Chapter 1430 Suffering and hatred are deep!Hum, I'm in a hurry! -Subscribe for the third watch!
But the progress of the matter was completely beyond his expectation.

Du Yu is the wrath of the Titans, the scourge of the typhoon, the head of Medusa, various weapons and artifacts, combined with Du Yu's Great Sage Stick Technique and Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Si was overwhelmed and completely powerless to fight back.

Looking at Kratos who was beaten back step by step, Hum was so angry that he pushed down the stone table and smashed the copybook.

"Zhuzi Ganer!" Hun suddenly stood up, walking back and forth in the palace impatiently.

"Are you going to lose again?" He watched the battle anxiously.

Du Yu became more and more courageous in the battle, the golden cudgel waved like lightning, the somersault cloud leaped thousands of miles, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon struck fiercely, and the frequent bursts of divine power were like the wrath of God. This kind of opponent, Kratos, who cannot use divine magic, is simply Can't handle it.

Hum finally realized that Du Yu had leaped into the dragon's gate and transformed into a dragon by the weather, becoming an existence not to be underestimated.

His decision to let his clone Kratos deal with Du Yu was wrong in itself!
"Hmph!" The anxiety in Hum's heart didn't stop there.

He can maintain the dream of eternal sleep because of his absolute suppression of the Olympus pantheon.Even if the Olympus gods are united, they are not his opponents.These gods would willingly lie at Hum's feet, bow their heads and treat their ears as his grandsons, and stay in the dream world obediently.

But Du Yu defeated him five times and three times, knocking him down.

If Du Yu succeeded again this time, it would be the fourth time he destroyed his clone.

It is a trivial matter to lose one's own strength first.Once the Olympus gods believe that they are weak and can be overthrown, they will attack them in groups and respond to Du Yu, then the problem will be big.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Hum's eyes.

Had to.

He slapped the table suddenly, and a dark and gloomy devilish energy passed through the void.

In order to save the defeat, he sent a tenth of the magic power in his body into the void in one breath to support the clone in trouble.

Back and forth, Hum has invested one-third of his magic power in this world.

Empress Nuwa, who was in charge of monitoring the order of the space, frowned.

If it was before, Hum would blatantly interfere with the plot world and input magic power, basically no one would interfere.Even GMs such as Lu, Lan Lei, Hong Xuan, and Qian Fang Yuan couldn't stop them.Just kidding, how powerful are the extraterrestrial demons, how can they allow ordinary managers to interfere?
But this time, unfortunately, there are gods in the space, and this goddess, Nuwa Empress, has her beautiful eyes wide open, staring at Du Yu all the time.This blatant cheating trick was immediately exposed.

Empress Nuwa snorted coldly, and transmitted the voice to God Fuxi.

When Fuxi heard that the Hum possessed him before, he blatantly invaded the space plot world and tried to interfere with the trend of the plot.

Hum's divine power has just passed through the space shield and entered the parallel world interface of the plot world, trying to pass it on to the clone Kratos, but an innate gossip map flies in the air.

This is a sign of Fuxi's supernatural power.

Poor Hum, in the space shield, he has to face the weakening of the space rules, and he has to be flanked back and forth by Nuwa Empress and Fuxi who are more familiar with the rules and master the rules.The divine power he passed on in the past has already been planted!

Empress Nuwa and God Fuxi have never been so happy.

Sure enough, Hum tried his best to transmit the divine power, which was attacked by Nuwa and Fuxi in mid-air, restrained by the gradually repairing space rules, with ten to one powers, and soon suffered a disastrous defeat.Fuxi's innate gossip map and Nuwa's immortal spells wiped out Hum's supporting magic power, leaving not even a trace of magic energy left.

Hum, who was waiting in the Demon God's Temple, roared angrily, and almost passed out from the anger.

Kratos, who was fighting, saw that the situation was not good, and suddenly used a magic given to him by Hades, the king of the underworld [Pluto escape]: he can walk across the world of the sun and the underworld for a short time, and can pass through any obstacles to reach the place he wants to go , will flee.

This Hades escape is not used by the Pluto and the demon generals of the underworld, but the cost for living mortals to use it is that the lifespan is shortened dramatically.Therefore, Kratos was forced to use it last.

But he is still tragic.

Because in Du Yu's camp, there are two magic masters, Tattaglia and Galadriel.Especially the Elven Queen, even at the expense of using the power of the Silmarillion!

"Grandfather's Silmarillion, heed my call from Galadriel!" On Galadriel's forehead, the Silmarillion suddenly burst out with a breathtaking light: "I am willing to pay any price for the one in front of me!" Human appearance!"

In the world of Middle-earth, the Silmarillion is an ancient artifact that all the gods will fight for!Around the three Silmarillions, the history of the war between Aman and Middle-earth was written.In view of the tragic death of her grandfather, father uncle, and four brothers under the Silmaril, Galadriel has always been jealous, and has not used the Silmaril with all her strength.But Kratos repeated five times and three times, which was not good for Du Yu, so she also went all out and paid a heavy price to kill this person!

