a god in this world, Du Yu's divine power and celestial power have both increased significantly, and his strength has greatly improved.In his eyes, only gods such as Ares, Athena, and Zeus are worthy opponents.A hero like Theseus who stays in the mortal realm is no longer his opponent.

The reason why he fought fiercely with Theseus was just to experience the fighting art of ancient Greece, to see if he could attack jade with stones from other mountains.

After fighting for 200 rounds, Theseus's double blades really started to slow down.

Although he has a strong will to fight, Du Yu has no choice but to face all the perverted gods. Even Hades has suffered a lot under Du Yu's hands.Can Theseus be stronger than Pluto?

Du Yu chuckled, and activated the wrath of the titan, his body instantly grew into the appearance of a god, his brute force was enlarged ten times, and he slammed down with the Ruyi golden cudgel!
Theseus could only utter a mournful howl.After witnessing Du Yu's transformation into a god, his courage was shattered.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which turned into a streak of golden light, smashed down hard like a shooting star with the force of a thunderbolt.

Theseus cried out in despair: "Poseidon, my father, please help me!"

While screaming, he desperately blocked the double blades on Du Yu's attack route, trying to save the fate of death.

Du Yu's golden cudgel slammed down hard, weighing more than a thousand catties, breaking through the double-edged defense in an instant.

Poor Theseus was smashed alive by Du Yu in an instant.

The legendary Greek hero, the peerless powerhouse, was beaten alive and turned into flesh and blood!
Theseus, fall.

Du Yu picked up a shiny object from the ground.There is a goddess carved on it, just like Lachesis, the goddess of fate.It should be one of the keys to open the Temple of Destiny.But to enter the temple, you have to collect other keys.

"Theseus said that there are other Greek heroes who were also summoned by the goddess of fate and came here to compete with me. I'm afraid I have to kill them to collect the keys." Du Yu thought to himself.

"The Temple of Destiny, there seems to be no way to go past it." Du Yu jumped into the air with a somersault, and saw the temple hanging alone on the highest cliff, but it was hazy, and the road could not be recognized, and above the Temple of Fate, there seemed to be a knot Due to the limit of the boundary, the flying technique cannot pass, so I have to fall down, and honestly rely on walking and keys to get in.

After Theseus died, Du Yu's attention was drawn to the four giant horses next to him.

"These four giant horses should be one of the secrets of the road"

Near the horse's head, Du Yu found the switch, opened the blindfold covering the horse's eyes, and then drove the giant horse forward.

These four giant horses moved the entire Island of Destiny abruptly like a grinder. As they staggered on the beach, a new passage opened slowly, revealing their true faces.

Du Yu walked into the passage and searched the whole island carefully.

Just as Du Yu was searching for the island of destiny, in Yunmengze, the beauties welcomed an unexpected guest—the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and received a large amount of goods brought by the Dragon King of the East China Sea through the ancient secret waterway.

"So many goods?" Shang Xiuxun exclaimed.

Among these goods, there are boxes of S-level magic cores, water-type monsters that can be tamed, minerals such as ten thousand-year gold sand, cloud jellyfish, and abyss quartz that can be used to make weapons, and various precious specialties in the sea. The electric eel emperor with increased electric system repair, such as the murloc gills that can breathe underwater, and weapons and equipment made of bones and fish skins of the sea tribe.Even including the mountains of fish, shrimp and other grains, it can be described as magnificent, with everything that one expects to find.

Due to the large amount of goods, the Dragon King who came in person had to bring hundreds of space rings, each of which could hold thousands of tons of goods.As a result, more than [-] tons of goods were unloaded in Yunmengze's warehouse.

"The total value of these goods exceeds 1000 billion survival points," Wang Yuyan exclaimed after finishing the calculation.

"What does this mean?" Su Daji turned her fox eyes, and looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea charmingly.A trace of suspicion flashed in the fox's eyes.

The Dragon King laughed loudly and said, "You girl, you are really suspicious. Could it be that you still don't trust my Dragon Clan? Don't forget, it was I who risked my life to sneak into Hum's Heavenly Demon Palace and got Du Yu's whereabouts."

All the girls nodded.The actions of the Dragon King of the East China Sea this time made the girls feel grateful.

The Dragon King said with emotion: "I don't want to go to the Temple of Three Treasures. We have agreed on a transaction quota of 3000 billion survival points as a condition for exchanging the second true god keel. But Hum is too hard on us, the crisis is imminent, and I really wait for it." It won’t be that long. This time, I’ll simply give you an advance payment of 1000 billion survival points, plus my life-saving grace to Du Yu, so I can always take the keel first and study for a while, right?”

Shen Luoyan winked at all the girls, and walked out of the crowd: "Old Dragon King, our gratitude to you is beyond words. This 1000 billion advance payment is enough to prove the sincerity of the East China Sea Dragon Clan. But really, we Your husband will carry this second piece of true god keel with you, even if we want to take it out, we will not be able to get it."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea's face darkened: "So, you still don't trust my Dragon Clan?"

Seeing that the two parties were about to break up unhappy, Qinglian suddenly said: "Sisters, I can replace my father and guarantee that I, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, will not have any ill intentions towards brother Du Yu. In addition, the transaction amount of 2000 billion will also Perform it truthfully. After all, this is a matter of mutual benefit. We have already done something that violates the rules of Warcraft, and it is okay to do more. But the time is really tight. When Brother Du Yu returns, there will be very little time left for the Dragon Clan to understand Yes. Please help us think of a way, sisters.”

The beauties had to face up to Qinglian's request.

In addition, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is indeed very sincere towards this true god keel, and it is also a report and a gift, so he is embarrassed not to give a positive response.

In the end, all women's eyes were on Catherine.

Speaking of Catherine's arrival, everyone was really surprised.Unexpectedly, Model and Du Yu are the same person.Some women know this news, and some don't.

As the Queen of Shinra, Catherine gave birth to Du Yu's child, and became the temporary leader and backbone of the beauties.

Catherine stared at the Dragon King, and said slowly: "The Dragon King and I have a close cooperation, so I don't need to say more. We can't refuse your request. But the things are really not in our hands. If the Dragon King has a way, we can contact you. Husband, send it over, I will just wait for my approval."

This was originally Catherine's evasion strategy.But unexpectedly, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, with an expression of "I knew it earlier", picked up a weird box in his hand, which surprised the girls.

"What is this?" Wan Wan asked curiously.

"Don't move around." The Dragon King of the East China Sea said with a chuckle: "This is a fairy treasure flowing out of your space, called [Time and Space Ritual]. It is extremely mysterious, and I only recently figured out how to use it. Its biggest function is It can be exchanged across space.”

"How to exchange?" Houhou regained his spirit.

"For example, if I put something in it, someone in another world can take it away." The Dragon King of the East China Sea grinned and said, "In this way, Du Yu can use this thing to give me the Dragon Bone of the True God. "

(End of this chapter)

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