Chapter 1431 Retreat as Advance!Defile the flame! - Please subscribe!

Hum sneered and said: "For gods, every planet with believers has an era. For example, on the earth, large-scale extinctions have been carried out three times, and human beings are creatures of the fourth era. But ignited by my magic power Afterwards, the divine power of Zeus and other gods has greatly increased, but the destruction of this world will be greatly advanced. The human beings who have been exploited by the gods to exhaust the power of faith will be on the verge of collective extinction. And the gods will eventually be destroyed and sleep forever. It’s worth it to run out of magic power this time!”

Knowing that he could no longer keep his own world, the extraterrestrial demon Hum finally made up his mind to completely destroy this dreamland of eternal sleep.

His eyeballs are round.

On the summit of Olympus, a black devilish energy flashed.

Zeus, the king of the sky, Poseidon, the king of the sea, Apollo, the god of light, and Hera, the queen of the gods, and other gods immediately sensed the abnormality, and each with their own weapons, they appeared around the black air and surrounded it.

Zeus turned into a gigantic image of a giant god, holding the divine weapon Olympus sword in one hand, and the natal weapon Lightning Spear in the other. He stood in front of the gods and roared like a torrent of bells: "Hum! We are imprisoned in this world, have always abided by our previous agreement, and have never violated the rules! Why did you tear up the peace agreement and come to my Mount Olympus? Could it be true that bullying our gods can't beat you? "

Hera, the queen of heaven, wearing a laurel crown, wearing a long robe, and a pair of majestic and jealous phoenix eyes, glanced at Hum who had come all the way, and suddenly sneered: "Zeus! Didn't you find out? The devil above the gods of Olympus, his magical power has been reduced by half. With his remaining skill, if the gods work closely together, they will definitely be able to break through his blockade and return to the free sky!"

Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, Apollo, the god of light, and other gods were very moved. They held the artifacts tightly one by one, mobilized the power of faith, and prepared to launch a full blow against the invading Hum.

Unexpectedly, Hum smiled lightly and said, "I'm not coming this time to tear faces with you. On the contrary, I'm going to release you!"

"Release us?" Venus, the goddess of beauty, opened her watery beautiful eyes and said in disbelief, "You have such good intentions?"

Hum sneered and said, "Whether I'm so good or not, you're free, so you know."

He turned to Zeus and said, "What do you say?"

Zeus had a cold expression on his face. To the Hum who threatened to surrender, he no longer had the servility of the past, and said majesticly: "What tricks do you have, hurry up and use them!"

Hum said indifferently: "I believe you are aware of the reason for my withdrawal. It is because of a mortal! Your god of war, Du Yu!"

Hearing this, Zeus and the gods looked very unhappy.

The gods of Greek mythology have very anthropomorphic personalities.They are happy and sad, jealous and angry.Why did Zeus kill Du Yu?
Because Du Yu killed his son Ares as a mortal!
Although Ares turned to the foreign god Hung and became a traitor of Mount Olympus and must be eliminated, Zeus also acquiesced and even secretly assisted Du Yu in killing the gods, but afterwards Zeus must put Du Yu to death , because of the potential shown by Du Yu, he felt intimidated!
Today, Ares and Helios were killed by Du Yu one after another, Hades, the king of the underworld, was defeated and fell into a deep sleep, and even the extraterrestrial demon Hum, who has always been above the gods, admitted that he was not as good as Du Yu and wanted to give up the world. Dominion!

How can this prevent Zeus from feeling angry?
"That mortal? Humph!" Zeus snorted coldly, "I've already killed him once. If he appears in front of me again without knowing what to do, I will kill him a second time! Until his soul is completely destroyed!"

Hum smiled contemptuously and said: "Zeus! My current magic power is still much greater than yours! So I advise you, don't underestimate this Du Yu. He has colluded with your daughter Athena and foreign gods, and his power will definitely exceed yours. Imagining. However, before I leave, I have a gift for you."

He pushed away Poseidon who was blocking his way, but with Zeus' tacit approval, Poseidon didn't move.

Hung slowly walked to the holy flame of Mount Olympus, turned his head and smiled, "I have lost to this Du Yu several times, and I hate him very deeply, so I bestow my power on you, making you an invincible existence !"

His hands slowly entered the holy flame.

The gods uttered exclamations, and Apollo's golden sun bow, Poseidon's Neptune's trident, Venus' rose of beauty, and Dionysus' great iron chain all aimed at Hum at the same time.

The sacred flame of Olympus is the symbol of Mount Olympus, and it is also the source of energy that the gods must protect.If the holy flame is extinguished, even if there is a godhead, it will not be able to obtain divine power from the believers.

Zeus groaned silently, his eyes majestic preventing the gods from doing anything.

"Hum, what are you going to do?" Zeus King Kong said with a voice like thunder.