Where the light of the Silmarillion passed, Dark Kratos covered his eyes and howled miserably from the void, illuminated by the light of the Silmarillion.

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Well done, Queen!"

He swung the golden cudgel, turned somersault clouds, leaped high, and smashed down hard!

That momentum, that ferocity, that arrogance, made Galadriel intoxicated, and even Tataglia, who refused to be Du Yu's mistress, had beautiful eyes.

Under this crazy offensive, what else can Dark Kratos do?
Avatar of the extraterrestrial demon, pawn.

Hum saw that his two powers were wiped out in the God of War world, not even a fart was left, and his furious roar shook the entire world of God of War!
"No! No!" Hum had already lost his mind.

With whom, in the case of taking advantage, it would be so crazy to lose a little bit of chips.

Originally, in the world of God of War, Hum had an absolute advantage over the divine power of the Olympus pantheon. Otherwise, Zeus, Hades and other careerists, why should they be like dogs, huh?
He was worried that the Beast Tide War had just failed and he would not be able to fully invade the space. He was afraid that he would directly enter the world of God of War and cause a strong reaction from Nuwa and Fuxi, so he secretly sent his clone to assassinate Du Yu.

As a result, the avatars were killed and annihilated by Du Yu time and time again.

But after repeated failures in the avatar, his magic power has dropped by 5%!
Although he has the power of faith from the monsters of Dongying Continent to continuously support and nourish him, his magic power loss at this time is only more than [-]%, but the attitude of the gods of the Olympus pantheon towards him will definitely change.

Guys like Zeus and Hades have long been eager to move, knowing that his magic power has been weakened, they will definitely rebel!

Hum's eyes were red.

He will never allow another god to be awakened from the eternal sleep dream that he is responsible for guarding.Then he will become the sinner of the colonial planet creature!
Up to now, there is no need to worry about any future troubles.

Hun looked crazy, and took out a delicate wooden board.

On this wooden board, the mountains, seas, plants and trees in the world of God of War in the Mediterranean Sea are lifelike and wonderfully crafted, as if shrinking the world of God of War into it.

This is not accidental.

"This is the [motherboard] of the God of War world! I stole it from the space, as the last line of defense to imprison the gods!" Hum's eyes were filled with endless madness: "At that time, I thought that once the dream of eternal sleep was destroyed, I would use it to destroy it. Destroy the whole world with the motherboard method. Now Du Yu has completely angered me. Since I can’t kill Du Yu with normal methods, I simply destroy the whole world. Although this will consume all my magic power, I will fall into a temporary long sleep , but it's better than being rescued by Du Yu from the gods!"

His hoof stomped heavily on the [motherboard], and streams of black devilish energy blatantly invaded the world of God of War.

"Hey, it's actually not difficult at all to destroy a parallel world in a space!" Hum's red bull eyes stared at a point on the motherboard: "As long as you can find the birth point of this world and bombard it with supreme divine power, you can do it!" Trigger the node effect!"

What is a motherboard?

As the name suggests, in the space, the plot world is composed of countless parallel worlds.For example, the Mediterranean plot world where God of War is located, this world shares a world template with many plots.

In the database of the space, the data of countless such worlds are preserved.

At that time, after defeating the gods of space, Hum and other heavenly demons were unable to kill and destroy them all. They had no choice but to retreat into the space world and steal several world motherboards as the prison for sealing the gods—the world of eternal sleep. And take the motherboard into your hands as a last resort to destroy these prisons!
With his magical skills covering the mother board of this world, one can discover the real weakness of this world.

Once the scan is completed, how the world is, will be clear to the chest.

Not long after, Hum discovered the weakness of the world.

"So! In this world, the birth of the gods actually originated from the holy fire at the peak of Mount Olympus. The original Titans were born in this holy fire and chaos. The Titans and the gods all relied on this The holy fire that symbolizes the inheritance of the gods. The role of the holy fire is actually to connect the power of faith of believers in this world with the godhead. As long as I ignite the holy fire of Mount Olympus at a faster rate."

He grinned contemptuously and said: "In a short period of time, the gods who control Mount Olympus, especially Zeus, will possess supreme divine power. With his ambition and long-term erosion of demon energy, his body, It will expand infinitely. The Olympus pantheon will fall into the rhythm of the gods killing each other and self-destruction! Moreover, I will tell Zeus that I am willing to give up the control of the world, enough to let me usually be suppressed by me, and be suppressed by me. The Olympus pantheon, which was forced to unite as one, fell apart in an instant!"

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "But what Zeus didn't know was that every world must obey the natural law of prosperity and decline. Originally, the holy fire on Mount Olympus was like a trickle, but it lasted for a long time. It can last at least a few more epochs!"

(End of this chapter)

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