Chapter 1434 Godhead for beauty!Zeus slaughtered believers! - Please subscribe!

The Goddess and the God of War form a cyclical competition—the Goddess entrusts the God of War with tasks, and the God of War asks the sexy Goddess for flesh and rewards.

This story is very pornographic and violent.

After some fighting and trekking, Du Yu didn't make a move, and came to the giant face of Atlas that occupied the ground.

If any beautiful woman wants to take a selfie, she must be looking for this Atlas.This guy's big face can set off the face of any dinosaur and turn into a sexy and seductive little V face.
"Who dares to come here?" Atlas pinched Du Yu with two fingers like pinching a bug, and lifted Du Yu up high.

"You Zeus lackey, you have the rotten breath of Godhead on your body, and now you dare to come here to find me?"
Du Yu said helplessly: "Atlas! Although I have a godhead, I am an ally with Gaia! I came here to deal with Zeus, you must trust me!"
"Why should I trust you, Zeus' lackey?"
"Because I want to kill Zeus!" Du Yu struggled and said, "Can't you smell the smell of Gaia on my body?"

Maybe this sentence played a role, Atlas let go of his fingers and let Du Yu slide into his palm, but then burst into laughter: "Hahaha, Du Yu, I can smell Gaia on your body The imprint of the Titans left behind. So trust you for now. How do you plan to deal with the king of the gods?"
"I want to enter the Temple of Fate, get the Mirror of Fate, and return to the moment I was killed by Zeus. As long as I can get back the sword of Olympus, I can regain the power of God of War, and then I will insert the sword into Zeus' chest !"
"Sword of Olympus?" Atlas showed a pensive look: "I haven't heard of that name for a long time, since the day when the battle of the gods ended, I saw Zeus wielding that sword. From that day on."
Atlas recalled the earth-shattering battle.

"The battle between the Titans and the gods was really earth-shattering. The three brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades joined forces and led the gods to fight against us Titans. Although we Titans fought hard, At the beginning of the war, I had the upper hand, but in the end I was defeated by Zeus who had the sword of Olympus. Many of our brothers and sisters were executed by Zeus. Some people were exiled by him. I was sealed At the end of this world, in the depths of the abyss of the Temple of Destiny, the sun never sees."

A trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

"I am now standing against Zeus, Atlas," cried Du Yu, "he deceived me and took my life. I swear this is the last time I will be deceived! Tell me to find fate Goddess way, I will kill Zeus with my own hands!"
Atlas was silent for a moment, seemed to be hesitating, and seemed to be observing Du Yu.

"Okay. For the sake of Gaia's breath in your body, I choose to believe you! A mortal with a godhead!" Atlas said in a deep voice: "And I can feel that Prometheus is staying in your body. [Power of Titan] in your body! Come and accept my gift."

A wave of divine power poured into Du Yu's whole body, which felt similar to the divine power bestowed by Prometheus.

Du Yu has obtained a new divine spell [Atlas' Earthquake].

[Atlas' Earthquake]: Consume 30 divine power to create an earthquake launched by Atlas, the God of Uplifting God, whose power can destroy half a city.The cooling time of this divine power spell is one world.

This is the second divine spell that Du Yu obtained the application of divine power.

The relationship between divine power and divine art is similar to the relationship between immortal art and immortal power, it is the relationship between energy and skills.Du Yu possessed millions of divine powers, but none of the skills to use them. Thanks to the divine arts taught by the Titans, he was able to use them.However, Du Yu is not satisfied with these, he will be able to obtain more magical powers after killing more gods in the future, such as Zeus and Poseidon.

At this time, a large wave of enemies sent by the goddess of fate, including many heroes in Greek mythology, descended from the sky and appeared in front of Du Yu and others.

"Enemies of fate, meet death!" The leader is the legendary hero Jason.He was a Greek hero in the Trojan War, brave and invincible.

The expressions of Tattaglia and the others changed. When they were about to launch a counterattack, Du Yu roared and launched [Atlas Earthquake]!
In an instant, the ground cracked and landslides!
Jason and other enemies were not able to gain a firm foothold, but they were attacked by Du Yu's group magic, and they were shaken to the left and right, losing all fighting spirit.

Amin, Deni, Galadriel and the others launched an attack immediately, and within a short time, all the enemies in this wave were killed.
"Gaia is right, Du Yu." Atlas watched Du Yu use [Atlas's Earthquake] with appreciation, and said slowly: "You are a powerful warrior, and you are qualified to cooperate with us Titans .”
"Then tell me how to find the Temple of Goddess of Fate!"
"No, even the Titans don't know how to enter the Temple of Destiny." Atlas said: "I have given you the last magic power, now I can only send you back to the ground, Du Yu, what's next The way is up to you.”
The giant hand of Atlas lifted Du Yu to the ground, and a majestic temple stood not far away, where the three goddesses of fate were located.
Du Yu led the people and walked steadily towards the Temple of Destiny.

