Chapter 1433 The low-key upstart Du Yu! -Subscribe for the third watch!
Deni said helplessly: "I also took a fancy to an oar among Du Yu's treasures. If I have good eyesight, it should be the oar of reincarnation of the boatman Karon on the Styx Aglon River! Karon used it Come and cross the Agron River, the river of sinking feathers. You know that my ability is the power of reincarnation. This thing falls into my hands, and after blessing it will be extremely powerful. But I'm not sure. What's more, you know Du That country bumpkin, what are you doing with the oar of reincarnation? He actually used the oar of reincarnation to carry the burden after packing! My God, why didn't you strike this uneducated person with lightning?"

Tattaglia was also heartbroken.She also saw a lot of good things, and she picked one by picking from left to right.

"No matter!" Amin said fiercely: "I decided to assemble the god-level golem right away, and fight with Du Yu! Let him hire me, and never let go of the divine stone!"

Deni nodded: "I'll continue. I can't watch him use the paddle of reincarnation as an ordinary stick for a lifetime."

Tataglia smiled wryly and said, "Why do I feel that this Du Yu was intentional at all? He knew that we would not help him desperately because of our friendship and the oracle of the Nuwa Empress, but these god-level treasures are in front of us, we are like The three donkeys hung by carrots must follow him in battle."

Amin frantically said: "The problem is. Look at his nonchalant attitude, this guy didn't bring out the best things at all, it's just the rags in his eyes. We are like three dogs, keeping up with each other. Is this really okay?"

The three of them looked depressed, struggling with self-esteem and desire.

Du Yu put his arms around Galadriel, and after some hands and feet, the elf queen winked, wishing she could immediately succumb to her master's despotic power, but the servant yelled, "Are you going? I'm going forward." Already."

Deniamin, the two chosen ones who kept saying that self-respect is paramount, rushed towards Du Yu together with the two dogs whose bones had been lost by their masters, and said in unison: "We will go with you! But if you have military achievements, you must let us go again." Pick your favourites!"

Tattaglia rested his hand on his forehead, his face was covered with black lines, what about the self-esteem that was agreed upon?

Du Yu came over via voice transmission: "Beauty, do you want to do it with me?"

Tataria gave Du Yu a white look, this bastard deliberately bit the word "dry" very hard, obviously he has other plans!
She knew that although Du Yu and her were pure comrades-in-arms, this guy stared at her hot body, always looking like a pig brother who wanted to swallow her.If it wasn't for Tattaglia's heart, he would really be cheated by him.

Tataglia snorted coldly and said, "You think I'm these two guys? I'm going back."

She raised her foot and wanted to leave, but Du Yu turned around a small statue without saying a word.

That was one of the many collections that Athena was blackmailed by Du Yu [Goddess Shield]: Athena's divine power can be used to form a mask and block it for a period of time.This thing can be said to complement each other for Tattaglia, who lacks the power to protect himself.

Tataglia glared at Du Yu charmingly: "The employment was successful."

Du Yu chuckled.

Since entering the space, his mind has completely changed.Although he knew that an excellent and beautiful Italian woman like Tataglia had her own lover, Du Yu never stopped attacking the woman who saved his life.

Sooner or later, he will pull this woman to his bed!

Du Yu was about to lead the team forward when Athena's summons arrived.

The summons was brief, but it made Du Yu's face serious.

"Hum has already withdrawn from this world, but he has defiled the holy fire of Olympus. The power of the gods has greatly increased, and Zeus is bound to attack you and me quickly. Take care."

Du Yu scolded the extraterrestrial demon Hum in his heart.

In his continuous attack system, Hum actually retreated on his own initiative and left this world?

But the bomb he left behind was enough to destroy the world and himself.

Du Yu signaled everyone to speed up. He wanted to quickly find the mirror of fate, go back to the past, and kill Zeus.

Ahead, a broken bridge appeared.

In front of the Broken Bridge is the mysterious Temple of Destiny hidden in the jungle!

This is the last level of the Temple of Destiny.

On the side of the broken bridge in the Temple of the Goddess of Destiny, Du Yu met Ikaris.

Who is this guy?
Popular science, Icarus is a character in ancient Greek mythology, and his father, Dalos, is a famous craftsman.Daedalus made two pairs of wings out of feathers, and glued the wings to himself and Icarus with wax, so the pair of father and son began to try to fly.Sure enough, they flew up, away from the ground, and soon rose into the sky.Daedalus, fearing the danger, warned Icarus not to fly too high.But the young and vigorous Icarus could not resist the temptation of the sun.He flew higher and higher, and gradually approached the sun.He thought he was free and safe, but he didn't expect that the high temperature of the sun melted the wax, making his wings detached from his body, and he fell to the ground in an instant, smashed to pieces.

This Icarus is known as the No. 1 death in Greece.