"I said that I will give you all my power! You are free from now on! You will no longer be prisoners of my demons from outside the territory!" Hum's voice full of temptation sounded, and he stretched out his hand little by little. in flames.

The burning of the holy fire caused his hand to disappear quickly, turning into streaks of devilish energy and entering the holy fire.

The holy flame suddenly rose up!
If the previous Olympus holy fire was a crimson sacred fire, although the holy fire at this time is dozens of times stronger than before, there is a layer of black flames in the center, which makes people tremble when they look at it .

The flame of Olympus, defiled by HUNG!
"You!" Apollo was impulsive, and the golden Sun God Bow in his hand suddenly shot out a golden line!
However, to his own surprise, the power of this golden thread is much stronger than the previous Apollo Divine Bow!
A golden light wrapped in a magnificent light instantly penetrated Hum who was standing in front of the holy flame!
All the gods of Zeus noticed the sudden increase in Apollo's divine power, and surprise flashed in their eyes.

However, the divine arrow pierced Hum's body, but shot directly at the rock opposite the holy fire altar, smashing the indestructible rock on the sacred mountain into slag!
Apollo himself was a little surprised, looked at his hands and said: "It's strange, my godhead has not changed, and there are still so many believers, but my divine power has more than tripled. In the past, my bow and arrow could never smash the peak of Mount Olympus." stone."

The gods checked themselves one after another, and found that their divine power, as Apollo said, had expanded several times.

Poseidon, the Emperor of the Sea, raised the Trident of the Sea God high and gave a heavy meal. Waves of overwhelming waves swept across all the coastal cities of Greece, reaching a height of more than 5 meters.

Countless followers of the Sea God fell to their knees piously, praying for the Sea God to be happy and angry.

This power has reached the level of a miracle.

But Poseidon felt that he had only exerted one-tenth of his divine power. If he used all his strength, he could create a tsunami that swept across the entire Mediterranean in an instant, with a height of more than 20 meters, destroying all the coastal cities!
This divine power is simply intoxicating!
Zeus looked up and laughed.

Accompanied by his laughter, thunderbolts exploded in the sky, and lightning bolts lit up the top of the sacred mountain where black flames flourished!
"This power!" All the gods changed their faces.

The one who gained the most was Zeus, the king of the sky.

His lightning power has been expanded by more than 5 times.

If it is said that Zeus in the past already possessed the divine power of the king of the sky, the power of Zeus at this time can be called a god's wrath to destroy the world!
"Very good!" Zeus woke up from the intoxication of the surge in power, and looked coldly at the already thin Hum: "Why do you increase the power of the holy fire of Mount Olympus, so that our believers can offer more The power of faith?"

As expected of a god king, although he didn't understand how Hum did it, he deduced the truth simply by guessing.

There is no such thing as power obtained for nothing in the world, and what is gained is bound to be lost.The power of the gods has been multiplied, which only shows that the believers have been drawn more power of faith.

"I just want to tell you one thing." Hum said with a smile: "I will disappear from this world forever, and I will never restrain your footsteps again. This sacred flame of Mount Olympus, which has expanded several times, is my gift to you. The last gift of . Good luck to you!"

His figure disappeared into the jumping black flame.

"This bastard, what the hell is he planning?" Apollo's shining eyes showed doubts.

Zeus looked up at the sky, closed his eyes and said calmly: "I haven't figured out his trick yet. But I really can't feel the breath of the extraterrestrial demon."

"That is to say" Poseidon boasted of his strength and waved his trident: "We are free!"

"I have to do one thing first." Zeus opened his eyes coldly and said, "Can you guess it?"

The gods looked at each other with excitement in their eyes.

"Is it the crusade against Du Yu, and Athena who colluded with him?" Poseidon laughed.

"Don't attack Athena for the time being." Hera, the queen who is close to Athena, persuaded her aloud, "I know that girl well, so I'll go and persuade her."

Zeus was also reluctant to disobey the meaning of his sister and wife Hera: "Well, you go and restrain your daughter! But Du Yu, I must kill her!"

He swung the Olympian sword hard.

On the opposite side of the Olympic Mountains, a mountain that has stood for thousands of years was split into landslides by a sword!

Zeus and the gods do not realize

In their eyes, the already heavy black aura became even more unfathomable, permeating the eyeballs, like the black eyed alien demon Hum!

This is Hum's conspiracy.For a long time, these gods have been eroded by extraterrestrial demons, trying to transform their minds, so their minds have gradually become more tyrannical, full of killing desires, and only have divine power and power in their eyes.So much so that Zeus was not alert to the power he obtained for no reason.He clearly knew that these powers were bought at the cost of excessive output of the believers' power of faith, but he didn't care anymore when the devilish energy was completely stained.

Athena looked at Mount Olympus, black air rising into the sky, and her stunning black eyebrows were further frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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