Chapter 1432 The cow chews peonies!Show off your wealth in a low-key manner! -Second more please subscribe!
She had discovered the degeneration of Mount Olympus long ago, and also discovered that the gods were gradually indulging in power and killing, but she could only be alone, keeping a distance from the gods, and refused to join forces.This is why Zeus and the gods became more and more dissatisfied with her.

Although Athena is a scheming bitch, she instinctively knows that these sudden powers are definitely not a good thing for this world.

With her eyes, she could see the human beings in the lower realm. Because the power of faith was over-extracted by the gods, they gradually became dull, slow and listless, like walking dead.

This situation will not last long, and there will be continuous death of human beings, or even extinction.

If the believers are all dead, the fall of the gods is only a matter of time.

"Zeus, you have been deceived by Hum's conspiracy, confused by your desires, you have even forgotten basic common sense." Athena looked at the dark Mount Olympus, and shook her head helplessly: "Hum was deceived by Hum!" I have been defeated many times before, and my strength has been damaged. In the end, I had to use this vicious trick. I tried to let the gods kill each other and destroy the world in the midst of self-expansion, lest we go out of this world. You are really stupid!"

She slowly released her divine power and slowed down the speed of absorbing the power of faith.The believers in Athens gradually regained some energy and could do things and continue to live.

But Athena's efforts cannot change the overall situation of the world.

The Queen of Heaven, Hera, transformed into a seagull, flew to her temple.

"I brought your father and the god-king's order, dear Athena" Although Hera was not Athena's biological mother (Athena jumped out of the head of Zeus), but she was named mother and daughter, and her relationship was irreversible, and she had a very friendly attitude. Much better for the other children of Zeus: "He asks you to leave the temple of Athens and go to Mount Olympus to be with the gods. At the same time, you must sever ties with the traitor and false god Dushu, and no longer support He is against Zeus!"

In Hera's view, her conditions were favorable enough and her attitude was gentle enough, so Athena should agree.

Who knows, Athena shook her head sadly: "Dear queen mother, don't you see that Mount Olympus is full of demonic and hostile energy? The gods are addicted to the sudden freedom and huge power. The once united Has it disappeared? Especially Zeus, whose ambition and desire have blinded the eyes of his wisdom?"

Hera frowned and said, "Hum was driven away, and we are free. What's wrong with this world returning to the hands of the gods? Zeus is certainly a bit self-willed, but he is not like this today. You go back with me, and we will be together." Think of ways to."

Athena resolutely shook her head and said, "The sacred flame of Mount Olympus has been defiled by HUNG. The gods will become more and more corrupt, and I will not go back."

Hera's face darkened, she took a deep look at Athena, and said calmly, "You seem to be really infatuated with that man, Du Yu?"

Athena shook her head and said, "This has nothing to do with my feelings."

"Nonsense!" Hera said angrily, "You think I can't see it? Why did your virgin blood disappear? You are no longer the three virgin goddesses, but a depraved and prostitute woman! Pre-confused lost lamb!"

Athena was ashamed and angry.

In order to protect herself, Du Yu took away the blood of her virgin goddess. To her surprise, Hera saw through it at a glance, turned around and said, "Queen Mother, it's really not what you imagined. I don't want to go back."

Hera's voice became cold: "Very good! Then our mother-daughter relationship will come to an end. You wait for Zeus' cruel revenge. Now that his strength has increased greatly, he will not tolerate the betrayal of the gods. You and Du Yu, They will all be his spoils!"

She turned into a seagull, neighing away.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, Athena looked at Hera who was going away, and Mount Olympus, which was in flames, and said with a wry smile: "Hum, it's really bad. His departure has made this world even closer. Crash, I have predicted that the pace of world destruction will be greatly accelerated."

Du Yu was celebrating his victory when he found another key to the Temple of Destiny from Perseus. In this way, only the last of the three keys to unlock the Temple of Destiny was missing.

The death of the dark Kratos, plus the stop of the resurrection of the extraterrestrial demon Hum, means that Kratos disappeared in this world. Du Yu possessed his bloody key, which allowed him to seize the two sets of weapons given to Kratos by the gods. Weapons - Blades of Chaos and Blades of Artemis.

[Blade of Chaos]: Inferior artifact, double-edged.The weapon given to Kratos by the God of War, Ares, has a terrifying damage of 1000 points and additional 300 points of priority 100 hell fire damage. According to the owner's wish, it will be automatically extended by 15 meters and used as a flying prop.But the disadvantage is that it is attached with Ares' chaotic energy, and the wearer may fall into the [bloodthirsty] state during the battle.