The gate of the Temple of Destiny was extremely heavy. After inserting the key obtained from Perseus and others, there was a crisp sound, and the gate of the Temple of Destiny was finally opened by Du Yu.

Everyone felt apprehensive and walked into the temple at the end of the world.

The style of the Temple of Destiny is completely different from the magnificent and majestic Temple of the Gods on Mount Olympus that Du Yu had seen before.She looks long, deep, full of illusion and mist, like fate, elusive.

After walking in the temple for about 10 minutes, Du foresees a strange phantom.

The face of Lachesis, the goddess of fate, appeared in front of Du Yu.

"Hehe, what are you doing here, Du Yu?" Like an old friend, Lachesis smiled at Du Yu.

Du Yu knew that these goddesses of fate did not welcome his arrival, so he said in a deep voice, "I'm here to find the mirror of fate, go back to the past, reverse the fate of being killed by Zeus, and kill this damn god king! You can't stop me."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Lachesis' eyes: "You are just a mere mortal, and you have become a god all the way, which is enough to defy the sky. Don't you still imagine that you can overthrow the most powerful existence in this world? Become the master of fate?"

Du Yu said coldly: "I have always been the master of my own destiny, and I never intend to let others control my own destiny."

Lachesis didn't intend to argue with Du Yu, she giggled and said, "Since you're so confident, just try it. Our three sisters are waiting for you at the end of the Temple of Destiny. I hope your destiny can guide you there."

She slowly disappeared into the air.

Du Yu smiled contemptuously.

After entering the world of adventure for so long, if he believed in the arrangement of fate, Du Yu would have died countless times.

It is precisely because he does not believe in fate that Du Yu can go all the way to today.

He only believes in himself and his partners.

Holding the Ruyi golden cudgel tightly, Du Yu swaggered towards the depths of the Temple of Destiny.

However, when passing through a dark passage, Du Yu was suddenly attacked.
"I've come here, I can't fail!" A figure yelled and rushed over.

But how could he be Du Yu's opponent? After a few rounds, he was hit by Du Yu's golden cudgel until his chest was sunken and he flew upside down.

The two rolled to a brightly lit place. Du Yu saw his opponent's face and couldn't help but be surprised: "It's you?"
The one who fell under Du Yu's command was the Spartan general he met on Rhodes Island back then. Under Du Yu's command, he fought against the Rhodes Island army.

"Why did you come here?" Du Yu asked.
"Sparta is over." The general said with bitterness and grief on his face: "Not long ago, Zeus came to Sparta and instantly turned the city into rubble. People are calling your name, hoping to be protected by the God of War. , but you did not show up I had no choice but to leave Sparta and come here to find the goddess of fortune to save the fate of our beloved Sparta and now you are all our hope, my master. I have always believed that we You are a loyal brother of Sparta, and you are the true god of war in our hearts"

The general swallowed his last breath and died in Du Yu's arms

Although the time we spent together was very short, Du Yu was extremely angry when he witnessed the death of such a loyal general.

"Zeus!" He clenched his fists: "Is this how you deal with me by massacring cities that believe in me? Coward! Come to me and fight me upright!"

No wonder recently, Du Yu sometimes felt powerless. Especially recently, his power was gradually drying up. It seemed that places like Sparta and Rhode Island, which believed in him, had been attacked and massacred by Zeus recently.With all the believers dead, Du Yu's divine power would of course dry up.

This should be Zeus' latest move against himself.

On the clouds of Mount Olympus, Du Yu's roar reached Zeus' ears.

Sitting upright on the throne, he watched Du Yu's mournful roar coldly, and said with a slight sneer: "Sparta and Rhode Island, who believe in you as a false god, of course they will be removed! You have no supernatural power, what do you do now?" manage!"

He raised his head to laugh.

The gods looked at each other and sneered.

Only Athena.

She walked in the Spartan city full of corpses and black smoke, and looked at the ruins of the famous city of Sparta, which was completely destroyed and massacred by Zeus, and screamed angrily: "Zeus, you actually massacred mortals on such a large scale. This is enough." There are hundreds of thousands of Spartan civilians. You have lost your mind!"

In the battle of the gods, an iron rule is that gods can fight with gods, but they cannot attack mortals.After all, the power of faith of mortals is the source of the power of Mount Olympus.If you kill me too, I kill all the mortals in the world, and everyone is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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