So, he came here to seek the favor of the goddess of fate.

Like Perseus, Icaris also became hysterical in the process of being tested by Fate.

He tried to stop Du Yu.

But before Du Yu could make a move, Deni and Amin, who had tasted the sweetness, had already rushed up like two hounds beside their master.

In addition to being able to fly and die, this Icarus was in a mess when he fought. Amin also took out the fine gold golem, and within two hits, he knocked down the flying Icarus in the air.

Amin found the confidence of a strong man in the hapless Icarus, took away his wings, and kicked the wingless Ikaris into the bottomless abyss under the broken bridge.Denis snatched the key of Icarus in his hand.

The two took the initiative and offered their wings and keys to Du Yu flatteringly.

Du Yu looked at the [Icarus Wings] display: 100 points of priority, one-time equipment, can fly.

With a move in his heart, he took out the 【Angel Wings】.

[Wings of Icarus] is shining brightly, and gradually merged with [Angel Wings] to become a new [Angel Wings]: each world can be used to go back and forth twice, and carry 10 people, the priority is raised to 100 points.It is equivalent to doubling the power of the angel wings.

When the three keys of the Temple of Destiny were gathered together, the radiance burst into a huge key engraved with the three goddesses of Destiny, Colossus, Lachesis and Atropos.This key can open the gate of the Temple of Destiny.

Du Yu put away the key, used [Angel Wings], pulled up Tattaglia and others, and slid to the opposite side of the broken bridge.

But above the Broken Bridge, a fierce turbulent current blew up and sucked Du Yu down.

With the help of his wings, Du Yu glides to the ground.

"What's down there?" Amin asked in horror.

Du Wangwang was used to wind and rain, and said with a smile: "No matter if you encounter life, don't be too surprised."

Du Yu and others slowly landed at the bottom of the valley.

But the bottom of the valley felt a little shaken.

"What the hell kind of place is this?" Amin looked at the desolate space around him, surrounded by chaotic rocks, irregular.It's just that there is some strong breath coming from below, which is the reason why the angel's wings were absorbed.

"No! There are tricks here!" Tataglia's beautiful eyes flashed, and he shouted sharply: "Everyone be careful!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a burst of shaking, and then came from the ground.

"This is not a valley bottom at all, but a giant's palm!" Galadriel used the flash technique, and everyone's eyes penetrated the dark valley bottom to see the surrounding situation.

Similar to Monkey King falling into Wuzhi Mountain of Tathagata Buddha, under the feet of everyone is the palm of a giant.It's just that the size of this giant is too big, the area of ​​a palm is as big as a mountain!

"Who came to the palm of Atlas?" A dull sound, trembling like thunder, lingered at the bottom of the valley, echoing and reflecting

"Atlas? God of God?" Tattaglia lost his voice, "Atlas is the God of God in Greek mythology, belonging to the Titan race. Because he failed to resist Zeus, he was condemned by Zeus to support the sky with his shoulders. Unexpectedly His place of exile is actually under the Temple of Destiny!"

Everyone panicked.

Atlas, the titan god, said slowly, "Your lackeys of Zeus?"

He seemed to be enraged, and the feet of Du Yu and the others shook violently!

"It's not good! This Atlas treats us as Zeus's people." Tataglia exclaimed: "The Titans, after being defeated by Zeus and others, were exiled to various places and hated Zeus to the bone. We must find Atlas, explain clearly."

Du Yu felt a headache and nodded.

The power of the Titans is indeed incomparable. Whether it is brute force or spells, they can be called powerful creatures that rule the world.But IQ is flawed!

From Gaia to Clarence, Typhoon, and then to Atlas, they all looked dull and stupid. No wonder they were overthrown by the treacherous Zeus and became their prisoners and slaves.

Earthquakes continued to occur, and boulders continued to fall from both sides of the valley, hitting Du Yu and the others.

The wrath of the Titans is not something to be trifled with.

From time to time, from the void, various monsters cling to the valley bottom of the broken bridge of fate, looking for food.For example, siren banshees, goblins, and earth ghosts, but with the strong cooperation of Du Yu, Galadriel, and the three chosen ones, they all turned into killing values ​​and were sucked into everyone's body.

By the way, Du Yu's killing value has not been exchanged for a long time, and he has accumulated a total of 14.It mainly kills gods and god-level creatures, and can provide a huge amount of killing value each time.Du Yu didn't bother to deal with these ordinary little ghosts, so after eating the meat, let others drink the broth.

He was going to vent his accumulated desires into the body of this beautiful scheming whore when he saw Athena next time, and at the same time exchanged the killing points.Or, do it synchronously.

After two times of fish and water, Athena, who lost the blood of the gods, has opened her body to Du Yu.Du Yuwan could do anything to her.However, Du Yu's task requirements are also extremely difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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