[Blade of Artemis]: Inferior artifact, double-edged.The weapon given to Dark Kratos by Artemis, the goddess of hunting, has 1500 points of damage, and attaches 300 points of priority 100 Moonlight Power damage.When equipped, due to the priesthood of Artemis, this weapon has an additional 20% damage to monsters, monsters and other non-human creatures.This weapon cannot be used out of hand.

Having obtained two sets of divine weapon-level double blades, Du Yu smiled with satisfaction and put away the two weapons.

He already owned the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, a melee weapon. Compared with Sun Dasheng's SS-level super fairy treasure, these two low-level artifacts were not up to par.Especially the blade of chaos, and the negative attribute of indistinguishable from friend and foe, but Du Yu is also useful.

His crotch, no, it was his subordinates, and there was also a pair of icy and beautiful vampire beauties, death walker Serena and vampire female elder Amelia.These two vampire beauties both like to use the double blades in close combat.Western mythical weapons, handed over to them, should be able to maximize their power.

As for the Blade of Chaos, Du Yu has already figured out a way to hand it over to Athena. According to the plot, Athena has the power to purify, and can transform the Blade of Chaos into the Blade of Athena, eliminating the bloodthirsty attribute of being indistinguishable from friend and foe. Strengthen its power even more.

Thinking of a pair of vampire beauties with hot bodies, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, who got the magic weapon, and together gratefully put a dragon and a phoenix on him, Du Yu felt hot in his heart.

Tattaglia and Galadriel stepped forward to congratulate Du Yu.

Du Yu is not a stingy person either. This time, Tattaglia, Amin, Deni and others came to the rescue and rescued Galadriel. Level weapons, presented to three people, as a thank you.

There is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. If there is grievance, it is said that there is grievance, but if there is kindness, it must be repaid.

In the eyes of Du Yu, these weapons and equipment obtained from many monsters and gods are not as good as Fayan.But Tattaglia, Amin, and Deni's vision and appetite were not as high as Du Yu's.Immediately, Du Yu's generosity blinded him.

"Damn it, these are the seven wonders of the world - the head of Helios, the colossus of the sun god!" Amin exclaimed loudly, staring at the huge golden head in horror.

Du Yu shrugged. It was the golden giant that he opened from his key after he killed Helios in Rhodes Island. He never knew how to use it.

But in the hands of Amin, who is familiar with metal and machinery, the attributes of this thing were quickly identified: "The head of the Colossus of the Sun God, the miracle of the seven worlds - [the head of Helios]. It can zoom in and out freely. When mounted on a similar metal body, it can exert the power of Helios' three full blows. Space equipment evaluation: S grade."

"This thing is mine!" Amin laughed loudly, and pressed the button of the Sun God Crown on his forehead to quickly shrink the [Helios Head], which was as big as a room, to the size of a human head. He said with a smirk: "If this thing falls into my hands, its power will be doubled at least! I happen to have the body of an adamantine golem that I got from [Baldur's Gate]. It lacks a head, and it can create a powerful monster that shocks even you." Golem. Roar."

Du Yu shrugged indifferently, and waved his hand as a gift to A Ming.

Tataglia selects the head of Queen Medusa, the basilisk Elili.The evaluation of this thing is also S rank, and it can be equipped on adventurers.Tattaglia was going to sacrifice Eliary's head to enhance the power of his two related tarot cards.Seeing her excited expression, Du Yu knew that the benefits would be huge.

Deni also picked out the equipment of Perseus, who was just killed by Du Yu. The price of the space can be at least 500 million survival points.

The three of them looked excited, but their thoughts were still unfinished. They looked at Du Yu's unresponsive face with envy and hatred, and blankly packed the remaining god-level equipment and materials, which were still piled up like a mountain, into a big bag, and stuffed them indiscriminately. , thrown into one's own space weather like garbage.

The resentment of the three of them.

It's like three scavenger pickers who finally got a rich man owed him a favor. In the pile of other people's treasures, he carefully selected and picked out three treasures. He was about to show off and slap his face, but found that the rich man He didn't take it seriously at all, and packed up the remaining treasures as rags with an oh.

How irritating this is!
This is the real flaunting of wealth.

"I bet this bastard doesn't know the real value of these things at all," Amin snorted angrily.Although he got the head of the sun god, he also couldn't let go of the mysterious metal ore that Du Yu got from killing Kratos.If his guess is correct, it should be the Godly Stone of Mount Olympus that he is crazily pursuing in space—the Stone of Divinity.It should be one of Kratos' trophies.It can give an inanimate body a trace of divinity, greatly increasing combat effectiveness.The value is not less than the head of the sun god.

He was heartbroken.

(End of this chapter)

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